Source code for mpo

Matrix Product Operators

The matrix product operators organize the class :py:class:`mpo.MPO`. The
natural operator structure for MPS algorithms is a matrix product operator
(MPO). The exact diagonalization modules uses the same class to construct
Hamiltonians, effective Hamiltonians, and operators in Liouville space.
Operators can be constructed as MPOs using a set of rules which specify
how operators acting on local Hilbert spaces are combined to create an operator
acting on the entire many-body system. Using a canonical form for MPOs, several
operators constructed from these rules can be put together as a single
MPO :cite:`Wall2012`. OSMPS uses this essential idea of creating
operators from a set of predetermined rules to construct the Hamiltonian and
other operators appearing in an MPS simulation.

An operator acting on the many-body state, i.e. the MPO, is an object of the
:py:class:`mpo.MPO` class in MPSPyLib. For an instantiation of the MPO class,
named ``H`` in the following, is obtained as

.. code-block:: python

   H = mps.MPO(Operators)

Once we have an MPO object, we add terms to it using the
:py:func:`Ops.AddMPOTerm` method. In particular, the rules are
defined in the module :py:mod:`mpoterm`.

.. automodule:: mpoterm


As an example, a template MPO for the Hamiltonian of the hard-core boson model
with :math:`1/r^3` interactions,

.. math::
   \hat{H} &= -t \sum_{\langle i,j \\rangle} \left(\hat{b}_i^{\\dagger} \hat{b}_j
              + \mathrm{h.c.} \\right) 
              + U \sum_{i<j} \\frac{\hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j}{\left|j-i \\right|^3}
              - \mu \sum_{i} \hat{n}_i \, ,

is provided by

.. code-block:: python

   import MPSPyLib as mps

   # Build operators
   Operators = mps.BuildBoseOperators(1)
   # Define Hamiltonian MPO
   H = mps.MPO(Operators)
   H.AddMPOTerm('site', 'nbtotal', hparam='mu', weight=-1.0)
   H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['bdagger', 'b'], hparam='t', weight=-1.0)
   invrcube = lambda x: 1.0/(x*x*x)
   H.AddMPOTerm('InfiniteFunction', ['nbtotal', 'nbtotal'], hparam='U',
                weight=1.0, func=invrcube, L=1000, tol=1e-9)

We stress that no assumptions are made about the ``hparam`` parameters ``'t'``,
``'mu'``, or ``'U'`` when the MPO is built. The ``hparams`` are simply tags
parameterizing the operators which appear in the Hamiltonian. The actual
numerical values of :math:`t`, :math:`U`, and :math:`\mu` are specified as
part of the dictionary ``parameters`` discussed in Sec. :ref:`sec_parameters`.
These parameters can also be position-dependent, as demonstrated in the example
files in :ref:`sec_examples`.

One can print operators using the :py:func:`mpo.MPO.printMPO` method. As an
example, the interacting spinless fermion model

.. math::
   \hat{H} &= - t \sum_{\langle i,j \\rangle} \left(\hat{f}_i^{\\dagger} \hat{f}_j
              + \mathrm{h.c.} \\right) 
              + U\sum_{\langle i,j \\rangle }{\hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j} \, ,

is specified and printed as

.. code-block:: python

   import MPSPyLib as mps

   # Build operators
   Operators = mps.BuildFermiOperators()
   # Define Hamiltonian MPO
   H = mps.MPO(Operators)
   H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['fdagger', 'f'], hparam='t', weight=-1.0, Phase=True)
   H.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['nftotal', 'nftotal'], hparam='U', weight=1.0)

The result of this code is

:command:`-1.0 \* t \* \\sum_i fdaggerP_i f_{i+1} + 1.0 \* t \* \\sum_i fP_i`
:command:`fdaggerP_{i+1} + 1.0 \* U \* \\sum_i nftotal_i nftotal_{i+1}`

Note the use of the *phased* operators ``fdaggerP`` and ``fP`` according to

As the ``'InfiniteFunction'`` rule constructs MPOs by fitting the decaying
function to a series of weighted exponentials, the result of ``printMPO``
will contain the data for the exponentials and not information about the
infinite function proper.

