Fortran module ObsOps: July 2017 (dj, updated)
Containing the operations for the measurement.
The error status can be decoded the following way
The following subroutines / functions are defined for the applicable data type
Procedure |
include.f90 |
mpi.f90 |
omp.f90 |
destroy |
x |
meas_psi_mpo_phi |
x |
meas_mpo |
x |
meas_rhoij_corr |
x |
corr_init_mps |
x |
and some more … |
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_site_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing site observables.
- ObjTYPE(site_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_site_observables(Obj) type(site_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%nsite > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%nsite !call destroy(Obj%Si) !end do deallocate(Obj%Si, Obj%elem) Obj%nsite = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_site_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_siteentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing site entropies.
- ObjTYPE(siteentropy_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj) type(siteentropy_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%siteentr) then deallocate(Obj%elem) Obj%siteentr = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_siteentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_bondentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing bond entropies.
- ObjTYPE(bondentropy_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj) type(bondentropy_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%bondentr) then deallocate(Obj%elem) Obj%bondentr = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_bondentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_corr_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_corr_observables_real(Obj) type(corr_observables_real), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%corrid, Obj%Corr, Obj%isherm, Obj%elem) Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_corr_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_corr_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_corr_observables_complex(Obj) type(corr_observables_complex), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%corrid, Obj%Corr, Obj%isherm, Obj%elem) Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_corr_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_fcorr_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing fermi correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_fcorr_observables_real(Obj) type(corr_observables_real), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%corrid, Obj%Corr, Obj%isherm) Obj%fop = -1 Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_fcorr_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_fcorr_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing fermi correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj) type(corr_observables_complex), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%corrid, Obj%Corr, Obj%isherm) Obj%fop = -1 Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_fcorr_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_string_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing string correlations.
- ObjTYPE(string_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_string_observables(Obj) type(string_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%nstring > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%nstring !call destroy(Obj%String) !end do deallocate(Obj%String, Obj%elem) Obj%nstring = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_string_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_mpo_observables_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing MPO measurements.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpo), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj, unitmpo) type(mpo_observables_mpo), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unitmpo ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo call destroy(Obj%MPO(ii)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') close(unitmpo, status='delete') end do deallocate(Obj%MPO, Obj%Names, Obj%elem) Obj%nmpo = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_mpo_observables_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_mpo_observables_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing MPO measurements.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpoc), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_mpo_observables_mpoc(Obj, unitmpo) type(mpo_observables_mpoc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unitmpo ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo call destroy(Obj%MPO(ii)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') close(unitmpo, status='delete') end do deallocate(Obj%MPO, Obj%Names, Obj%elem) Obj%nmpo = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_mpo_observables_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_mpo_observables_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing MPO measurements.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpo), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj, unitmpo) type(mpo_observables_qmpo), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unitmpo ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo call destroy(Obj%MPO(ii)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') close(unitmpo, status='delete') end do deallocate(Obj%MPO, Obj%Names, Obj%elem) Obj%nmpo = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_mpo_observables_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_mpo_observables_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing MPO measurements.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpoc), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_mpo_observables_qmpoc(Obj, unitmpo) type(mpo_observables_qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unitmpo ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo call destroy(Obj%MPO(ii)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') close(unitmpo, status='delete') end do deallocate(Obj%MPO, Obj%Names, Obj%elem) Obj%nmpo = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_mpo_observables_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoi_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing single site density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj) type(rhoi_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%hasrho_i) then deallocate(Obj%rho_i_i, Obj%Elem) Obj%hasrho_i = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_rhoi_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing single site density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj) type(rhoi_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%hasrho_i) then deallocate(Obj%rho_i_i, Obj%Elem) Obj%hasrho_i = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoij_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing two site density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoij_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
If the mutual information (True) is measured, all two-site density matrices are set.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj, has_mi) type(rhoij_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj logical, intent(in) :: has_mi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) deallocate(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem) end do deallocate(Obj%rho_ij_is, Obj%Rho_ij_js, Obj%Elem) Obj%hasrho_ij = .false. elseif(has_mi) then ! Allocation due to mutual information measurement deallocate(Obj%Elem) end if end subroutine destroy_rhoij_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing two site density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoij_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
If the mutual information (True) is measured, all two-site density matrices are set.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj, has_mi) type(rhoij_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj logical, intent(in) :: has_mi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) deallocate(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem) end do deallocate(Obj%rho_ij_is, Obj%Rho_ij_js, Obj%Elem) Obj%hasrho_ij = .false. elseif(has_mi) then ! Allocation due to mutual information measurement deallocate(Obj%Elem) end if end subroutine destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing a general reduced density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj) type(rhoijk_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Obj%nn deallocate(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem) end do deallocate(Obj%sizes, Obj%cont, Obj%Sites, Obj%Elem) end subroutine destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing a general reduced density matrices.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj) type(rhoijk_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Obj%nn deallocate(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem) end do deallocate(Obj%sizes, Obj%cont, Obj%Sites, Obj%Elem) end subroutine destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_mutualinformation_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing mutual information matrices.
- ObjTYPE(mutualinformation_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj) type(mutualinformation_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%has_mi) then deallocate(Obj%elem) Obj%has_mi = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_mutualinformation_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_lambda_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing the singular values.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_lambda_observables(Obj) type(lambda_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%has_lambda) then deallocate(Obj%lambda, Obj%Vecs) Obj%has_lambda = .false. end if end subroutine destroy_lambda_observables
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing the distance measures to pure states.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj) type(distance_psi_observables_mpsrc), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%ndist > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%ndist if(Obj%is_real(ii)) then call destroy(Obj%Rpsi(ii)) else call destroy(Obj%Cpsi(ii)) end if end do deallocate(Obj%Rpsi, Obj%Cpsi, Obj%is_real, Obj%elem) Obj%ndist = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing the distance measures to pure states.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj) type(distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%ndist > 0) then do ii = 1, Obj%ndist if(Obj%is_real(ii)) then call destroy(Obj%Rpsi(ii)) else call destroy(Obj%Cpsi(ii)) end if end do deallocate(Obj%Rpsi, Obj%Cpsi, Obj%is_real, Obj%elem) Obj%ndist = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_corr2nn_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj) type(corr2nn_observables_real), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%isherm, Obj%weight, Obj%ops, Obj%elem) Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_corr2nn_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Destroy the derived type storing correlations.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Will be deallocated on exit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj) type(corr2nn_observables_complex), intent(inout) :: Obj ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping !integer :: ii if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then !do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr !call destroy(Obj%Corr) !end do deallocate(Obj%isherm, Obj%weight, Obj%ops, Obj%elem) Obj%ncorr = 0 end if end subroutine destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_obs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(obs_r), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_obs_r(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(obs_r), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_real(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_real(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_obs_r
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_obs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(obs_c), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_obs_c(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(obs_c), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_obs_c
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_obsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(obsc), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_obsc(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(obsc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_mpoc(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_obsc
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_qobs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_r), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_qobs_r(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(qobs_r), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_real(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_real(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_qobs_r
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_qobs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_c), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_qobs_c(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(qobs_c), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_qobs_c
- ObsOps_f90.destroy_qobsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Deallocate all measures.
- ObjTYPE(qobsc), inout
All measures are deallocated on exit.
- unitINTEGER, in
Can open file with definition of the observables on this unit in order to delete it.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Can open file with MPO on this unit in order to delete it.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine destroy_qobsc(Obj, unit, unitmpo) type(qobsc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo ! No local variables ! ------------------ call destroy_site_observables(Obj%SO) call destroy_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE) call destroy_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE) call destroy_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO) call destroy_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO) call destroy_string_observables(Obj%STO) call destroy_mpo_observables_qmpoc(Obj%MO, unitmpo) call destroy_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri) call destroy_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, Obj%MI%has_mi) call destroy_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk) call destroy_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI) call destroy_lambda_observables(Obj%LO) call destroy_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO) call destroy_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN) open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%name)), action='read', & status='old') close(unit, status='delete') Obj%name = '' end subroutine destroy_qobsc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_mps_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(mpo), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(mps), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(mps), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mps_mpo(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlist) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mps_mpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mps_mpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mps_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(mpo), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(mpsc), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(mpsc), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpo(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlistc) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(mpoc), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(mpsc), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(mpsc), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpoc(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlistc) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_mpsc_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmps_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(qmpo), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(qmps), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(qmps), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmps_qmpo(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorlist) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmps_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(qmpo), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(qmpsc), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpo(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorclist) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
result of the measurement
- HTYPE(qmpoc), inout
The MPO to be measured.
- psiATYPE(qmpsc), inout
First state to calculate the overlap.
- psiBTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Second state to calculate the overlap.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpoc(val, Ham, Psi, Phi, errst) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi, Phi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorclist) :: Lmat ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Phi%Aa(Phi%ll), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (1) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:657', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Phi%Aa(ii), .false.) !if(prop_error('meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! ' ptm_left_mpo (2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:664', & ! errst=errst)) return end do val = trace(Lmat%Li(1)) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_psi_mpo_phi_qmpsc_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_mps_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(mpo), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_mps_mpo(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlist) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_mps_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_mpsc_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(mpo), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_mpsc_mpo(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlistc) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_mpsc_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_mpsc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(mpoc), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_mpsc_mpoc(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(mpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(tensorlistc) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_mpsc_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_qmps_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(qmpo), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_qmps_qmpo(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorlist) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_qmps_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(qmpo), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpo(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpo), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorclist) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute
using the MPO form of
Result of the measurement of the MPO applied to Psi.
- HTYPE(qmpoc), inout
Representation of the MPO to be measured.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Measure this state.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpoc(val, Ham, Psi, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: val type(qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Ham type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Contracting the overlap type(qtensorclist) :: Lmat !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Last site call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), Ham%Ws(Psi%ll), & Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), .true.) ! Looping do ii = (Psi%ll - 1), 1, (-1) call ptm_left_mpo(Lmat, Psi%Aa(ii), Ham%Ws(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), .false.) end do val = real(trace(Lmat%Li(1)), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Lmat%Li(1)) deallocate(Lmat%Li) end subroutine meas_mpo_qmpsc_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_tensor_tensor(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(tensor) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensor(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(tensorc) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensorc(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(tensorc) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(qtensor), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_qtensor_qtensor(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(qtensor) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(qtensorc), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensor(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(qtensorc) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Measure a correlation based on the reduced two site density matrix.
- RhoijTYPE(qtensorc), inout
On exit, the two-site reduced density matrix.
- OplTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the first site.
- OprTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the second site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codefunction meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensorc(Rhoij, Opl, Opr, & errst) result(sc) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Rhoij type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Opl, Opr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for rho x operator type(qtensorc) :: Rxo1, Rxo2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Rxo1, Rhoij, Opr, [4], [1]) call contr(Rxo2, Rxo1, Opl, [3], [1]) call destroy(Rxo1) call transposed(Rxo2, [1, 2, 4, 3], doperm=.true.) call pcontr(Rxo1, Rxo2, [1, 2], [3, 4]) sc = get_scalar(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo1) call destroy(Rxo2) end function meas_rhoij_corr_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_tensor_tensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensor), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensorc(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_qtensor_qtensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initialize the left overlap for a right-moving correlation measure.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensor_tensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensor), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate correlation with a left-moving contraction. Initialization of the right overlap.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the first site of the correlation measurement.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), out
On exit, left overlap for correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc(Psikk, Theta, Op) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) ! First index |ket>, second <bra| call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine corr_init_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_tensor_tensor(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) real(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) real(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The left overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc(vals, Psikk, kk, ll, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=rKIND), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk, ll type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j,k with j < k ! --------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [2, 3], [3, 2]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed,', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1016', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [1, 3], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psikk, [1], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [1, 2], [1, 2], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensor_tensor(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) real(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensor(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) real(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Measurement process for correlations. Propagation of overlap for next measurement. Left-moving version.
- valsREAL, out
Outcome of the correlation measurement.
- PsikkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing site kk of the system.
- kkINTEGER, in
Site index of the current tensor.
- llINTEGER, in
System size.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The right overlap starting on the first site of the correlation measurement.
- OpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Operator for the correlation measurement.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Phase operator for propagation for the following correlation measurements.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, in
Flag if phase operator is contracted (.true.).
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc(vals, Psikk, kk, & Theta, Op, PhaseOp, hasphase, errst) complex(KIND=RKind), intent(out) :: vals type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk integer, intent(in) :: kk type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Op, PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! 1) Calculate correlation j, k with j < k ! ---------------------------------------- ! Need copy, Psikk will be permuted call copy(Tmpa, Psikk) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Op, [2], [1], transl='C') call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 3]) call destroy(Tmpb) call contr(Tmpb, Theta, Tmpa, [1, 2], [1, 2]) vals = get_scalar(Tmpb) !if(prop_error('corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'get_scalar failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1147', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) call destroy(Tmpa) ! 2) Propagate for the next site ! ------------------------------ if((kk > 1) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [2], [2]) call destroy(Tmpa) call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psikk, [3, 2], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(kk > 1) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Psikk, Theta, [3], [1]) call destroy(Theta) call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psikk, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C') call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy - last call call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine corr_meas_l_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.entropy_rho_kk_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate the entropy of a single site density matrix. It uses the natural logarithm.
- entropyREAL, inout
On exit, the von-Neumann entropy of the single site. It uses the natural log.
- RhoTYPE(tensor), inout
The density matrix for a single site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine entropy_rho_kk_tensor(entropy, Rho, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout) :: entropy type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Rho integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! for eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 allocate(ev(Rho%dl(1))) call eigd_symm_real(Rho%elem(:Rho%dim), ev, Rho%dl(1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('entropy_rho_kk_tensor : eigd failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1229', errst=errst)) return do ii = 1, Rho%dl(1) if(ev(ii) > numzero) then entropy = entropy - ev(ii) * log(ev(ii)) end if end do deallocate(ev) end subroutine entropy_rho_kk_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.entropy_rho_kk_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate the entropy of a single site density matrix. It uses the natural logarithm.
- entropyREAL, inout
On exit, the von-Neumann entropy of the single site. It uses the natural log.
- RhoTYPE(tensorc), inout
The density matrix for a single site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine entropy_rho_kk_tensorc(entropy, Rho, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout) :: entropy type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Rho integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! for eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 allocate(ev(Rho%dl(1))) call eigd_symm_complex(Rho%elem(:Rho%dim), ev, Rho%dl(1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('entropy_rho_kk_tensorc : eigd failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1229', errst=errst)) return do ii = 1, Rho%dl(1) if(ev(ii) > numzero) then entropy = entropy - ev(ii) * log(ev(ii)) end if end do deallocate(ev) end subroutine entropy_rho_kk_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.entropy_rho_kk_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate the entropy of a single site density matrix. It uses the natural logarithm.
- entropyREAL, inout
On exit, the von-Neumann entropy of the single site. It uses the natural log.
- RhoTYPE(qtensor), inout
The density matrix for a single site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine entropy_rho_kk_qtensor(entropy, Rho, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout) :: entropy type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Rho integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! short-cut to dimension integer :: dim ! for eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, Rho%nb dim = Rho%Data(ii)%Tens%dl(1) allocate(ev(dim)) call eigd_symm_real(Rho%Data(ii)%Tens%elem(:dim**2), ev, & dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('entropy_rho_kk_qtensor : eigd failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1294', errst=errst)) return do jj = 1, dim if(ev(jj) > numzero) then entropy = entropy - ev(jj) * log(ev(jj)) end if end do deallocate(ev) end do end subroutine entropy_rho_kk_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.entropy_rho_kk_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Calculate the entropy of a single site density matrix. It uses the natural logarithm.
- entropyREAL, inout
On exit, the von-Neumann entropy of the single site. It uses the natural log.
- RhoTYPE(qtensorc), inout
The density matrix for a single site.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine entropy_rho_kk_qtensorc(entropy, Rho, errst) real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout) :: entropy type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Rho integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! short-cut to dimension integer :: dim ! for eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, Rho%nb dim = Rho%Data(ii)%Tens%dl(1) allocate(ev(dim)) call eigd_symm_complex(Rho%Data(ii)%Tens%elem(:dim**2), ev, & dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('entropy_rho_kk_qtensorc : eigd failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1294', errst=errst)) return do jj = 1, dim if(ev(jj) > numzero) then entropy = entropy - ev(jj) * log(ev(jj)) end if end do deallocate(ev) end do end subroutine entropy_rho_kk_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.lambdas_to_vec_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) The version without symmetries provides a dummy interface resulting in a simple copy of the singular values.
- VecTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit the singular values.
- LambdasTYPE(tensor), in
Contains the singular values as stored in the MPS.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine lambdas_to_vec_tensor(Vec, Lambdas, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Vec type(tensor), intent(in) :: Lambdas integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! No symmetries, reduces to a simple copy call copy(Vec, Lambdas) end subroutine lambdas_to_vec_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.lambdas_to_vec_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Combine the singular values for different quantum numbers to one vector.
- VecTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit the singular values.
