Fortran module iMPSOps:Containing the methods for iMPS simulations.


    1. Jaschke

      1. Wall


The following subroutines / functions are defined for the convergence parameters.


fortran-subroutine - ?? () Diagonalize the transfer matrix defined by the unit cell \psi using the Arnoldi method.


psiTYPE(mps), inout


eigvalsREAL(*), inout


VLRTYPE(matrixc), inout



‘l’, ‘r’: it indicates the direction

flagLOGICAL, out

indicate possible symmetry breaking

errcodeINTEGER, inout

info-flag from DNAUPD, DNEUPD

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Diagonalize the transfer matrix defined by the unit cell \psi using the Arnoldi method.


psiTYPE(MPSc), inout


eigvalsREAL(*), inout


VLRTYPE(matrixc), inout



‘l’, ‘r’: it indicates the direction

flagLOGICAL, out

indicate possible symmetry breaking

errcodeINTEGER, inout

info-flag from DNAUPD, DNEUPD


According to M.L. Wall’s thesis and I.P. McCullochs paper Infinite size density matrix renormalization group, revisited (arXiv:0804.2509), the matrix transfer matrix to be diagonalized in this subroutine is always hermitian and non-negative (later) or “hermitian and positive definite when the largest eigenvalue is non-degenerate” (Wall).

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Orthonormalize the eigenmatrices Xs and make them Hermitian.


XsTYPE(matrixc)(*), inout



This subroutine only exists for complex matrices and has no real counterpart.

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fortran-subroutine - Perform T_{L}(E).


outvecREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), out


psiTYPE(mps), inout


invecREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in


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fortran-subroutine - Perform T_{L}(E).


outvecREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), out


psiTYPE(mpsc), inout


invecREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in


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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Given the tensor A of the unit cell in o.c. form, extract \Lambda_R.


ATYPE(tensor), inout

the tensor for the orthogonality center

LambdaRTYPE(tensor), out

A dense matrix \Lambda \cdot V were \Lambda is matrix containing the singular values and V the right unitary matrix from the SVD of A_{i1, i2; i3} (i1, i2 build the rows of matrix)

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Given the tensor A of the unit cell in o.c. form, extract \Lambda_R.


ATYPE(tensorc), inout

the tensor for the orthogonality center

LambdaRTYPE(tensorc), out

A dense matrix \Lambda \cdot V were \Lambda is matrix containing the singular values and V the right unitary matrix from the SVD of A_{i1, i2; i3} (i1, i2 build the rows of matrix)

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Extract \Lambda_R, defined as the right boundary term on a completely (!) gauged MPS, so orthogonality center at L+1.


psiTYPE(mps), in

Get some singular values of this MPS

LambdaRTYPE(tensor), out

dense matrix of singular values times a unitary matrix as left over from installing a unitary matrix on the last site.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Extract \Lambda_R, defined as the right boundary term on a completely (!) gauged MPS, so orthogonality center at L+1.


psiTYPE(mpsc), in

Get some singular values of this MPS

LambdaRTYPE(tensorc), out

dense matrix of singular values times a unitary matrix as left over from installing a unitary matrix on the last site.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Calculate the orthogonality fidelity :math:``


psiTYPE(mps), in

Use psi to calculate orthogonality fidelity to lastlam.

ofREAL, out

on exit the orthogonality fidelity

lastlamTYPE(tensor), in

dense matrix with singular values on the diagonal???

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Calculate the orthogonality fidelity :math:``


psiTYPE(mpsc), in

Use psi to calculate orthogonality fidelity to lastlam.

ofREAL, out

on exit the orthogonality fidelity

lastlamTYPE(tensorc), in

dense matrix with singular values on the diagonal???