Finally, as complex MPOs with ``InfiniteFunction`` interactions can be
expensive to generate, one can save the data in an ``MPO`` object instance
using the :py:func:`mpo.WriteMPO` function, and then read it in later using
the :py:func:`mpo.ReadMPO` function.  The syntax for these is

.. code-block:: python

   H = mps.ReadMPO(filename)

where ``H`` is an object of the :py:class:`mpo.MPO` class and ``filename`` is
the name of the file where the MPO is written to/read from.
import numpy as np
#import scipy.sparse as sp
from copy import deepcopy
import hashlib
#from .mpoterm import SiteTerm, BondTerm, ExpTerm, FiniteFunc, InfiniteFunc
#from .mpoterm import ProductTerm, MBStringTerm, TTerm
#from .mpoterm import SiteLindXX, MBSLind, MBSLindXY
#from .mpoterm import LindLSpec, LindSpec, LindInfFunc

from sys import version_info
if(version_info[0] < 3):
    import cPickle
    import pickle as cPickle

from scipy import __version__ as _spv
_spv = list(map(int, _spv.split('.')[:2]))

interaction_picture = False

[docs]def set_interaction_picture(status): global interaction_picture interaction_picture = status
[docs]def WriteMPO(MPO, filename): """ Write MPO object instance to file filename. **Arguments** MPO : instance of :py:class:`mpo.MPO` This is the MPO to be written. filename : str File where MPO information is to be written. """ output = open(filename, "wb") cPickle.dump(MPO, output, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output.close()
[docs]def ReadMPO(filename): """ Read MPO object instance from file filename. **Arguments** filename : str Filename where MPO is stored. """ output = open(filename, "rb") MPO = cPickle.load(output) output.close() return MPO
[docs]class MPO: """ Initialize an MPO object. **Arguments** Operators : dict or instance of :py:class:`Ops.OperatorList`. Contains the local operators used for measurements, symmetries, and MPOs. pbc : boolean Contains the setting for open boundary conditions (``False``) versus periodic boundary conditions (``True``). There are multiple restrictions which methods can be used with PBC. In TN methods, the only non-local terms supporting PBC are the bond rules and the product rule. In ED, only bond rules access the pbc flag, others might execute with OPC. Default to False, i.e., open boundary conditions. PostProcess : boolean, optional If PostProcessing (``True``), infinite functions are not fitted with exponentials. If ``False``, those are fitted. **Variables** TI : bool Flag if MPO is translational invariant. IntHparam : dictionary Contains the mapping string identifier to integer for writting to fortran interface. terms : list List of available MPO rules. data : dictionary Contains the class for each rule set with the string identifier as key. """ def __init__(self, Operators, pbc=False, PostProcess=False): self.Operators = Operators self.PostProcess = PostProcess self.TI = True self.pbc = pbc self.IntHparam = {} self.terms = ['site', 'bond', 'exponential', 'product', 'FiniteFunction', 'MBString', 'tterm', 'lind1', 'MBSLind', 'MBSLXY', 'lindexp', 'InfiniteFunction', 'LindInfFunc'] = {}['site'] = SiteTerm(Operators)['bond'] = BondTerm(Operators)['product'] = ProductTerm(Operators)['exponential'] = ExpTerm(Operators)['FiniteFunction'] = FiniteFunc(Operators)['MBString'] = MBStringTerm(Operators)['lind1'] = SiteLindXX(Operators)['tterm'] = TTerm(Operators)['MBSLind'] = MBSLind(Operators)['MBSLXY'] = MBSLindXY(Operators)['lindexp'] = ExpTerm(Operators)['InfiniteFunction'] = InfiniteFunc(Operators,['exponential'], PostProcess)['LindInfFunc'] = LindInfFunc(Operators,['lindexp'], PostProcess)['lindlspec'] = LindLSpec(Operators)['lindspec'] = LindSpec(Operators)
[docs] def has_symmetry(self, Generator, has_cmplx, isz2, eps=1e-8): """ Check if the specific generator commutes with the terms in the Hamiltonian. Returns ``True`` (``False``) if Hamiltonian respects (does not fulfill) symmetry of the generator. **Arguments** Generator : matrix (np.array) Generators of the symmetry should commute with the Hamiltonian. Do not pass the generators as list, but loop over them and call this function for each of them. has_cmplx : Bool boolean if any operator contains complex values. isz2 : bool Check for Z2 symmetry (True), otherwise (False) check for U1. eps : float, optional Accept non-zero commutators up to `eps`, default to :math:`10^{-8}`. **Details** The checks for the symmetry follow the following scheme. * For the site terms every operator :math:`O` is checked that it fulfills :math:`[G, O] = 0`, where :math:`G` is the generator. * For the bond terms the commutator :math:`[G2, H_{i,j}] = 0` is considered with :math:`G2 = G \otimes 1 + 1 \otimes