Python Module mpoterm

MPO Terms to build rule sets

The following MPO terms are available at present

H.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sz', hparam='h_z', weight=1.0)

generates \hat{H}=h_z\sum_{i=1}^{L}\hat{S}^z_i, where \hat{S}^z = Operators['sz']} and Operators was already passed when creating the instance of the MPO. The second argument contains the relevant keys of the operators to be used. Because only the names of the operators are used, this routine handles ordinary and symmetry-adapted operators on the same footing.

H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['splus','sminus'], hparam='J_xy', weight=0.5)

generates \hat{H} = \frac{J_{xy}}{2} \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} \left(\hat{S}^{+}_{i} \hat{S}^{-}_{j} + \mathrm{h.c.} \right), where \langle i,j\rangle denotes all nearest neighbor pairs i and j,

H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J_z', weight=1.0)

generates \hat{H}=J_{z}\sum_{\langle i,j\rangle}\hat{S}^z_i\hat{S}^z_j, and

H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['fdagger', 'f'], hparam='t', weight=-1.0, Phase=True)

generates \hat{H} = -t \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} \left(\hat{f}_i^{\dagger} \hat{f}_j + \mathrm{h.c.} \right), where \hat{f} is a fermionic destruction operator. That is, terms with Fermi phases are cared for with the optional Phase argument and Hermiticity is automatically enforced by this routine. The Fermi phase is added through a Jordan-Wigner string of the operators in Operator with key FermiPhase. The functions Ops.BuildFermiOperators() and Ops.BuildFermiBoseOperators() discussed in Sec. Defining local operators both create the Fermi phase operator appropriate for this use automatically. Notice that the order of the operators matters due to the Jordan-Wigner transformation. Adding ['f', 'fdagger'] does not result in the same fermionic Hamiltonian. A warning will be printed for obvious cases.

H.AddMPOTerm('exponential', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J_z', decayparam=a, weight=1.0)

generates \hat{H} =J_z \sum_{i<j} a^{j-i+1} \hat{S}^z_i \hat{S}^z_j. This rule also enforces Hermiticity and cares for Fermi phases as in the bond rule case.

f = []
for ii in range(6):
    f.append(1.0 / (ii + 1.0)**3)
H.AddMPOTerm('FiniteFunction', ['sz', 'sz'], f=f, hparam='J_z', weight=-1.0)

generates \hat{H} = -J_z \sum_{1 \le i,j \le 6} \frac{1}{\left|j-i \right|^3} \hat{S}^z_i \hat{S}^z_j, where the summation is over all i and j pairs separated by at least 1 and at most 6 lattice spacings. The range of the potential is given by the number of elements in the list f. This rule enforces Hermiticity and cares for Fermi phases as in the bond rule case.

invrcube = lambda x: 1.0/(x*x*x)
H.AddMPOTerm('InfiniteFunction', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J_z', weight=1.0,
             func=invrcube, L=1000, tol=1e-9)

generates \hat{H}=\sum_{i<j}\frac{1}{\left|j-i\right|^3}\hat{S}^z_i\hat{S}^z_j, where the functional form is valid to a distance L with a residual of at most tol. Similarly,

H.AddMPOTerm('InfiniteFunction', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J_z', weight=1.0, 
             x=x, y=f, tol=1e-9)

generates \hat{H}=\sum_{i<j}f\left(j-i\right)\hat{S}^z_i\hat{S}^z_j, where the functional form f\left(x\right) is determined by the array of values f and the array of evaluation points x. The distance of validity L is determined from the array x. This rule applies only to monotonically decreasing functions func or f, and so outside the range of validity L the corrections are also monotonically decreasing. This rule enforces Hermiticity and cares for Fermi phases as in the bond rule case.

H.AddMPOTerm('product', 'sz', hparam='h_p', weight=-1.0)

generates \hat{H}=-h_p\prod_{i=1}^{L} \hat{S}^z_i. The operator used in the product must be Hermitian.

In all of the above expressions, H is an object of the MPO class. The strings passed to the argument hparams represent tags for variable Hamiltonian parameters, which allow for easy batching and parallelization (Sec. Running a parallel static simulation), and also facilitate dynamical processes The argument hparams is optional, and defaults to the constant value 1. The optional argument weight specifies a constant factor that scales the operator and defaults to the value 1, too.

