Source code for model

The models constructed in this module provide a the most simplistic entry
to openMPS. For designing more sophisticated Hamiltonians, it is necessary
to go through the steps of creating the operators and building an MPO on
your own.


Pre-built models return the operators, the MPO, and an observable class. The
following pre-built models exist.

* Quantum Ising model :py:class:`model.QuantumIsingModel`
* Bose-Hubbard model :py:class:`model.BoseHubbardModel`
* Bilinear-Biquadratic spin-one model: :py:class:`BilinearBiquadraticModel`

#import MPSPyLib as mps
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['QuantumIsingModel', 'BoseHubbardModel',

[docs]class _Model(): """ Abstract class for any model providing basic functions. """
[docs] def build_observables(self): """ Build an observable class for the bilinear biquadratic model. """ self.Obs = mps.Observables(self.Ops) return
[docs] def build(self): """ Return the operators, the MPO, and a measurement object. """ self.build_operators() self.build_mpo() self.build_observables() return self.Ops, self.Ham, self.Obs
[docs] def __call__(self): """ Use the call attribute to return the classes for operators, MPOs, and measurements. """ return
[docs]class QuantumIsingModel(_Model): """ Build the Hamiltonian including the operators and observables class for the quantum Ising model. After creating an instance of the model, you can call the object like a function and it will return a tuple with the operators, the MPO, and the observables class. The Hamiltonian is defined as: .. math:: H = -J \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} \sigma_{i}^{z} \sigma_{i+1}^{z} -g \sum_{i=1}^{L} \sigma_{i}^{x} **Arguments** No arguments **Details** We choose the Pauli operators to be diagonal in :math:`\sigma^{x}` which allows to use the :math:`Z_{2}` symmetry in the Ising model. The following string identifiers are defined for each term in the Hamiltonian: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String identifier | Hamiltonian term | +===================+=====================================================+ | ``J`` | :math:`\sigma_{i}^{z} \sigma_{i+1}^{z}` | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``g`` | :math:`\sigma_{i}^{x}` | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ The following operators are built based on the spin operators: +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String | Definition | +========+=====================================================+ | I | Identity :math:`1` | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | splus | Spin raising :math:`S^{+}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sminus | Spin lowering :math:`S^{-}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sz | Pauli-z matrix :math:`\sigma^{z}` (not diagonal) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sx | :math:`S^{x} = 0.5 (S^{+} + S^{-})` (diagonal) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | gen | Generator for :math:`Z_2` (0 and 1 on the diagonal) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def build_operators(self): """ Build all necessary operators for the quantum Ising Hamiltonian. """ Ops = mps.BuildSpinOperators(spin=0.5) Ops['sx'] = 2 * Ops['sz'] Ops['sz'] = - (Ops['splus'] + Ops['sminus']) Ops['gen'] = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.]]) self.Ops = Ops return
[docs] def build_mpo(self): """ Build the MPO for the quantum Ising model. """ Ham = mps.MPO(self.Ops) # External field Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sx', hparam='g', weight=-1.0) # Interaction Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J', weight=-1.0) self.Ham = Ham return
[docs]class XXXModel(_Model): """ Build the Hamiltonian including the operators and observable class for the spin-1/2 XXX model. After creating an instance of the model, you can call the object like a function and it will return a tuple with the operators, the MPO, and the observables class. The Hamiltonian is defined as: .. math:: H = -J \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} \left( \sigma_{i}^{x} \sigma_{i+1}^{x} + \sigma_{i}^{y} \sigma_{i+1}^{y} + \sigma_{i}^{z} \sigma_{i+1}^{z} \\right) - g \sum_{i=1}^{L} \sigma_{i}^{z} **Arguments** No arguments. **Details** The following string identifiers are defined for each term in the Hamiltonian: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String identifier | Hamiltonian term | +===================+=====================================================+ | ``J`` | Interaction, i.e., xx-term, yy-term, and zz-term | | | at equal