Fortran module VariationalOps: July 2017 (dj, updated)
Containing the variational algorithms for tensor networks.
The following subroutines / functions are defined for the symmetric tensors.
procedure |
include.f90 |
mpi.f90 |
omp.f90 |
find_groundstate_two |
X |
grow_system |
X |
Fit_HPsi |
X |
FitMPS |
X |
orth |
X |
- VariationalOps_f90.find_excited_two_mps_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) Find the excited state Psi (represented as an MPS) of the Hamiltonian H (represented as an MPO) variationally. Psi should contain the initial guess on input.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
On entry the initial guess, on exit the excited state.
- PsibsTYPE(mps), inout
Energetically lower lying states which are required to orthogonalize against those states.
- neINTEGER, in
Excited state to be found.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_tensor)(*), inout
List of all nearest-neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(mpo), inout
Hamiltonian for the system, represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(tensorlist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with Hamiltonian / MPO.
- LRABTYPE(tensorlist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with energetically lower lying states.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the excited state search.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_excited_two_mps_mpo(Psi, Psibs, ne, Hts, & Ham, Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psibs(:) integer, intent(in) :: ne type(sr_matrix_tensor), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! MPO squared type(mpo) :: Hsq ! Overlap state-Hamiltonian and overlap state-state type(tensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR, LRAB !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_excited_two_mps_'//& ! 'mpo: variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:134', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site excited state.' call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Psi, Psi%oc) allocate(LRAB(ne)) do ii = 1, ne call setuplr(LRAB(ii), Psi, Psibs(ii), Psi%oc) end do if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print - (energy: there was no iMPS growth before) energy = 0.0_rKind chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'sweep', jj, & 'bd', chi, 'energy', energy sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call find_excited_two_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mps_'//& ! 'mpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:194', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call find_excited_two_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mps_'//& ! 'mpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:205', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = 2 sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call find_excited_two_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mps_'//& ! 'mpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:217', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = k1 ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'bond dimension, variance'//& ', last variance, difference in variance, discarded '//& 'weight', chi, conv_val, varianceSave, & abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer if((verbose > 0) .and. (.not. converged)) write(slog, *) & 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val if((verbose > 0) .and. converged) write(slog, *) & 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do do ii = 1, size(LRAB, 1) do jj = 1, size(LRAB(ii)%Li) call destroy(LRAB(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LRAB(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, LRAB) if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') deallocate(firstlambda) end subroutine find_excited_two_mps_mpo
- VariationalOps_f90.find_excited_two_mpsc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) Find the excited state Psi (represented as an MPS) of the Hamiltonian H (represented as an MPO) variationally. Psi should contain the initial guess on input.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
On entry the initial guess, on exit the excited state.
- PsibsTYPE(mpsc), inout
Energetically lower lying states which are required to orthogonalize against those states.
- neINTEGER, in
Excited state to be found.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_tensorc)(*), inout
List of all nearest-neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(mpoc), inout
Hamiltonian for the system, represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(tensorlistc)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with Hamiltonian / MPO.
- LRABTYPE(tensorlistc)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with energetically lower lying states.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the excited state search.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_excited_two_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Psibs, ne, Hts, & Ham, Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psibs(:) integer, intent(in) :: ne type(sr_matrix_tensorc), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! MPO squared type(mpoc) :: Hsq ! Overlap state-Hamiltonian and overlap state-state type(tensorlistc), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR, LRAB !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_excited_two_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc: variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:134', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site excited state.' call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Psi, Psi%oc) allocate(LRAB(ne)) do ii = 1, ne call setuplr(LRAB(ii), Psi, Psibs(ii), Psi%oc) end do if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print - (energy: there was no iMPS growth before) energy = 0.0_rKind chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'sweep', jj, & 'bd', chi, 'energy', energy sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call find_excited_two_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:194', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call find_excited_two_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:205', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = 2 sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call find_excited_two_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:217', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = k1 ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'bond dimension, variance'//& ', last variance, difference in variance, discarded '//& 'weight', chi, conv_val, varianceSave, & abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer if((verbose > 0) .and. (.not. converged)) write(slog, *) & 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val if((verbose > 0) .and. converged) write(slog, *) & 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do do ii = 1, size(LRAB, 1) do jj = 1, size(LRAB(ii)%Li) call destroy(LRAB(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LRAB(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, LRAB) if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') deallocate(firstlambda) end subroutine find_excited_two_mpsc_mpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.find_excited_two_qmps_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) Find the excited state Psi (represented as an MPS) of the Hamiltonian H (represented as an MPO) variationally. Psi should contain the initial guess on input.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
On entry the initial guess, on exit the excited state.
- PsibsTYPE(qmps), inout
Energetically lower lying states which are required to orthogonalize against those states.
- neINTEGER, in
Excited state to be found.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensor)(*), inout
List of all nearest-neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(qmpo), inout
Hamiltonian for the system, represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(qtensorlist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with Hamiltonian / MPO.
- LRABTYPE(qtensorlist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with energetically lower lying states.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the excited state search.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_excited_two_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Psibs, ne, Hts, & Ham, Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psibs(:) integer, intent(in) :: ne type(sr_matrix_qtensor), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! MPO squared type(qmpo) :: Hsq ! Overlap state-Hamiltonian and overlap state-state type(qtensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR, LRAB !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_excited_two_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo: variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:134', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site excited state.' call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Psi, Psi%oc) allocate(LRAB(ne)) do ii = 1, ne call setuplr(LRAB(ii), Psi, Psibs(ii), Psi%oc) end do if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print - (energy: there was no iMPS growth before) energy = 0.0_rKind chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'sweep', jj, & 'bd', chi, 'energy', energy sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call find_excited_two_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:194', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call find_excited_two_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:205', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = 2 sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call find_excited_two_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:217', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = k1 ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'bond dimension, variance'//& ', last variance, difference in variance, discarded '//& 'weight', chi, conv_val, varianceSave, & abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer if((verbose > 0) .and. (.not. converged)) write(slog, *) & 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val if((verbose > 0) .and. converged) write(slog, *) & 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do do ii = 1, size(LRAB, 1) do jj = 1, size(LRAB(ii)%Li) call destroy(LRAB(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LRAB(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, LRAB) if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') deallocate(firstlambda) end subroutine find_excited_two_qmps_qmpo
- VariationalOps_f90.find_excited_two_qmpsc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) Find the excited state Psi (represented as an MPS) of the Hamiltonian H (represented as an MPO) variationally. Psi should contain the initial guess on input.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
On entry the initial guess, on exit the excited state.
- PsibsTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Energetically lower lying states which are required to orthogonalize against those states.
- neINTEGER, in
Excited state to be found.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensorc)(*), inout
List of all nearest-neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(qmpoc), inout
Hamiltonian for the system, represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(qtensorclist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with Hamiltonian / MPO.
- LRABTYPE(qtensorclist)(*), inout
Left right overlaps with energetically lower lying states.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the excited state search.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_excited_two_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Psibs, ne, Hts, & Ham, Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psibs(:) integer, intent(in) :: ne type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! MPO squared type(qmpoc) :: Hsq ! Overlap state-Hamiltonian and overlap state-state type(qtensorclist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR, LRAB !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_excited_two_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc: variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:134', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site excited state.' call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Psi, Psi%oc) allocate(LRAB(ne)) do ii = 1, ne call setuplr(LRAB(ii), Psi, Psibs(ii), Psi%oc) end do if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print - (energy: there was no iMPS growth before) energy = 0.0_rKind chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'sweep', jj, & 'bd', chi, 'energy', energy sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call find_excited_two_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:194', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call find_excited_two_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:205', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = 2 sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call find_excited_two_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Psibs, & ne, Hts, Ham, LR, LRAB, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, & energy, innererr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_excited_two_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc: find_excited_two_step '//& ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:217', & ! errst=errst)) return end do Psi%oc = k1 ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'bond dimension, variance'//& ', last variance, difference in variance, discarded '//& 'weight', chi, conv_val, varianceSave, & abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer if((verbose > 0) .and. (.not. converged)) write(slog, *) & 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val if((verbose > 0) .and. converged) write(slog, *) & 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance (or sing val diff)=', conv_val do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do do ii = 1, size(LRAB, 1) do jj = 1, size(LRAB(ii)%Li) call destroy(LRAB(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LRAB(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, LRAB) if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') deallocate(firstlambda) end subroutine find_excited_two_qmpsc_qmpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.find_groundstate_two_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Find the ground state psi (represented as an MPS) of an Hamiltonian H.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
Find the ground state based on the initial guess Psi. On exit the optimized wave function.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_tensor)(*), inout
All nearest neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(mpo), inout
The Hamiltonian represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(tensorlist), inout
The left-right overlap of the wave-function Psi with the Hamiltonian H.
- max_chiINTEGER, in
Maximal bond dimension.
- max_lanczos_iterINTEGER, in
Maximal number of Lanczos vectors generated.
- lanczos_tolREAL, in
Tolerance for the Lanczos algorithm as soft cut-off before reaching max_lanczos_iter.
- local_tolREAL, in
Defining the soft cut-off for the singular values.
