Fortran module Tensors: June 2017 (dj)
Containing basic operations for tensors as allocation, reading writing.
The error status can be decoded the following way
1: allocation / deallocation problem
2: rank mismatch
3: dimension mismatch
4: unknown argument
5: argument not valid
The following subroutines / functions are defined for the applicable data type
procedure |
include.f90 |
mpi.f90 |
addproject |
X |
add_dummylink |
X |
conj |
X |
copy |
X |
create |
X |
create_id |
X |
dagger |
X |
destroy |
X |
dot |
X |
equals |
X |
expm |
X |
expmh |
X |
finalize (splitlink) |
X |
fuse |
X |
gaxpy |
X |
get_scalar |
X |
has_nan |
X |
init (splitlink) |
X |
is_eye |
X |
is_set |
X |
kron |
X |
maxlineardim |
X |
maxvalue |
X |
norm |
X |
par_recv |
X |
par_send |
X |
permute |
X |
perturb |
X |
pointto |
X |
X |
project |
X |
qmattomat |
X |
randomize |
X |
rank |
X |
read |
X |
scale |
X |
set_hash |
X |
split |
X |
trace |
X |
transposed |
X |
write |
X |
write_as_matrix |
X |
- Tensors_f90.addProject_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Apply the projector P to A and add to B, where P is defined as
- BbTYPE(tensor), inout
Add projection of A to this tensor.
- AaTYPE(tensor), in
Get projection of this tensor and add to Bb
- PsiProjsTYPE(tensor)(*), in
Array of tensors defining the projector.
Used in orthogonalizing an MPS against another set of MPSs.
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- Tensors_f90.addProject_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Apply the projector P to A and add to B, where P is defined as
- BbTYPE(tensorc), inout
Add projection of A to this tensor.
- AaTYPE(tensorc), in
Get projection of this tensor and add to Bb
- PsiProjsTYPE(tensorc)(*), in
Array of tensors defining the projector.
Used in orthogonalizing an MPS against another set of MPSs.
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- Tensors_f90.add_dummylink_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Add a dummy link to a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Add a dummy link of dimenions one to the tensor.
- idxINTEGER, in
Position of the dummy link in the modified tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.add_dummylink_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Add a dummy link to a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Add a dummy link of dimenions one to the tensor.
- idxINTEGER, in
Position of the dummy link in the modified tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.check_qnum_tensdim_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2018 (dj) Dummy routine to comply with qTensors.
- TensTYPE(Qtensor), in
Tensor to be checked. Nothing to check.
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- Tensors_f90.check_qnum_tensdim_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2018 (dj) Dummy routine to comply with qTensors.
- TensTYPE(Qtensorc), in
Tensor to be checked. Nothing to check.
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- Tensors_f90.conj_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Complex-conjugated elements in the tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the complex conjugate of each element
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- Tensors_f90.conj_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Complex-conjugated elements in the tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Take the complex conjugate of each element
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Copy a tensor.
- TensoutTYPE(tensor), out
Store copy of Tensin in this tensor.
- TensinTYPE(tensor), in
Copy this tensor to a new tensor Tensout.
- scalarreal, OPTIONAL, in
Multiply input tensor with scalar during copying replacing a copy + scale action.
The following transformation can be applied: complex conjugate (‘C’), transposition (‘T’, simple transposition, no permutation), conjugate transposed (‘H’, simple transposition). No transformation is ‘N’. Default to ‘N’.
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Copy a tensor.
- TensoutTYPE(tensorc), out
Store copy of Tensin in this tensor.
- TensinTYPE(tensor), in
Copy this tensor to a new tensor Tensout.
- scalarcomplex, OPTIONAL, in
Multiply input tensor with scalar during copying replacing a copy + scale action.
The following transformation can be applied: complex conjugate (‘C’), transposition (‘T’, simple transposition, no permutation), conjugate transposed (‘H’, simple transposition). No transformation is ‘N’. Default to ‘N’.
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Copy a tensor.
- TensoutTYPE(tensorc), out
Store copy of Tensin in this tensor.
- TensinTYPE(tensorc), in
Copy this tensor to a new tensor Tensout.
- scalarcomplex, OPTIONAL, in
Multiply input tensor with scalar during copying replacing a copy + scale action.
The following transformation can be applied: complex conjugate (‘C’), transposition (‘T’, simple transposition, no permutation), conjugate transposed (‘H’, simple transposition). No transformation is ‘N’. Default to ‘N’.