Developer’s Guide for Rule Sets

Module contains a class for each possible term in the MPO rule sets. Each term is derived from a base class.If you plan to add additional MPO terms to OSMPS, you have to modify the following files. In the case of a new Lindblad operator, these are

  • add class for the new term

  • add new term to the MPO structure and enable writing.

  • MPOOps_types_templates.f90: define derived type and add to MPORuleSet

  • MPOOps_include.f90: add read/destroy methods for RuleSets

  • MPOOps_include.f90: effective Hamiltonian for 2 sites

  • MPOOps_include.f90: Liouville operator for 2 sites

  • MPOOps_include.f90: effective Hamiltonian represented as MPO.

  • MPOOps_include.f90: Liouville operator represented as MPO.

  • TimeevolutionOps_include.f90: Add overlaps to QT functionality.


Performs a singular value decomposition on a bond operator O_{[i j], [i' j']} to find a Frobenius orthogonalized set of operators O^L and O^R such that O_{[i j], [i' j']} = \sum_a (O^L_a)_{i i'} (O^R_a)_{j j'}. This allows us to only consider bond terms that are tensor products.


Operator2d numpy array

Operator is represented as np 2d matrix of dimension d^2 \times d^2 where d is the local dimenison of one site in the Hilbert space.

mpoterm.DecomposeOperator(Operator, gen)[source]

Performs a singular value decomposition on a bond operator O_{[i j], [i' j']} to find a Frobenius orthogonalized set of operators O^L and O^R such that O_{[i j], [i' j']} = \sum_a (O^L_a)_{i i'} (O^R_a)_{j j'}. This allows us to only consider bond terms that are tensor products.


Operator2d numpy array

Operator is represented as np 2d matrix of dimension d^2 \times d^2 where d is the local dimenison of one site in the Hilbert space.

genlist of np 1d-arrays or None

Contains the diagonal entries of the diagonal symmetry generator for a two-site operator for each symmetry. If there are no symmetries, pass None.

mpoterm.fittoexpSum(x, y, maxnterms, tol)[source]

Fit a sum of exponentials \sum_n a_n b_n^{x-1} to the function across the range [1:L].


x1d array

represents the points x where the function f(x) is evaluated and fitted.

y1d array

Actual values of f(x) which should be represented by the sum of exponentials.


the maximum number of exponentials allowed


the tolerance used to obtain the actual number of terms.

mpoterm.sumexp(p, x)[source]

Returns y = \sum_n a_n b_n^{r-1}.


p1d array

p is an array of length 2n with n pairs. The first entry of each pair is the coefficient a_n, the second entry of each pair is the exponential decay value b_n. For example a_0 = p_0, b_0 = p_1.

x1d array

contains the points x to evaluate the function f(x). Array is of some length l.


Generate the hash of a dictionary. Since the ordering of the entries of str(dic) is always different, we build pairs of keys and values and sort them alphabetical.



get hash of this dictionary


Nested structures might still lead to errors in this function. Dictionaries inside dic are solved by recursion calling hash_dict. List of dictionaries or similar structures do not consider the dictionaries inside the list properly.

mpoterm.bose_einstein_stat(Ek, Te, kb, mu)[source]

Return probability according to Bose-Einstein statistics.



Energy for requested probability.


Temperature of the system.


Boltzmann constant.


Chemical potential of the system.

mpoterm.fermi_dirac_stat(Ek, Te, kb, mu)[source]

Return probability according to Bose-Einstein statistics.



Energy for requested probability.


Temperature of the system.


Boltzmann constant.


Chemical potential of the system.

class mpoterm._MPOTerm[source]

Abstract class providing general class methods for MPO terms.

The following class methods have to be provided for each new MPO term to work seemlessly inside of the whole rule set for MPS calculations:

  • __init__

  • AddTerm

  • write

  • print_term (if it should appear in the printed equation of the Hamiltonian)

For calculations with the ED module inside openMPS the following class methods are necessary:

  • build_nosymm

  • build_symm


Return the class variable according to a string



Identifier string for class variable in MPO term.