- conv_tolREAL, in
The tolerance criterion, either for the variance or the maximum relative difference for the first singular values.
- conv_methodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ for variance and ‘S’ for relative difference between the first singular values.
- energyREAL, out
Energy of Psi.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the ground state search.
- conv_valREAL, out
The actual value of the convergence criterion achieved, either the variance or the relative difference for the first singular values.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_groundstate_two_mpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, LR, & Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(sr_matrix_tensor), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(tensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! Square of the Hamiltonian for variance type(mpo) :: Hsq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_groundstate_two_mpo:'//& ! ' variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:568', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site algorithm' if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) firstlambda = 0.0_rKind do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'inner', jj, & 'bond dimension chi', chi sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call step_groundstate_two_mps_mpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call step_groundstate_two_mps_mpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call step_groundstate_two_mps_mpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'energy bond dimension'//& ', variance, last variance, difference in variance'//& ', discarded weight', energy, chi, conv_val, & varianceSave, abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer ! Deallocate stuff if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then deallocate(firstlambda) end if ! Print results if((verbose > 0) .and. (converged)) then write(slog, *) 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val elseif(verbose > 0) then write(slog, *) 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val end if end subroutine find_groundstate_two_mpo
- VariationalOps_f90.find_groundstate_two_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Find the ground state psi (represented as an MPS) of an Hamiltonian H.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Find the ground state based on the initial guess Psi. On exit the optimized wave function.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_tensorc)(*), inout
All nearest neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(mpoc), inout
The Hamiltonian represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
The left-right overlap of the wave-function Psi with the Hamiltonian H.
- max_chiINTEGER, in
Maximal bond dimension.
- max_lanczos_iterINTEGER, in
Maximal number of Lanczos vectors generated.
- lanczos_tolREAL, in
Tolerance for the Lanczos algorithm as soft cut-off before reaching max_lanczos_iter.
- local_tolREAL, in
Defining the soft cut-off for the singular values.
- conv_tolREAL, in
The tolerance criterion, either for the variance or the maximum relative difference for the first singular values.
- conv_methodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ for variance and ‘S’ for relative difference between the first singular values.
- energyREAL, out
Energy of Psi.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the ground state search.
- conv_valREAL, out
The actual value of the convergence criterion achieved, either the variance or the relative difference for the first singular values.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_groundstate_two_mpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, LR, & Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(sr_matrix_tensorc), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(tensorlistc), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! Square of the Hamiltonian for variance type(mpoc) :: Hsq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_groundstate_two_mpoc:'//& ! ' variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:568', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site algorithm' if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) firstlambda = 0.0_rKind do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'inner', jj, & 'bond dimension chi', chi sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call step_groundstate_two_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call step_groundstate_two_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call step_groundstate_two_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_mpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'energy bond dimension'//& ', variance, last variance, difference in variance'//& ', discarded weight', energy, chi, conv_val, & varianceSave, abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer ! Deallocate stuff if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then deallocate(firstlambda) end if ! Print results if((verbose > 0) .and. (converged)) then write(slog, *) 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val elseif(verbose > 0) then write(slog, *) 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val end if end subroutine find_groundstate_two_mpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.find_groundstate_two_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Find the ground state psi (represented as an MPS) of an Hamiltonian H.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
Find the ground state based on the initial guess Psi. On exit the optimized wave function.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensor)(*), inout
All nearest neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(qmpo), inout
The Hamiltonian represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
The left-right overlap of the wave-function Psi with the Hamiltonian H.
- max_chiINTEGER, in
Maximal bond dimension.
- max_lanczos_iterINTEGER, in
Maximal number of Lanczos vectors generated.
- lanczos_tolREAL, in
Tolerance for the Lanczos algorithm as soft cut-off before reaching max_lanczos_iter.
- local_tolREAL, in
Defining the soft cut-off for the singular values.
- conv_tolREAL, in
The tolerance criterion, either for the variance or the maximum relative difference for the first singular values.
- conv_methodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ for variance and ‘S’ for relative difference between the first singular values.
- energyREAL, out
Energy of Psi.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the ground state search.
- conv_valREAL, out
The actual value of the convergence criterion achieved, either the variance or the relative difference for the first singular values.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_groundstate_two_qmpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, LR, & Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(sr_matrix_qtensor), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qtensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! Square of the Hamiltonian for variance type(qmpo) :: Hsq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpo:'//& ! ' variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:568', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site algorithm' if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) firstlambda = 0.0_rKind do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'inner', jj, & 'bond dimension chi', chi sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call step_groundstate_two_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call step_groundstate_two_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call step_groundstate_two_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpo :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'energy bond dimension'//& ', variance, last variance, difference in variance'//& ', discarded weight', energy, chi, conv_val, & varianceSave, abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer ! Deallocate stuff if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then deallocate(firstlambda) end if ! Print results if((verbose > 0) .and. (converged)) then write(slog, *) 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val elseif(verbose > 0) then write(slog, *) 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val end if end subroutine find_groundstate_two_qmpo
- VariationalOps_f90.find_groundstate_two_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Find the ground state psi (represented as an MPS) of an Hamiltonian H.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Find the ground state based on the initial guess Psi. On exit the optimized wave function.
- HtsTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensorc)(*), inout
All nearest neighbor two-site MPO matrices.
- HamTYPE(qmpoc), inout
The Hamiltonian represented as MPO.
- LRTYPE(qtensorclist), inout
The left-right overlap of the wave-function Psi with the Hamiltonian H.
- max_chiINTEGER, in
Maximal bond dimension.
- max_lanczos_iterINTEGER, in
Maximal number of Lanczos vectors generated.
- lanczos_tolREAL, in
Tolerance for the Lanczos algorithm as soft cut-off before reaching max_lanczos_iter.
- local_tolREAL, in
Defining the soft cut-off for the singular values.
- conv_tolREAL, in
The tolerance criterion, either for the variance or the maximum relative difference for the first singular values.
- conv_methodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ for variance and ‘S’ for relative difference between the first singular values.
- energyREAL, out
Energy of Psi.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the ground state search.
- conv_valREAL, out
The actual value of the convergence criterion achieved, either the variance or the relative difference for the first singular values.
- pbcLOGICAL, in
If PBC are used in any rule set. There is a check before, but the debugging mode should ensure for now that there are no calls with such a check.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine find_groundstate_two_qmpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, LR, & Cp, energy, converged, conv_val, pbc, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qtensorclist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: energy logical, intent(out) :: converged real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: conv_val logical, intent(in) :: pbc integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! saving the cumulated error of splits (SVD) in an inner loop real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! for convergence with first singular value real(KIND=rKind) :: lambdakk real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: firstlambda ! for convergence with variance real(KIND=rKind) :: variancesave, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck ! Square of the Hamiltonian for variance type(qmpoc) :: Hsq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(pbc) then ! errst = raise_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpoc:'//& ! ' variational does not have PBC.', & ! 99, 'VariationalOps_include.f90:568', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site algorithm' if(Cp%local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then local_tol = Cp%conv_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%local_tol end if ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance for convergence check variancesave = 10000.0_rKind elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values for convergence check allocate(firstlambda(Psi%ll + 1)) firstlambda = 0.0_rKind do kk = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(kk)) then firstlambda(kk) = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) end if end do else stop 'Bad convergence method.' end if ! Set for first print chi = maxchi(Psi) outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'outer', ii, 'inner', jj, & 'bond dimension chi', chi sense = 1 do kk = k1, max(Psi%ll - 2, 1) call step_groundstate_two_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call step_groundstate_two_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call step_groundstate_two_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Hts, Ham, & LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, energy, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('find_groundstate_two_qmpoc :'//& ! 'step_groundstate_two (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) if(Cp%conv_method == 'V') then ! Use variance call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, energy) call meas_mpo(conv_val, Hsq, Psi) call destroy(Hsq) conv_val = abs(conv_val) converged = (conv_val < Cp%conv_tol) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'energy bond dimension'//& ', variance, last variance, difference in variance'//& ', discarded weight', energy, chi, conv_val, & varianceSave, abs(varianceSave - conv_val), innererr if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(variancesave - conv_val) < innererr) variancesave = conv_val ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = conv_val end if elseif(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then ! Use difference singular values conv_val = 0.0_rKind ! Leave away boundaries while looping - Lambdas should ! be all set do kk = 2, Psi%ll lambdakk = maxvalue(Psi%Lambda(kk)) conv_val = max(conv_val, & abs(firstlambda(kk) - lambdakk) & / abs(lambdakk)) firstlambda(kk) = lambdakk end do converged = (conv_val <= Cp%conv_tol) end if end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%conv_tol / conv_val local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer ! Deallocate stuff if(Cp%conv_method == 'S') then deallocate(firstlambda) end if ! Print results if((verbose > 0) .and. (converged)) then write(slog, *) 'Converged in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val elseif(verbose > 0) then write(slog, *) 'Failed to converge in', sweeps_used, & 'sweeps. Energy:', energy, & ' with variance/Lambda_ratio=', conv_val end if end subroutine find_groundstate_two_qmpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.grow_system_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Use the infinite size algorithm to grow the system up to a size L.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the ground state built with the iMPS algorithm.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the MPS.