G` and :math:`H_{i,j}` is the sum over all bond terms and includes therefore the hermitian conjugate terms of every contribution as well. * The product terms are not tested. The corresponding matrix on the complete Hilbert space necessary for the operator could exceed computational resources. * Finite functions consist of two term and are tested according to the procedure for bond terms. Only the nearest neighbor terms are tested * The exponential rule consists of two term and are tested according to the procedure for bond terms. Only the nearest neighbor terms are tested. * Infinite functions consist of two term and are fitted to exponentials anyway. So see for exponentials. * MBString terms might be to big to be checked on the corresponding Hilbert space. The Fermi phase is accounted for in the MPO terms except for the intermediate sites. For the generator the Fermi phase operators are not necessary assuming that the generator consists of :math:`b^{\dagger} b` with canceling terms :math:`\sigma^{z}` during the Jordan-Wigner transformation. """ # Define function to calculate the commutators comm_sum = lambda x, y : np.sum(np.abs(, y) -, x))) # Check site terms # ---------------- try: for ii in range(len(['site']['Op'])): if(comm_sum(Generator, self.Operators[['site']['Op'][ii]]) > eps): return False except KeyError: pass # Check two-site terms (only nearest neighbors) # --------------------------------------------- # # * bond terms # * finite functions # * exponentials keys = ['bond', 'FiniteFunction', 'exponential'] # Build generator on two sites for all the following cases Gen2 = np.kron(Generator, np.eye(Generator.shape[0])) + \ np.kron(np.eye(Generator.shape[0]), Generator) if(isz2): Gen2 = np.mod(Gen2, 2) for key in keys: if(len([key]) > 0): # Build sum of all operators (to include h.c.) dim = self.Operators[[key]['Op'][0][0]].shape if(has_cmplx): Ops = np.zeros((dim[0]**2, dim[1]**2), dtype=np.complex128) else: Ops = np.zeros((dim[0]**2, dim[1]**2)) for ii in range(len([key]['Op'])): name1 =[key]['Op'][ii][0] name2 =[key]['Op'][ii][1] weight =[key]['weight'][ii] Ops += weight * np.kron(self.Operators[name1], self.Operators[name2]) if(comm_sum(Gen2, Ops) > eps): return False # Check product terms # ------------------- # # skipped (space might get to big) # Check MBString terms # -------------------- # # skipped (space might get to big) return True
[docs] def get_param_set(self): """ Get a set with all the keys appearing in the definition of the MPO for statics (hashing). """ params = set() for key in self.terms: if(key in ['lind1']): continue params |= set([key]['hp']) return list(params)
[docs] def get_hash(self): """ Get a hash function identifying the whole object. """ hstr = str(self.TI) for key in self.terms: hstr +=[key].get_hash() hstr +=['InfiniteFunction'].get_hash() hh = hashlib.sha512() hh.update(str.encode(hstr)) return hh.hexdigest()
[docs] def printMPO(self): """ Print out the MPO. """ tstring = '' for key in self.terms: tstring +=[key].print_term() print(tstring)
[docs] def AddMPOTerm(self, termtype, terms, **kwargs): """ Add a term to an MPO object **Arguments** termtype : str Identifies which MPO term should be added. The following options are available: `site`, `bond`, `FiniteFunction`, `exponential`, `product`, `MBString`, `InfiniteFunction`, and ``tterm``. terms : str, list of strings This arguments varies from MPOTerm to MPO term. You can find the explicit description for each term in the corresponding description * :py:class:`mpoterm.SiteTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.BondTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.ExpTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.FiniteFunc` * :py:class:`mpoterm.InfiniteFunc` * :py:class:`mpoterm.ProductTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.MBStringTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.TTerm` * :py:class:`mpoterm.SiteLindXX` (exact diagonalization) ``**kwargs`` : depends The optional keyword argument depend as well on the type of the MPO term. See links to descriptions in previous arguments. """ try:[termtype].AddTerm(terms, **kwargs) except KeyError: raise Exception("Unknown MPO term type " + str(termType) + " passed to AddMPOTerm!")
# -------------------------- Other functions -------------------------------
[docs] def getHparams(self): """ Get all the unique Hamiltonian parameters which appear in the MPO definition. """ # NOTE: InfiniteFunctions are actually exponentials for MPS # empty set hparams = set() # add all unique elements of any type to this set for key in self.terms: hparams |= set([key]['hp']) return hparams