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fortran-subroutine - ?? ()


psiTYPE(mps), inout


LambdaTYPE(MATRIX_TYPE), inout


Lambdanm1TYPE(MATRIX_TYPE), inout

?? on exit destroyed


The SVD on a diagonal matrix is a remaining part from a version where the Lambdanm1 matrix was not diagonal.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? ()


psiTYPE(mpsc), inout


LambdaTYPE(MATRIX_TYPE), inout


Lambdanm1TYPE(MATRIX_TYPE), inout

?? on exit destroyed


The SVD on a diagonal matrix is a remaining part from a version where the Lambdanm1 matrix was not diagonal.

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fortran-subroutine - ???


nextlamTYPE(matrix), inout

filled/overwritten during subroutine. Is a dense matrix containing some Schmidt values of the MPS on the diagonal.

lastlamTYPE(matrix), inout

overwritten during subroutine. Is a dense matrix containing some Schmidt values of the MPS on the diagonal.

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fortran-subroutine - ???


nextlamTYPE(matrix), inout

filled/overwritten during subroutine. Is a dense matrix containing some Schmidt values of the MPS on the diagonal.

lastlamTYPE(matrix), inout

overwritten during subroutine. Is a dense matrix containing some Schmidt values of the MPS on the diagonal.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Form the left-orthogonalized unit cell


psiTYPE(mps), in

MPS to be orthogonalized

psit : TYPE(mps)(*), out

XsTYPE(tensor)(*), in


YsTYPE(tensor)(*), in


lambdaRinvsTYPE(tensor)(*), in



The array of left orthogonalized unit cells for each degenerate eigenvalue is built (degenerate eigenvalue of the transfer matrix). Each MPS is modified in the following way:

A_{\alpha', \beta}^{i_1}
= \sum_{\alpha} X_{\alpha', \alpha} A_{\alpha, \beta}^{i_1}

A_{\alpha, \beta''}^{i_L}
= \sum_{\beta} A_{\alpha, \beta}^{i_L} Y_{\beta, \beta'}
LRinv_{\beta', \beta''}

The resulting MPS is canonized via SVDs.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Form the left-orthogonalized unit cell


psiTYPE(mpsc), in

MPS to be orthogonalized

psit : TYPE(mpsc)(*), out

XsTYPE(tensorc)(*), in


YsTYPE(tensorc)(*), in


lambdaRinvsTYPE(tensorc)(*), in



The array of left orthogonalized unit cells for each degenerate eigenvalue is built (degenerate eigenvalue of the transfer matrix). Each MPS is modified in the following way:

A_{\alpha', \beta}^{i_1}
= \sum_{\alpha} X_{\alpha', \alpha} A_{\alpha, \beta}^{i_1}

A_{\alpha, \beta''}^{i_L}
= \sum_{\beta} A_{\alpha, \beta}^{i_L} Y_{\beta, \beta'}
LRinv_{\beta', \beta''}

The resulting MPS is canonized via SVDs.

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Use the infinite size algorithm to find the fixed point in the infinite size limit.


HTYPE(MPO), inout

containing the Hamiltonian of the system.

qINTEGER, inout

Most probably the length of the unit cell

OperatorsTYPE(matrixList), inout

List of all the operators used in the Hamiltonian and measurements

MyObsTYPE(obs_r), inout

Settings with the observables to be measured

pbcLOGICAL, in

If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.


The infinite MPS algorithm is described in I.P. McCulloch’s paper “Infinite size density renormalization group, revisited”, arXiv0804.2509

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Use the infinite size algorithm to find the fixed point in the infinite size limit.


HTYPE(MPO), inout

containing the Hamiltonian of the system.

qINTEGER, inout

Most probably the length of the unit cell

OperatorsTYPE(matrixList), inout

List of all the operators used in the Hamiltonian and measurements

MyObsTYPE(obsc), inout

Settings with the observables to be measured

pbcLOGICAL, in

If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.


The infinite MPS algorithm is described in I.P. McCulloch’s paper “Infinite size density renormalization group, revisited”, arXiv0804.2509

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, extracted from larger subroutine) Creating an educated guess for one of the new inner sites using McCulloch’s prediction algorithm.


PsiTYPE(tensor), inout

On exit, the educated guess.

LamTYPE(tensor), in

Singular values.