- HamTYPE(mpo), in
This is the MPO representing the Hamiltonian where the ground state should be found.
- LRTYPE(tensorlist), inout
One exit, the left-right overlap of the state and the MPO.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
The quantum numbers of both symmetries. Only accessed for for simulations with quantum numbers.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file. Only accessed for simulations with quantum numbers.
- CpTYPE(convparam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the algorithms.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine grow_system_mpo(Psi, ll, Ham, LR, nqs, qs, IOObj, Cp, & hasexcited, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: ll type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(tensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: LR integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj type(convparam), intent(in) :: Cp logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Iterating over the splittings integer :: nn ! flag for single-site variational step in the case of odd L logical :: singlesite ! number of two-site variational steps integer :: niter ! Local dimension of the Hilbert space integer :: locdim ! variable for error real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Contains the eigevalue for each added two sites type(tensor) :: Eigvals ! Two site tensor type(tensor) :: Theta ! Two site MPO matrix type(sr_matrix_tensor) :: Hts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Set the number of two-site variational steps and set single-site ! step for odd singlesite = .not. (mod(ll, 2) == 0) niter = floor(0.5_rKind * ll) if(singlesite) then call create(Eigvals, [niter + 1]) else call create(Eigvals, [niter]) end if ! Allocate the MPS Psi%ll = ll allocate(Psi%Aa(ll), Psi%haslambda(ll + 1), Psi%lambda(ll + 1), Psi%can(ll)) Psi%haslambda = .false. Psi%can = 'o' ! Allocate the transfer matrices allocate(LR(ll)) ! Initialization of the algorithm (nn = 0) ! =============================== nn = 0 ! Create first random guess call state_first_mps(Theta, locdim, Ham%Ws(1), nqs, qs, IOObj) call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(1), Hts, LR(ll), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .true., .true., & Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: Lanczos (1).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:967', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err) if(ll - nn /= nn + 2) then call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: copy failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:977', errst=errst)) return end if Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at n-th'//& 'iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! Iterations growing the system ! ============================= do nn = 1, (niter - 1) call state_iter_mps(Theta, Psi%Aa(nn), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Psi%Lambda(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn), & locdim, IOObj%qstateunit, nn, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: state_iter_mps '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:999', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1003', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1007', errst=errst)) return call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_right_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1012', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_left_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1019', errst=errst)) return call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(nn), Hts, LR(ll - nn + 1), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .false., .false., Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: Lanczos (2).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1026', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: split failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1034', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1038', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1042', errst=errst)) return if(nn /= niter - 1) call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2)) Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) end do ! Finalize algorithm depending on the case odd/even ! ------------------------------------------------- ! That is the value carried over from the loop, but to be explicit nn = niter if(singlesite) then ! Copy of singular values was not included in the if case above call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 1)) call state_single_mps(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn), & Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), locdim, & IOObj%qstateunit) call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_right_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1075', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1081', errst=errst)) return call Lanczos(LR(nn), Ham%Ws(nn + 1), LR(nn + 2), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn + 1), & .false., .false., Cp%Max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: Lanczos (3).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1088', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = nn + 1 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! We need a dummy transfer matrix for this site call copy(LR(nn + 1), LR(nn)) elseif(ll == 2) then ! Some things are not initialized as expected for a larger ! system call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1106', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) else ! We begin on the left of the two MPS, and so we only add ! the right overlap call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .false., Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1124', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) end if call state_finalize_mps(IOObj%qstateunit, hasexcited) call destroy(Eigvals) end subroutine grow_system_mpo
- VariationalOps_f90.grow_system_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Use the infinite size algorithm to grow the system up to a size L.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the ground state built with the iMPS algorithm.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the MPS.
- HamTYPE(mpoc), in
This is the MPO representing the Hamiltonian where the ground state should be found.
- LRTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
One exit, the left-right overlap of the state and the MPO.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
The quantum numbers of both symmetries. Only accessed for for simulations with quantum numbers.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file. Only accessed for simulations with quantum numbers.
- CpTYPE(convparam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the algorithms.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine grow_system_mpoc(Psi, ll, Ham, LR, nqs, qs, IOObj, Cp, & hasexcited, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: ll type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(tensorlistc), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: LR integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj type(convparam), intent(in) :: Cp logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Iterating over the splittings integer :: nn ! flag for single-site variational step in the case of odd L logical :: singlesite ! number of two-site variational steps integer :: niter ! Local dimension of the Hilbert space integer :: locdim ! variable for error real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Contains the eigevalue for each added two sites type(tensor) :: Eigvals ! Two site tensor type(tensorc) :: Theta ! Two site MPO matrix type(sr_matrix_tensorc) :: Hts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Set the number of two-site variational steps and set single-site ! step for odd singlesite = .not. (mod(ll, 2) == 0) niter = floor(0.5_rKind * ll) if(singlesite) then call create(Eigvals, [niter + 1]) else call create(Eigvals, [niter]) end if ! Allocate the MPS Psi%ll = ll allocate(Psi%Aa(ll), Psi%haslambda(ll + 1), Psi%lambda(ll + 1), Psi%can(ll)) Psi%haslambda = .false. Psi%can = 'o' ! Allocate the transfer matrices allocate(LR(ll)) ! Initialization of the algorithm (nn = 0) ! =============================== nn = 0 ! Create first random guess call state_first_mpsc(Theta, locdim, Ham%Ws(1), nqs, qs, IOObj) call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(1), Hts, LR(ll), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .true., .true., & Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: Lanczos (1).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:967', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err) if(ll - nn /= nn + 2) then call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: copy failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:977', errst=errst)) return end if Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at n-th'//& 'iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! Iterations growing the system ! ============================= do nn = 1, (niter - 1) call state_iter_mpsc(Theta, Psi%Aa(nn), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Psi%Lambda(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn), & locdim, IOObj%qstateunit, nn, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: state_iter_mpsc '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:999', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1003', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1007', errst=errst)) return call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_right_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1012', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_left_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1019', errst=errst)) return call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(nn), Hts, LR(ll - nn + 1), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .false., .false., Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: Lanczos (2).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1026', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: split failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1034', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1038', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1042', errst=errst)) return if(nn /= niter - 1) call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2)) Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) end do ! Finalize algorithm depending on the case odd/even ! ------------------------------------------------- ! That is the value carried over from the loop, but to be explicit nn = niter if(singlesite) then ! Copy of singular values was not included in the if case above call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 1)) call state_single_mpsc(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn), & Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), locdim, & IOObj%qstateunit) call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_right_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1075', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1081', errst=errst)) return call Lanczos(LR(nn), Ham%Ws(nn + 1), LR(nn + 2), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn + 1), & .false., .false., Cp%Max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: Lanczos (3).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1088', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = nn + 1 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! We need a dummy transfer matrix for this site call copy(LR(nn + 1), LR(nn)) elseif(ll == 2) then ! Some things are not initialized as expected for a larger ! system call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1106', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) else ! We begin on the left of the two MPS, and so we only add ! the right overlap call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .false., Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_mpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1124', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) end if call state_finalize_mpsc(IOObj%qstateunit, hasexcited) call destroy(Eigvals) end subroutine grow_system_mpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.grow_system_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Use the infinite size algorithm to grow the system up to a size L.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the ground state built with the iMPS algorithm.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the MPS.
- HamTYPE(qmpo), in
This is the MPO representing the Hamiltonian where the ground state should be found.
- LRTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
One exit, the left-right overlap of the state and the MPO.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
The quantum numbers of both symmetries. Only accessed for for simulations with quantum numbers.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file. Only accessed for simulations with quantum numbers.