[docs] def IndexHParams(self): """ Index the hamiltonian parameters using integers instead of human-readable keys. """ # Get list of hparams and put 'one' at the end hparams = list(self.getHparams()) last = len(hparams) if('one' in hparams): last -= 1 idx = hparams.index('one') if(idx != len(hparams) - 1): hparams[idx] = hparams[-1] hparams[-1] = 'one' # Give Hamiltonian Parameters unique integer keys self.IntHparam = {} count = 0 for param in hparams[:last]: self.IntHparam[count] = param self.IntHparam[param] = count + 1 count += 1 self.IntHparam['num'] = count return
[docs] def write(self, Openfile, Parameters, IntOperators, IntHparam): """ Write the MPO rules to a Fortran-readable file. **Arguments** Openfile : filehandle open file where the parameters should be written. Parameters : dictionary dictionary with parameters for one simulation. IntOperators : dictionary mapping the string identifiers for the operators to integer identifiers used within fortran. IntHparam : dictionary mapping the string identifiers for Hamiltonian parameters to integer identifiers used within fortran. """ # Check if the MPO is TI # ---------------------- TI = True for key in self.terms[:11]: TI = TI and[key].check_ti(Parameters) if((not TI) and (Parameters['simtype'] == 'Infinite')): raise Exception("Site-dependent Hamiltonians not currently " + "supported for infinite-size systems!") TI = 'T\n' if (TI) else 'F\n' Openfile.write(TI) pbc_str = 'T\n' if (self.pbc) else 'F\n' Openfile.write(pbc_str) # Write out terms for each rule for key in self.terms[:11]:[key].write(Openfile, IntHparam, IntOperators, Parameters) return
# -------------------- Hamiltonian on complete space -----------------------
[docs] def build_hamiltonian(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime=None): """ Build the Hamiltonian for the simulation. **Arguments** param : dictionary with simulation parameters settings of the whole simulation. SymmSec : instance of SymmmetrySector or None No meaning here, needed to keep calls equal to sparse equivalent sparse : bool flag if sparse matrix should be used for Hamiltonian. maxdim : int limits the dimension of the complete Hilbert space. quenchtime : list / tuple, optional If present first entries specifies the number of the quench and second entry the actual time in the whole time evolution. Only necessary for Hamiltonian of dynamics. Default to None. """ dtype = np.complex128 if(self.Operators.has_complex) else np.float64 if(not SymmSec is None): # Case with symmetries return self._build_hamiltonian_symm(param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) return self._build_hamiltonian_nosymm(param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime)
[docs] def hparam(self, hpstr, param, quenchtime): """ Return the actual parameter/coupling for a term in the Hamiltonian. **Arguments** hpstr : str name of the operator param : dict setup for the simulation. Contains information about couplings and dynamics. quenchtime : None or tuple of int and float For statics pass None. For dynamics pass integer ii for the ii-th quench and the actual time t as float in a tuple as (ii, t). """ if(hpstr == 'one'): hp = 1.0 elif(quenchtime is None): hp = param[hpstr] else: quench = quenchtime[0] time = quenchtime[1] if(hpstr in param['Quenches'].data[quench]['Hparams']): # Time-dependent hparam idx = param['Quenches'].data[quench]['Hparams'].index(hpstr) hp = param['Quenches'].data[quench]['funcs'][idx](time) else: # Time-independent hparam (use initial value hp = param[hpstr] if(not hasattr(hp, '__len__')): hp = np.ones((param['L'])) * hp else: hp = np.array(deepcopy(hp)) return hp
[docs] def _col_ind_dic(self, Op): """ Create a dictionary taking a row index as key and returning the corresponding non-zero elements of the operators as tuple (column index, value). **Arguments** Op : numpy 2d array Operators to be transfered into this format. """ dic = {} for i1 in range(Op.shape[0]): for i2 in range(Op.shape[1]): if(Op[i1, i2] != 0.0): try: dic[i1].append((i2, Op[i1, i2])) except KeyError: dic[i1] = [(i2, Op[i1, i2])] return dic