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorlist()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? () Copy a tensor list.
- ObjoutTYPE(tensorlist), out
Copy the entries of Objin here.
- ObjinTYPE(tensorlist), in
source for copy into Dest.
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorlistc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? () Copy a tensorc list.
- ObjoutTYPE(tensorlistc), out
Copy the entries of Objin here.
- ObjinTYPE(tensorlistc), in
source for copy into Dest.
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorlistarray()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? () Copy an array of tensor lists.
- ObjoutTYPE(tensorlist)(*), out
Copy the entries of Objin here.
- ObjinTYPE(tensorlist)(*), in
source for copy into Objout
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- Tensors_f90.copy_tensorlistarrayc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? () Copy an array of tensorc lists.
- ObjoutTYPE(tensorlistc)(*), out
Copy the entries of Objin here.
- ObjinTYPE(tensorlistc)(*), in
source for copy into Objout
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- Tensors_f90.create_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Create a tensor of rank-k.
- TensTYPE(tensor), out
Allocate an rank-k tensor with certain dimensions.
- dlINTEGER, in
Dimension of the vector to be allocated.
Options for initialization of the array. These are initialization with zeros (‘0’), ones (‘1’), no initialization (‘N’) and random numbers (‘R’). Default to ‘N’ (if not present).
Maximal dimension of the tensor during its whole use in the algorithm. Allows to avoid deallocation/allocation steps. Default to dl.
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- Tensors_f90.create_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Create a tensor of rank-k.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), out
Allocate an rank-k tensor with certain dimensions.
- dlINTEGER, in
Dimension of the vector to be allocated.
Options for initialization of the array. These are initialization with zeros (‘0’), ones (‘1’), no initialization (‘N’) and random numbers (‘R’). Default to ‘N’ (if not present).
Maximal dimension of the tensor during its whole use in the algorithm. Allows to avoid deallocation/allocation steps. Default to dl.
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- Tensors_f90.create_id_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (updated dj) Create an identity matrix (or delta function, rank-2 tensor).
- IdmatTYPE(tensor), out
Create and identity matrix of dimension dim x dim.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Needed to extract dimension for identity matrix. Has to be rank-3.
- sideINTEGER, in
Either 1 or 3 depending if identity matrix should be created as LeftDelta (1, first index) or RightDelta (3, last/third index).
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- Tensors_f90.create_id_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (updated dj) Create an identity matrix (or delta function, rank-2 tensor).
- IdmatTYPE(tensorc), out
Create and identity matrix of dimension dim x dim.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Needed to extract dimension for identity matrix. Has to be rank-3.
- sideINTEGER, in
Either 1 or 3 depending if identity matrix should be created as LeftDelta (1, first index) or RightDelta (3, last/third index).
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- Tensors_f90.create_diag_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Create a rank-2 tensor with the given values on the diagonal.
- DmatTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit, diagonal rank-2 tensor.
- DvalsTYPE(tensor), in
Diagonal entries for the rank-2 tensor as rank-1 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.create_diag_tensor_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Create a rank-2 tensor with the given values on the diagonal.
- DmatTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, diagonal rank-2 tensor.
- DvalsTYPE(tensor), in
Diagonal entries for the rank-2 tensor as rank-1 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.create_diag_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Create a rank-2 tensor with the given values on the diagonal.
- DmatTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, diagonal rank-2 tensor.
- DvalsTYPE(tensorc), in
Diagonal entries for the rank-2 tensor as rank-1 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.create_tensorlist()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - January 2016 (update dj) Create a tensor list of length d1.
- MatsTYPE(tensorlist), inout
Allocate an array of size d1.
- d1INTEGER, in
Length of the matrix list to be allocated.
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- Tensors_f90.create_tensorlistc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - January 2016 (update dj) Create a tensorc list of length d1.
- MatsTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
Allocate an array of size d1.
- d1INTEGER, in
Length of the matrix list to be allocated.
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- Tensors_f90.dagger_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Taking complex conjugate followed by transposition of indices or permutation.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Save a transposition/permutation on the indices of this tensor. Complex conjugated values are taken during this subroutine.
- permINTEGER(*), OPTIONAL, in
permutation array has length equal to the rank of the tensor with unique entries 1 to rank. Default to rank, rank - 1, …, 2, 1 (transpose)
If true, then permute immediately. If false or not present, permutation is only indicated in the indices.