strength. | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``g`` | :math:`\sigma_{i}^{z}` | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ The following operators are built based on the spin operators: +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String | Definition | +========+=====================================================+ | I | Identity :math:`1` | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | splus | Spin raising :math:`S^{+}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sminus | Spin lowering :math:`S^{-}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sz | Spin-z matrix :math:`\sigma^{z}` | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def build_operators(self): """ Build all necessary operators for the XXX model. """ Ops = mps.BuildSpinOperators(spin=0.5) self.Ops = Ops return
[docs] def build_mpo(self): """ Build the MPO for the XXX model. """ Ham = mps.MPO(self.Ops) # External field Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sz', hparam='g', weight=-1.0) # Interaction Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['splus', 'sminus'], hparam='J', weight=-0.5) Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='J', weight=-1.0) self.Ham = Ham return
[docs]class XXZModel(_Model): """ Build the Hamiltonian including the operators and observable class for the spin-1/2 XXZ model. After creating an instance of the model, you can call the object like a function and it will return a tuple with the operators, the MPO, and the observables class. The Hamiltonian is defined as: .. math:: H = -J \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} \left( \sigma_{i}^{x} \sigma_{i+1}^{x} + \sigma_{i}^{y} \sigma_{i+1}^{y} \\right) - J_{z} \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} \sigma_{i}^{z} \sigma_{i+1}^{z} - g \sum_{i=1}^{L} \sigma_{i}^{z} **Arguments** No arguments. **Details** The following string identifiers are defined for each term in the Hamiltonian: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String identifier | Hamiltonian term | +===================+=====================================================+ | ``J`` | Interaction of xx-term and yy-term | | | at equal strength. | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``Jz`` | Interaction of zz-term. | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``g`` | :math:`\sigma_{i}^{z}` | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ The following operators are built based on the spin operators: +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String | Definition | +========+=====================================================+ | I | Identity :math:`1` | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | splus | Spin raising :math:`S^{+}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sminus | Spin lowering :math:`S^{-}` (in x-direction) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | sz | Spin-z matrix :math:`\sigma^{z}` | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def build_operators(self): """ Build all necessary operators for the XXZ model. """ Ops = mps.BuildSpinOperators(spin=0.5) self.Ops = Ops return
[docs] def build_mpo(self): """ Build the MPO for the XXZ model. """ Ham = mps.MPO(self.Ops) # External field Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sz', hparam='g', weight=-1.0) # Interaction Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['splus', 'sminus'], hparam='J', weight=-0.5) Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='Jz', weight=-1.0) self.Ham = Ham return
[docs]class BoseHubbardModel(_Model): """ Build the Hamiltonian including the operators and observables class for the Bose-Hubbard model. After creating an instance of the model, you can call the object like a function and it will return a tuple with the operators, the MPO, and the observables class. The Hamiltonian is defined as: .. math:: H = - J \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} (b_{i}^{\dagger} b_{i+1} + h.c.) + \\frac{U}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{L} (n_{i}^2 - n_{i}) + \mu \sum_{i=1}^{L} n_{i} **Arguments** nmax : int, optional Maximal number of bosons on one site. (If you need spinful or flavorful bosons, minimal number of bosons, etc., you have to go beyond the default models. Default to 4. chem_pot : boolean, optional Specifies if the chemical potential term :math:`\mu` should be included in the Hamiltonian. Default to ``False``. **Details** The string identifiers for each Hamiltonian parameters are: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | String identifier | Hamiltonian term | +===================+=====================================================+ | ``J`` | math:`b_{i}^{\dagger} b_{i+1} + h.c.