- CpTYPE(convparam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the algorithms.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine grow_system_qmpo(Psi, ll, Ham, LR, nqs, qs, IOObj, Cp, & hasexcited, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: ll type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qtensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: LR integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj type(convparam), intent(in) :: Cp logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Iterating over the splittings integer :: nn ! flag for single-site variational step in the case of odd L logical :: singlesite ! number of two-site variational steps integer :: niter ! Local dimension of the Hilbert space integer :: locdim ! variable for error real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Contains the eigevalue for each added two sites type(tensor) :: Eigvals ! Two site tensor type(qtensor) :: Theta ! Two site MPO matrix type(sr_matrix_qtensor) :: Hts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Set the number of two-site variational steps and set single-site ! step for odd singlesite = .not. (mod(ll, 2) == 0) niter = floor(0.5_rKind * ll) if(singlesite) then call create(Eigvals, [niter + 1]) else call create(Eigvals, [niter]) end if ! Allocate the MPS Psi%ll = ll allocate(Psi%Aa(ll), Psi%haslambda(ll + 1), Psi%lambda(ll + 1), Psi%can(ll)) Psi%haslambda = .false. Psi%can = 'o' ! Allocate the transfer matrices allocate(LR(ll)) ! Initialization of the algorithm (nn = 0) ! =============================== nn = 0 ! Create first random guess call state_first_qmps(Theta, locdim, Ham%Ws(1), nqs, qs, IOObj) call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(1), Hts, LR(ll), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .true., .true., & Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: Lanczos (1).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:967', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err) if(ll - nn /= nn + 2) then call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: copy failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:977', errst=errst)) return end if Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at n-th'//& 'iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! Iterations growing the system ! ============================= do nn = 1, (niter - 1) call state_iter_qmps(Theta, Psi%Aa(nn), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Psi%Lambda(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn), & locdim, IOObj%qstateunit, nn, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: state_iter_qmps '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:999', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1003', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1007', errst=errst)) return call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_right_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1012', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_left_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1019', errst=errst)) return call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(nn), Hts, LR(ll - nn + 1), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .false., .false., Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: Lanczos (2).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1026', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: split failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1034', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1038', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1042', errst=errst)) return if(nn /= niter - 1) call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2)) Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) end do ! Finalize algorithm depending on the case odd/even ! ------------------------------------------------- ! That is the value carried over from the loop, but to be explicit nn = niter if(singlesite) then ! Copy of singular values was not included in the if case above call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 1)) call state_single_qmps(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn), & Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), locdim, & IOObj%qstateunit) call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_right_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1075', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1081', errst=errst)) return call Lanczos(LR(nn), Ham%Ws(nn + 1), LR(nn + 2), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn + 1), & .false., .false., Cp%Max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: Lanczos (3).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1088', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = nn + 1 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! We need a dummy transfer matrix for this site call copy(LR(nn + 1), LR(nn)) elseif(ll == 2) then ! Some things are not initialized as expected for a larger ! system call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1106', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) else ! We begin on the left of the two MPS, and so we only add ! the right overlap call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .false., Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpo: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1124', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) end if call state_finalize_qmps(IOObj%qstateunit, hasexcited) call destroy(Eigvals) end subroutine grow_system_qmpo
- VariationalOps_f90.grow_system_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Use the infinite size algorithm to grow the system up to a size L.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the ground state built with the iMPS algorithm.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the MPS.
- HamTYPE(qmpoc), in
This is the MPO representing the Hamiltonian where the ground state should be found.
- LRTYPE(qtensorclist), inout
One exit, the left-right overlap of the state and the MPO.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
The quantum numbers of both symmetries. Only accessed for for simulations with quantum numbers.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file. Only accessed for simulations with quantum numbers.
- CpTYPE(convparam), in
Contains the convergence parameters for the algorithms.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine grow_system_qmpoc(Psi, ll, Ham, LR, nqs, qs, IOObj, Cp, & hasexcited, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: ll type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qtensorclist), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: LR integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj type(convparam), intent(in) :: Cp logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Iterating over the splittings integer :: nn ! flag for single-site variational step in the case of odd L logical :: singlesite ! number of two-site variational steps integer :: niter ! Local dimension of the Hilbert space integer :: locdim ! variable for error real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Contains the eigevalue for each added two sites type(tensor) :: Eigvals ! Two site tensor type(qtensorc) :: Theta ! Two site MPO matrix type(sr_matrix_qtensorc) :: Hts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Set the number of two-site variational steps and set single-site ! step for odd singlesite = .not. (mod(ll, 2) == 0) niter = floor(0.5_rKind * ll) if(singlesite) then call create(Eigvals, [niter + 1]) else call create(Eigvals, [niter]) end if ! Allocate the MPS Psi%ll = ll allocate(Psi%Aa(ll), Psi%haslambda(ll + 1), Psi%lambda(ll + 1), Psi%can(ll)) Psi%haslambda = .false. Psi%can = 'o' ! Allocate the transfer matrices allocate(LR(ll)) ! Initialization of the algorithm (nn = 0) ! =============================== nn = 0 ! Create first random guess call state_first_qmpsc(Theta, locdim, Ham%Ws(1), nqs, qs, IOObj) call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(1), Hts, LR(ll), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .true., .true., & Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: Lanczos (1).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:967', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err) if(ll - nn /= nn + 2) then call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: copy failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:977', errst=errst)) return end if Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at n-th'//& 'iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! Iterations growing the system ! ============================= do nn = 1, (niter - 1) call state_iter_qmpsc(Theta, Psi%Aa(nn), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Psi%Lambda(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn), & locdim, IOObj%qstateunit, nn, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: state_iter_qmpsc '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:999', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1003', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1007', errst=errst)) return call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_right_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1012', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_left_mpo (1) '// & ! 'failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1019', errst=errst)) return call sdot(Hts, Ham%Ws(nn + 1), Ham%Ws(ll - nn)) call Lanczos(LR(nn), Hts, LR(ll - nn + 1), Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Theta, .false., .false., Cp%max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: Lanczos (2).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1026', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Hts) call split(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2), Psi%Aa(ll - nn), & Theta, [1, 2], [3, 4], trunc=Cp%warmup_tol, & ncut=Cp%warmup_chi, renorm='M', err=err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: split failed.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1034', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1038', errst=errst)) return !call check_qnum_tensdim(Psi%Aa(ll - nn), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: check_qnum_tensdim'// & ! ' failed.', 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1042', errst=errst)) return if(nn /= niter - 1) call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn), Psi%Lambda(nn + 2)) Psi%haslambda(nn + 2) = .true. Psi%haslambda(ll - nn) = .true. Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'l' Psi%can(ll - nn) = 'r' call destroy(Theta) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) end do ! Finalize algorithm depending on the case odd/even ! ------------------------------------------------- ! That is the value carried over from the loop, but to be explicit nn = niter if(singlesite) then ! Copy of singular values was not included in the if case above call copy(Psi%Lambda(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Lambda(nn + 1)) call state_single_qmpsc(Psi%Aa(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn), & Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), locdim, & IOObj%qstateunit) call ptm_right_mpo(LR(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), Ham%Ws(nn), Psi%Aa(nn), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(max(1, nn - 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_right_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1075', errst=errst)) return call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & (nn == 1), Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1081', errst=errst)) return call Lanczos(LR(nn), Ham%Ws(nn + 1), LR(nn + 2), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), Psi%Aa(nn + 1), & .false., .false., Cp%Max_num_lanczos_iter, & Cp%lanczos_tol, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: Lanczos (3).', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1088', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(nn + 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = nn + 1 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Energy and energy density at'//& ' n-th iteration of IMPS:', nn, Eigvals%elem(nn + 1), & Eigvals%elem(nn + 1) / (2 * (nn + 1)) ! We need a dummy transfer matrix for this site call copy(LR(nn + 1), LR(nn)) elseif(ll == 2) then ! Some things are not initialized as expected for a larger ! system call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1106', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) else ! We begin on the left of the two MPS, and so we only add ! the right overlap call ptm_left_mpo(LR(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & Ham%Ws(ll - nn + 1), Psi%Aa(ll - nn + 1), & .false., Matin=LR(min(ll, ll - nn + 2)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('grow_system_qmpoc: ptm_left_mpo.', & ! 'VariationalOps_include.f90:1124', errst=errst)) return ! Contract singular values to install orthogonality center call contr_diag(Psi%Aa(ll / 2), Psi%Lambda(ll / 2 + 1), 3) Psi%can(ll / 2) = 'c' Psi%oc = ll / 2 ! We have to get any transfer matrix for the last site (will ! be deleted, but must be there) call copy(LR(nn), LR(ll - nn + 1)) end if call state_finalize_qmpsc(IOObj%qstateunit, hasexcited) call destroy(Eigvals) end subroutine grow_system_qmpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(mpo), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(mps), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mps), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(tensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> real(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(mpo) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_mps_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_mps_mpo
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(mpo), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(tensorlistc), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> complex(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(mpo) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpo
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(mpoc), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(tensorlistc), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> complex(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(mpoc) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_mpsc_mpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(qmpo), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(qmps), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(qtensorlist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> real(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(qmpo) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmps_qmpo
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(qmpo), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(qtensorclist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> complex(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(qmpo) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpo(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpo
- VariationalOps_f90.Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (updated, dj) Fit p to
using a two-site variational algorithm.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
The new fitted MPS representing
- HamTYPE(qmpoc), inout
MPO to be applied, e.g. propagator.
- PhiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Apply the MPO to this MPS and try to target this state H p in fit.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Convergence parameter for the fit.
- errREAL, out
Summing up the local errors done during the procedure.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag if fit converged according the convergence parameters.
- initmethodCHARACTER, in
‘R’ for randomization of whole MPS, ‘F’ for adding fluctuations, else initial guess is a copy of p. (Currently methods ‘R’ and ‘F’ are equal).
- convmethodCHARACTER, in
‘V’ check on convergence by checking on the variance measuring the MPO squared. ‘E’ uses the error for the estimate of convergence.
- renormCHARACTER, in
Flag if the singular values should be renormalized when splitting two sites. ‘N’ : no normalization; ‘M’ normalize for MPS.