PhiTYPE(tensor), in

Existing tensor required to construct initial guess.


The initial guess construct is A-> Lambda[n-1] B[n-1].

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, extracted from larger subroutine) Creating an educated guess for one of the new inner sites using McCulloch’s prediction algorithm.


PsiTYPE(tensor), inout

On exit, the educated guess.

LamTYPE(tensor), in

Singular values.

PhiTYPE(tensor), in

Existing tensor required to construct initial guess.


The initial guess construct is B-> Lambda[n-2]^{-1} A[n-1] Lambda[N-1]

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, extracted from larger subroutine) Creating an educated guess for one of the new inner sites using McCulloch’s prediction algorithm.


PsiTYPE(tensorc), inout

On exit, the educated guess.

LamTYPE(tensor), in

Singular values.

PhiTYPE(tensorc), in

Existing tensor required to construct initial guess.


The initial guess construct is A-> Lambda[n-1] B[n-1].

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, extracted from larger subroutine) Creating an educated guess for one of the new inner sites using McCulloch’s prediction algorithm.


PsiTYPE(tensorc), inout

On exit, the educated guess.

LamTYPE(tensor), in

Singular values.

PhiTYPE(tensorc), in

Existing tensor required to construct initial guess.


The initial guess construct is B-> Lambda[n-2]^{-1} A[n-1] Lambda[N-1]

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Use iMPS to solve a system with a fixed enviroment.


psiTYPE(mps), out

on exit MPS

HTYPE(mpo), inout



Number of sites in the MPS

maxbondDINTEGER, in

maximal bond dimension for the MPS

LRTYPE(tensorlist), inout


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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Use iMPS to solve a system with a fixed enviroment.


psiTYPE(mpsc), out

on exit MPS

HTYPE(mpoc), inout



Number of sites in the MPS

maxbondDINTEGER, in

maximal bond dimension for the MPS

LRTYPE(tensorlistc), inout


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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Find the set of Xs(i) and Ys(i) corresponding to the dominant left (right) eigenvectors of the left-canonical (right-canonical) unit cells.


LambdaRsTYPE(matrix)(*), out

??? (normalized)

LambdaRinvsTYPE(matrix)(*), out

unnormalized pseudo-inverse of LambdaRs

errcodeINTEGER, out

possibly error code from ARPACK, otherwise 1000: ndegL and ndegR are not the same after 10 tries (-400): no hermitian orthnormormal set (-300): problem in conversion from complex to real


The following steps are performed 1) MISSING DESCRIPTION 2) MISSING DESCRIPTION 3) Mark all hermitian matrices with VL_i = VL_i^{\dagger} as well VR_i = VR_i^{\dagger}. Assert that these matrices have a positive trace, so: \mathrm{Tr}(VL_i) < 0 \Longrightarrow VL_i = - VL_i 4) Check for all hermitian matrices in an eigenvalue decomposition that they are positive. 5) Trying to fix situation if there is no pair VL_i and VR_i with both hermitian and positive:


6) Calculate the overlap matrix of the Frobenius norm RO_{ij} = \mathrm{Tr}(VL_i \cdot VR_j) and decompose the matrix in a SVD RO = U_{RO} \Lambda V_{RO}. TO-DO: THIS IS SYMMETRIC DUE TO TRACE, BUT NOT USED IN CODE (sum possible, better not replace SVD with eigenvalue until knowing what happens to negative eigenvalues. 7) Transform to final basis. Assuming all matrices are hermitian positive the i-th final matrix FL_i reads like FL_i = \sum_{j} U_{RO, (j,i)} VL_j and respectively FR_i = \sum_{j} V_{RO, (i,j)} VR_j. 8) Assure that all FL, FR have positive trace and assert this if necessary by multiplying with -1. 9) Convert back to original type, so real or complex. For the real case we take FL_i = REAL(FL_i) if |IM(FL_i)| < 10
\epsilon_{machine}. Analogue for FR_i.