For details of permutation look into Tensors.f90:transpose_tensor (template defined in Tensors_include.f90)
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Destroy a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Deallocate the array representing the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.dagger_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Taking complex conjugate followed by transposition of indices or permutation.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Save a transposition/permutation on the indices of this tensor. Complex conjugated values are taken during this subroutine.
- permINTEGER(*), OPTIONAL, in
permutation array has length equal to the rank of the tensor with unique entries 1 to rank. Default to rank, rank - 1, …, 2, 1 (transpose)
If true, then permute immediately. If false or not present, permutation is only indicated in the indices.
For details of permutation look into Tensors.f90:transpose_tensorc (template defined in Tensors_include.f90)
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Destroy a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Deallocate the array representing the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_tensorlist()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - January 2016 (update dj) Destroy a list of tensor.
- MatsTYPE(tensorlist), inout
Deallocate the array of matrixs (including each matrix).
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_tensorlistc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - January 2016 (update dj) Destroy a list of tensorc.
- MatsTYPE(tensorlistc), inout
Deallocate the array of matrixs (including each matrix).
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_imap()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Destroy the imap if allocated.
- ImapperTYPE(imap), inout
Deallocated on exit. It checks if allocated first.
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- Tensors_f90.dot_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2016 (dj) Compute dot product <A, B> for tensors.
- TensaTYPE(tensor), out
First tensor in the dot product (taken with complex conjugated values for complex arrays).
- TensbTYPE(tensor), in
Second tensor in the dot product. Has to be the same size as first tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.dot_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2016 (dj) Compute dot product <A, B> for tensors.
- TensaTYPE(tensorc), out
First tensor in the dot product (taken with complex conjugated values for complex arrays).
- TensbTYPE(tensorc), in
Second tensor in the dot product. Has to be the same size as first tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.macdot_real()[source]¶
fortran-function - July 2018 (dj) Dot product implemented to avoid faulty ZDOTC implementation of Mac OS X accelerate package.
- dimINTEGER, in
Dimension of the dot product.
- elemareal(*), in
First argument in dot product. Complex-conjugate taken for complex-valued arguments.
- elembreal(*), in
Second argument in dot product.
The interface of the accelerate package to the BLAS routine zdotc appears for various packages, among them scipy as documented in https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/1847. Using this workaround, we loose possibly parallel implementations within the dot product.
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- Tensors_f90.macdot_complex()[source]¶
fortran-function - July 2018 (dj) Dot product implemented to avoid faulty ZDOTC implementation of Mac OS X accelerate package.
- dimINTEGER, in
Dimension of the dot product.
- elemacomplex(*), in
First argument in dot product. Complex-conjugate taken for complex-valued arguments.
- elembcomplex(*), in
Second argument in dot product.
The interface of the accelerate package to the BLAS routine zdotc appears for various packages, among them scipy as documented in https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/1847. Using this workaround, we loose possibly parallel implementations within the dot product.
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- Tensors_f90.equals_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Compare if two tensors are equal.
- TensaTYPE(tensor), in
First tensor for comparison.
- TensbTYPE(tensor), in
Second tensor for comparison.
Tolerance for testing the actual entries of the tensor. Default is 1e-14.
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- Tensors_f90.equals_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Compare if two tensors are equal.
- TensaTYPE(tensorc), in
First tensor for comparison.
- TensbTYPE(tensor), in
Second tensor for comparison.
Tolerance for testing the actual entries of the tensor. Default is 1e-14.
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- Tensors_f90.equals_tensor_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Compare if two tensors are equal.
- TensaTYPE(tensor), in
First tensor for comparison.
- TensbTYPE(tensorc), in
Second tensor for comparison.
Tolerance for testing the actual entries of the tensor. Default is 1e-14.
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- Tensors_f90.equals_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Compare if two tensors are equal.
- TensaTYPE(tensorc), in
First tensor for comparison.
- TensbTYPE(tensorc), in
Second tensor for comparison.
Tolerance for testing the actual entries of the tensor. Default is 1e-14.
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- Tensors_f90.expm_real_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- screal, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
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- Tensors_f90.expm_complex_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- sccomplex, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
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- Tensors_f90.expm_real_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- screal, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
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- Tensors_f90.expm_complex_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- sccomplex, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
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- Tensors_f90.expm_tensor_real_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying matrix. This is a dummy.