(template defined in VariationalOps_transfer.f90)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Ham, Phi, Cp, err, converged, & initmethod, convmethod, renorm, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged character, intent(in) :: initmethod, convmethod character, intent(in) :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! save orthogonalization for randomization integer :: ocsave ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Error of one inner sweep real(KIND=rKind) :: innererr ! The overalp between Psi, Ham, and Phi type(qtensorclist), dimension(:), allocatable :: LR(:) ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: variance, variancesave, desratio, truenorm, mynorm logical :: chifail, stuck ! For overlap <Psi | H | Phi> complex(KIND=rKind) :: overlap real(KIND=rKind) :: roverlap ! square of Ham type(qmpoc) :: Hsq if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting Psi to H Phi' if(Cp%hlocal_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%hpsi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Phi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%hlocal_tol end if ! Initialize guess to be p or randomized MPS call copy(Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if((initmethod == 'R') .or. (initmethod == 'F')) then ocsave = Psi%oc call randomize(Psi) call orthonormalize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : orhtonormalize '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for call setuplr(LR, Psi, Ham, Phi, Phi%oc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : setuplr '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 varianceSave = 10000.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind if(convmethod == 'V') then ! Get the norm of H|\psi> call shiftandsquare(Hsq, Ham, 0.0_rKind) call meas_mpo(truenorm, Hsq, Phi) call destroy(Hsq) end if outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 innererr = 0.0_rKind sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fit_hpsi_step_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Ham, LR, Phi, & kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, renorm, innererr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do err = err + innererr ! Convergence checks ! .................. chi = maxchi(Psi) mynorm = norm(Psi) if(convmethod == 'V') then call meas_psi_mpo_phi(overlap, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'meas_psi_mpo_phi failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return roverlap = 2.0_rKind * real(overlap, KIND=rKind) !tolerance= <\phi|\phi>+<\psi|H^2|\psi>-2Re(<\phi|H\psi>) variance = (truenorm - mynorm) / truenorm converged = (abs(variance) < Cp%hpsi_tol * Psi%ll) elseif(convmethod == 'E') then converged = (abs(innererr) < Cp%hpsi_tol) end if if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) if(convmethod == 'V') then if(abs(varianceSave - abs(variance)) < innererr) then stuck = .true. end if elseif(convmethod == 'E') then stuck = .true. end if ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else variancesave = abs(variance) end if ! Set stuck true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error if(convmethod == 'V') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / variance if(convmethod == 'E') desratio = Cp%hpsi_tol / err local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do ii = 1, size(LR, 1) do jj = 1, size(LR(ii)%Li, 1) call destroy(LR(ii)%Li(jj)) end do deallocate(LR(ii)%Li) end do deallocate(LR) end subroutine Fit_Hpsi_qmpsc_qmpoc
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_mps_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(mps), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_mps_real(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(mps) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(mps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(tensorlist), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(tensor) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(tensor) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_mps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_mps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_mps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_mps_real
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_mpsc_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(mpsc), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_mpsc_real(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(mpsc) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(mpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(tensorlistc), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(tensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_mpsc_real
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_mpsc_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(mpsc), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_mpsc_complex(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(mpsc) :: Psi complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(mpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(tensorlistc), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(tensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_mpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_mpsc_complex
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_qmps_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(qmps), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_qmps_real(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(qmps) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(qmps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(qtensorlist), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(qtensor) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(qtensor) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_qmps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_qmps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_qmps_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_qmps_real
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_qmpsc_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(qmpsc), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_qmpsc_real(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(qmpsc) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(qmpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(qtensorclist), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(qtensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_real(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_qmpsc_real
- VariationalOps_f90.FitMPS_qmpsc_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Fit Psi to sum_k weight(k)*Phis(k)
- rTYPE(qmpsc), inout
- weightREAL_OR_COMPLEX(*), in
on input some scaling factor
- Phis, inout
- maxbondDINTEGER, in
maximal bond dimension for splitting up T-sites.
- errREAL, inout
error done during subroutine (exact definition ??)
- convergedLOGICAL, inout
Convergence flag (exact definition?)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine FitMPS_qmpsc_complex(Psi, weight, Phis, Cp, err, converged, errst) type(qmpsc) :: Psi complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: weight(:) type(qmpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Number of states in Phis integer :: nstates ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! The overlap between each state in Phis and the state Psi type(qtensorclist), pointer :: LR(:) ! Two site tensors type(qtensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning fitting of Psi to Phis' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Setup the left-right overlaps for all Phis nstates = size(weight, 1) allocate(LR(nstates), dotvec(nstates)) do pp = 1, nstates call setuplr(LR(pp), Psi, Phis(pp), Psi%oc) end do k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call fitMPS_step_qmpsc_complex(Psi, weight, & Phis, LR, kk, sense, Cp, local_tol, err) end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = 1, nstates call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1]) end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = weight(pp) * dot(Theta, Theta2) call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) !alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) alpc = real(sum(dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) if(ii >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(alpsave - abs(alpc)) < Cp%psi_tol) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, nstates do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(LR(pp)%Li(ii)) end do deallocate(LR(pp)%Li) end do deallocate(LR, dotvec) end subroutine FitMPS_qmpsc_complex
- VariationalOps_f90.orth_mps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Orthogonalize Psi against other MPS Phis.
- PsiTYP(mps), inout
Orthogonalize this MPS against the MPSs Phis.
- Phis, inout
The MPS Psi will be orthogonal to these MPSs.
- minnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- maxnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- LRTYPE(tensorlist), inout
The partial overlaps at the orthogonality center.
- errREAL, out
Sum of all errors from splitting.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the variational orthogonalization.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine orth_mps(Psi, Phis, minn, maxn, LR, Cp, err, converged, & errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) integer, intent(in) :: minn, maxn type(tensorlist), pointer, intent(inout) :: LR(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! Copy of the original incoming Psi type(mps) :: Psp ! Variational overlap between original and new state type(tensorlist) :: Lrv ! Two site tensors type(tensor) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(tensor) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site orthogonalization' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Psp is Psi and Psi becomes the variational state call copy(Psp, Psi) ! variational overlap call setuplr(Lrv, Psi, Psp, Psi%oc) ! Get workspace for dot product between Psi and Phis allocate(dotvec(maxn)) ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call orth_step_mps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call orth_step_mps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call orth_step_mps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = minn, maxn call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : contr (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : contr (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = dot(Theta, Theta2, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mps : dot failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(alpc) < Cp%psi_tol) if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(abs(alpsave) - alpc) < err) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, size(LRV%Li) call destroy(LRV%Li(pp)) end do deallocate(dotvec, LRV%Li) call destroy(Psp) end subroutine orth_mps
- VariationalOps_f90.orth_mpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Orthogonalize Psi against other MPS Phis.
- PsiTYP(mpsc), inout
Orthogonalize this MPS against the MPSs Phis.
- Phis, inout
The MPS Psi will be orthogonal to these MPSs.
- minnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- maxnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- LRTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
The partial overlaps at the orthogonality center.
- errREAL, out
Sum of all errors from splitting.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the variational orthogonalization.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine orth_mpsc(Psi, Phis, minn, maxn, LR, Cp, err, converged, & errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(mpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) integer, intent(in) :: minn, maxn type(tensorlistc), pointer, intent(inout) :: LR(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! Copy of the original incoming Psi type(mpsc) :: Psp ! Variational overlap between original and new state type(tensorlistc) :: Lrv ! Two site tensors type(tensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site orthogonalization' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Psp is Psi and Psi becomes the variational state call copy(Psp, Psi) ! variational overlap call setuplr(Lrv, Psi, Psp, Psi%oc) ! Get workspace for dot product between Psi and Phis allocate(dotvec(maxn)) ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call orth_step_mpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call orth_step_mpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call orth_step_mpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = minn, maxn call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : contr (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : contr (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = dot(Theta, Theta2, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_mpsc : dot failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(alpc) < Cp%psi_tol) if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(abs(alpsave) - alpc) < err) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, size(LRV%Li) call destroy(LRV%Li(pp)) end do deallocate(dotvec, LRV%Li) call destroy(Psp) end subroutine orth_mpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.orth_qmps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Orthogonalize Psi against other MPS Phis.
- PsiTYP(qmps), inout
Orthogonalize this MPS against the MPSs Phis.
- Phis, inout
The MPS Psi will be orthogonal to these MPSs.
- minnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- maxnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- LRTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
The partial overlaps at the orthogonality center.
- errREAL, out
Sum of all errors from splitting.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the variational orthogonalization.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine orth_qmps(Psi, Phis, minn, maxn, LR, Cp, err, converged, & errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmps), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) integer, intent(in) :: minn, maxn type(qtensorlist), pointer, intent(inout) :: LR(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! Copy of the original incoming Psi type(qmps) :: Psp ! Variational overlap between original and new state type(qtensorlist) :: Lrv ! Two site tensors type(qtensor) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(qtensor) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site orthogonalization' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Psp is Psi and Psi becomes the variational state call copy(Psp, Psi) ! variational overlap call setuplr(Lrv, Psi, Psp, Psi%oc) ! Get workspace for dot product between Psi and Phis allocate(dotvec(maxn)) ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call orth_step_qmps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call orth_step_qmps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call orth_step_qmps(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = minn, maxn call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : contr (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : contr (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = dot(Theta, Theta2, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmps : dot failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(alpc) < Cp%psi_tol) if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(abs(alpsave) - alpc) < err) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, size(LRV%Li) call destroy(LRV%Li(pp)) end do deallocate(dotvec, LRV%Li) call destroy(Psp) end subroutine orth_qmps
- VariationalOps_f90.orth_qmpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Orthogonalize Psi against other MPS Phis.