[docs] def _build_hamiltonian_nosymm(self, param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime): """ Build the Hamiltonian on a complete Hilbert space as sparse/dense matrix. For arguments description look into :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_hamiltonian`. """ # Get shortcuts to system size and local dimension of Hilbert space ll = param['L'] ld = self.Operators['I'].shape[0] dim = ld**ll # Data type (always complex if not purely dissipative) dtype = np.complex128 if(self.Operators.has_complex) else np.float64 # Initialize matrix in dependence of sparse/dense if(sparse): spm = sp.csc_matrix if(not quenchtime is None) else sp.csr_matrix Ham = spm((dim, dim), dtype=dtype) else: Ham = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=dtype) if((not maxdim is None) and (dim > maxdim)): raise Exception('Dimension exceeds maximal dimension ' + 'of the Hilbert space specified.') keylist = ['site', 'bond', 'exponential', 'MBString', 'tterm', 'InfiniteFunction'] for key in keylist: if(len([key]) == 0): continue for elem in[key].build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self.pbc): Ham += elem keylist = ['product', 'FiniteFunction'] for key in keylist: if(len([key]) > 0): raise NotImplementedError('Term ' + key + + ' is not implemented for ED!') return Ham
[docs] def _build_hamiltonian_symm(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime, lil=False): """ Build a sparse or dense Hamiltonian directly in the symmetry-adapted subspace. For argument description see :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_hamiltonian`. """ ll = param['L'] spdim = len(SymmSec) dtype = np.complex128 if(self.Operators.has_complex) else np.float64 if(sparse): SpHam = sp.lil_matrix((spdim, spdim), dtype=dtype) else: SpHam = np.zeros((spdim, spdim), dtype=dtype) keylist = ['site', 'bond', 'exponential', 'MBString', 'InfiniteFunction'] for key in keylist: if(len([key]) == 0): continue for k1, k2, elem in[key].build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, self.pbc): SpHam[k1, k2] += elem keylist = ['product', 'FiniteFunction', 'tterm'] for key in keylist: if(len([key]) > 0): raise NotImplementedError('Term ' + key + + ' is not implemented for ED!') if(sparse and lil): return SpHam if(sparse and (not quenchtime is None)): return sp.csc_matrix(SpHam) if(sparse): sp.csr_matrix(SpHam) return SpHam
# --------------------- Build effective Hamiltonian ------------------------
[docs] def build_effhamiltonian(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime): """ Build the effective Hamiltonian representing the hermitian part of the Lindblad master equation. **Arguments** param : dictionary with simulation parameters settings of the whole simulation. SymmSec : instance of SymmmetrySector or None No meaning here, needed to keep calls equal to sparse equivalent sparse : bool flag if sparse matrix should be used for Hamiltonian. maxdim : int limits the dimension of the complete Hilbert space. quenchtime : list / tuple If present first entries specifies the number of the quench and second entry the actual time in the whole time evolution. The effective Hamiltonian can only be used in the dynamics, so term has to be present. """ if(not SymmSec is None): # Case with symmetries return self._build_effhamiltonian_symm(param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) return self._build_effhamiltonian_nosymm(param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime)
[docs] def _build_effhamiltonian_nosymm(self, param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime): """ Build the effective Hamiltonian describing the hermitian part of the Lindblad master equation. For description of arguments see :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_effhamiltonian`. """ # Get shortcuts ll = param['L'] ld = self.Operators['I'].shape[0] dim = ld**ll # Define functions in dependence of sparse/dense; initialize matrix if(sparse): fmt = 'csc' if(not quenchtime is None) else 'csr' if(fmt == 'csc'): tocmplx = lambda Mat : sp.csc_matrix(Mat, dtype=np.complex128) else: tocmplx = lambda Mat : sp.csr_matrix(Mat, dtype=np.complex128) else: tocmplx = lambda Mat : np.array(Mat, dtype=np.complex128) # Get Hamiltonian - convert to complex array Ham = self._build_hamiltonian_nosymm(param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) if(Ham.dtype != np.complex128): Ham = tocmplx(Ham) if(['lind1']): # Loop over local Lindblads for elem in['lind1'].build_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self.pbc): Ham += 1j * elem return Ham
[docs] def _build_effhamiltonian_symm(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime, lil=False): """ Build the effective Hamiltonian decribing the hermitian part of the Lindblad master equation. For description of arguments see :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_effhamiltonian`. """ # Get shortcuts ll = param['L'] ld = self.Operators['I'].shape[0] spdim = len(SymmSec) # Get Hamiltonian and convert to complex matrix dtype = np.complex128 SpHam = self._build_hamiltonian_symm(param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime, lil=True) if(sparse and (SpHam.dtype != dtype)): SpHam = sp.lil_matrix(SpHam, dtype=dtype) elif(SpHam.dtype != dtype): SpHam = np.array(SpHam, dtype=dtype) # Loop over effective Lindblad terms if(len(['lind1']) > 0): for k1, k2, elem in['lind1'].build_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll): SpHam[k1, k2] += 1j * elem if(sparse and lil): return SpHam if(sparse): return sp.csc_matrix(SpHam) return SpHam