- LambdasTYPE(qtensor), in
Contains the singular values as stored in the MPS with symmetries.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine lambdas_to_vec_qtensor(Vec, Lambdas, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Vec type(qtensor), intent(in) :: Lambdas integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! index in total array integer :: jj ! dimension of the vector without symmetries integer :: dim !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dim = 0 do ii = 1, Lambdas%nb dim = dim + Lambdas%Data(ii)%Tens%dl(1) end do call create(Vec, [dim]) jj = 0 do ii = 1, Lambdas%nb Vec%elem((jj + 1):(jj + Lambdas%Data(ii)%Tens%dl(1))) = & Lambdas%Data(ii)%Tens%elem(:Lambdas%Data(ii)%Tens%dim) jj = jj + Lambdas%Data(ii)%Tens%dl(1) end do end subroutine lambdas_to_vec_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.observe_mps_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(mps), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_mps_mpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obs_r), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensor) :: Rho type(tensor), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensor) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensor) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(mps) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_mps_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_mpsc_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_mpsc_mpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obs_c), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensorc) :: Rho type(tensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(mpsc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_mpsc_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_mpsc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(mpsc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_mpsc_mpoc(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obsc), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensorc) :: Rho type(tensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(mpsc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensorc) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mpsc_mpoc: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_mpsc_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qmps_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(qmps), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qmps_qmpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobs_r), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensor) :: Rho type(qtensor), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensor) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensor) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qmps) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmps_qmpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qmps_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qmpsc_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qmpsc_qmpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobs_c), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensorc) :: Rho type(qtensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qmpsc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qmpsc_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qmpsc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an mps.
- PsiTYPE(qmpsc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qmpsc_qmpoc(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobsc), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensorc) :: Rho type(qtensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qmpsc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensorc) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_mps(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'mps (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_mps(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_mps(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_mps_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_mps faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qmpsc_qmpoc: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qmpsc_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.observe_lptn_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(lptn), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_lptn_mpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(lptn), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obs_r), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensor) :: Rho type(tensor), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensor) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensor) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(lptn) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_lptn_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_lptnc_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(lptnc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_lptnc_mpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(lptnc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obs_c), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensorc) :: Rho type(tensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(lptnc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_lptnc_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_lptnc_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(lptnc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_lptnc_mpoc(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(lptnc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Operators type(obsc), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(tensorc) :: Rho type(tensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(tensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(lptnc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(tensorc) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_'//& ! 'mpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_mpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptnc_mpoc: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_lptnc_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qlptn_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(qlptn), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qlptn_qmpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qlptn), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobs_r), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensor) :: Rho type(qtensor), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensor) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensor) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy real(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qlptn) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptn_qmpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qlptn_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qlptnc_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(qlptnc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qlptnc_qmpo(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qlptnc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobs_c), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensorc) :: Rho type(qtensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qlptnc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensor) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpo : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpo : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpo: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qlptnc_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.observe_qlptnc_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Measure the observables myObservables and write to file for an lptn.
- PsiTYPE(qlptnc), inout
Measure this state.
- CpTYPE(ConvParam), in
Most measurements do not depend on convergence parameters. But the arbitrary reduced density matrices will access them as possible permutations of local Hilbert spaces will need the settings for splitting sites.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine observe_qlptnc_qmpoc(Psi, Operators, MyObs, & obsname, baseout, timeevo_mps_delete, obsunit, & energy, variance, converged, Imapper, Cp, time, le, qtid, errst) type(qlptnc), intent(inout) :: Psi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Operators type(qobsc), intent(inout) :: MyObs character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname, baseout character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeevo_mps_delete integer, intent(in) :: obsunit real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: energy, variance logical, intent(in) :: converged type(imap), intent(in) :: Imapper type(ConvParam), intent(in) :: Cp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: le character(len=12), intent(in), optional :: qtid integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! flag if there is any measure shifting oc logical :: anymeas ! flag if correlation matrix is transposed logical :: fill_both ! flag for two-site density matrices logical :: has_all_rhoij ! for looping integer :: ii_, ii, jj, kk ! the order of looping integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: loop ! saving an index integer :: idx ! Storing density matrices type(qtensorc) :: Rho type(qtensorc), dimension(Psi%ll, Psi%ll) :: Rhoij type(tensorc) :: Tmpij ! Saving position for interactive calls to correlations / 2 site rhos integer :: idxinter ! Intermediate result for interactive calls to correlations !type(MATRIX_TYPE) :: Linter ! Intermediate results for two-site density matrices type(qtensorc) :: LTheta, RTheta, Tmptheta ! tracking error made in calculating general reduced density matrix real(KIND=rKind) :: rhoerr ! Outcome of a correlation measurement / entropy complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc ! Measure on a copy, then we do not have to canonize at the end type(qlptnc) :: Phi ! For lambdas type(tensor) :: Lambda ! For multiplying two operators (diagonal elements of correlations / ! Fermi phase operators) TYPE(qtensorc) :: Tmp ! Format strings for write(*,*) character(16) :: specstring ! Filename for writing out state character(132) :: statename !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Check if single site density matrix needs to be built anymeas = .false. anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SE%siteentr) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%SO%nsite > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%CO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%FCO%ncorr > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%STO%nstring > 0) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) anymeas = anymeas .or. (MyObs%MI%has_mi) ! Setup one loop from oc to ll and (oc - 1) to 1 if(anymeas) then allocate(loop(Psi%ll)) ii = 1 do jj = Psi%oc, Psi%ll loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do do jj = (Psi%oc - 1), 1, (-1) loop(ii) = jj ii = ii + 1 end do else allocate(loop(0)) end if ! Make copy to save on orthogonalization call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc : copy (1) failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1554', errst=errst)) return sites: do ii_ = 1, size(loop, 1) ii = loop(ii_) if(ii == Psi%oc - 1) then ! First entry of the backward loop call destroy(Phi) call copy(Phi, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc : copy '// & ! '(2) failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1563', & ! errst=errst)) return end if if(ii /= Phi%oc) call canonize_svd(Phi, ii) ! Save Lambdas ! ............ if(MyObs%LO%has_lambda .and. (ii /= Psi%ll)) then idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%LO%lambda) if(idx > 0) call lambdas_to_vec(MyObs%LO%Vecs(ii + 1), & Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) end if ! Save bond entropy ! ................. if(MyObs%BE%bondentr .and. is_set(Phi%Lambda(ii + 1))) then call lambdas_to_vec(Lambda, Phi%Lambda(ii + 1)) Lambda%elem = Lambda%elem**2 do jj = 1, Lambda%dl(1) if(Lambda%elem(jj) > numzero) then MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) = MyObs%BE%elem(ii + 1) & - Lambda%elem(jj) & * log(Lambda%elem(jj)) end if end do call destroy(Lambda) end if call rho_kk(Rho, Phi, ii, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc : rho_kk '// & ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1600', errst=errst)) return if(MyObs%Ri%hasrho_i) then ! Single site density matrices ! ............................ idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Ri%rho_i_i) if(idx > 0) call qmattomat(MyObs%Ri%Elem(ii), Rho, Imapper) end if has_all_rhoij = .false. if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Two site density matrices (all of them) ! ......................... has_all_rhoij = .true. if(ii /= Psi%ll) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(jj), ii, jj, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1627', errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), Rhoij(ii, jj), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1633', & ! errst=errst)) return end do end if elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then ! Two site density matrices (selected) ! ......................... idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then call rhoij_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta) idxinter = ii do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) do kk = (idxinter + 1), & (MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) - 1) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., & skip=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : rhoij_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1655', errst=errst)) return end do kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call rhoij_meas_lptn(Rhoij, Phi%Aa(kk), ii, kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc '//& ! ': rhoij_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1663', errst=errst)) return idxinter = kk call qmattomat(MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, kk), Rhoij(ii, kk), & Imapper, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : qmattomat '//& ! 'failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1671', & ! errst=errst)) return end do ! Ltheta is automatically destroyed iff Psi%ll measured if(idxinter /= Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) has_all_rhoij = (Psi%ll - ii & == size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1)) end if end if ! Correlation measurements ! ........................ if(has_all_rhoij) then ! Use two site density matrices do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1695', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1700', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll sc = meas_rhoij_corr(Rhoij(ii, kk), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do end if end do else ! Have to propagate corr: do jj = 1, MyObs%CO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1752', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1757', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or == MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol) ! Off diagonal elements I call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1777', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) + sc end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%CO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(1), .false., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (1) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1802', errst=errst)) return MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%CO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%CO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do corr end if ! Fermi correlation terms ! ....................... if(.false.) then ! Use density matrices with Fermi phase else ! Have to propagate fcorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%FCO%ncorr ! Diagonal element call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1828', & ! errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:1833', & ! errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp) * MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%w call destroy(Tmp) ! Off diagonal elements I call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1853', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(kk, ii, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) ! Off diagonal elements II (due to phase operator, we ! can never use the previous measurement) call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), [2], [1]) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, Tmp) call destroy(Tmp) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%Corr(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%FCO%fop), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (2) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1878', errst=errst)) return MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) = & MyObs%FCO%elem(ii, kk, MyObs%FCO%corrid(jj)) & + sc end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end do fcorr end if ! String correlation functions ! ............................ scorr: do jj = 1, MyObs%STO%nstring ! Get diagonal components call contr(Tmp, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), [2], [1], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1900', errst=errst)) return call set_hash(Tmp, [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: '//& ! 'set_hash failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1905', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, ii, jj) = & MyObs%STO%String(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Tmp), KIND=rKind) call destroy(Tmp) ! Check if correlation is identical fill_both = (MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or == MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or) call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol)) ! Off-diagonal elements I do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc '//& ! ': corr_meas_lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1926', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(kk, ii, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) if(fill_both) then ! Can fill directly off diagonal elements II MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end if end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) if(.not. fill_both) then ! Off-diagonal elements II call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Rtheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%or)) do kk = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Rtheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%ol), & Operators%Li(MyObs%STO%String(jj)%od), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_'//& ! 'qmpoc : corr_meas_'//& ! 'lptn (3) failed', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1951', errst=errst)) return MyObs%STO%elem(ii, kk, jj) = real(sc, KIND=rKind) end do if(ii == Psi%ll) call destroy(Ltheta) end if end do scorr ! Four-site 2-nearest-neighbor correlation ! ........................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%C2NN%ncorr if(ii + 3 > Psi%ll) cycle call corr_init_lptn(Phi%Aa(ii), Ltheta, & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(1, jj))) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(ii + 1), ii + 1, & Psi%ll, Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(2, jj)), .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1975', errst=errst)) return do kk = (ii + 2), (Psi%ll - 1) call copy(Tmptheta, Ltheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1986', errst=errst)) return call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk + 1), kk + 1, Psi%ll, & Tmptheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(4, jj)), .true., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:1994', errst=errst)) return MyObs%C2NN%elem(ii, kk, jj) = sc if(kk + 1 < Psi%ll) call destroy(Tmptheta) call corr_meas_lptn(sc, Phi%Aa(kk), kk, Psi%ll, & Ltheta, Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), & Operators%Li(MyObs%C2NN%ops(3, jj)), .false., & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_lptn_qmpoc : '//& ! 'corr_meas_lptn faield.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2006', errst=errst)) return end do ! Is not destroyed automatically due to loop call destroy(Ltheta) end do ! Single-site observables ! ....................... local: do jj = 1, MyObs%SO%nsite MyObs%SO%elem(ii, jj) = MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%w & * real(trace_rho_x_mat(Rho, Operators%Li(MyObs%SO%Si(jj)%o)), KIND=rKind) end do local ! Entropy single site (density matrix replaced with eigenvectors) ! ................... if(MyObs%SE%siteentr) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%SE%elem(ii), Rho, errst=errst) if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) = MyObs%SE%elem(ii) end if elseif(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii), Rho, errst=errst) end if call destroy(Rho) end do sites deallocate(loop) if(has_all_rhoij) then do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call destroy(Rhoij(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(MyObs%Rij%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, Psi%ll idx = findtagindex(ii, MyObs%Rij%rho_ij_is) if(idx > 0) then do jj = 1, size(MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem, 1) kk = MyObs%Rij%Rho_ij_js(idx)%elem(jj) call destroy(Rhoij(ii, kk)) end do end if end do end if ! Two-site matrices of the mutual information ! ........................................... if(MyObs%MI%has_mi) then ! Store dimension in idx idx = 0 do ii = 1, (Psi%ll - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmpij, MyObs%Rij%Elem(ii, jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc : '// & ! 'copy failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2072', & ! errst=errst)) return call fuse(Tmpij, [3, 4]) call fuse(Tmpij, [1, 2]) idx = Tmpij%dl(1) call entropy_rho_kk(MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj), Tmpij, & errst=errst) call destroy(Tmpij) MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) = - MyObs%MI%elem(ii, jj) & + MyObs%MI%elem(ii, ii) & + MyObs%MI%elem(jj, jj) end do end do MyObs%MI%elem = MyObs%MI%elem / 2.0_rKind & / log(sqrt(1.0_rKind * idx)) end if ! Measurement of MPOs ! ................... do jj = 1, MyObs%MO%nmpo call meas_mpo(MyObs%MO%elem(jj), MyObs%MO%MPO(jj), Phi) end do ! General reduced density matrices ! ................................ do jj = 1, MyObs%Rijk%nn call rho_red(Rho, Phi, MyObs%Rijk%Sites(jj)%elem, & (MyObs%Rijk%cont(jj) == 0), Cp%local_tol, & Cp%max_bond_dimension, rhoerr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc : '//& ! 'rho_red failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:2108', & ! errst=errst)) return call qmattomat(MyObs%Rijk%Elem(jj), Rho, Imapper) call destroy(Rho) end do ! Measurement of distances ! ........................ do jj = 1, MyObs%DPO%ndist if(MyObs%DPO%is_real(jj)) then MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Rpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') else MyObs%DPO%elem(jj) = distance(Phi, MyObs%DPO%Cpsi(jj), & dist_type='F') end if end do call destroy(Phi) MyObs%chi = maxchi(Psi) MyObs%kappa = maxkappa(Psi) MyObs%energy = energy MyObs%converged = converged if(present(time)) then MyObs%error = variance MyObs%loschmidt = le else MyObs%variance = variance end if call write(obsname, obsunit, MyObs, Psi%ll, time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('observe_qlptnc_qmpoc: write failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:2144', errst=errst)) return ! Save the state as observable if(MyObs%state == 'B') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.bin instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.bin' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write', form='unformatted') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) elseif(MyObs%state == 'H') then ! Build file name (cut .dat and append _State.tn instead) statename = obsname(:len(trim(adjustl(obsname))) - 4)//& '_State.mps' open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(statename), status='replace', & action='write') call write(Psi, obsunit, 'H') close(obsunit) end if ! Log files for restoring time evolutions ! --------------------------------------- if(present(time)) then ! Save the MPS itself write(specstring, '(E16.8E3)') time if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& qtid//".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"//trim(adjustl(specstring))//& ".bin", status='replace', action='write', & form='unformatted') end if call write(Psi, obsunit, 'B') close(obsunit) ! Write log file for restoring time evolution when necessary if(present(qtid)) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& qtid//"_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') else open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_time_last.dat", action='write', & status='replace') end if write(ObsUnit, '(E30.15E3)') time close(ObsUnit) ! Delete older MPS and store filename of this one if(len(trim(timeevo_mps_delete)) > 0) then open(unit=obsunit, file=trim(timeevo_mps_delete), status='old') close(obsunit, status='delete') end if if(present(qtid)) then timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//qtid//".bin" else timeevo_mps_delete = trim(adjustl(baseout))//& "_psit"// & trim(adjustl(specstring))//".bin" end if end if end subroutine observe_qlptnc_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.read_site_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the site observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(site_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_site_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(site_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nsite if(Obj%nsite > 0) then allocate(Obj%Si(Obj%nsite), Obj%elem(ll, Obj%nsite)) do ii = 1, Obj%nsite read(unit, '(1E30.15,1I16)') Obj%Si(ii)%w, Obj%Si(ii)%o end do end if end subroutine read_site_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_siteentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the site entropy observable from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(siteentropy_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_siteentropy_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(siteentropy_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Read character for true/false character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1A)') bool Obj%siteentr = (bool == 'T') if(Obj%siteentr) then allocate(Obj%elem(ll)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind if(verbose > 1) write(slog, *) 'Site entropy measured.' end if end subroutine read_siteentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_bondentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the bond entropy observable from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(bondentropy_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_bondentropy_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(bondentropy_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Read character for true/false character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1A)') bool Obj%bondentr = (bool == 'T') if(Obj%bondentr) then allocate(Obj%elem(ll + 1)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind if(verbose > 1) write(slog, *) 'Bond entropy measured.' end if end subroutine read_bondentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_corr_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the correlation observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_corr_observables_real(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr_observables_real), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%ncorr, Obj%nind if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then allocate(Obj%corrid(Obj%ncorr), Obj%Corr(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%nind)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,3I16,1A)') Obj%Corr(ii)%w, & Obj%Corr(ii)%ol, & Obj%Corr(ii)%or, & Obj%corrid(ii), & bool ! Hermitian flag is for storing complex, so never for real Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') .or. ('real' == 'real') end do end if end subroutine read_corr_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.read_corr_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the correlation observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_corr_observables_complex(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr_observables_complex), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%ncorr, Obj%nind if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then allocate(Obj%corrid(Obj%ncorr), Obj%Corr(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%nind)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,3I16,1A)') Obj%Corr(ii)%w, & Obj%Corr(ii)%ol, & Obj%Corr(ii)%or, & Obj%corrid(ii), & bool ! Hermitian flag is for storing complex, so never for real Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') .or. ('real' == 'complex') end do end if end subroutine read_corr_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.read_fcorr_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the Fermi correlation observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_fcorr_observables_real(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr_observables_real), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%ncorr, Obj%nind if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%fop allocate(Obj%corrid(Obj%ncorr), Obj%Corr(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%nind)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,3I16,1A)') Obj%Corr(ii)%w, & Obj%Corr(ii)%ol, & Obj%Corr(ii)%or, & Obj%corrid(ii), & bool Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') end do end if end subroutine read_fcorr_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.read_fcorr_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the Fermi correlation observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr_observables_complex), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%ncorr, Obj%nind if(Obj%ncorr > 0) then read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%fop allocate(Obj%corrid(Obj%ncorr), Obj%Corr(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%nind)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,3I16,1A)') Obj%Corr(ii)%w, & Obj%Corr(ii)%ol, & Obj%Corr(ii)%or, & Obj%corrid(ii), & bool Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') end do end if end subroutine read_fcorr_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.read_string_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the string correlation observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(string_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_string_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(string_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nstring if(Obj%nstring > 0) then allocate(Obj%String(Obj%nstring), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%nstring)) do ii = 1, Obj%nstring read(unit, '(1E35.15,3I16)') Obj%String(ii)%w, & Obj%String(ii)%ol, & Obj%String(ii)%or, & Obj%String(ii)%od end do end if end subroutine read_string_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_mpo_observables_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the MPO observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpo), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit.