Return number of terms from hamiltonian parameters.


Create a dictionary taking a row index as key and returning the corresponding non-zero elements of the operators as tuple (column index, value).


Opnumpy 2d array

Operators to be transfered into this format.


Check if term is translational invariance. For translational invariance we check if the coupling have the attribute __len__.



The dictionary setting up a simulation. It coutains the couplings which are checked here.

decompose(terms, phase, gen2)[source]

Run checks and iterate over decomposition of operators and their weight. Returns tuple (left Operators, right Operator, left weight, right weight).


termstr or 2d numpy array

Matrix acting on two sites, either in part of OperatorList or directly numpy 2d matrix.


Flag for Fermi phase.


Checks contain hermiticity of operator and no phase term.

default(defargs, kwargs)[source]

Set the default arguments for a term if not passed as optional arguments in AddTerm.


keywords and default value for default arguments. Only set if not present in kwargs


dictionary of keywords arguments as passed to AddTerm


Return a hash of the object.

get_sparse_dense_func(sparse, quenchtime)[source]

Set functions depending on sparse or dense structure of algorithms. The functions returned are the kronecker product, the identity, and the getting the operator.



If true, sparse methods from scipy.sparse are used, otherwise dense methods from numpy.

quenchtimeNone or tuple

For None sparse matrices are in csc format, otherwise in csr format. No effect on dense matrices.

herm_conj_term(term0, term1)[source]

Check on the hermitian conjugated term and return parameters if existant as left operator, right operator, left weight * right weight.



string identifier for left term


string identifier for right term

hparam(ii, param, quenchtime)[source]

Return actual parameter as float for a term in the Hamiltonian multiplied with the weight.



index of the Hamiltonian parameter.


setup for the simulation. Contains information about couplings and dynamics.

quenchtimeNone or tuple of int and float

For statics pass None. For dynamics pass integer ii for the ii-th quench and the actual time t as float in a tuple as (ii, t).

ignored(optargs, kwargs)[source]

Print warnings about ignored optional keyword parameters:


optargslist of strings

contains all the string identifiers of the keyword arguments considered.


contains all the keywords arguments

phased_herm_conj_term(PhasedR, term1)[source]

Generate the hermitian conjugated terms for a phased pair of operators. Return left operator, right operator, combined weight



string identifier for phased operator acting on the left site.


string identifier for the operator acting on the right site.

phased_operator(term0, callingfunc)[source]

Generate the phased right operator and return name and weight



string identifier for the left operator where the phase is applied from the right.


name of the calling function to display error message.

required(args, kwargs)[source]

Raise exception for required arguments not present in the optional arguments.


optargslist of strings

contains all the string identifiers of the keyword arguments required.


contains all the keywords arguments

class mpoterm.SiteTerm(Operators)[source]

MPO rule set for site terms of the type weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_i Op_i.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the string identifiers for the operators of the ii-th site term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th site term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th site term.


To add a SiteTerm, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to site.


string is the name of the operator acting locally on all sites.

weightfloat, optional

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr, optional

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new SiteTerm. For arguments see class description mpoterm.SiteTerm.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space.



dictionary with the setup for one simulation.


Use sparse methods to build the whole Hamiltonian.

quenchtimeNone or tuple of integer, float

If None, access static coupling. If tuple, first entry contains the index of the quench, the second entry contains the time to evaluate the coupling.


System size


Local dimension for one site.


used to identify periodic boundary conditions. If not referenced for the terms, *args is used.

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element.



dictionary with the setup for one simulation.

SymmSecinstance of exactdiag.SymmetrySector

Allows the mapping to the basis states according to the symmetry.

quenchtimeNone or tuple of integer, float

If None, access static coupling. If tuple, first entry contains the index of the quench, the second entry contains the time to evaluate the coupling.


System size


used to identify periodic boundary conditions. If not referenced for the terms, *args is used.


Print equation for site terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for the fortran interface.



