Python Module obsterms¶
Defining Observables¶
Module obsterms
defines the observables on quantum systems. Each observable
contains the corresponding methods to write the fortran files and to read the
results from the fortran outputs. The following observables are defined
Observables on any quantum sytem in OSMPS are specified by instantiating an
object of the obsterms.Observables
class, for example
myObservables = Observables(Operators)
One then adds observables using the obsterms.Observables.AddObservable()
method. Each observable is itself a python class and has the corresponding
read/write methods Examples of the use of
observables (obsterms.SiteObservable
). Example :
myObservables.AddObservable('site', 'nbtotal', name='n')will measure
at each site and return the result as a length-
vector with the tag
. Recall thatis either the system size in the case of a finite MPS or the unit cell length in the case of iMPS as specified in the table in the description of
Site entropy measurement (
).Bond entropy measurement (
observables (obsterms.CorrObservable
). Example:
myObservables.AddObservable('corr', ['nbtotal', 'nbtotal'], name='nn')will measure
at each independent pair of sites
and return the result with the tag
. For finite-size MPS simulations the result is returned as anmatrix, and for infinite-size MPS simulations the result is returned as a length-
vector, where
is specified by the
method, see Sec. Infinite-size ground state search: iMPS. For observables involving odd numbers of fermionic operators on a given site, there is an optionalPhase
argument such as existed for thempo.MPO.AddMPOTerm()
method. An example ismyObservables.AddObservable('corr', ['fdagger', 'f'], name='spdm', Phase=True)which measures the fermionic correlation function
observables (obsterms.StringCorrObservable
). Example (
myObservables.AddObservable('string', ['sz', 'sz', 'phaseString'], name='StringOP')will measure
at each independent pair of sites
and return the result with the tag
. Note thatphaseString
has been defined to beonly in this particular case.
observables (obsterms.MPOObservable
). Example:
DefectDensity = mps.MPO(Operators) DefectDensity.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz']) myStaticObservables.AddObservable('MPO', DefectDensity, 'Defect Density')will measure
and return the result with the tag
'Defect Density'
. In this way, essentially arbitrary many-body operators may be measured.
Reduced density matrix, limited to one (
) or two (obsterms.RhoijObservable
) sites at present, can be measured as well. They can be added once as single item or list. An empty list indicates to report the singular values at all bipartitions. If passed as list, entries have to sorted ascending.
myObservables.AddObservables('DensityMatrix_i', []) myObservables.AddObservables('DensityMatrix_ij', [])
It is possible to measure the mutual information matrix without writing all the information about the reduced density matrices to the result files (
).myObservables.AddObservables('MI', True)
The Schmidt values (
) at the bipartitions are another measurement, which gives a more detailed picture than the bond entropy. They can be added once as single item or list. An empty list indicates to report the singular values at all bipartitions.
myObservables.AddObservables('Lambda', [])
Distance to a pure state (
)Save state independent from checkpoints etc. (MPS only,
)Gate observables (ED only,
).Distance to a density matrix (ED only,
Observables for the different algorithms in OSMPS are specified as part of the
dictionary, see Table in tools.WriteFiles()
Developer’s Guide for new observables
Implement new class in this module, i.e.
. We need the minimal class functions__init__
, andread
.Add new observable to the
set andmpslist
in :py:class:Observables
by adding a new observable toOBS_TYPE
and possibly defining a new derived type for this observable.Define read, write, and destroy methods as far as applicable.
Carry out measurements in all
- obsterms.check_restore_timeevo(Params)[source]¶
Returns default value.
- Paramsdictionary
the dictionary containing the parameters for the simulation.
- class obsterms._ObsTerm[source]¶
- __getitem__(key)[source]¶
Return the corresponding variable from the set of class variabels.
- keystring
String corresponding to a class variable.
- default(defargs, kwargs)[source]¶
Set the default arguments for a term if not passed as optional arguments.
- get_hash()[source]¶
Generate hash for this object based on the class dictionary provided as default by python.
- ignored(optargs, kwargs)[source]¶
Print warnings about ignored optional keyword parameters:
- optargslist of strings
contains all the string identifiers of the keyword arguments considered.