10) Quasi-Cholesky decomposition. For the left side we start with the following step: the eigenvalue decomposition is calculate, such that FL_i = U \lambda U^{\dagger} = U \sqrt{\lambda} \sqrt{\lambda}
U^{\dagger} = X X^{\dagger}. In general the Cholesky deomposition would work in this step as well, but in case close to singularity the eigenvalue decomposition are more stable. The eigenvalue decomposition on FR_i leads to FR_i = Y Y^{\dagger}. Calculate \tilde{\Lambda_{n-1}} = X \Lambda_{n-1} Y. This matrix is inverted via the pseudo-inverse defined over the SVD. (A general matrix A = U \Lambda V has the pseudo-inverse A^{+} = V^{\dagger} \Lambda^{-1} U^{\dagger} where only numerical non-zero singular values are considered.) Finally a normalization is executed \tilde{\Lambda_{n-1}} =

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fortran-subroutine - ?? () Find the set of Xs(i) and Ys(i) corresponding to the dominant left (right) eigenvectors of the left-canonical (right-canonical) unit cells.


LambdaRsTYPE(matrix)(*), out

??? (normalized)

LambdaRinvsTYPE(matrix)(*), out

unnormalized pseudo-inverse of LambdaRs

errcodeINTEGER, out

possibly error code from ARPACK, otherwise 1000: ndegL and ndegR are not the same after 10 tries (-400): no hermitian orthnormormal set (-300): problem in conversion from complex to real


The following steps are performed 1) MISSING DESCRIPTION 2) MISSING DESCRIPTION 3) Mark all hermitian matrices with VL_i = VL_i^{\dagger} as well VR_i = VR_i^{\dagger}. Assert that these matrices have a positive trace, so: \mathrm{Tr}(VL_i) < 0 \Longrightarrow VL_i = - VL_i 4) Check for all hermitian matrices in an eigenvalue decomposition that they are positive. 5) Trying to fix situation if there is no pair VL_i and VR_i with both hermitian and positive:


6) Calculate the overlap matrix of the Frobenius norm RO_{ij} = \mathrm{Tr}(VL_i \cdot VR_j) and decompose the matrix in a SVD RO = U_{RO} \Lambda V_{RO}. TO-DO: THIS IS SYMMETRIC DUE TO TRACE, BUT NOT USED IN CODE (sum possible, better not replace SVD with eigenvalue until knowing what happens to negative eigenvalues. 7) Transform to final basis. Assuming all matrices are hermitian positive the i-th final matrix FL_i reads like FL_i = \sum_{j} U_{RO, (j,i)} VL_j and respectively FR_i = \sum_{j} V_{RO, (i,j)} VR_j. 8) Assure that all FL, FR have positive trace and assert this if necessary by multiplying with -1. 9) Convert back to original type, so real or complex. For the real case we take FL_i = REAL(FL_i) if |IM(FL_i)| < 10
\epsilon_{machine}. Analogue for FR_i.


10) Quasi-Cholesky decomposition. For the left side we start with the following step: the eigenvalue decomposition is calculate, such that FL_i = U \lambda U^{\dagger} = U \sqrt{\lambda} \sqrt{\lambda}
U^{\dagger} = X X^{\dagger}. In general the Cholesky deomposition would work in this step as well, but in case close to singularity the eigenvalue decomposition are more stable. The eigenvalue decomposition on FR_i leads to FR_i = Y Y^{\dagger}. Calculate \tilde{\Lambda_{n-1}} = X \Lambda_{n-1} Y. This matrix is inverted via the pseudo-inverse defined over the SVD. (A general matrix A = U \Lambda V has the pseudo-inverse A^{+} = V^{\dagger} \Lambda^{-1} U^{\dagger} where only numerical non-zero singular values are considered.) Finally a normalization is executed \tilde{\Lambda_{n-1}} =

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, updated) Measurements on an infinite MPS


errcodeINTEGER, in

error flag from preceeding subroutines. If not equal to zero dummy results are written.

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fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, updated) Measurements on an infinite MPS


errcodeINTEGER, in

error flag from preceeding subroutines. If not equal to zero dummy results are written.

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