Open filehandle of file to write to.


mapping the string identifiers for Hamiltonian parameters to integer identifiers used within fortran.


mapping the string identifiers for the operators to integer identifiers used within fortran.


containing the parameters for one simulation

class mpoterm.BondTerm(Operators)[source]

Bond term weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_i Op[1]_i Op[2]_{i+1} is added to the to the MPO. If Phase is present then \sum_i [ (Op[1]_i P) Op[2]_{i+1}+(P Op[1]_i^{\dagger}) Op[2]_{i+1}^{\dagger}] is added. This routine will also add the Hermitian conjugate unless both operators are their own hermitian conjugates. If only one operator is passed then a decomposition request is assumed.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.


To add a BondTerm, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to bond.

termslist of str

strings are the name of the operators acting on all neighboring sites.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

Phaseboolean (optional keyword argument)

Add a Fermi phase operator originating from the Jordan-Wigner transformation, e.g. for fermionic systems. Due to the Jordan-Wigner transformation, the order of the operator changes the Hamiltonian. The default order is of type ['fdagger', 'f']. Default to ``False.

gen2list of 1d np array or None

The diagonal entries of the diagonal symmetry generator of a two site operator used when decomposition request is made. Not referenced if two operators are passed to the bond term.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new BondTerm. For arguments see class description mpoterm.BondTerm.

add(terms, weight, hparam)[source]

Adding BondTerm for internal use.


terms: list of two string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, pbc)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, pbc)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm().


Print equation for bond terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.ExpTerm(Operators)[source]

Add an exponential term hparam \cdot \sum_{i<j} Operators[0]_i Operators[1]_j decayparam^{j-i-1} to the MPO. If only one operator is passed then a decomposition request is assumed.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th FiniteFunc term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th FiniteFunc term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th FiniteFunc term.

dplist of floats

List of the strenght of the exponential decays of the ii-th term.


To add a ExpTerm, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to exponential.

termslist of str

strings are the name of the operators acting on all neighboring sites.

decayparamfloat (keyword argument)

configuring the decay as 1 / decayparam**d where d is the distance.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

Phaseboolean (optional keyword argument)

Add a Fermi phase operator originating from the Jordan-Wigner transformation, e.g. for fermionic systems. Due to the Jordan-Wigner transformation, the order of the operator changes the Hamiltonian. The default order is of type ['fdagger', 'f']. Default to ``False.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new ExpTerm. For arguments see class description mpoterm.ExpTerm.

add(terms, weight, hparam, decayparam)[source]

Adding ExpTerm for internal use.


terms: list of three string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.


Decay parameter of the exponential rule.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm().


Print equation for exponential terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.FiniteFunc(Operators)[source]

Add a FiniteFunction term weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_{i,j<=r_c} f[i-j] Op[1]_i Op[2]_{j} to the MPO. If only one operator is passed then a decomposition request is assumed.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th FiniteFunc term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th FiniteFunc term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th FiniteFunc term.

flist of 1d vectors

List of coupling up to the specified range.

r_clist of ints

Range of the ii-th FiniteFunc term.

Phaselist of strings

List of the phase operator inbetween the left and right operator. This is the identity 'I' if no phase present.


To add a FiniteFunc term, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm()


String must be equal to FiniteFunc.


string is the name of the operator acting locally on all sites.

f1d array (keyword argument)

Containing the weight for a with distance for a range specified through the length of the array.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

Phaseboolean (optional keyword argument)

Add a Fermi phase operator originating from the Jordan-Wigner transformation, e.g. for fermionic systems. Due to the Jordan-Wigner transformation, the order of the operator changes the Hamiltonian. The default order is of type ['fdagger', 'f']. Default to ``False.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new FiniteFunc term. For arguments see class description mpoterm.FiniteFunc.

add(terms, weight, hparam, farray, Phase)[source]

Adding FiniteFunc term for internal use.


terms: list of two string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.

farray1d vector

Coupling as a function of distance. Specifies the range through the length of the array.


String identifier for the phase operator.


Print equation for FiniteFunction terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.InfiniteFunc(Operators, ExpTermMPO, PostProcess)[source]

Add a term to the Hamiltonian weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_{i<j} f(i-j) Operators[0]_i Operators[1]_j where f(x) is specified as a function handle on input. This is done by finding the series of weighted exponentials \sum_{a} c_a e^{-b x} which best approximates this function and then adding those terms to the exponential part of the MPO. If only one operator is passed then a decomposition request is assumed.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.