- kwargsdictionary
contains all the keywords arguments
- line_to_floats(Obsfile, nn)[source]¶
Read line in file handle and convert to 1d numpy array of floats.
- Obsfilefile handle
read next line in this file handle
- nnint
number of floats in the line.
- read_rmatrix(fh, d1, d2)[source]¶
Read a matrix in file handle and convert to 2d numpy array of floats.
- Obsfilefile handle
read next line in this file handle
- d1int
number of rows in the matrix.
- d2int
number of floats in one line corresponding to the number of columns
- required(args, kwargs)[source]¶
Raise exception for required arguments not present in the optional arguments.
- argslist of strings
contains all the string identifiers of the keyword arguments considered.
- kwargsdictionary
contains all the keywords arguments
- setargs(args, argsval, kwargs)[source]¶
Set non key-worded argument in corresponding dictionary.
- argslist of strings
contains all the string identifiers of the keyword arguments considered in the correct order.
- argsvallist
contains the values passed by the user as optional non-keyword arguments. Order must be as indicated in documentation.
- kwargsdict
Dictionary with all arguments to be constructed. Here, we set the corresponding non-keyword arguments passed.
- class obsterms.SiteObservable(Ops)[source]¶
Measurement of local observables on each site.
The arguments of the
are- temptypestr
Identification to add site observable. Must be
.- termstr
Name of the operator to be measured.
- namestr, keyword argument
Key to address measurement in dictionary of results. Default to
+ term +>
.- weightfloat, keyword argument
Weighting the measurement. Default to 1.0
By default the bond entropy is measured. The measurement can be turned off by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('site', 'nbtotal')
The following class variables are defined.
- Oplist of strings
List contains the names of the operators to be measured.
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- Opsinstance of
Contains the operators for checks.
- class obsterms.SiteEntropyObservable[source]¶
Measurement of the site entropy of each site along the chain.
The arguments of the
are- termbool
Status of the site entropy measurement’
for measuring,False
for not measuring.
By default the site entropy is measured. The measurement can be turned off by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('SiteEntropy', False)
, the site entropy can be turned on.Variables
The following class variables are defined.
- hasbool
if site entropy should not be saved,True
otherwise measuring the site entropy at every splitting.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add functions as method to turn site entropy measure on and off. Last call determines if the site entropy is measured or not. For arguments see
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from file. The filehandle must be at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the Schmidt decomposition.
- llint, keyword argument
The system size must be given as keyword argument.
- class obsterms.BondEntropyObservable[source]¶
Measurement of the bond entropy at each splitting along the chain.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification to modify bond entropy measure. Must be
.- termbool
Status of the bond entropy measurement’
for measuring,False
for not measuring.
By default the bond entropy is measured. The measurement can be turned off by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('BondEntropy', False)
, the bond entropy can be turned on.Variables
The following class variables are defined.
- hasbool
if bond entropy should not be saved,True
otherwise measuring the bond entropy at every splitting.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add functions as method to turn bond entropy measure on and off. Last call determines if the bond entropy is measured or not. For arguments see
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from file. The filehandle must be at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the Schmidt decomposition.
- llint, keyword argument
The system size must be given as keyword argument.
- class obsterms.CorrObservable(Ops, FCorr)[source]¶
Measurement of correlation observables on all two-site combinations.
The arguments of the
are- temptypestr
Identification to add correlation observable. Must be
.- termlist of two strings or numpy array
Name of the two operators to be measured or numpy 2d array representing an operator on two sites in the Hilbert space to be decomposed.
- namestr, keyword argument
Key to address measurement in dictionary of results. Required.
- weightfloat, keyword argument
Weighting the measurement. Default to 1.0
- Phasebool, optional
If given, must be
, otherwise Fermi correlation will be measured instead. Default toFalse
if not present.
A two site correlation measurement can be added to the observables as follows.
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('corr', ['nbtotal', 'nbtotal'], name='<nn>')
The following class variables are defined.
- Oplist of strings
List contains the names of the operators to be measured.
- intidlist of integers
Index to which correlation pair of operators should be added.
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- ishermlist of bools
Checks if observable is hermitian. If not hermitian, the complex part of the correlation is measured as well.