- PsiTYP(qmpsc), inout
Orthogonalize this MPS against the MPSs Phis.
- Phis, inout
The MPS Psi will be orthogonal to these MPSs.
- minnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- maxnINTEGER, in
First MPS in Phis to be orthogonal to Psi.
- LRTYPE(qtensorclist), inout
The partial overlaps at the orthogonality center.
- errREAL, out
Sum of all errors from splitting.
- convergedLOGICAL, out
Flag for convergence of the variational orthogonalization.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine orth_qmpsc(Psi, Phis, minn, maxn, LR, Cp, err, converged, & errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qmpsc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Phis(:) integer, intent(in) :: minn, maxn type(qtensorclist), pointer, intent(inout) :: LR(:) type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err logical, intent(out) :: converged integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, kk, pp ! first and final site integer :: k1 ! direction of looping integer :: sense ! number of sweeps used integer :: sweeps_used ! actual bond dimension of Psi integer :: chi ! Adapted local tolerance real(KIND=rKind) :: local_tol ! Calculate the overlap to each Phi complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: dotvec ! Copy of the original incoming Psi type(qmpsc) :: Psp ! Variational overlap between original and new state type(qtensorclist) :: Lrv ! Two site tensors type(qtensorc) :: Theta, Theta2 ! temporary tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmpe ! for the convergence real(KIND=rKind) :: alpsave, alpc, desratio logical :: chifail, stuck if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Beginning two-site orthogonalization' if(Cp%psi_local_tol < 0.0_rKind) then ! One sweep = 2 * L local truncations local_tol = Cp%psi_tol / (4.0_rKind * Psi%ll) else local_tol = Cp%psi_local_tol end if ! Psp is Psi and Psi becomes the variational state call copy(Psp, Psi) ! variational overlap call setuplr(Lrv, Psi, Psp, Psi%oc) ! Get workspace for dot product between Psi and Phis allocate(dotvec(maxn)) ! Save orthogonality center as starting site and initialize variables k1 = Psi%oc converged = .false. stuck = .false. chifail = .false. sweeps_used = 0 alpsave = 10.0_rKind err = 0.0_rKind outer : do ii = 1, Cp%max_outer_sweeps inner : do jj = 1, Cp%max_inner_sweeps sweeps_used = sweeps_used + 1 sense = 1 do kk = k1, (Psi%ll - 2) call orth_step_qmpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : step (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = -1 do kk = (Psi%ll - 1), 2, (-1) call orth_step_qmpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : step (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do sense = 1 do kk = 1, (k1 - 1) call orth_step_qmpsc(Psp, Psi, Phis, Lrv, LR, kk, sense, & minn, maxn, dotvec, Cp, local_tol, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : step (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Convergence checks ! .................. ! Calculate overlaps dotvec = 0.0_rKind call contr(Theta, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1]) do pp = minn, maxn call contr(Theta2, Phis(pp)%Aa(k1), Phis(pp)%Aa(k1 + 1), & [3], [1]) if(k1 == Psi%ll - 1) then call copy(Tmpe, Theta2) else call contr(Tmpe, Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 + 2), [4], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : contr (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Theta2) if(k1 == 1) then call copy(Theta2, Tmpe) else call contr(Theta2, LR(pp)%Li(k1 - 1), Tmpe, [2], [1]) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : contr (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if call destroy(Tmpe) dotvec(pp) = dot(Theta, Theta2, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orth_qmpsc : dot failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta2) end do call destroy(Theta) alpc = real(dot_product(dotvec, dotvec), KIND=rKind) chi = maxchi(Psi) converged = (abs(alpc) < Cp%psi_tol) if(jj >= Cp%min_inner_sweeps) then ! Condition for being "stuck" (not globally converged ! but fully optimized for the given parameters) stuck = (abs(abs(alpsave) - alpc) < err) alpsave = abs(alpc) ! The bond dimension is not sufficient chifail = (chi >= Cp%max_bond_dimension) ! Exit if converged or stuck if(stuck .or. converged) exit else alpsave = abs(alpc) end if ! Set stuck to true in case we exit inner loop stuck = .true. end do inner ! Check if we need more outer loops if(converged) exit ! Not yet optimized, but not stuck if(.not. stuck) cycle ! Ran out of bond dimension if(chifail) exit ! If stuck, assume that variance is a linear function of ! truncation error to extrapolate to require truncation error desratio = Cp%psi_tol / abs(1.0_rKind - abs(alpc)) local_tol = max(desratio * local_tol, numzero) stuck = .false. end do outer do pp = 1, size(LRV%Li) call destroy(LRV%Li(pp)) end do deallocate(dotvec, LRV%Li) call destroy(Psp) end subroutine orth_qmpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_first_mps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Generate an initial guess for the first two sites when growing an MPS.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit the guess for the two sites.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Local dimension of a site.
- HwTYPE(sr_matrix_tensor), in
MPO matrix to extract local dimension.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
Quantum number of the total system for both symmetries.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Dummy for the interface.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_first_mps(Theta, locdim, Hw, nqs, qs, IOObj) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta integer, intent(out) :: locdim type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(in) :: Hw integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj ! Local variables ! Set local dimension locdim = Hw%Row(1)%Op(1)%dl(1) call create(Theta, [1, locdim, locdim, 1], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_first_mps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_first_mpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Generate an initial guess for the first two sites when growing an MPS.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit the guess for the two sites.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Local dimension of a site.
- HwTYPE(sr_matrix_tensorc), in
MPO matrix to extract local dimension.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
Quantum number of the total system for both symmetries.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Dummy for the interface.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_first_mpsc(Theta, locdim, Hw, nqs, qs, IOObj) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta integer, intent(out) :: locdim type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(in) :: Hw integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj ! Local variables ! Set local dimension locdim = Hw%Row(1)%Op(1)%dl(1) call create(Theta, [1, locdim, locdim, 1], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_first_mpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_iter_mps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Create an initial guess for two sites when growing the MPS during the iterations.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the two-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(tensor), in
The tensor to the left of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(tensor), in
The tensor to the right of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- LamTYPE(tensor), in
Contains the singular values needed to follow an iMPS type of guess. These are the values of the last splitting.
- LamprevTYPE(tensor), in
Contains the singular values needed to follow an iMPS type of guess. These are the values of the second last splitting.
- locdimINTEGER, in
The local dimension of the Hilbert space of a single site.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
- nnINTEGER, in
nn-th iteration in growing the system.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_iter_mps(Theta, Tl, Tr, Lam, Lamprev, locdim, unit, & nn, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(in) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(in) :: Lam, Lamprev integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit, nn integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary new left/right tensor type(tensor) :: Nl, Nr ! inverse lambda type(tensor) :: Laminv ! Have to catch the first iteration if(nn == 1) then call create(Theta, [Tl%dl(3), Tl%dl(2), Tr%dl(2), Tr%dl(1)], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) return end if ! Create an educated guess for the two inner sites using McCulloch's ! prediction algorithm ! A-> Lambda[n-1] B[n-1] ! B-> Lambda[n-2]^{-1} A[n-1] Lambda[N-1] ! Left bond dimension is set by previous truncation, right bond dimension ! is set by current truncation ! Create left tensor call copy(Nl, Tr) call contr_diag(Nl, Lam, 1, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mps: contr_diag (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Create right tensor call copy(Nr, Tl) call contr_diag(Nr, Lam, 3, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mps: contr_diag (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(is_set(Lamprev)) then call create(Laminv, Lamprev%dl) Laminv%elem(:Laminv%dim) = 1.0_rKind / Lamprev%elem(:Lamprev%dim) call contr_diag(Nr, Laminv, 1, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mps: contr_diag (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Laminv) !else ! Singular values is one - contraction does not change anything end if ! Form theta two-site tensor call contr(Theta, Nl, Nr, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mps: contr failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) call destroy(Nl) call destroy(Nr) end subroutine state_iter_mps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_iter_mpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Create an initial guess for two sites when growing the MPS during the iterations.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the two-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(tensorc), in
The tensor to the left of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(tensorc), in
The tensor to the right of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- LamTYPE(tensor), in
Contains the singular values needed to follow an iMPS type of guess. These are the values of the last splitting.
- LamprevTYPE(tensor), in
Contains the singular values needed to follow an iMPS type of guess. These are the values of the second last splitting.