ExpTermMPOinstance of mpoterm.ExpTerm

Add the fitted exponential terms to this instance of a class.


If True the functions are not fitted. If False fitting procedure expresses InfiniteFunc as ExpTerms.


etmpoinstance of mpoterm.ExpTerm

Add the fitted exponential terms to this instance of a class. Passed to __init__ as ExpTermMPO.


The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.

yvalslist of vectors

The ii-th vector specifies the coupling with distance.


To add a InfiniteFunc term, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to InfiniteFunction.

termslist of str

strings are the name of the operators acting on all neighboring sites.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

Phaseboolean (optional keyword argument)

Add a Fermi phase operator originating from the Jordan-Wigner transformation, e.g. for fermionic systems. Due to the Jordan-Wigner transformation, the order of the operator changes the Hamiltonian. The default order is of type ['fdagger', 'f']. Default to ``False.

maxntermsint (optional keyword argument)

Number of exponentials maximally allowed to fit InfiniteFunction Default to 16.

tolfloat (optional keyword argument)

This sets the tolerance for the fit of the infinite function with the exponentials. Default to 1e-6

funccallable (optional keyword argument)

Function returning the coupling as a function for the distance. Combined with the argument L, it may be used to specify the InfiniteFunction Default to None

Lint (optional keyword argument)

range for fitting the exponentials to the function func Default to None

x1d vector (optional keyword argument)

The values of the function to be fitted can be given as two vector x and y = f(x). These are the x-values. Default to None

y1d vector (optional keyword argument)

The values of the function to be fitted can be given as two vector x and y = f(x). These are values of the function. Default to None

EDbool (optional keyword argument)

It can only be used to indicate for the EDLib not to fit an InfiniteFunction with exponentials. Default to False

Although func, L, x, y are all marked as optional, either x and y or func and L have to be provided.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new InfiniteFunc. For arguments see class description mpoterm.InfiniteFunc.

AddTermED(terms, weight, hparam, Phase, xval, yval)[source]

For the exact diagonlization code we can use the infinite functions directly.


terms: list of two string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.


String identifier for the phase operator.

xval1d vector

values with the x-coordinates for the yval = f(xvals). Has to start at 1 and have an increment 1.

yval1d vector

Values with the distance dependent couplting.

add(terms, weight, hparam, yval)[source]

Add InfiniteFunc term, internal use only.


terms: list of two string

Three string identifiers for the operators as list. Order is left operator, right operator, phase operator.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.

yval1d vector

Values with the distance dependent couplting.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm().


Print equation for InfiniteFunction terms.

class mpoterm.ProductTerm(Operators)[source]

Add a product term weight \cdot hparam \cdot \prod_i Op_i to the MPO.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.


To add a ProductTerm, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to product.


String identifier for the operator.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new BondTerm. For arguments see class description mpoterm.ProductTerm.


Print equation for product terms.

write(fh, IntHparams, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.MBStringTerm(Operators)[source]

Add a many-body string term weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_i \prod_{j=1}^{n} Op[j]_{i+j-1} to the MPO, where Op[j] is the j^{th} element of term. The number of such operators n is determined from the length of the input list. This routine does not check for Hermiticity.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.


To add a MBStringTerm, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to MBString.

termslist of str

String identifiers for the string of operators.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new MBString term. For arguments see class description mpoterm.MBStringTerm.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm().


Print equation for MBString terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.TTerm(Operators)[source]

MPO rule for a site 1 to k-1 interaction with site k. The interaction strength is independent of the distance.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.

kklist of ints

The ii-th entry contains the site which sites 1 .. (kk - 1) are interacting to for the ii-th rule.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.


To add an TTerm you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


must be tterm to add this term.

termslist of two strings

strings are the names of the operators acting on the sites 1 to k-1 (first string) and the site k (second string).

kkint (keyword argument)

All sites left of site kk interact with site k. Indexing NOT in python standard starting from 0, but from 1.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new TTerm. For arguments see class description mpoterm.TTerm

add(terms, kk, weight, hparam)[source]

Adding TTerm for internal use.


terms: list of two string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.