- Opsinstance of
Contains the operators for checks.
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results for the correlations from an open file handle at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the correlation matrices.
- read_hdf5(gh5, key, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from an open HDF5 file.
- fhid of HDF5 group
This is the HDF5 group containing the observable.
- read_imps(fh, corr_range)[source]¶
Read the results for the correlation for an iMPS simulations. Filehandle must be already open.
- fhfilehandle
Open file handle with results at right position.
- corr_rangeint
Determines number of entries in correlations. For iMPS, the correlations are not a square matrix.
- class obsterms.Corr2NNObservable(Ops)[source]¶
Measure the 4-site correlator between two pairs of nearest neighbors.
The arguments of the
are- temptypestr
Identification to add correlation observable. Must be
.- termlist of four strings
Name of the operators acting on the sites i, i+1, j, j+1
- namestr, keyword argument
Key to address measurement in dictionary of results. Required.
- weightfloat, keyword argument
Weighting the measurement. Default to 1.0
This type of four-site correlator of two pairs of nearest neighbors can be added to a measurement as
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> myObs.AddObservable('corr2nn', ['sigmaz', 'sigmaz', 'sigmaz', 'sigmaz'], name='zzzz')
The following class variables are defined.
- Oplist of strings
List contains the names of the operators to be measured
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- ishermlist of bools
Checks if observable is hermitian. If not hermitian, the complex part of the correlation is measured as well.
- Opsinstance of
Contains the operators for checks.
The resulting matrix is always upper triangular. The measurement of i, i+1, j, j+1 is stored in the matrix element [i, j] and i < j for all measurements. Therefore, the first two columns and the last column is empty. Moreover, the last three rows are empty.
- class obsterms.FCorrObservable(Ops)[source]¶
Measurement of correlation observables on all two-site combinations with a Fermi phase yielded from a Jordan-Wigner transformation.
The arguments of the
are- temptypestr
Identification to add correlation observable. Must be
.- termlist of two strings or numpy array
Name of the two operators to be measured or numpy 2d array representing an operator on two sites in the Hilbert space to be decomposed.
- namestr, keyword argument
Key to address measurement in dictionary of results. Required.
- weightfloat, keyword argument
Weighting the measurement. Default to 1.0
- Phasebool, keyword argument
Must be given and must be true for Fermi correlation.
By default the bond entropy is measured. The measurement can be turned off by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('corr', ['nftotal', 'nftotal'], name='<nn>', >>> Phase=True)
The following class variables are defined.
- Oplist of strings
List contains the names of the operators to be measured.
- intidlist of integers
Index to which correlation pair of operators should be added.
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- ishermlist of bools
Checks if observable is hermitian. If not hermitian, the complex part of the correlation is measured as well.
- Opsinstance of
Contains the operators for checks.
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results for the correlations with Fermi phase from an open file handle at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the correlation matrices.
- read_hdf5(gh5, key, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from an open HDF5 file.
- fhid of HDF5 group
This is the HDF5 group containing the observable.
- read_imps(fh, corr_range)[source]¶
Read the results for the Fermi correlation for an iMPS simulations. Filehandle must be already open.
- fhfilehandle
Open file handle with results at right position.
- corr_rangeint
Determines number of entries in correlations. For iMPS, the correlations are not a square matrix.
- class obsterms.StringCorrObservable(Ops)[source]¶
Measurement of a string correlation observables on all two-site combinations with an additional operator applied to sites in between, e.g., a Fermi phase yielded from a Jordan-Wigner transformation.
The arguments of the
are- temptypestr
Identification to add correlation observable. Must be
.- termlist of three strings
Name of the two operators to be measured. The third operator is the phase operator.
- namestr, keyword argument
Key to address measurement in dictionary of results. Required.
- weightfloat, keyword argument
Weighting the measurement. Default to 1.0
You can add a string correlation observable by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('string', ['sz', 'sz', 'phasestring'], >>> name='StringOP', Phase=True)
The following class variables are defined.
- Oplist of strings
List contains the names of the operators to be measured. It is a listed list.
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- Opsinstance of
Contains the operators for checks.