- TexpTYPE(tensor), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- screal, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
The matrix exponential of a non-hermitian real matrix can be complex and is therefore ill-defined. This methods just raises and error.
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- Tensors_f90.expmh_real_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying hermitian matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensor), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- screal, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
Subroutines does not check if matrix is actually hermitian.
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- Tensors_f90.expmh_complex_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying hermitian matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- sccomplex, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
Subroutines does not check if matrix is actually hermitian.
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- Tensors_f90.expmh_real_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying hermitian matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- screal, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
Subroutines does not check if matrix is actually hermitian.
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- Tensors_f90.expmh_complex_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Take the exponential of a tensor assuming an underlying hermitian matrix.
- TexpTYPE(tensorc), out
This is on exit the exponetial. Has rank and dimensions of the input tensor.
- sccomplex, in
Additional scalar inside exp-function.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Take the exponential of this tensor.
- last_row_idxINTEGER, in
The dimension for the rows are calculated as product(Tens%dl(:last_row_idx)). The remaining indices build the column.
Subroutines does not check if matrix is actually hermitian.
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- Tensors_f90.fuse_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Fuse indices of a tensor together to a single index.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Merge certain indices of this tensor together to one index.
- indINTEGER(*), inout
Contains the positions of the indices to be merged together. Indices must be ascending at this point.
If indices are not neighbors, they are merged into the first position.
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- Tensors_f90.fuse_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Fuse indices of a tensor together to a single index.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Merge certain indices of this tensor together to one index.
- indINTEGER(*), inout
Contains the positions of the indices to be merged together. Indices must be ascending at this point.
If indices are not neighbors, they are merged into the first position.
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- Tensors_f90.fuse_all_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Fuse equally sized subsets of links containing in total all links.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Fuse links in this tensor.
- idxINTEGER(*, *), in
Each column contain the links to be fused. The number of rows times the number of columns must correspond to the rank of the tensor. ii-th column is ii-th new index.
- methodCHARACTER, in
Dummy flag to comply with the interface for the symmetric tensors.
- orderedLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in
If flag is true, the permutation of the indices does not have to be executed. Default to false (permute links).
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- Tensors_f90.fuse_all_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Fuse equally sized subsets of links containing in total all links.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Fuse links in this tensor.
- idxINTEGER(*, *), in
Each column contain the links to be fused. The number of rows times the number of columns must correspond to the rank of the tensor. ii-th column is ii-th new index.
- methodCHARACTER, in
Dummy flag to comply with the interface for the symmetric tensors.
- orderedLOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in
If flag is true, the permutation of the indices does not have to be executed. Default to false (permute links).
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- Tensors_f90.gaxpy_tensor_real_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Y = Y + a * X for real a
- YyTYPE(tensor), inout
On entry, tensor. On exit tensor times scalar added to this tensor,
- screal, in
Scalar multiplied with tensor X.
- XxTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor added to tensor Y. Is scaled with constant sc.
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- Tensors_f90.gaxpy_tensorc_complex_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Y = Y + a * X for complex a
- YyTYPE(tensorc), inout
On entry, tensor. On exit tensor times scalar added to this tensor,
- sccomplex, in
Scalar multiplied with tensor X.
- XxTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor added to tensor Y. Is scaled with constant sc.
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- Tensors_f90.gaxpy_tensorc_real_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Y = Y + a * X for real a
- YyTYPE(tensorc), inout
On entry, tensor. On exit tensor times scalar added to this tensor,
- screal, in
Scalar multiplied with tensor X.
- XxTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor added to tensor Y. Is scaled with constant sc.
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- Tensors_f90.gaxpy_tensorc_complex_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Y = Y + a * X for complex a
- YyTYPE(tensorc), inout
On entry, tensor. On exit tensor times scalar added to this tensor,
- sccomplex, in
Scalar multiplied with tensor X.
- XxTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor added to tensor Y. Is scaled with constant sc.
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- Tensors_f90.gaxpy_tensorc_real_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Y = Y + a * X for real a
- YyTYPE(tensorc), inout
On entry, tensor. On exit tensor times scalar added to this tensor,
- screal, in
Scalar multiplied with tensor X.
- XxTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor added to tensor Y. Is scaled with constant sc.