- llINTEGER, inout
number of sites in the system.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- OpsTYPE(tensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj, unit, unitmpo, ll, & writedir, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(mpo_observables_mpo), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, ll character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir type(tensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Rule set type(MPORuleSet) :: Rs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nmpo if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then allocate(Obj%MPO(Obj%nmpo), Obj%Names(Obj%nmpo), & Obj%elem(Obj%nmpo)) do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo read(unit, *) Obj%Names(ii)%elem Obj%Names(ii)%elem = trim(adjustl(writedir))//'/'//& trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') call read(Rs, unitmpo) close(unitmpo) call ruleset_to_ham_mpo(Obj%MPO(ii), Rs, ll, Ops, Hparams, iop) call destroy(Rs) end do end if end subroutine read_mpo_observables_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.read_mpo_observables_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the MPO observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpoc), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit.
- llINTEGER, inout
number of sites in the system.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- OpsTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_mpo_observables_mpoc(Obj, unit, unitmpo, ll, & writedir, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(mpo_observables_mpoc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, ll character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir type(tensorlistc), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Rule set type(MPORuleSet) :: Rs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nmpo if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then allocate(Obj%MPO(Obj%nmpo), Obj%Names(Obj%nmpo), & Obj%elem(Obj%nmpo)) do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo read(unit, *) Obj%Names(ii)%elem Obj%Names(ii)%elem = trim(adjustl(writedir))//'/'//& trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') call read(Rs, unitmpo) close(unitmpo) call ruleset_to_ham_mpo(Obj%MPO(ii), Rs, ll, Ops, Hparams, iop) call destroy(Rs) end do end if end subroutine read_mpo_observables_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.read_mpo_observables_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the MPO observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpo), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit.
- llINTEGER, inout
number of sites in the system.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- OpsTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj, unit, unitmpo, ll, & writedir, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(mpo_observables_qmpo), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, ll character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir type(qtensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Rule set type(MPORuleSet) :: Rs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nmpo if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then allocate(Obj%MPO(Obj%nmpo), Obj%Names(Obj%nmpo), & Obj%elem(Obj%nmpo)) do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo read(unit, *) Obj%Names(ii)%elem Obj%Names(ii)%elem = trim(adjustl(writedir))//'/'//& trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') call read(Rs, unitmpo) close(unitmpo) call ruleset_to_ham_mpo(Obj%MPO(ii), Rs, ll, Ops, Hparams, iop) call destroy(Rs) end do end if end subroutine read_mpo_observables_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.read_mpo_observables_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the MPO observables from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpoc), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit.
- llINTEGER, inout
number of sites in the system.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- OpsTYPE(qtensorclist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_mpo_observables_qmpoc(Obj, unit, unitmpo, ll, & writedir, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(mpo_observables_qmpoc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, ll character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir type(qtensorclist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Rule set type(MPORuleSet) :: Rs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nmpo if(Obj%nmpo > 0) then allocate(Obj%MPO(Obj%nmpo), Obj%Names(Obj%nmpo), & Obj%elem(Obj%nmpo)) do ii = 1, Obj%nmpo read(unit, *) Obj%Names(ii)%elem Obj%Names(ii)%elem = trim(adjustl(writedir))//'/'//& trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)) open(unit=unitmpo, file=trim(adjustl(Obj%Names(ii)%elem)), & status='old', action='read') call read(Rs, unitmpo) close(unitmpo) call ruleset_to_ham_mpo(Obj%MPO(ii), Rs, ll, Ops, Hparams, iop) call destroy(Rs) end do end if end subroutine read_mpo_observables_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoi_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the single site reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables_tensor), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(rhoi_observables_tensor), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! number of terms integer :: nn !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') nn Obj%hasrho_i = (nn > 0) if(Obj%hasrho_i) then allocate(Obj%rho_i_i(nn), Obj%Elem(ll)) call read_n(Obj%rho_i_i, nn, unit) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Rho_i i vals', Obj%rho_i_i end if end subroutine read_rhoi_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoi_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the single site reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables_tensorc), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(rhoi_observables_tensorc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! number of terms integer :: nn !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') nn Obj%hasrho_i = (nn > 0) if(Obj%hasrho_i) then allocate(Obj%rho_i_i(nn), Obj%Elem(ll)) call read_n(Obj%rho_i_i, nn, unit) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Rho_i i vals', Obj%rho_i_i end if end subroutine read_rhoi_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoij_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the two-site reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(string_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
If mutual information is measured (True), the workspace for the two-site density matrices has to be allocated independent of the settings of two-site reduced matrices.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj, unit, ll, has_mi, errst) type(rhoij_observables_tensor), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll logical, intent(in) :: has_mi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! number of terms integer :: nn, njs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') nn Obj%hasrho_ij = (nn > 0) if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then allocate(Obj%rho_ij_is(nn), Obj%Rho_ij_js(nn), Obj%Elem(ll, ll)) do ii = 1, nn read(unit, '(2I16)') njs, Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) allocate(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(njs)) call read_n(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, njs, unit) if(verbose > 1) write(slog, *) 'i val', Obj%rho_ij_is(ii), & 'js', Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem end do elseif(has_mi) then ! Have to allocate anyway for mutual information allocate(Obj%Elem(ll, ll)) end if end subroutine read_rhoij_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoij_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the two-site reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(string_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
If mutual information is measured (True), the workspace for the two-site density matrices has to be allocated independent of the settings of two-site reduced matrices.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit, ll, has_mi, errst) type(rhoij_observables_tensorc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll logical, intent(in) :: has_mi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! number of terms integer :: nn, njs !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') nn Obj%hasrho_ij = (nn > 0) if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then allocate(Obj%rho_ij_is(nn), Obj%Rho_ij_js(nn), Obj%Elem(ll, ll)) do ii = 1, nn read(unit, '(2I16)') njs, Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) allocate(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(njs)) call read_n(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, njs, unit) if(verbose > 1) write(slog, *) 'i val', Obj%rho_ij_is(ii), & 'js', Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem end do elseif(has_mi) then ! Have to allocate anyway for mutual information allocate(Obj%Elem(ll, ll)) end if end subroutine read_rhoij_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoijk_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the general reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables_tensor), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj, unit, errst) type(rhoijk_observables_tensor), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nn allocate(Obj%sizes(Obj%nn), Obj%cont(Obj%nn), Obj%Sites(Obj%nn), & Obj%Elem(Obj%nn)) do ii = 1, Obj%nn read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%sizes(ii), Obj%cont(ii) allocate(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem(Obj%sizes(ii))) call read_n(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem, Obj%sizes(ii), unit) end do end subroutine read_rhoijk_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the settings for the general reduced density matrices from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables_tensorc), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit, errst) type(rhoijk_observables_tensorc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%nn allocate(Obj%sizes(Obj%nn), Obj%cont(Obj%nn), Obj%Sites(Obj%nn), & Obj%Elem(Obj%nn)) do ii = 1, Obj%nn read(unit, '(2I16)') Obj%sizes(ii), Obj%cont(ii) allocate(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem(Obj%sizes(ii))) call read_n(Obj%Sites(ii)%elem, Obj%sizes(ii), unit) end do end subroutine read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.read_mutualinformation_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the setting for the mutual information from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(mutualinformation_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(mutualinformation_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Read character for true/false character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1A)') bool Obj%has_mi = (bool == 'T') if(Obj%has_mi) then allocate(Obj%elem(ll, ll)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end if if(verbose > 1) write(slog, *) 'Mutual information measured.' end subroutine read_mutualinformation_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_lambda_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the setting for saving the singular values from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_lambda_observables(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(lambda_observables), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! number of Lambdas integer :: nn ! Read character for true/false character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1A)') bool Obj%has_lambda = (bool == 'T') if(Obj%has_lambda) then read(unit, '(1I16)') nn allocate(Obj%lambda(nn), Obj%Vecs(ll + 1)) call read_n(Obj%lambda, nn, unit) if(verbose > 0) write(slog, *) 'Lambda vals at', Obj%lambda end if end subroutine read_lambda_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the distance measures to pure states from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions on this unit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj, unit, unitpsi, errst) type(distance_psi_observables_mpsrc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitpsi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! flag what kind of MPS integer :: flag ! form character :: form ! temporary filename character(len=256) :: psifilename ! All the MPS type(mps) :: Psi type(mpsc) :: Psic type(qmps) :: Psiq type(qmpsc) :: Psicq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%ndist if(Obj%ndist > 0) then allocate(Obj%Rpsi(Obj%ndist), Obj%Cpsi(Obj%ndist), & Obj%is_real(Obj%ndist), Obj%elem(Obj%ndist)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ndist read(unit, '(256A)') psifilename read(unit, *) form call read(Psi, Psic, Psiq, Psicq, flag, psifilename, unitpsi, & form, errst=errst) if(flag == 0) then ! Real MPS call copy(Obj%Rpsi(ii), Psi) call destroy(Psi) Obj%is_real(ii) = .true. elseif(flag == 1) then ! Complex MPS call copy(Obj%Cpsi(ii), Psic) call destroy(Psic) Obj%is_real(ii) = .false. else stop 'No match for Psi in distance measure.' end if end do end if end subroutine read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the distance measures to pure states from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions on this unit.