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results for the correlations with Fermi phase from an open file handle at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the correlation matrices.
- read_hdf5(gh5, key, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from an open HDF5 file.
- fhid of HDF5 group
This is the HDF5 group containing the observable.
- read_imps(fh, corr_range)[source]¶
Read the results for the string correlation for an iMPS simulations. Filehandle must be already open.
- fhfilehandle
Open file handle with results at right position.
- corr_rangeint
Determines number of entries in correlations. For iMPS, the correlations are not a square matrix.
- class obsterms.MPOObservable[source]¶
Measurement of an MPO beyond the default measurement of the Hamiltonian MPO.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification as MPO measurement, string must be ‘MPO’.
- terminstance of class
. The MPO to be measured.
- namestr, keyword arguments
The key to access the result in the result dictionary. Must be present.
The MPO observables should not depend on time-dependent Hamiltonian parameters. They are not constructed for each time step.
You can add an MPO observable by calling the
function as follows:>>> DefectDensity = mps.MPO(Operators) >>> DefectDensity.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz']) >>> >>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('MPO', DefectDensity, name='DefectDensity')
- Oplist of
Contains the MPO for each measurement in the list.
- namelist of strings
The key under which the results should be stored.
- weightlist of floats
The weights for each measurement.
- class obsterms.RhoiObservable[source]¶
Defines the measurement of single site reduced density matrices.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification as single site reduced density matrig, string must be ‘DensityMatrix_i’.
- termlist of integers
Indices of the sites to be measured. If list is empty, it is filled with all sites.
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservables('DensityMatrix_i', [])
- has_rhoibool
Flag if any density matrix is measured
- ij
, list of integers Contains the indices of the reduced density matrices to be measured.
- ij_orig
, list of integers Contains the original list past by the user; this needs to be stored since empty list in ‘ij’ are overwritten with the sites 1 .. L.
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the local density matrices.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the correlation matrices.
- paramdictionary (as keyword argument)
Contains the settings for the simulation.
- dynamicbool (as keyword argument)
Flag if dynamics (True) or statics (False) are read.
- ldint (as keyword argument)
Local dimension of the Hilbert space.
- class obsterms.RhoijObservable[source]¶
Defines the measurement of two-site site reduced density matrices.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification as two-site reduced density matrix, string must be ‘DensityMatrix_ij’.
- termlist of integers
Pairs of Indices of the sites to be measured. If list is empty, it is filled with all sites. Indices must be ascending.
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservables('DensityMatrix_ij', [])
- has_rhoijbool
Flag if any density matrix is measured
- ij
, list of integers Contains the pairs of indices of the reduced density matrices to be measured.
- ij_orig
, list of integers Contains the original list past by the user; this needs to be stored since empty list in ‘ij’ are overwritten.
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the two-site density matrices.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the correlation matrices.
- paramdictionary (as keyword argument)
Contains the settings for the simulation.
- dynamicbool (as keyword argument)
Flag if dynamics (True) or statics (False) are read.
- ldint (as keyword argument)
Local dimension of the Hilbert space.
- class obsterms.RhoredObservable(Ops)[source]¶
Defines the measurement of a reduced density matrix of an arbitrary subsystem
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification as an arbitrary reduced density matrix must be ‘DensityMatrix_red’.
- termlist of integers
All sites to be included in the reduced density matrix. Python indexing starting at 0 for first site.
- maxdimint, optional
Prevents memory problems by avoiding larger reduced density matrices setting a maximal size of the total Hilbert space of the subsystem. Default to 4096 (corresponds to 12 qubits).
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservables('DensityMatrix_red', [0, 1, 2])
Indices must be sorted ascending. The corresponding dictionary key for accessing the reduced density matrix is the tuple (‘rho’, 0, 1, 2).
The quick estimate is that the permutation of the indices to be kept followed by a partial trace has a reasonable performance. For this reason, the reduced density matrix involves truncations induced by the swapping of sites.
Developers note
The swapping scales with
. The contraction of the reduced density matrix can be done completely within the ket-state (
) except the last contraction of the ket with the bra (
), where
is the dimension of the subsystem of the reduced density matrix.