` (Tunneling) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``U`` | math:`n_{i}^2 - n_{i}` (On-site interaction) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ``mu`` | math:`n_{i}` (chemical potential) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ The following operators are built: +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | String | Definition | +=============+==============================================+ | I | Identity :math:`1` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | bdagger | Creation operator :math:`b^{\dagger}` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | b | Annihilation operator :math:`b` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | nbtotal | Number operator :math:`n = b^{\dagger} b` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | interaction | :math:`0.5 (n^2 - n)` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, nmax=4, chem_pot=False): self.chem_pot = chem_pot self.nmax = nmax
[docs] def build_operators(self): """ Build all necessary operators of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. """ Ops = mps.BuildBoseOperators(self.nmax) Ops['interaction'] = 0.5 * (['nbtotal'], Ops['nbtotal']) - Ops['nbtotal']) self.Ops = Ops
[docs] def build_mpo(self): """ Build all necessary operators for the Bose-Hubbard model. """ Ham = mps.MPO(self.Ops) # Tunneling Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['bdagger','b'], hparam='J', weight=-1.0) # On-site interaction Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'interaction', hparam='U') if(self.chem_pot): Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'nbtotal', param='mu') self.Ham = Ham
[docs]class BilinearBiquadraticModel(_Model): """ Build the Hamiltonian including the operators and observables class for the bilinear biquadratic model. After creating an instance of the model, you can call the object like a function and it will return a tuple with the operators, the MPO, and the observables class. The Hamiltonian is defined as: .. math:: H = J \sum_{i=1}^{L-1} \left( \cos(\\theta) \\vec{S}_{i} \\vec{S}_{i+1} + \sin(\\theta) \left( \\vec{S}_{i} \\vec{S}_{i+1} \\right)^2 \\right) - D \sum_{i=1}^{L} \left( S_{i}^{z} \\right)^2 - \delta S_{1}^{z} **Arguments** symmetry_breaking : bool, optional Specifies if a symmetry breaking field should be included in the Hamiltonian. Default to ``False``. fix_theta : float or None, optional If ``None`` (default), the more general Hamiltonian with thirteen bond rules is built. If you know that theta is fix for all simulations (statics and dynamics), you may pass the actual value reducing the problem to nine bond rules. use_symm : bool, optional We can use the symmetry of the Bilinear biquadratic model. This requires that theta is given. A warning is printed that symmetry is not used if theta is not given. **Details** The string identifiers for each Hamiltonian parameter are: +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | String identifier | Hamiltonian term | +===================+======================================================+ | ``cost`` | math:`\\vec{S}_{i} \\vec{S}_{i+1}` | +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ``sint`` | math:`\left( \\vec{S}_{i} \\vec{S}_{i+1} \\right)^2` | +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ``D`` | math:`\left( S_{i}^{z} \\right)^2` | +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | ``Delta`` | math:`S_{1}^{z}` | +-------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ The following operators are built. +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | String | Definition | Comments | +========+=======================================+=========================+ | I | Identity :math:`1` | - | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | splus | Spin raising :math:`S^{+}` | - | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sminus | Spin lowering :math:`S^{-}` | - | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sz | Spin z :math:`S^{z}` | - | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sx | :math:`S^{x} = 0.5 (S^{+} + S^{-})` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sy1 | :math:`S^{y1} = 0.5 (S^{+} - S^{-})` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sy2 | :math:`S^{y2} = 0.5 (-S^{+} + S^{-})` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sx2 | :math:`S^{x^2}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sy2 | :math:`S^{y^2}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sz2 | :math:`S^{z^2}` | - | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sxz | :math:`S^{x} S^{z}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sxy1 | :math:`S^{x} S^{y1}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | sxy2 | :math:`S^{x} S^{y2}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | szy1 | :math:`S^{z} S^{y1}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | szy2 | :math:`S^{z} S^{y2}` | Only without symmetry | +--------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, symmetry_breaking=False, fix_theta=None, use_symm=False): self.symmetry_breaking = symmetry_breaking self.fix_theta = fix_theta self.use_symm = use_symm if((fix_theta is None) and use_symm): print('Warning: Symmetry will not be used due to missing value ' + 'for theta.') self.use_symm = False