# ---------------------- Build Liouville operators -------------------------
[docs] def build_liouville(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime=None): """ Build the Liouville operator for the simulation. **Arguments** param : dictionary with simulation parameters settings of the whole simulation. SymmSec : instance of SymmmetrySector or None No meaning here, needed to keep calls equal to sparse equivalent sparse : bool flag if sparse matrix should be used for Hamiltonian. maxdim : int limits the dimension of the complete Hilbert space. quenchtime : list / tuple, optional If present first entries specifies the number of the quench and second entry the actual time in the whole time evolution. Only necessary for Hamiltonian of dynamics. Default to None. """ if(not SymmSec is None): # Case with symmetries return self._build_liouville_symm(param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) return self._build_liouville_nosymm(param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime)
[docs] def _build_liouville_nosymm(self, param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime): """ Build the Liouville operator without any symmetry conservation. For arguments look into :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_liouville`. """ # Get shortcuts to system size and local dimension of Hilbert space ll = param['L'] ld = self.Operators['I'].shape[0] dim = ld**ll # Data type (always complex if not purely dissipative) dtype = np.complex128# if(self.Operators.has_complex) else np.float64 # Define functions in dependence of sparse/dense; initialize matrix if(sparse): fmt = 'csc' if(not quenchtime is None) else 'csr' kron = lambda x, y: sp.kron(x, y, format=fmt) if((_spv[0] < 1) and (_spv[1] < 12)): eye = lambda dim : sp.eye(dim, dim) else: eye = sp.eye else: kron = np.kron eye = np.eye Ham = self._build_hamiltonian_nosymm(param, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) Liou = kron(- 1j * Ham, eye(dim)) \ + kron(eye(dim), 1j * Ham.transpose()) if(len(['lindspec']) > 0): # Get Lindblad operators from spectral decomposition global interaction_picture if(interaction_picture): Liou[:, :] = 0.0 for elem in['lindspec'].lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, Ham): Liou += elem return Liou if(len(['lindlspec']) > 0): # Get Lindblad operators from spectral decomposition of a local # block for elem in['lindlspec'].lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self): Liou += elem return Liou if(len(['lind1']) > 0): for elem in['lind1'].lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self.pbc): Liou += elem if(len(['MBSLind']) > 0): for elem in['MBSLind'].lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self.pbc): Liou += elem if(len(['MBSLXY']) > 0): for elem in['MBSLXY'].lbuild_nosymm(param, sparse, quenchtime, ll, ld, self.pbc): Liou += elem return Liou
[docs] def _build_liouville_symm(self, param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime): """ Build propagator in Liouville space with symmetry. For arguments look into :py:func:`mpo.MPO.build_liouville`. """ # Shortcuts ll = param['L'] dim = len(SymmSec) # Data type (always complex if not purely dissipative) dtype = np.complex128 # Define functions in dependence of sparse/dense; initial matrix if(sparse): kron = lambda x, y : sp.kron(x, y, format='csr') else: kron = lambda x, y : np.kron(x, y) eye = sp.eye if(sparse) else np.eye Ham = self._build_hamiltonian_symm(param, SymmSec, sparse, maxdim, quenchtime) Liou = kron(Ham, -1j * eye(dim)) + kron(1j * eye(dim), Ham.transpose()) if(sparse): Liou = Liou.tolil() if(len(['lindspec']) > 0): # Get Lindblad operators from spectral decomposition global interaction_picture if(interaction_picture): Liou[:, :] = 0.0 for elem in['lindspec'].lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, Ham): Liou += elem return Liou if(['lind1']): # Loop over local terms for k1, k2, elem in['lind1'].lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, self.pbc): Liou[k1, k2] += elem if(['MBSLind']): for k1, k2, elem in['MBSLind'].lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, self.pbc): Liou[k1, k2] += elem if(['MBSLXY']): for k1, k2, elem in['MBSLXY'].lbuild_symm(param, SymmSec, quenchtime, ll, self.pbc): Liou[k1, k2] += elem if(sparse and (not quenchtime is None)): return sp.csc_matrix(Liou) if(sparse): sp.csr_matrix(Liou) return Liou