All sites left of site kk interact with site k.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into :py:func:mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm`.

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm(). NOT IMPLEMENTED.


TTerms are by default not translational invariant since they depend on site kk.


Print equation for Tterms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.SiteLindXX(Operators)[source]

Add a Lindblad term weight \cdot hparam \cdot \sum_i Op_i to the MPO.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.


To add a single site Lindblad channel, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


string name of the operator

weightfloat, optional

general weight, e.g. a minus sign

hparamstring, optional

possibly site and time dependent coupling default to ‘one’

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new SiteLindXX. For arguments see class description mpoterm.SiteLindXX.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator return the matrix on the complete Hilbert space. For description of arguments look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm().

lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system without symmetries. This iterators returns the matrix build on the complete Liouville space.



dictionary with the setup for one simulation.


Use sparse methods to build the whole Hamiltonian.

quenchtimeNone or tuple of integer, float

If None, access static coupling. If tuple, first entry contains the index of the quench, the second entry contains the time to evaluate the coupling.


System size


Local dimension for one site.


used to identify periodic boundary conditions. If not referenced for the terms, *args is used.

lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index in the Liouville space, and value of the matrix element.



dictionary with the setup for one simulation.

SymmSecinstance of exactdiag.SymmetrySector

Allows the mapping to the basis states according to the symmetry.

quenchtimeNone or tuple of integer, float

If None, access static coupling. If tuple, first entry contains the index of the quench, the second entry contains the time to evaluate the coupling.


System size


used to identify periodic boundary conditions. If not referenced for the terms, *args is used.


Print equation for SiteLindXX terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.MBSLind(Operators)[source]

Add a many-body string Lindblad L_i operator defined as L_i = weight \cdot hparam \cdot \prod_{j=1}^{n} Op[j]_{i+j-1} acting on every sequence of n neighboring sites. The number of operators is determined from the length of the input list.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The ii-th entry contains the n string identifiers for the n operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th Lindblad term.


To add a MBSLind, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to MBSLind.

termslist of str

String identifiers for the string of operators.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new MBSLind term. For arguments see class description mpoterm.MBSLind.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the effective hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix on the complete Hilbert space for the effective Hamiltonian. For description of terms look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm(). NOT IMPLEMENTED.


Iterate through selections on multiple sites.

lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix build on the complete Liouville space. Arguments see mpoterm.SiteLindXX.lbuild_nosymm().

lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system with symmetries. This iterators returns a tuple of the row index, column index in the Liouville space, and value of the matrix element. NOT IMPLEMENTED.


Print equation for SiteLindXX terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.MBSLindXY(Operators)[source]

Add a many-body string Lindblad with different arguments for L and Ldagger.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.



The length of the list is 2 n, where the Lindblad operator spans n sites. The ii-th and the (n + ii)-th string of the list define the operators acting on the ii-th site of the Lindblad operator as L and Ldagger, respectively.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th Lindblad term.


To add a MBSLind, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to MBSLindXY.

termslist of str

String identifiers for the string of operators.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new MBSLindXY term. For arguments see class description mpoterm.MBSLindXY.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the effective hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix on the complete Hilbert space for the effective Hamiltonian. For description of terms look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_nosymm().

build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system with symmetries. This iterator returns a tuple of the row index, column index, and value of the matrix element. For complete description look into mpoterm.SiteTerm.build_symm(). NOT IMPLEMENTED.


Iterate through selections on multiple sites.

lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix build on the complete Liouville space. Arguments see mpoterm.SiteLindXX.lbuild_nosymm().

lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, *args)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system with symmetries. This iterators returns a tuple of the row index, column index in the Liouville space, and value of the matrix element. NOT IMPLEMENTED.


Print equation for MBSLindXY terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.LindExp(Operators)[source]

Add a Lindblad term with and exponential decay of the interaction in distance between the two sites i and j as |i - j|^{-1}.