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- Tensors_f90.get_scalar_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - July 2017 (dj) Get the scalar if the tensor represents a rank-0 tensor.
- QtensTYPE(Qtensor), in
Return the scalar entry of a rank-0 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.get_scalar_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - July 2017 (dj) Get the scalar if the tensor represents a rank-0 tensor.
- QtensTYPE(Qtensorc), in
Return the scalar entry of a rank-0 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.has_nan_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2017 (dj) Check if the tensor has NAN in the actual array.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Check NAN on the entries of this tensor. Check does not apply to rank, dimensions, etc.
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- Tensors_f90.has_nan_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2017 (dj) Check if the tensor has NAN in the actual array.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Check NAN on the entries of this tensor. Check does not apply to rank, dimensions, etc.
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- Tensors_f90.is_eye_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Check if the tensor is an identity.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
This tensor is checked if it is an identity.
We define the identity for any rank as a tensor with ones for i_1 = i_2 = … = i_n, and otherwise zeros.
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- Tensors_f90.is_eye_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Check if the tensor is an identity.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
This tensor is checked if it is an identity.
We define the identity for any rank as a tensor with ones for i_1 = i_2 = … = i_n, and otherwise zeros.
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- Tensors_f90.is_set_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Check if a tensor is in use.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Check if the tensor was used, i.e. a call to create. The check is on the rank of the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.is_set_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - August 2017 (dj) Check if a tensor is in use.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Check if the tensor was used, i.e. a call to create. The check is on the rank of the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.kron_tensor_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - May 2017 (dj) Kronecker product bipartions on two tensors.
- ToutTYPE(tensor), inout
Storing the result of the Kronecker product.
- TlTYPE(tensor), inout
Left tensor in the Kronecker product.
- TrTYPE(tensor), inout
Right tensor in the Kronecker product.
- llrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:llr. This is for the left tensor Tl.
- lrrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:lrr. This is for the left tensor Tr.
- translCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
- transrCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
Either ‘N’ for usual Kronecker product, or ‘+’ for adding to the result.
The output is always a rank-4 tensor. The intended use is for rank-2 tensors.
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- Tensors_f90.kron_tensorc_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - May 2017 (dj) Kronecker product bipartions on two tensors.
- ToutTYPE(tensorc), inout
Storing the result of the Kronecker product.
- TlTYPE(tensorc), inout
Left tensor in the Kronecker product.
- TrTYPE(tensorc), inout
Right tensor in the Kronecker product.
- llrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:llr. This is for the left tensor Tl.
- lrrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:lrr. This is for the left tensor Tr.
- translCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
- transrCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
Either ‘N’ for usual Kronecker product, or ‘+’ for adding to the result.
The output is always a rank-4 tensor. The intended use is for rank-2 tensors.
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- Tensors_f90.kron_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - May 2017 (dj) Kronecker product bipartions on two tensors.
- ToutTYPE(tensorc), inout
Storing the result of the Kronecker product.
- TlTYPE(tensor), inout
Left tensor in the Kronecker product.
- TrTYPE(tensor), inout
Right tensor in the Kronecker product.
- llrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:llr. This is for the left tensor Tl.
- lrrINTEGER, in
Last index contributing to the rows, all over 1:lrr. This is for the left tensor Tr.
- translCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
- transrCHARACTER, in
Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix
when taking the tensor product. Either ‘N’ (none), ‘T’ (transposed), or ‘D’ (dagger / conjugate transposed).
Either ‘N’ for usual Kronecker product, or ‘+’ for adding to the result.
The output is always a rank-4 tensor. The intended use is for rank-2 tensors.
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- Tensors_f90.maxlineardim_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (updated dj) Return the maximal dimension of all n indices in the rank-n tensor, or selected indices.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Get the maximal dimension of this tensor.
- idxINTEGER(*), in
Search only over these indices of the rank-n tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.maxlineardim_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (updated dj) Return the maximal dimension of all n indices in the rank-n tensor, or selected indices.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Get the maximal dimension of this tensor.
- idxINTEGER(*), in
Search only over these indices of the rank-n tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.maxvalue_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Return the maximal value of all entries in the tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Get the maximal entry of this tensor. For complex tensors, the absolute value is considered.
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- Tensors_f90.maxvalue_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Return the maximal value of all entries in the tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Get the maximal entry of this tensor. For complex tensors, the absolute value is considered.