- locdimINTEGER, in
The local dimension of the Hilbert space of a single site.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
- nnINTEGER, in
nn-th iteration in growing the system.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_iter_mpsc(Theta, Tl, Tr, Lam, Lamprev, locdim, unit, & nn, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(in) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(in) :: Lam, Lamprev integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit, nn integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary new left/right tensor type(tensorc) :: Nl, Nr ! inverse lambda type(tensor) :: Laminv ! Have to catch the first iteration if(nn == 1) then call create(Theta, [Tl%dl(3), Tl%dl(2), Tr%dl(2), Tr%dl(1)], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) return end if ! Create an educated guess for the two inner sites using McCulloch's ! prediction algorithm ! A-> Lambda[n-1] B[n-1] ! B-> Lambda[n-2]^{-1} A[n-1] Lambda[N-1] ! Left bond dimension is set by previous truncation, right bond dimension ! is set by current truncation ! Create left tensor call copy(Nl, Tr) call contr_diag(Nl, Lam, 1, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mpsc: contr_diag (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Create right tensor call copy(Nr, Tl) call contr_diag(Nr, Lam, 3, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mpsc: contr_diag (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(is_set(Lamprev)) then call create(Laminv, Lamprev%dl) Laminv%elem(:Laminv%dim) = 1.0_rKind / Lamprev%elem(:Lamprev%dim) call contr_diag(Nr, Laminv, 1, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mpsc: contr_diag (3) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Laminv) !else ! Singular values is one - contraction does not change anything end if ! Form theta two-site tensor call contr(Theta, Nl, Nr, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('state_iter_mpsc: contr failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) call destroy(Nl) call destroy(Nr) end subroutine state_iter_mpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_single_mps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Random guess for the last site of an odd system size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the single-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(tensor), in
The tensor to the left of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(tensor), in
The tensor to the right of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- locdimINTEGER, in
The local dimension of the Hilbert space of a single site.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_single_mps(Theta, Tl, Tr, locdim, unit) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(in) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit ! No local variables ! ------------------ call create(Theta, [Tl%dl(3), locdim, Tr%dl(1)], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_single_mps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_single_mpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Random guess for the last site of an odd system size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the single-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(tensorc), in
The tensor to the left of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(tensorc), in
The tensor to the right of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- locdimINTEGER, in
The local dimension of the Hilbert space of a single site.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_single_mpsc(Theta, Tl, Tr, locdim, unit) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(in) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit ! No local variables ! ------------------ call create(Theta, [Tl%dl(3), locdim, Tr%dl(1)], init='R') call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_single_mpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_finalize_mps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Finalize the state, meaning closing the open unit if symmetries are used.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_finalize_mps(unit, hasexcited) integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited ! No local variables ! ------------------ end subroutine state_finalize_mps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_finalize_mpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Finalize the state, meaning closing the open unit if symmetries are used.
- unitINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed without symmetries.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_finalize_mpsc(unit, hasexcited) integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited ! No local variables ! ------------------ end subroutine state_finalize_mpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_first_qmps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Random guess for systems with symmetries for the first two sites.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
On exit the guess for the two sites.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface.
- HwTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensor), in
Dummy variable for interface.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
Quantum number of the total system for both symmetries.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file.
The subroutine can be used to create the first two-site tensor in the qIMPS. Therefore the total incoming charge is set to zero (left tensor will be first site at the end) and the total outgoing charge are the total charges. (Right tensor will be last site at the end of the intialization.)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_first_qmps(Theta, locdim, Hw, nqs, qs, IOObj) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta integer, intent(in) :: locdim type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(in) :: Hw integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! number of blocks qith different quantum numbers integer :: nblocks ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl, dr ! Number of conserved quantities (from conserved numbers or ! each symmetry) integer :: snqs ! for string formatter character(16) :: iwstring, specstring open(unit=IOObj%qstateunit, file=IOObj%qstatename, & action='read', status='old') snqs = sum(nqs) ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') 2 * snqs specstring = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" ! Number of blocks, i.e. irrep tuples (qi qj) read(IOObj%qstateunit, '(1I16)') nblocks call create(Theta, nqs, nblocks) ! Get q#s and degeneracy dimensions of each block do ii = 1, nblocks Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(4 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq = 0 read(IOObj%qstateunit, specstring) & Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(3 * snqs + 1:4 * snqs) = qs read(IOObj%qstateunit, '(2I16)') dl, dr call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, [1, dl, dr, 1], init='R') end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_first_qmps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_first_qmpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Random guess for systems with symmetries for the first two sites.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
On exit the guess for the two sites.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface.
- HwTYPE(sr_matrix_qtensorc), in
Dummy variable for interface.
- nqsINTEGER, in
Number of abelian and discrete symmetries.
- qsINTEGER(*), in
Quantum number of the total system for both symmetries.
- IOObjTYPE(IOObject), in
Contains name of the file with the quantum numbers and the unit to open the file.
The subroutine can be used to create the first two-site tensor in the qIMPS. Therefore the total incoming charge is set to zero (left tensor will be first site at the end) and the total outgoing charge are the total charges. (Right tensor will be last site at the end of the intialization.)
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_first_qmpsc(Theta, locdim, Hw, nqs, qs, IOObj) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta integer, intent(in) :: locdim type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(in) :: Hw integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: nqs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: qs type(IOObject), intent(in) :: IOObj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! number of blocks qith different quantum numbers integer :: nblocks ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl, dr ! Number of conserved quantities (from conserved numbers or ! each symmetry) integer :: snqs ! for string formatter character(16) :: iwstring, specstring open(unit=IOObj%qstateunit, file=IOObj%qstatename, & action='read', status='old') snqs = sum(nqs) ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') 2 * snqs specstring = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" ! Number of blocks, i.e. irrep tuples (qi qj) read(IOObj%qstateunit, '(1I16)') nblocks call create(Theta, nqs, nblocks) ! Get q#s and degeneracy dimensions of each block do ii = 1, nblocks Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(4 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq = 0 read(IOObj%qstateunit, specstring) & Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(3 * snqs + 1:4 * snqs) = qs read(IOObj%qstateunit, '(2I16)') dl, dr call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, [1, dl, dr, 1], init='R') end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) end subroutine state_first_qmpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_iter_qmps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Generate a random state for two site when growing the MPS.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the two-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(qtensor), in
The tensor to the left of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(qtensor), in
The tensor to the right of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- LamTYPE(qtensor), in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- LamprevTYPE(qtensor), in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- unitINTEGER, in
On this unit the file with the quantum numbers for the symmetries.
- nnINTEGER, in
nn-th iteration in growing the system. Not referenced in symmetric version.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_iter_qmps(Theta, Tl, Tr, Lam, Lamprev, locdim, unit, & nn, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(in) :: Lam, Lamprev integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit, nn integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, pp ! index of matching hash integer :: jj ! representative for quantum numbers integer :: ak, bk ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl, dr ! Number of conserved quantities (retrieved from array with quantum numbers) integer :: snqs ! number of blocks integer :: nblocks ! quantum number for block integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: qi, qj ! for sorting hashes integer :: nunia, nunib integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inda, indb, dega, degb real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: littlea, littleb ! string specifier character(16) :: iwstring, specstring !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Could use Tl%nqs here snqs = sum(Tl%nqs) ! Find matching blocks of A and B (guaranteed to exist by construction) ! by finding the (possibly degenerate) q_{eta} irreps of A ! and searching for matches in B call set_hash(Tl, [3]) call set_hash(Tr, [1]) ! Now sort them, they can be degenerate allocate(inda(Tl%nb), dega(Tl%nb + 1), littlea(Tl%nb), & indb(Tr%nb), degb(Tr%nb + 1), littleb(Tr%nb)) call ascending_hsort(Tl%hash(:Tl%nb), littlea, inda, nunia, dega) call ascending_hsort(Tr%hash(:Tr%nb), littleb, indb, nunib, degb) ! Shift q_{lpha} of B to physical value q_{eta}-q_j ! Does not affect hash! do ii = 1, Tr%nb ! Improve generality? Tr%Data(ii)%qq(:snqs) = sumq(Tr%Data(ii)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs), & - Tr%Data(ii)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Tr%nqs) end do read(unit, '(1I16)') nblocks ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') 2 * snqs specString = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" allocate(qi(snqs), qj(snqs)) call create(Theta, Tl%nqs, nblocks * nunia * nunib) do ii = 1, nblocks read(unit, specstring) qi, qj read(unit, '(2I16)') dl, dr do pp = 1, nunib jj = findtagindex(littleb(pp), littlea(1:nunia)) if(jj > 0) then ! Pick a representative of the A block and B block ak = dega(jj) + 1 bk = degb(pp) + 1 ! Add new tensor Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(4 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(1:snqs) = & Tl%data(inda(ak))%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3*snqs) Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs+1:2*snqs) = qi Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(2*snqs+1:3*snqs) = qj Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(3*snqs+1:4*snqs) = & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%qq(1:snqs) call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, & [Tl%Data(inda(ak))%Tens%dl(3), dl, dr, & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%Tens%dl(1)], init='R') end if end do end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) deallocate(qi, qj) deallocate(inda, dega, littlea, indb, degb, littleb) end subroutine state_iter_qmps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_iter_qmpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Generate a random state for two site when growing the MPS.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the two-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(qtensorc), in
The tensor to the left of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(qtensorc), in
The tensor to the right of the new two-site tensor Theta.
- LamTYPE(qtensor), in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- LamprevTYPE(qtensor), in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- unitINTEGER, in
On this unit the file with the quantum numbers for the symmetries.