To add a LindExp term, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to LindExp

termslist of str

String identifiers for the operators acting on the left and on the right site.

decayparamfloat (keyword argument)

Configuring the decay as 1 / decayparam**d where d is the distance.

weightfloat (optional keywork argument)

Overall weight for the rule. Default to 1.0

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

StringOpstr (optional keyword argument)

Possibility to add operator acting on all sites between the left and the right site. This can be used for a Fermi phase or similar operations (If string is equal to FermiPhase, correct operators for left and right site are constructed.) Default to Identity (I).

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new LindExp term. For arguments see class description mpoterm.LindExp.

add(terms, weight, hparam, decayparam)[source]

Add LindExp for internal use.


terms: list of three string

Two string identifiers for the operators as list.

weight: float

Weight for the whole bond term.

hparam: str

String identifier for the Hamiltonian parameter.


Decay parameter of the exponential rule.


Print equation for exponential terms.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Write the information for fortran interfaces. For description of arguments see mpoterm.SiteTerm.write().

class mpoterm.LindInfFunc(Operators, ExpTermMPO, PostProcess)[source]

Add Lindblad operators acting on two sites where the coupling is decaying with increasing distance between the sites.


Operatorsinstance of Ops.OperatorList

the operators on the local Hilbert space used.

ExpTermMPOinstance of mpoterm.ExpTerm

Add the fitted exponential terms to this instance of a class.


If True the functions are not fitted. If False fitting procedure expresses InfiniteFunc as ExpTerms.


etmpoinstance of mpoterm.ExpTerm

Add the fitted exponential terms to this instance of a class. Passed to __init__ as ExpTermMPO.


The ii-th entry contains the two string identifiers for the left and right operators of the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th float in the list contains the weight for the ii-th bond term.


The ii-th string in the list contains links to the Hamiltonian paramater with the coupling used for the ii-th bond term.

yvalslist of vectors

The ii-th vector specifies the coupling with distance.


To add a InfiniteFunc term, you have to pass the following arguments to mpo.MPO.AddMPOTerm():


String must be equal to InfiniteFunction.

termslist of str

strings are the name of the operators acting on all neighboring sites.

weightfloat (optional keyword argument)

Overall weight for the rule Default to 1.0.

hparamstr (optional keyword argument)

String identifying the Hamiltonian parameters allowing for quenching the parameter or changing it for different static simulations. Default to 1.0 (one).

StringOpstr (optional keyword argument)

Possibility to add operator acting on all sites between the left and the right site. This can be used for a Fermi phase or similar operations (If string is equal to FermiPhase, correct operators for left and right site are constructed.) Default to Identity (I).

maxntermsint (optional keyword argument)

Number of exponentials maximally allowed to fit InfiniteFunction Default to 16.

tolfloat (optional keyword argument)

This sets the tolerance for the fit of the infinite function with the exponentials. Default to 1e-6

funccallable (optional keyword argument)

Function returning the coupling as a function for the distance. Combined with the argument L, it may be used to specify the InfiniteFunction Default to None

Lint (optional keyword argument)

range for fitting the exponentials to the function func Default to None

x1d vector (optional keyword argument)

The values of the function to be fitted can be given as two vector x and y = f(x). These are the x-values. Default to None

y1d vector (optional keyword argument)

The values of the function to be fitted can be given as two vector x and y = f(x). These are values of the function. Default to None

EDbool (optional keyword argument)

It can only be used to indicate for the EDLib not to fit an InfiniteFunction with exponentials. Default to False

Although func, L, x, y are all marked as optional, either x and y or func and L have to be provided.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new Lindblad infinite function terms. For arguments see class description mpoterm.LindInfFunc.


Print equation for InfiniteFunction terms.

class mpoterm.LindLSpec(Operators)[source]

Add Lindblad term based on the spectral decomposition of a small subsystem. In contrast to the mpoterm.LindSpec this approach is not based on a operator.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add Lindblad operators based on a spectral decomposition of a subpart of the system. For arguments see class description of mpoterm.LindLSpec.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries This iterator returns the matrix on the complete Hilbert space.