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- Tensors_f90.norm_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2016 (update dj) Compute <A, A> for a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Get norm of this tensor <A, A>.
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- Tensors_f90.norm_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - October 2016 (update dj) Compute <A, A> for a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Get norm of this tensor <A, A>.
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- Tensors_f90.permute_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Bring the tensor in the actual order defined in idx in the memory. It is “COME FROM” indexing.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Permute the indices of this tensor into the order stored in idx.
We divide the indices into three blocks (A, B, C), where the first and the last block contains indices not changing their position.
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- Tensors_f90.permute_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Bring the tensor in the actual order defined in idx in the memory. It is “COME FROM” indexing.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Permute the indices of this tensor into the order stored in idx.
We divide the indices into three blocks (A, B, C), where the first and the last block contains indices not changing their position.
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- Tensors_f90.perturb_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturb a tensor by a some small epsilon, entry-by-entry.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Tensor to be perturbed.
- epsilonreal, OPTIONAL, in
Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8
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- Tensors_f90.perturb_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturb a tensor by a some small epsilon, entry-by-entry.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tensor to be perturbed.
- epsilonreal, OPTIONAL, in
Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8
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- Tensors_f90.pointto_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2018 (dj) Copy Objb to Obja by setting the pointers and nullify Objb.
- ObjaTYPE(tensor), inout
On exit, it contains the same information as Objb
- ObjbTYPE(tensor), inout
Empty on exit.
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- Tensors_f90.pointto_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2018 (dj) Copy Objb to Obja by setting the pointers and nullify Objb.
- ObjaTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, it contains the same information as Objb
- ObjbTYPE(tensorc), inout
Empty on exit.
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- Tensors_f90.pointto_tensorc_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2018 (dj) Copy Objb to Obja by setting the pointers and nullify Objb. Conversion from real to complex is without pointers.
- ObjaTYPE(tensorc), inout
On exit, it contains the same information as Objb
- ObjbTYPE(tensor), inout
Empty on exit.
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- Tensors_f90.print_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Tensor print.
- ObjTYPE(tensor), in
Deprecated subroutines. Uses write_tensor internally.
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- Tensors_f90.print_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Tensor print.
- ObjTYPE(tensorc), in
Deprecated subroutines. Uses write_tensorc internally.
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- Tensors_f90.project_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Apply the projector P to Aa and store in Bb, where P is defined as
- BbTYPE(tensor), out
Store projection of A in this tensor.
- AaTYPE(tensor), in
Get projection of this tensor.
- PsiProjsTYPE(tensor)(*), in
Array of tensors defining the projector.
Used in orthogonalizing an MPS against another set of MPSs.
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- Tensors_f90.project_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Apply the projector P to Aa and store in Bb, where P is defined as
- BbTYPE(tensorc), out
Store projection of A in this tensor.
- AaTYPE(tensorc), in
Get projection of this tensor.
- PsiProjsTYPE(tensorc)(*), in
Array of tensors defining the projector.
Used in orthogonalizing an MPS against another set of MPSs.
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- Tensors_f90.qmattomat_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj) Dummy interface resulting in a copy.
- ToutTYPE(tensor), inout
Copy of input tensor.
- TinTYPE(tensor), in
Copy this tensor, which is already a tensor without symmetries.
- ImapperTYPE(IMAP), in
Mapping quantum numbers to matrix. Unused.
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- Tensors_f90.qmattomat_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj) Dummy interface resulting in a copy.
- ToutTYPE(tensorc), inout
Copy of input tensor.
- TinTYPE(tensorc), in
Copy this tensor, which is already a tensor without symmetries.
- ImapperTYPE(IMAP), in
Mapping quantum numbers to matrix. Unused.
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- Tensors_f90.randomize_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Randomize the elements of the tensor. March 2016 (updated dj)
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Randomize entries between [-1, 1] (real array) or [-1-i, 1+i] (complex arrays).
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- Tensors_f90.randomize_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - Randomize the elements of the tensor. March 2016 (updated dj)
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Randomize entries between [-1, 1] (real array) or [-1-i, 1+i] (complex arrays).
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- Tensors_f90.rank_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Return the rank of a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Return the rank of the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.rank_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Return the rank of a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Return the rank of the tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.read_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Read an tensor from a given unit.
- TensTYPE(tensor), out
will be read from given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
read from this unit
- formCHARACTER, in
‘H’ (human readable), ‘B’ (binary).