- nnINTEGER, in
nn-th iteration in growing the system. Not referenced in symmetric version.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_iter_qmpsc(Theta, Tl, Tr, Lam, Lamprev, locdim, unit, & nn, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(in) :: Lam, Lamprev integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit, nn integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, pp ! index of matching hash integer :: jj ! representative for quantum numbers integer :: ak, bk ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl, dr ! Number of conserved quantities (retrieved from array with quantum numbers) integer :: snqs ! number of blocks integer :: nblocks ! quantum number for block integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: qi, qj ! for sorting hashes integer :: nunia, nunib integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inda, indb, dega, degb real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: littlea, littleb ! string specifier character(16) :: iwstring, specstring !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Could use Tl%nqs here snqs = sum(Tl%nqs) ! Find matching blocks of A and B (guaranteed to exist by construction) ! by finding the (possibly degenerate) q_{eta} irreps of A ! and searching for matches in B call set_hash(Tl, [3]) call set_hash(Tr, [1]) ! Now sort them, they can be degenerate allocate(inda(Tl%nb), dega(Tl%nb + 1), littlea(Tl%nb), & indb(Tr%nb), degb(Tr%nb + 1), littleb(Tr%nb)) call ascending_hsort(Tl%hash(:Tl%nb), littlea, inda, nunia, dega) call ascending_hsort(Tr%hash(:Tr%nb), littleb, indb, nunib, degb) ! Shift q_{lpha} of B to physical value q_{eta}-q_j ! Does not affect hash! do ii = 1, Tr%nb ! Improve generality? Tr%Data(ii)%qq(:snqs) = sumq(Tr%Data(ii)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs), & - Tr%Data(ii)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Tr%nqs) end do read(unit, '(1I16)') nblocks ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') 2 * snqs specString = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" allocate(qi(snqs), qj(snqs)) call create(Theta, Tl%nqs, nblocks * nunia * nunib) do ii = 1, nblocks read(unit, specstring) qi, qj read(unit, '(2I16)') dl, dr do pp = 1, nunib jj = findtagindex(littleb(pp), littlea(1:nunia)) if(jj > 0) then ! Pick a representative of the A block and B block ak = dega(jj) + 1 bk = degb(pp) + 1 ! Add new tensor Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(4 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(1:snqs) = & Tl%data(inda(ak))%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3*snqs) Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs+1:2*snqs) = qi Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(2*snqs+1:3*snqs) = qj Theta%data(Theta%nb)%qq(3*snqs+1:4*snqs) = & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%qq(1:snqs) call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, & [Tl%Data(inda(ak))%Tens%dl(3), dl, dr, & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%Tens%dl(1)], init='R') end if end do end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) deallocate(qi, qj) deallocate(inda, dega, littlea, indb, degb, littleb) end subroutine state_iter_qmpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_single_qmps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2018 (dj, updated) Generate the random guess for the last site for system with odd number of sites and symmetry.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the single-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(qtensor), inout
The tensor to the left of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(qtensor), inout
The tensor to the right of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- unitINTEGER, in
On this unit the file with the quantum numbers for the symmetries.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_single_qmps(Theta, Tl, Tr, locdim, unit) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, pp ! index of matching hash integer :: jj ! representative for quantum numbers integer :: ak, bk ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl ! Number of conserved quantities (retrieved from array with quantum numbers) integer :: snqs ! number of blocks integer :: nblocks ! quantum number for block integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: qi ! for sorting hashes integer :: nunia, nunib integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inda, indb, dega, degb real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: littlea, littleb ! string specifier character(16) :: iwstring, specstring snqs = sum(Tl%nqs) ! Find matching blocks of A and B (guaranteed to exist by construction) ! by finding the (possibly degenerate) q_{eta} irreps of A ! and searching for matches in B call set_hash(Tl, [3]) call set_hash(Tr, [1]) ! Now sort them, they can be degenerate allocate(inda(Tl%nb), dega(Tl%nb + 1), littlea(Tl%nb), & indb(Tr%nb), degb(Tr%nb + 1), littleb(Tr%nb)) call ascending_hsort(Tl%hash(:Tl%nb), littlea, inda, nunia, dega) call ascending_hsort(Tr%hash(:Tr%nb), littleb, indb, nunib, degb) ! Shift q_{lpha} of B to physical value q_{eta}-q_j ! Does not affect hash! do ii = 1, Tr%nb ! Improve generality? Tr%Data(ii)%qq(:snqs) = sumq(Tr%Data(ii)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs), & - Tr%Data(ii)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Tr%nqs) end do read(unit, '(1I16)') nblocks ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') snqs specString = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" allocate(qi(snqs)) call create(Theta, Tl%nqs, nblocks * Tl%nb * Tr%nb) do ii = 1, nblocks read(unit, specString) qi read(unit, '(1I16)') dl ! B may also be degenerate, but we scan the entire range do pp = 1, nunib jj = findtagindex(littleb(pp), littlea(:nunia)) if(jj > 0) then ! Pick a representative of the A block and B block ak = dega(jj) + 1 bk = degb(pp) + 1 Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(3 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(1:snqs) = & Tl%Data(inda(ak))%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs) = qi Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) = & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%qq(1:snqs) call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, & [Tl%Data(inda(ak))%Tens%dl(3), dl, & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%Tens%dl(1)], init='R') end if end do end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) deallocate(qi) deallocate(inda, dega, littlea, indb, degb, littleb) end subroutine state_single_qmps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_single_qmpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2018 (dj, updated) Generate the random guess for the last site for system with odd number of sites and symmetry.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
On exit, the initial guess for the single-site tensor.
- TlTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The tensor to the left of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- TrTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The tensor to the right of the new single-site tensor Theta.
- locdimINTEGER, in
Dummy variable for interface. Not accessed with symmetries.
- unitINTEGER, in
On this unit the file with the quantum numbers for the symmetries.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_single_qmpsc(Theta, Tl, Tr, locdim, unit) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(in) :: locdim integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, pp ! index of matching hash integer :: jj ! representative for quantum numbers integer :: ak, bk ! degeneracy dimension of block integer :: dl ! Number of conserved quantities (retrieved from array with quantum numbers) integer :: snqs ! number of blocks integer :: nblocks ! quantum number for block integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: qi ! for sorting hashes integer :: nunia, nunib integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inda, indb, dega, degb real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: littlea, littleb ! string specifier character(16) :: iwstring, specstring snqs = sum(Tl%nqs) ! Find matching blocks of A and B (guaranteed to exist by construction) ! by finding the (possibly degenerate) q_{eta} irreps of A ! and searching for matches in B call set_hash(Tl, [3]) call set_hash(Tr, [1]) ! Now sort them, they can be degenerate allocate(inda(Tl%nb), dega(Tl%nb + 1), littlea(Tl%nb), & indb(Tr%nb), degb(Tr%nb + 1), littleb(Tr%nb)) call ascending_hsort(Tl%hash(:Tl%nb), littlea, inda, nunia, dega) call ascending_hsort(Tr%hash(:Tr%nb), littleb, indb, nunib, degb) ! Shift q_{lpha} of B to physical value q_{eta}-q_j ! Does not affect hash! do ii = 1, Tr%nb ! Improve generality? Tr%Data(ii)%qq(:snqs) = sumq(Tr%Data(ii)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs), & - Tr%Data(ii)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs), & Tr%nqs) end do read(unit, '(1I16)') nblocks ! Generate the format type for an integer string with partDigs digits write(iwstring, '(I4)') snqs specString = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"I16)" allocate(qi(snqs)) call create(Theta, Tl%nqs, nblocks * Tl%nb * Tr%nb) do ii = 1, nblocks read(unit, specString) qi read(unit, '(1I16)') dl ! B may also be degenerate, but we scan the entire range do pp = 1, nunib jj = findtagindex(littleb(pp), littlea(:nunia)) if(jj > 0) then ! Pick a representative of the A block and B block ak = dega(jj) + 1 bk = degb(pp) + 1 Theta%nb = Theta%nb + 1 allocate(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(3 * snqs)) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(1:snqs) = & Tl%Data(inda(ak))%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(snqs + 1:2 * snqs) = qi Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%qq(2 * snqs + 1:3 * snqs) = & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%qq(1:snqs) call create(Theta%Data(Theta%nb)%Tens, & [Tl%Data(inda(ak))%Tens%dl(3), dl, & Tr%Data(indb(bk))%Tens%dl(1)], init='R') end if end do end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Theta)), Theta) deallocate(qi) deallocate(inda, dega, littlea, indb, degb, littleb) end subroutine state_single_qmpsc
- VariationalOps_f90.state_finalize_qmps()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, updated) Finalize the state, meaning closing the open unit if symmetries are used.
- unitINTEGER, in
This is unit was open to read to quantum numbers. Close and delete file.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_finalize_qmps(unit, hasexcited) integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(present(hasexcited)) then if(.not. hasexcited) then close(unit, status='delete') else close(unit) end if else close(unit, status='delete') end if end subroutine state_finalize_qmps
- VariationalOps_f90.state_finalize_qmpsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj, updated) Finalize the state, meaning closing the open unit if symmetries are used.
- unitINTEGER, in
This is unit was open to read to quantum numbers. Close and delete file.
- hasexcitedLOGICAL, in
Intended use to prevent deleting file with initial state in ground state search, where initial state is needed as well for the excited state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine state_finalize_qmpsc(unit, hasexcited) integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in), optional :: hasexcited ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(present(hasexcited)) then if(.not. hasexcited) then close(unit, status='delete') else close(unit) end if else close(unit, status='delete') end if end subroutine state_finalize_qmpsc