Haminstance of mpo.MPO

Represents the MPO of the full system. At present couplings must be translational invariant.

get_transitions(locparam, locham, quenchtime, ll, ld, pbc)[source]

Construct the transition Lindblad operators.

lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system without symmetries This iterator returns the matrix built on the complete Liouville space. Arguments see mpoterm.SiteLindXX.lbuild_nosymm().

Haminstance of mpo.MPO

Represents the MPO of the full system. At present couplings must be translational invariant.


Print equation for LindLSpec term.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Not implemented.

class mpoterm.LindSpec(Operators)[source]

Add Lindblad terms for reservoirs based on the spectral decomposition.



General weight. Default to 1.0


That is the coupling of the operator to the field in the reservoir given as \sqrt{\frac{1}{2 \epsilon_0 \nu}} d_{12}. Each non-zero coupling means a coupling to the same reservoir. The term is squared for translational invariant coupling and multiplied as g[i] \cdot g[j] if acting on sites i and j. Default to one.

Testr or float

Temperature of the reservoir. If str, the corresponding key must be in the simulation dictionary. Default to 0.0

Tapproxtuple of (float, int, int)

Tolerance and minimal and maximal number of transitions. If ints are None, maximal number of terms is assumed. Default to (1e-15, None, None)


Tolerance for truncating a transition times \langle e| Op | e' \rangle. Default to 1e-15


Tolerance for truncating a whole term. Default to 1e-15

kbstr or float

Boltzmann constant. If str, the corresponding key must be in the simulation dictionary. Default to 1.0

mustr or float

Chemical potential. If str, the corresponding key must be in the simulation dictionary. Default to 0.0

alstr or float

Lattice constant or distance between sites. The sites are assumed to be equidistant. If str, the corresponding key must be in the simulation dictionary. Default to 1.0

ccstr or float

Speed of light. If str, the corresponding key must be in the simulation dictionary. Default to 1.0

pvtablebool or instance of Interpol

If False, no principal value is used and thus there is no effective Hamiltonian. If True, principal value part is used, but no table is given. If pvtable is not of type bool, it is assumed that an instance of Interpol is passed. Default to True.

AddTerm(terms, **kwargs)[source]

Add Lindblad operators based on a spectral decomposition. For arguments see class description of mpoterm.LindSpec.

_get_lindblads_both(param, quenchtime, ll, Ham, ld=None, SymmSec=None)[source]

Generate all Lindblad operators from the spectral decomposition.

build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham)[source]

Build the effective Hamiltonian for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix on the complete Hilbert space.


build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, Ham)[source]
get_lindblads_nosymm(param, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham)[source]

Generate all Lindblad operators from the spectral decomposition.

get_lindblads_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, Ham)[source]

Generate all Lindblad operators from the spectral decomposition.

lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham)[source]

Build the Liouville operator for a system without symmetries. This iterator returns the matrix build on the complete Liouville space.


Ham2d matrix

The Hamiltonian represented as matrix or sparse matrix. (Not the rule set of the Hamiltonian.)

lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, Ham)[source]

Print equation for LindSpec term.

select_eigenstates(param, Ham, ii_)[source]

Diagonalize the Hamiltonian and truncate high energy states if desired.

select_transitions_nosymm(param, ld, ll, vals, vecs, nn, oo)[source]

Get the transitions energies between all selected eigenstates. The returned dictionary has the a tuple of two indices of the two corresponding eigenstates as key. The value of dictionary are two list containing the site indices and the weight.



Choose the oo-th term of Lindblad operators.

select_transitions_symm(param, SymmSec, ll, vals, vecs, nn, oo)[source]

Get the transition energies between all selected eigenstates. The returned dicitionary has a tuple of two indices of the two corresponding eigenstates as key. The value of the dictionary are two lists containing the site indices and the weight.


Choose the oo-th term of Lindblad operators.

write(fh, IntHparam, IntOperators, Params)[source]

Not implemented.

mpoterm._append2nparray(flnm, val)[source]

Append a value to a numpy array on the hard disk. Intend for debugging.



Filename is existing numpy array and will be updated with the additional entry.


Value to be appended to the numpy array.

class mpoterm.MPSOperatorNotFound(ret_val)[source]

Excpetion raised if term is not found in OperatorList / dictionary



return code of the fortran library.


String representing error message.