If we do not permute sites, we have to trace out intermediate sites, which pushes the contraction of bra-ket states to the front of the algorithm. The contraction of the reduced density matrix up to site k is contracted with the ket of site (k+1) followed by the contraction of the bra of site (k+1) at costs of
, where
contains the number site remaining in the reduced density matrix up to now. The final contraction of the l-th site can use orthogonality and scales with
Thus, we consider the swapping method as better scaling despite the introduction of an error and possible overhead for doing a significant amount of swapping operations.
- class obsterms.MutualInformationObservable[source]¶
Measurement of the mutual information matrix.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
‘MI’ to signal mutual information.
- termbool
Status of the site entropy measurement’
for measuring,False
for not measuring.
By default the mutual information is not measured. The measurement can be turned on by calling the
function as follows.>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('MI', True)
, the site entropy can be turned off.Variables
The following class variables are defined.
- hasbool
if site entropy should not be saved,True
otherwise measuring the site entropy at every splitting.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add functions as method to turn site entropy measure on and off. Last call determines if the site entropy is measured or not. For arguments see
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from file. The filehandle must be at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the Schmidt decomposition.
- class obsterms.LambdaObservable[source]¶
Lambda observable taking care of the measurements of the singular values of the reduced density matrices of the bipartitions.
The arguments of the
are- termTypestr
string must be
.- termlist
Empty list to measure at all splittings or specifying the splittngs to be saved.
In order to indicate the measurement of the singular values, you call
as follows:>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('Lambda', [])
- hasbool
if no singular values should be saved,True
otherwise.- Listlist of indices
contains the list with the indices of bipartitions to be measured.
- Origlist of indices
contains the original list passed as argument. This original list is references to generate the list for each simulations. This is important in case of an empty list where the final argument depends on the system size and may vary.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add term for measuring the singular values. Can only be called once. For arguments see class description
- all_values(ll)[source]¶
Iterate over all possible values which can be measured.
- llint
system size
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from file. The filehandle must be at the corresponding position.
- fhfilehandle
Open file with results. The next lines contain the measurements of the Schmidt decomposition.
- read_hdf5(gh5, key, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read the results from an open HDF5 file.
- fhid of HDF5 group
This is the HDF5 group containing the observable.
- class obsterms.DistancePsiObs[source]¶
DistanceObs measures the distance to a pure state.
- termlist of strings
Contains the filename containing the state to measure the distance to.
- namestr, keyword argument
The key to access the result in the result dictionary. Must be present.
- diststr, optional
to specify which quantum distance is used. Default toInfidelity
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservables('dist_psi', 'somempsstate.bin', name='distpsi')
- termlist of strings
Contains the filename containing the state to measure the distance to.
- namelist of strings
Keys for access in the result dictionary.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add a new distance measurement. The type of distance measure can be choosen.
- termstr
Contains the filename containing the state to measure the distance to.
- diststr
The type of distance measures used. Can be
.- namestr
String identifier to address measurement in result dictionary.
- class obsterms.StateObservable[source]¶
Write out the state as file to have access to it lateron.
The arguments of :py:func:obsterms.Observables.AddObservable` for setting the state observable are
- termbool
Status of writing the state.
for writing it to file,False
for not measuring.- formcharacter, optional
Output format of the file which can be binary ‘B’ or ‘H’ for human readable text. Default to ‘B’ (binary).
By default the states are not written to file as this measurement can be memory intensive. In order to set this measurement, follow
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservable('State', True)
, the measurement can be turned off again. (Currently not used in ED.)Variables
The following class variables are defined.
- hasbool
if states are not written out.True
otherwise.- file_formatstr
Defines if binary or text is written.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add functions as method to turn state measurements on and off. Last call determines if the site entropy is measured or not. For arguments see
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
This result is not stored in the result file, but a different file. Therefore, read is empty. (Still have to make it an iterator.)
- class obsterms.ETHObservable(rhoijk)[source]¶
Check the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) for a subsystem. This measurement is calculated a posteriori within the python frontend based on the reduced density matrix. At present, it is for the first sites of the system.
The arguments of the
are- termtypestr
Identification as ETH measurement must be ‘ETH’.