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj, unit, unitpsi, errst) type(distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitpsi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! flag what kind of MPS integer :: flag ! form character :: form ! temporary filename character(len=256) :: psifilename ! All the MPS type(mps) :: Psi type(mpsc) :: Psic type(qmps) :: Psiq type(qmpsc) :: Psicq !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%ndist if(Obj%ndist > 0) then allocate(Obj%Rpsi(Obj%ndist), Obj%Cpsi(Obj%ndist), & Obj%is_real(Obj%ndist), Obj%elem(Obj%ndist)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ndist read(unit, '(256A)') psifilename read(unit, *) form call read(Psi, Psic, Psiq, Psicq, flag, psifilename, unitpsi, & form, errst=errst) if(flag == 2) then ! Real MPS call copy(Obj%Rpsi(ii), Psiq) call destroy(Psiq) Obj%is_real(ii) = .true. elseif(flag == 3) then ! Complex MPS call copy(Obj%Cpsi(ii), Psicq) call destroy(Psicq) Obj%is_real(ii) = .false. else stop 'No match for Psi in distance measure.' end if end do end if end subroutine read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.read_state_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj) Read the setting for writing out states at each measurement.
- objLOGICAL, inout
Status of writing out states (true == write state).
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the state measure.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_state_observables(obj, unit, errst) character, intent(inout) :: obj integer, intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(1A)') obj end subroutine read_state_observables
- ObsOps_f90.read_corr2nn_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the correlation observables for two pairs of nearest-neighbors from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr2nn_observables_real), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(I16)') Obj%ncorr if(Obj%ncorr == 0) return allocate(Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%weight(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%ops(4, Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%ncorr)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,4I16,1A)') Obj%weight(ii), & Obj%ops(:, ii), & bool ! Hermitian flag is for storing complex, so never for real Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') .or. ('real' == 'real') end do end subroutine read_corr2nn_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.read_corr2nn_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Read the correlation observables for two pairs of nearest-neighbors from an open file handle.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Read the settings for this measurement.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of system sites in order to allocate memory.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj, unit, ll, errst) type(corr2nn_observables_complex), intent(out) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! temporary character for hermitian character :: bool !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 read(unit, '(I16)') Obj%ncorr if(Obj%ncorr == 0) return allocate(Obj%isherm(Obj%ncorr), Obj%weight(Obj%ncorr), & Obj%ops(4, Obj%ncorr), Obj%elem(ll, ll, Obj%ncorr)) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, Obj%ncorr read(unit, '(1E30.15,4I16,1A)') Obj%weight(ii), & Obj%ops(:, ii), & bool ! Hermitian flag is for storing complex, so never for real Obj%isherm(ii) = (bool == 'T') .or. ('real' == 'complex') end do end subroutine read_corr2nn_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.read_obs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(obs_r), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(tensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_obs_r(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(obs_r), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(tensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_real(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_real(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_r : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_obs_r
- ObsOps_f90.read_obs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(obs_c), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(tensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_obs_c(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(obs_c), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(tensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obs_c : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_obs_c
- ObsOps_f90.read_obsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(obsc), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_obsc(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(obsc), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(tensorlistc), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_mpoc(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_obsc : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_obsc
- ObsOps_f90.read_qobs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_r), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_qobs_r(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(qobs_r), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(qtensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_real(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_real(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_r : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_qobs_r
- ObsOps_f90.read_qobs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_c), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(qtensorlist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_qobs_c(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(qobs_c), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(qtensorlist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobs_c : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_qobs_c
- ObsOps_f90.read_qobsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Read the settings for all observables.
- ObjTYPE(qobsc), inout
The setting of the observables is stored in this variable.
- flnmCHARACTER(*), in
Filename of the file with the settings for the observables.
- writedirCHARACTER(*), in
Directory name with temporary files. Needed to contruct MPO file names for MPO measures.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open file hanlde with position at the site entropy measures.
- unitmpoINTEGER, in
Open MPO file on this unit (for MPO measurements).
- unitpsiINTEGER, in
Can open and read wave functions for distance measures on this unit.
- llINTEGER, in
number of sites in the system.
- OpsTYPE(qtensorclist), inout
Operator alphabet contain all operators to build MPO.
- HparamsTYPE(HamiltonianParameters)(*), POINTER, in
Hamiltonian parameters contain coupling etc.
- iopINTEGER, in
The index of the identity in the operator list.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine read_qobsc(Obj, flnm, writedir, unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, & ll, Ops, Hparams, iop, errst) type(qobsc), intent(out) :: Obj character(len=132), intent(in) :: flnm character(len=132), intent(in) :: writedir integer, intent(in) :: unit, unitmpo, unitpsi, ll type(qtensorclist), intent(in) :: Ops type(HamiltonianParameters), pointer, intent(in) :: Hparams(:) integer, intent(in) :: iop integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- Obj%static_eigenvalue = -9999999_rKind Obj%hdf5_target_file = '' Obj%quench_ii = '' Obj%step_ii = '' Obj%name = flnm open(unit=unit, file=trim(adjustl(flnm)), action='read', & status='old') ! Only referenced for iMPS read(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%corr_range call read_site_observables(Obj%SO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : site failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4100', errst=errst)) return call read_siteentropy_observables(Obj%SE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : site entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4104', errst=errst)) return call read_bondentropy_observables(Obj%BE, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : bond entropy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4108', errst=errst)) return call read_corr_observables_complex(Obj%CO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : corr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4112', errst=errst)) return call read_fcorr_observables_complex(Obj%FCO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : fcorr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4116', errst=errst)) return call read_string_observables(Obj%STO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : string failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4120', errst=errst)) return call read_mpo_observables_qmpoc(Obj%MO, unit, unitmpo, ll, writedir, & Ops, Hparams, iop, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : mpo failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4125', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj%Ri, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : rhoi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4129', errst=errst)) return ! Rhoij depends on mutual information - put to the end call read_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rijk, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : rhoijk failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4135', errst=errst)) return call read_mutualinformation_observables(Obj%MI, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : mi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4139', errst=errst)) return call read_lambda_observables(Obj%LO, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : lambda failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4143', errst=errst)) return call read_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj%DPO, unit, unitpsi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : distance psi failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4148', errst=errst)) return call read_state_observables(Obj%state, unit, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4152', errst=errst)) return call read_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj%C2NN, unit, ll, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : state failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4156', errst=errst)) return call read_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj%Rij, unit, ll, Obj%MI%has_mi, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('read_qobsc : rhoij failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4161', errst=errst)) return close(unit) end subroutine read_qobsc
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_init_mps_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initial contraction for the construction of two-site density matrices.
- TenskkTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing the site kk, should be the orthgonality center.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), out
On exit, contraction of the tensor on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_init_mps_tensor(Psikk, Theta, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensor), intent(out) :: Theta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary conjugate tensor type(tensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psikk, trans='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensor: copy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4207', errst=errst)) return call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmp, [1], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensor: contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4211', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Theta, [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensor: transposed failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4215', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine rhoij_init_mps_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_init_mps_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initial contraction for the construction of two-site density matrices.
- TenskkTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the site kk, should be the orthgonality center.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), out
On exit, contraction of the tensor on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_init_mps_tensorc(Psikk, Theta, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Theta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary conjugate tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psikk, trans='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensorc: copy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4207', errst=errst)) return call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmp, [1], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4211', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Theta, [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_tensorc: transposed failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4215', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine rhoij_init_mps_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_init_mps_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initial contraction for the construction of two-site density matrices.
- TenskkTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing the site kk, should be the orthgonality center.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), out
On exit, contraction of the tensor on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_init_mps_qtensor(Psikk, Theta, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Theta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary conjugate tensor type(qtensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psikk, trans='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensor: copy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4207', errst=errst)) return call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmp, [1], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensor: contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4211', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Theta, [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensor: transposed failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4215', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine rhoij_init_mps_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Initial contraction for the construction of two-site density matrices.
- TenskkTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the site kk, should be the orthgonality center.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), out
On exit, contraction of the tensor on site kk.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc(Psikk, Theta, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psikk type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Theta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary conjugate tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psikk, trans='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc: copy failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4207', errst=errst)) return call contr(Theta, Psikk, Tmp, [1], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4211', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Theta, [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc: transposed failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:4215', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine rhoij_init_mps_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(tensor)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(tensor), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensor_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(tensorc)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensor), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(tensorc), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensor), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(tensorc)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(tensorc), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(tensorc), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_tensorc_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(qtensor)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensor), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(qtensor), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensor_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(qtensorc)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensor), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(qtensorc), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensor
- ObsOps_f90.rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Build two-site density matrix and propagate for the next site.
- RhosijTYPE(qtensorc)(*, *), inout
Matrix containing two-site density matrices.
- TensjjTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor representing the current site to be contracted.
- iiINTEGER, inout
Index of the left site of the density matrix kept in Theta.
- jjINTEGER, inout
Index of the tensors Tensjj.
- llINTEGER, inout
Number of sites in the system, used to detect when propagation is stopped.
- ThetaTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Tensor containing the contractions from the left part of the system.
- PhaseOpTYPE(qtensorc), inout
Phase operator to be contracted within the propagation.
- hasphaseLOGICAL, inout
Flag if phase operator is present (.true.).
- skipLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, inout
If present and true, the measurement of the density matrix is skiped and it is only propagated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc(Rhosij, Psijj, ii, jj, ll, & Theta, PhaseOp, hasphase, skip, errst) type(qtensorc), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: Rhosij type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psijj integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, ll type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Theta type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: PhaseOp logical, intent(in) :: hasphase logical, intent(in), optional :: skip integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplicate of optional argument logical :: skip_ ! temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 skip_ = .false. if(present(skip)) skip_ = skip ! 1) Calculate density matrix i, j with i < j ! ------------------------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then call copy(Tmpb, Psijj, trans='C') call contr(Tmpa, Psijj, Tmpb, [3], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4324', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr(Rhosij(ii, jj), Theta, Tmpa, [3, 4], [1, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4329', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) call transposed(Rhosij(ii, jj), [1, 3, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) end if ! 2) Propagate for the next sites ! ------------------------------- if((jj < ll) .and. hasphase) then ! Has a phase operator to be contracted call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4345', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, PhaseOp, [4], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4353', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) ! Tmpb has ket-bra-chibra-chiket'-ldket call contr(Theta, Tmpb, Psijj, [3, 5], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4362', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpb) elseif(jj < ll) then ! No phase call contr(Tmpa, Theta, Psijj, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4370', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) ! Tmpa has ket-bra-chibra-ldket-chiket' call contr(Theta, Tmpa, Psijj, [3, 4], [1, 2], transr='C', & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc'//& ! ': contr failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4379', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) else ! Destroy call destroy(Theta) end if end subroutine rhoij_meas_mps_qtensorc_qtensorc
- ObsOps_f90.write_site_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the site observables, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(site_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_site_observables(Obj, unit, specstring) type(site_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: jj do jj = 1, Obj%nsite write(unit, specstring) Obj%elem(:, jj) end do end subroutine write_site_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_siteentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the site entropy, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(siteentropy_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_siteentropy_observables(Obj, unit, specstring) type(siteentropy_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! No local variables ! ------------------ if(Obj%siteentr) then write(unit, specstring) Obj%elem Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end if end subroutine write_siteentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_bondentropy_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the bond entropy, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(bondentropy_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_bondentropy_observables(Obj, unit) type(bondentropy_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Format strings for write(*, *) character(16) :: iwstring, specstring if(Obj%bondentr) then ! Default string specifier for ll sites write(iwstring, '(I4)') size(Obj%elem, 1) specstring = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"E30.15E3)" ! And write data write(unit, specstring) Obj%elem Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end if end subroutine write_bondentropy_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_corr_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the correlation measures, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_corr_observables_real(Obj, unit, specstring) type(corr_observables_real), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj do jj = 1, Obj%ncorr if(Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' else write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' end if do ii = 1, size(Obj%elem, 1) write(unit, specstring) real(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj), KIND=rKind) !if(.not. Obj%isherm(jj)) then ! write(unit, specstring) aimag(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj)) !end if end do end do if(Obj%ncorr > 0) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end subroutine write_corr_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.write_corr_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the correlation measures, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_corr_observables_complex(Obj, unit, specstring) type(corr_observables_complex), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj do jj = 1, Obj%ncorr if(Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' else write(unit, '(1A1)') 'C' end if do ii = 1, size(Obj%elem, 1) write(unit, specstring) real(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj), KIND=rKind) if(.not. Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, specstring) aimag(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj)) end if end do end do if(Obj%ncorr > 0) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end subroutine write_corr_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.write_string_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the string correlation measures, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(string_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_string_observables(Obj, unit, specstring) type(string_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj do jj = 1, Obj%nstring do ii = 1, size(Obj%elem, 1) write(unit, specstring) Obj%elem(ii, :, jj) end do end do end subroutine write_string_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_mpo_observables_mpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the MPO measurements, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpo), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_mpo_observables_mpo(Obj, unit) type(mpo_observables_mpo), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local observables ! ----------------- integer :: jj do jj = 1, Obj%nmpo write(unit, '(1E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(jj) end do end subroutine write_mpo_observables_mpo
- ObsOps_f90.write_mpo_observables_mpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the MPO measurements, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_mpoc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_mpo_observables_mpoc(Obj, unit) type(mpo_observables_mpoc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local observables ! ----------------- integer :: jj do jj = 1, Obj%nmpo write(unit, '(1E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(jj) end do end subroutine write_mpo_observables_mpoc
- ObsOps_f90.write_mpo_observables_qmpo()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the MPO measurements, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpo), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_mpo_observables_qmpo(Obj, unit) type(mpo_observables_qmpo), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local observables ! ----------------- integer :: jj do jj = 1, Obj%nmpo write(unit, '(1E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(jj) end do end subroutine write_mpo_observables_qmpo
- ObsOps_f90.write_mpo_observables_qmpoc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the MPO measurements, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(mpo_observables_qmpoc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_mpo_observables_qmpoc(Obj, unit) type(mpo_observables_qmpoc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local observables ! ----------------- integer :: jj do jj = 1, Obj%nmpo write(unit, '(1E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(jj) end do end subroutine write_mpo_observables_qmpoc