[docs] def build_operators(self): """ Build all necessary operators for the spin-one bilinear biquadratic model. """ Ops = mps.BuildSpinOperators(1.0) # Build Sx, Sy Ops['sx'] = 0.5 * (Ops['splus'] + Ops['sminus']) Ops['sya'] = 0.5 * (Ops['splus'] - Ops['sminus']) Ops['syb'] = Ops['sya'].transpose() # Build squared operators Ops['sx2'] = Ops['sx'].dot(Ops['sx']) Ops['sy2'] = Ops['sya'].dot(Ops['sya']) Ops['sz2'] = Ops['sz'].dot(Ops['sz']) # Build mixed operators Ops['sxz'] = Ops['sx'].dot(Ops['sz']) Ops['sxya'] = Ops['sx'].dot(Ops['sya']) Ops['sxyb'] = Ops['sx'].dot(Ops['syb']) Ops['szya'] = Ops['sz'].dot(Ops['sya']) Ops['szyb'] = Ops['sz'].dot(Ops['syb']) self.Ops = Ops return
[docs] def build_mpo(self): """ Build the MPO for the spin-one bilinear biquadratic model. """ Ham = mps.MPO(self.Ops) # External field Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sz2', hparam='D', weight=-1.0) # Perturbation if(self.symmetry_breaking): Ham.AddMPOTerm('site', 'sz', hparam='Delta', weight=-1.0) if(self.fix_theta is None): # Build complete rule set # ....................... # cosine terms Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sx', 'sx'], hparam='cost') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sya', 'syb'], hparam='cost', weight=0.5) Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz', 'sz'], hparam='cost') # sine terms Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sx2', 'sx2'], hparam='sint') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sy2', 'sy2'], hparam='sint') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sz2', 'sz2'], hparam='sint') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sxz', 'sxz'], hparam='sint') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['sxya', 'sxyb'], hparam='sint') Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', ['szya', 'szyb'], hparam='sint') else: # Build two site operator for decomposition # ----------------------------------------- dim = self.Ops['I'].shape[0]**2 Mat = np.zeros((dim, dim)) # cosine terms Mat += np.cos(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sx'], self.Ops['sx']) Mat += 0.5 * np.cos(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sya'], self.Ops['syb']) Mat += 0.5 * np.cos(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['syb'], self.Ops['sya']) Mat += np.cos(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sz'], self.Ops['sz']) # sine terms Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sx2'], self.Ops['sx2']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sy2'], self.Ops['sy2']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sz2'], self.Ops['sz2']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sxz'], self.Ops['sxz']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sxz'].transpose(), self.Ops['sxz'].transpose()) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sxya'], self.Ops['sxyb']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['sxya'].transpose(), self.Ops['sxyb'].transpose()) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['szya'], self.Ops['szyb']) Mat += np.sin(self.fix_theta) \ * np.kron(self.Ops['szya'].transpose(), self.Ops['szyb'].transpose()) if(self.use_symm): gen1 = np.array([0, 1, 2]) eye1 = np.diag(np.eye(3)) gen2 = (np.kron(gen1, eye1) + np.kron(eye1, gen1))%3 # Have to delete all operators not fulfilling the symmetry del self.Ops['sx'] del self.Ops['sya'] del self.Ops['syb'] del self.Ops['sx2'] del self.Ops['sy2'] del self.Ops['sxz'] del self.Ops['sxya'] del self.Ops['sxyb'] del self.Ops['szya'] del self.Ops['szyb'] Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', Mat, gen2=[gen2]) raise NotImplementedError("Symmetry for BLBQ not supported " + "in F90 subroutines.") else: Ham.AddMPOTerm('bond', Mat) self.Ham = Ham return
[docs] def get_symmetry_breaking_field(self, value, ll): """ Get coupling for the symmetry breaking field. **Arguments** value : float Value of the symmetry breaking field ll : int Number of sites """ tmp = np.zeros((ll)) tmp[0] = value return tmp