- terminteger
ETH is checked for the first site until site
.- Haminstance of MPO
The Hamiltonian of the system. The rule sets are used to build a truncated Hamiltonian on the subsystem.
- kBfloat, optional
Value of Boltzmann constant. Default to 1.0
- maxdimint, optional
Prevents memory problems by avoiding larger reduced density matrices and diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of the same size. Default to 4096 (corresponds to 12 qubits).
- SymmSecNone or instance of SymmetrySector, optional
If symmetry sector is passed, ETH is checked in the corresponding sector. As the symmetries in OSMPS are global symmetries, a corresponding symmetry in a subsystem only occurs in special cases.
- sparsebool, optional
Control for using sparse matrices when building the Hamiltonian. Default to dense matrices.
>>> Obs = mps.Observables(Operators) >>> Obs.AddObservables('ETH', 10)
- read(fh, **kwargs)[source]¶
Nothing written on fortran side. So read is empty. See
for how to obtain results.
- class obsterms.GateObservable[source]¶
Measure the overlap between state
and state
, where a series of gates
is applied to
to obtain
At present this feature is only supported for pure states in the EDLib and two site gates.
- Gateslist
Defines the quantum circuits.
- namelist of strings
String identifier of the meaurement.
- weightlist of floats
Weight for the each measurement.
In order to add a new gate measurement, call
with the following arguments:- termTypestr
string must be
- termtuple / list
The first entry contains the list of gates/matrices, the second contains the list of indices.
- namestr (optional keyword argument)
Identifier for this measurement in the results.
- weightfloat (optional keyword argument)
Overall weight for measurement.
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add a new gate measurement consisting of a list of gates and the corresponding indices where it should be applied.
- termlist/tuple of np 2d arrays; single np 2d array
d^m x d^m matrices which are the gates to be applied to the state. They should be defined on the local Hilbert spaces.
- idxlist/tuple of integers; single int
specifies the left-most site where the gate should be applied.
- namestr (optional keyword argument)
Identifier for this measurement in the results.
- weightfloat (optional keyword argument)
Overall weight for measurement.
- class obsterms.DistanceRhoObs[source]¶
DistanceObs measures the distance to another density matrix.
- termlist of strings
Contains the filename containing the state to measure the distance to.
- namestring
Label for the distance measurement. Required.
- distlist of strings
The type of distance measures used. Can be
. Default toInfideltiy
- add(term, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add a new distance measurement. The type of distance measure can be choosen.
- termstr
Contains the filename containing the state to measure the distance to.
- diststr
The type of distance measures used. Can be
.- namestr
String identifier to address measurement in result dictionary.
- class obsterms.Observables(Operators)[source]¶
- SpecifyCorrelationRange(corr_range)[source]¶
Set the range of the correlation functions for an iMPS simulation
- corr_rangeInteger
distance for the correlation measurement in a iMPS simulation.
- read_imps(fh, param)[source]¶
Read the results of an iMPS simulation for one convergence parameter set. The possible degenerate states are accessible as a nested dictionary, key is
('DegMeas', ii)
for the ii-th degenerate state. The values ofii = 0
are present in the usual result dictionary.Arguments
- fhfilehandle
open filehandle at correct position to read iMPS results.
- paramdictionary
Simulation setup as dictionary to retrieve settings.
- write(filestub, Parameters, IntOperators, IntHparam, PostProcess=False)[source]¶
Write the Observables object to a Fortran-readable file.
- fileStubstr
basis part of the filename for this simulation extended with
.- Parametersdictionary
dictionary representing the simulation to be written.
- IntOperatorsdictionary
mapping the string identifiers for the operators to integer identifiers used within fortran. Needed to write MPO measurements.
- IntHparamdictionary
mapping the string identifiers for Hamiltonian parameters to integer identifiers used within fortran. Needed to write MPO measurements.
- PostProcessbool, optional
The fortran files are only written if
. Otherwise only the necessary data is updated, e.g. the list containing the settings for the reduced density matrices. Default toFalse
- class obsterms.Result(param, case, state=0, conv_ii=1, FiniteT=False)[source]¶
- paramdictionary
parameter dictionary setting up a single simulation
- casestr
Specifies the measurement, either ‘MPS’ (ground state), ‘eMPS’ (excited state), ‘dynamics’ (time evolution).