For a detailed description go to the documentation of the corresponding write method write_tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.read_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Read an tensor from a given unit.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), out
will be read from given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
read from this unit
- formCHARACTER, in
‘H’ (human readable), ‘B’ (binary).
For a detailed description go to the documentation of the corresponding write method write_tensorc.
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- Tensors_f90.scale_tensor_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Scale a tensor by a scalar.
Scalar to be multiplied with tensor.
- ObjTYPE(COMPLEXtensor), inout
Tensor to be scaled with scalar.
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- Tensors_f90.scale_tensorc_complex()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Scale a tensor by a scalar.
Scalar to be multiplied with tensor.
- ObjTYPE(COMPLEXtensorc), inout
Tensor to be scaled with scalar.
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- Tensors_f90.scale_tensorc_real()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - March 2016 (updated dj) Scale a tensor by a scalar.
Scalar to be multiplied with tensor.
- ObjTYPE(COMPLEXtensorc), inout
Tensor to be scaled with scalar.
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- Tensors_f90.set_hash_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Dummy subroutine to comply with interface in qTensors. No effect on usual tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Tens is returned without modification as it has no symmetries.
- idxsINTEGER(*), in
Specify indices to be hashed in regard to the legs of the tensor.
Specify index in terms of array of tensors for generating new hash. If not present, all tensors are set again.
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- Tensors_f90.set_hash_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Dummy subroutine to comply with interface in qTensors. No effect on usual tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Tens is returned without modification as it has no symmetries.
- idxsINTEGER(*), in
Specify indices to be hashed in regard to the legs of the tensor.
Specify index in terms of array of tensors for generating new hash. If not present, all tensors are set again.
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- Tensors_f90.split_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Split one index of a tensor into multiple indices.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Split one index of this tensor.
- idxINTEGER, in
Split this index into multiple indices.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), in
Information about splitting the tensor.
Specify which information in Sl is accessed. Default to 1.
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- Tensors_f90.split_all_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Split all links of a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Split all links of this tensor.
- SlsTYPE(splitlink)(*), in
Contains the information how to split each index. Dimension of Sls must correspond to the rank of the tensor.
Choose an index within the splitlink information. Default to 1.
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- Tensors_f90.split_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2016 (dj) Split one index of a tensor into multiple indices.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Split one index of this tensor.
- idxINTEGER, in
Split this index into multiple indices.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), in
Information about splitting the tensor.
Specify which information in Sl is accessed. Default to 1.
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- Tensors_f90.split_all_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Split all links of a tensor.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Split all links of this tensor.
- SlsTYPE(splitlink)(*), in
Contains the information how to split each index. Dimension of Sls must correspond to the rank of the tensor.
Choose an index within the splitlink information. Default to 1.
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- Tensors_f90.trace_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Returns the trace for rank-2 tensors.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
Calculate the trace assuming it is a rank-2 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.trace_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Returns the trace for rank-2 tensors.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
Calculate the trace assuming it is a rank-2 tensor.
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- Tensors_f90.transposed_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Transposition of indices or permutation.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
Save a transposition/permutation on the indices of this tensor.
- permINTEGER(*), OPTIONAL, in
permutation array has length equal to the rank of the tensor with unique entries 1 to rank. Default to rank, rank - 1, …, 2, 1 (transpose)
If true, then permute immediately. If false or not present, permutation is only indicated in the indices.
The permutation is only stored in the indices and no actions on the actual memory are carried out. The permutation array [3, 1, 2] is to be read as “The new index 1 comes from old index 3” etc. (template defined in Tensors_include.f90)
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- Tensors_f90.write_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write the tensor to a file or the std-out.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
will be written to given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
write on this unit
- formCHARACTER, in
‘H’ (human readable), ‘B’ (binary) or ‘6’ (non-zero values intended for standard-output).
For form = H or B the information about the rank-3 tensor is written in the following form: 1) three integers, dimension of the tensor 2) H : Entries of the matrix where each entry is in its own line. The tensor is saved row-major (meaning the order of the elements is (1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,1,3), …, (1,1,d3), (1,2,1), (1,2,2), …). B : elements are written in one step (column-major!).
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- Tensors_f90.transposed_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - July 2016 (dj) Transposition of indices or permutation.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
Save a transposition/permutation on the indices of this tensor.