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoi_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the single site reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables_tensor), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoi_observables_tensor(Obj, unit) type(rhoi_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%hasrho_i) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_i_i, 1) call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(ii), unit) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii)) end do end if end subroutine write_rhoi_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoi_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the single site reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoi_observables_tensorc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoi_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit) type(rhoi_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%hasrho_i) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_i_i, 1) call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(ii), unit) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii)) end do end if end subroutine write_rhoi_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoij_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the two-site reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoij_observables_tensor), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
Measurement of the mutual information influences which two-site entries have to be deallocated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoij_observables_tensor(Obj, unit, has_mi) type(rhoij_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in) :: has_mi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, iidx, jidx if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) iidx = Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) do jj =1, size(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, 1) jidx = Obj%rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(jj) ! Reduce from rank 4 to matrix call fuse(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), [3, 4]) call fuse(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), [1, 2]) call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), unit) end do end do end if ! Deallocation depends as well on two-site density matrices if(has_mi) then do ii = 1, (size(Obj%Elem, 1) - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), size(Obj%Elem, 1) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) iidx = Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) do jj =1, size(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, 1) jidx = Obj%rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(jj) call destroy(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx)) end do end do end if end subroutine write_rhoij_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoij_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the two-site reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoij_observables_tensorc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- has_miLOGICAL, in
Measurement of the mutual information influences which two-site entries have to be deallocated.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoij_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit, has_mi) type(rhoij_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit logical, intent(in) :: has_mi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj, iidx, jidx if(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) iidx = Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) do jj =1, size(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, 1) jidx = Obj%rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(jj) ! Reduce from rank 4 to matrix call fuse(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), [3, 4]) call fuse(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), [1, 2]) call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx), unit) end do end do end if ! Deallocation depends as well on two-site density matrices if(has_mi) then do ii = 1, (size(Obj%Elem, 1) - 1) do jj = (ii + 1), size(Obj%Elem, 1) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif(Obj%hasrho_ij) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%rho_ij_is, 1) iidx = Obj%rho_ij_is(ii) do jj =1, size(Obj%Rho_ij_js(ii)%elem, 1) jidx = Obj%rho_ij_js(ii)%elem(jj) call destroy(Obj%Elem(iidx, jidx)) end do end do end if end subroutine write_rhoij_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoijk_observables_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the general reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables_tensor), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoijk_observables_tensor(Obj, unit, errst) type(rhoijk_observables_tensor), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! indices for fusing integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: fidx !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, Obj%nn allocate(fidx(Obj%sizes(ii))) ! Reduce first set of indices fidx = [(Obj%sizes(ii) + jj, jj = 1, Obj%sizes(ii))] call fuse(Obj%Elem(ii), fidx, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_rhoijk_observables_tensor: '//& ! 'fuse failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4852', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Reduce second set of indices to matrix fidx = [(jj, jj = 1, Obj%sizes(ii))] call fuse(Obj%Elem(ii), fidx) !if(prop_error('write_rhoijk_observables_tensor: '//& ! 'fuse failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4859', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Write as density matrix on complete Hilbert space call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(ii), unit) deallocate(fidx) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii)) end do end subroutine write_rhoijk_observables_tensor
- ObsOps_f90.write_rhoijk_observables_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the general reduced density matrices, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(rhoijk_observables_tensorc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_rhoijk_observables_tensorc(Obj, unit, errst) type(rhoijk_observables_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! indices for fusing integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: fidx !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, Obj%nn allocate(fidx(Obj%sizes(ii))) ! Reduce first set of indices fidx = [(Obj%sizes(ii) + jj, jj = 1, Obj%sizes(ii))] call fuse(Obj%Elem(ii), fidx, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_rhoijk_observables_tensorc: '//& ! 'fuse failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4852', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Reduce second set of indices to matrix fidx = [(jj, jj = 1, Obj%sizes(ii))] call fuse(Obj%Elem(ii), fidx) !if(prop_error('write_rhoijk_observables_tensorc: '//& ! 'fuse failed.', 'ObsOps_include.f90:4859', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Write as density matrix on complete Hilbert space call write_as_matrix(Obj%Elem(ii), unit) deallocate(fidx) call destroy(Obj%Elem(ii)) end do end subroutine write_rhoijk_observables_tensorc
- ObsOps_f90.write_mutualinformation_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the mutual information, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(mutualinformation_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_mutualinformation_observables(Obj, unit, ll, specstring) type(mutualinformation_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit, ll character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii if(Obj%has_mi) then do ii = 1, ll write(unit, specstring) Obj%elem(ii, :) end do Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end if end subroutine write_mutualinformation_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_lambda_observables()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the singular values, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(lambda_observables), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_lambda_observables(Obj, unit) type(lambda_observables), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local observables ! ----------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! actual index integer :: idx ! Format strings for write(*, *) character(16) :: iwstring, specstring if(Obj%has_lambda) then do ii = 1, size(Obj%lambda, 1) idx = Obj%lambda(ii) + 1 ! String specifier write(iwstring, '(I4)') Obj%Vecs(idx)%dim specstring = "("//trim(adjustl(iwstring))//"E30.15E3)" write(unit, '(1I16)') Obj%Vecs(idx)%dim write(unit, specstring) Obj%Vecs(idx)%elem(:Obj%Vecs(idx)%dim) call destroy(Obj%Vecs(idx)) end do end if end subroutine write_lambda_observables
- ObsOps_f90.write_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the distance measures, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(distance_psi_observables_mpsrc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc(Obj, unit) type(distance_psi_observables_mpsrc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Obj%ndist write(unit, '(2E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(ii) end do end subroutine write_distance_psi_observables_mpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.write_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the distance measures, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc(Obj, unit) type(distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Obj%ndist write(unit, '(2E30.15E3)') Obj%elem(ii) end do end subroutine write_distance_psi_observables_qmpsrc
- ObsOps_f90.write_corr2nn_observables_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the correlation measures of two pairs of nearest neighbors, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_real), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_corr2nn_observables_real(Obj, unit, specstring) type(corr2nn_observables_real), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj do jj = 1, Obj%ncorr if(Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' else write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' end if do ii = 1, size(Obj%elem, 1) write(unit, specstring) real(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj), KIND=rKind) !if(.not. Obj%isherm(jj)) then ! write(unit, specstring) aimag(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj)) !end if end do end do if(Obj%ncorr > 0) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end subroutine write_corr2nn_observables_real
- ObsOps_f90.write_corr2nn_observables_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results for the correlation measures of two pairs of nearest neighbors, if requested.
- ObjTYPE(corr_observables_complex), inout
Contains the settings about this measure and its results.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit of the open file handle where results are written.
- specstringCHARACTER(16), in
String specifier for ll floats, where ll is the system size.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_corr2nn_observables_complex(Obj, unit, specstring) type(corr2nn_observables_complex), intent(inout) :: Obj integer, intent(in) :: unit character(16), intent(in) :: specstring ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj do jj = 1, Obj%ncorr if(Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, '(1A1)') 'R' else write(unit, '(1A1)') 'C' end if do ii = 1, size(Obj%elem, 1) write(unit, specstring) real(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj), KIND=rKind) if(.not. Obj%isherm(jj)) then write(unit, specstring) aimag(Obj%elem(ii, :, jj)) end if end do end do if(Obj%ncorr > 0) Obj%elem = 0.0_rKind end subroutine write_corr2nn_observables_complex
- ObsOps_f90.write_obs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(obs_r), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_obs_r(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(obs_r), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obs_r: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_obs_r: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obs_r: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_obs_r
- ObsOps_f90.write_obs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(obs_c), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_obs_c(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(obs_c), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obs_c: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_obs_c: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obs_c: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_obs_c
- ObsOps_f90.write_obsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(obsc), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_obsc(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(obsc), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obsc: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_obsc: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_obsc: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_obsc
- ObsOps_f90.write_qobs_r()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_r), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_qobs_r(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(qobs_r), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobs_r: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_qobs_r: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobs_r: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_qobs_r
- ObsOps_f90.write_qobs_c()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(qobs_c), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_qobs_c(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(qobs_c), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobs_c: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_qobs_c: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobs_c: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_qobs_c
- ObsOps_f90.write_qobsc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Write the results to a the file.
- obsnameCHARACTER(*), in
This is the filename under which the observables should be stored.
- unitINTEGER, in
Open the file on this unit.
- ObjTYPE(qobsc), inout
Contains the measurements for all observables.
- llINTEGER, in
Number of sites in the system.
- timeREAL, OPTIONAL, in
If given, the measurement belongs to a time evolution.
Source Code
show / hide f90 codesubroutine write_qobsc(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time, errst) integer, intent(in) :: ll character(len=*), intent(in) :: obsname integer, intent(in) :: unit type(qobsc), intent(inout) :: Obj real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: time integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- logical :: do_hdf5 ! Program ! ------- !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do_hdf5 = len(trim(adjustl(Obj%hdf5_target_file))) > 0 if(do_hdf5) then !call write_hdf5(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobsc: hdf5 failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5158', errst=errst)) return errst = raise_error('write_qobsc: no HDF5.', 99, & 'ObsOps_include.f90:5161', errst=errst) else call write_file(obsname, unit, Obj, ll, time=time, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('write_file_qobsc: file failed.', & ! 'ObsOps_include.f90:5165', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine write_qobsc