- stateinteger, optional
select between the states, especially for excited states. For dynamics, store the time step in there. default to 0
- conv_iiinteger, optional
selects i-th element in the set of convergence parameters counting from 1 on. It is taken into account by an offset that python indices start at 0. For dynamics, store the number of the quench in there. default to 1
- dynamiclogical, optional
Layout of the output differs from static to dynamic. Specify dynamic=True for reading dynamic simulations. default to False
- FiniteTlogical, optional
To treat different formatting on convergence parameters in regard to Finite T simulations. Default to False.
- add_qt(dic, dicjj)[source]¶
Combine results for quantum trajectories.
- dicdictionary
Target dictionary with the overall results.
- dicjjdictionary
Dictionary with the results of one trajectory.
- obsterms.ReadStaticObservables(Parameters)[source]¶
Read the observables written out by Fortran program.
- Parameterslist
list of dictionaries where the dictionaries contain the simulation settings.
For infinite simulations see
. The finite results consists of a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary corresponds to one simulation. Simulation which could not be read (missing/incomplete files) can either throw an exception or deliverNone
as entry in the list.The default static finite system measurements are listed in the following tables. In addition the measurments defined in
are available:Tag
Eigenstate index increasing in energy with 0 the ground state.
Integer index indicating convergence criteria used.
T (True) or F (False) according to whether the variance satisfies the desired tolerance.
The maximal bond dimension of the MPS.
The default static infinite system measurements can be found in the corresponding class description
. An instance of this class is returned.Errors in the process of reading can be catched upon the first access to the any measurement.
just generates an array of the result class, which will process the requests to access results. An error handling could look as follows>>> Outputs = mps.ReadStaticObservables(params) >>> energies = [] >>> >>> for elem in Outputs: >>> try: >>> print(Outputs['energy']) >>> energies.append(Outputs['energy']) >>> except: >>> print('Error processing result.') >>> energies.append(np.nan)
The list energies has the expected length after reading the results and non-existent values are set with nan (not a number).
- obsterms.ReadDynamicObservables(Parameters)[source]¶
Read the observables written out by Fortran program.
- Parameterslist
list of dictionaries where every dictionary contains the simulation setting.
The default dynamic measurements are listed in the following tables. In addition the measurments defined in
are available:Tag
current time
The maximal bond dimension of the MPS.
Errors in the process of reading can be catched upon the first access to the any measurement.
just generates an array of the result class, which will process the requests to access results. An error handling could look as follows>>> Outputs = mps.ReadDynamicObservables(params) >>> energies = [] >>> >>> for elem in Outputs: >>> try: >>> print(Outputs['energy']) >>> energies.append(Outputs['energy']) >>> except: >>> print('Error processing result.') >>> energies.append(np.nan)
The list energies has the expected length after reading the results and non-existent values are set with nan (not a number).
- obsterms.ReadCircuitsObservables(elem)[source]¶
Read the observables from a quantum circuit simulation.
- obsterms.GetObservables(Outputs, tags, values)[source]¶
Find the set of all Outputs which have the values specified in tags.
- Outputslist of results
This is a list containing all result dictionaries.
- tagsvariables or list of variables
These are the keys, i.e., the parameters you use for selection.
- valuesvariable, list of variables
Values for the keys in the same order and of same length if list.
- obsterms.get_runtime(param, qtid=None)[source]¶
Read runtime from log-file.
- paramdict
dictionary with simulation setup.
- class obsterms.OSMPS_H5Method_Error(ret_val)[source]¶
Excpetion raised if an OSMPS method is not enabled for H5File at all, but was trying to read with HDF5.
Arguments __init__
- ret_valstr
Description of the case.
- class obsterms.OSMPS_H5File_Error(ret_val)[source]¶
Excpetion raised if an H5File does not exist.
Arguments __init__
- ret_valstr
The filename which does not exist
- class obsterms.OSMPS_H5Group_Error(ret_val)[source]¶
Exception raised if an H5 group does not exist.
Arguments __init__
- ret_valstr
Name of the group.