- permINTEGER(*), OPTIONAL, in
permutation array has length equal to the rank of the tensor with unique entries 1 to rank. Default to rank, rank - 1, …, 2, 1 (transpose)
If true, then permute immediately. If false or not present, permutation is only indicated in the indices.
The permutation is only stored in the indices and no actions on the actual memory are carried out. The permutation array [3, 1, 2] is to be read as “The new index 1 comes from old index 3” etc. (template defined in Tensors_include.f90)
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- Tensors_f90.write_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write the tensor to a file or the std-out.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
will be written to given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
write on this unit
- formCHARACTER, in
‘H’ (human readable), ‘B’ (binary) or ‘6’ (non-zero values intended for standard-output).
For form = H or B the information about the rank-3 tensor is written in the following form: 1) three integers, dimension of the tensor 2) H : Entries of the matrix where each entry is in its own line. The tensor is saved row-major (meaning the order of the elements is (1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,1,3), …, (1,1,d3), (1,2,1), (1,2,2), …). B : elements are written in one step (column-major!).
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- Tensors_f90.write_as_matrix_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj, updated) Write the tensor as a matrix in column-major format. If complex, real part of all entries before complex part of all entries
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
will be written to given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
write on this unit
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- Tensors_f90.write_as_matrix_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj, updated) Write the tensor as a matrix in column-major format. If complex, real part of all entries before complex part of all entries
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
will be written to given destination.
- unitINTEGER, in
write on this unit
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- Tensors_f90.copy_splitlink()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Copy splitlink object.
- SloutTYPE(splitlink), inout
Copy the entries of Slin here.
- SlinTYPE(splitlink), in
source for copy into Slout
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- Tensors_f90.create_splitlink_dimensions()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Create a simple splitlink passing the dimensions.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Setup this splitlink object.
- dimsINTEGER(*), in
Dimension for splitting a tensor link.
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- Tensors_f90.create_splitlink_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Create a splitlink object from the identity matrix.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Fill this splitlink object with the splitting for an identity matrix.
- IdopTYPE(tensor), in
The dimension is taken from the identity to create the splitlink object.
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- Tensors_f90.create_splitlink_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Create a splitlink object from the identity matrix.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Fill this splitlink object with the splitting for an identity matrix.
- IdopTYPE(tensorc), in
The dimension is taken from the identity to create the splitlink object.
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- Tensors_f90.destroy_splitlink()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Destroy the object taking care of splitting a link.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Deallocate on exit.
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- Tensors_f90.init_splitlink_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Store the information about fusing links in a tensor.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Splitlink information is initialized after this subroutine. It needs to be finalized.
- TensTYPE(tensor), inout
The tensor to be fused.
- idxINTEGER(*), inout
The links to be fused.
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- Tensors_f90.init_splitlink_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - September 2017 (dj) Store the information about fusing links in a tensor.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
Splitlink information is initialized after this subroutine. It needs to be finalized.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), inout
The tensor to be fused.
- idxINTEGER(*), inout
The links to be fused.
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- Tensors_f90.finalize_splitlink_tensor()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Finalize splitlink is a dummy function for tensors without symmetry.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
On exit, complete splitlink object. On entry, the hashes are filled with the indices of the corresponding block.
- TensTYPE(tensor), in
The tensor which was fused.
- idxINTEGER, in
Index of the new link, which has been fused.
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- Tensors_f90.finalize_splitlink_tensorc()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - October 2017 (dj) Finalize splitlink is a dummy function for tensors without symmetry.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), inout
On exit, complete splitlink object. On entry, the hashes are filled with the indices of the corresponding block.
- TensTYPE(tensorc), in
The tensor which was fused.
- idxINTEGER, in
Index of the new link, which has been fused.
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- Tensors_f90.read_splitlink()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj) Write a splitlink object to an open file specified via the unit.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), in
On exit, splitlink object is filled with data from file.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit where the file is open.
- formCHARACTER, in
Specifies type of read between human readable output (‘H’) and binary in an unformatted file (‘B’).
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- Tensors_f90.write_splitlink()[source]¶
fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj) Write a splitlink object to an open file specified via the unit.
- SlTYPE(splitlink), in
Splitlink object to be written.
- unitINTEGER, in
Unit where the file is open.
- formCHARACTER, in
Specifies type of print between debugging output (‘6’), human readable output (‘H’) and binary in an unformatted file (‘B’).
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