Source code for distance

Module defines the two basic distance measures *Trace Distance* and
*Quantum Infidelity* for density matrices. Moreover the maximum distance
over two systems can be determined.
import numpy as np
#import numpy.linalg as la

__all__ = ['distance', 'infidelity', 'tracedist',
           'single_site_rho_max_distance', 'two_site_rho_max_distance']

[docs]def distance(StateA, StateB, dist='Infidelity'): """ Calculate the distance between two quantum states. States can be either pure states or density matrices. Must be defined on a Hilbert space of equal size. **Arguments** StateA : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the first quantum state as pure state or density matrix. StateB : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the second quantum state as pure state or density matrix. dist : str, optional Define the measure used, e.g. ``Infidelity`` or ``Trace`` distance. Default to ``Infidelity``. """ if(dist == 'Infidelity'): return infidelity(StateA, StateB) elif(dist == 'Trace'): return tracedist(StateA, StateB) else: raise Exception("Unknown string identifier for distance.")
[docs]def single_site_rho_max_distance(Out1, Out2, ll, dist='Infidelity'): """ Calculate the maximal distance (infidelity) between the single-site density matrices of two outputs. **Arguments** Out1 : dictionary containing the output of the first simulation. Out2 : dicitionary containing the output of the second simulation. ll : int system size dist : str, optional Choose which distance should be used. Either 'Infidelity' (default) of 'TraceDistance'. """ if(dist == 'Infidelity'): distancef = infidelity_rho_rho else: distancef = tracedist_rho_rho err = 0.0 for ii in range(1, ll + 1): infid = distancef(Out1['rho'][str(ii)], Out2['rho'][str(ii)]) err = max(err, np.real(infid)) return err
[docs]def two_site_rho_max_distance(Out1, Out2, ll, dist='Infidelity'): """ Calculate the maximal distance (infidelity) between the two-site density matrices of two outputs. **Arguments** Out1 : dictionary containing the output of the first simulation. Out2 : dicitionary containing the output of the second simulation. ll : int system size dist : str, optional Choose which distance should be used. Either 'Infidelity' (default) of 'TraceDistance'. """ if(dist == 'Infidelity'): distancef = infidelity_rho_rho else: distancef = tracedist_rho_rho err = 0.0 for ii in range(1, ll): for jj in range(ii + 1, ll + 1): key = str(ii) + '_' + str(jj) infid = distancef(Out1['rho'][key], Out2['rho'][key]) err = max(err, np.real(infid)) return err
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # QUANTUM INFIDELITY # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def infidelity(StateA, StateB): """ Calculate the infidelity :math:`I = 1 - \sqrt{\sqrt{rho} sigma \sqrt{rho}}` **Arguments** StateA : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the first quantum state as pure state or density matrix. StateB : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the second quantum state as pure state or density matrix. """ purea = ispure(StateA) pureb = ispure(StateB) if(purea and pureb): return infidelity_psi_psi(StateA, StateB) elif(purea): return infidelity_psi_rho(StateA, StateB) elif(pureb): return infidelity_psi_rho(StateB, StateA) else: return infidelity_rho_rho(StateA, StateB)
[docs]def infidelity_psi_psi(psi, phi): """ Calculate the infidelity of two pure states, which simplifies to :math:`I = 1 - | \\langle \psi | \phi \\rangle`. **Arguments** psi : 1d numpy array Represents the first quantum state for the distance measurement. phi : 1d numpy array Represents the second quantum state for the distance measurement. """ return 1 - np.abs(psi.conj().dot(phi))
[docs]def infidelity_psi_rho(psi, rho): """ Calculate the infidelity of a pure state and a density matrix, which simplifies to :math:`I = 1 - \\sqrt{\\langle \psi | \\rho | \psi \\rangle}`. **Arguments** psi : 1d numpy array Represents the first quantum state for the distance measurement, which is a pure state. rho : 2d numpy array Represents the second quantum state for the distance measurement, which is the density matrix. """ return np.real(1 - np.sqrt(psi.conj().dot(rho).dot(psi)))
[docs]def infidelity_rho_rho(rho, sigma): """ Calculate the infidelity :math:`I = 1 - \sqrt{\sqrt{rho} sigma \sqrt{rho}}` **Arguments** rho : 2d numpy array First density matrix. sigma : 2d numpy array Second density matrix. """ tmp = sqrtm(rho) tmp =,, tmp)) return np.real(1 - np.trace(sqrtm(tmp)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TRACE DISTANCE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def tracedist(StateA, StateB): """ Calculate the trace distance :math:`D = 0.5 Tr | rho - sigma |` with :math:`|A| = \sqrt{A^{\dagger} A}`. **Arguments** StateA : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the first quantum state as pure state or density matrix. StateB : 1d or 2d numpy array Represents the second quantum state as pure state or density matrix. """ purea = ispure(StateA) pureb = ispure(StateB) if(purea and pureb): return tracedist_psi_psi(StateA, StateB) elif(purea): return tracedist_psi_rho(StateA, StateB) elif(pureb): return tracedist_psi_rho(StateB, StateA) else: return tracedist_rho_rho(StateA, StateB)
[docs]def tracedist_psi_psi(psi, phi): """ Calculate the trace distance for two pure states, which simplifies to :math:`\\sqrt{1 - |\\langle \psi | \phi \\rangle|^2}` **Arguments** psi : 1d numpy array Represents the first quantum state for the distance measurement. phi : 1d numpy array Represents the second quantum state for the distance measurement. """ return np.sqrt(1 - np.abs(psi.conj().dot(phi))**2)
[docs]def tracedist_psi_rho(psi, rho): """ Calculate the trace distance for a pure state and a density matrix, that is :math:`\\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i} \Lambda_{i}` where :math:`\Lambda_{i}` are the singular values of :math:`\\rho - | \psi \\rangle \langle \psi |`. **Arguments** psi : 1d numpy array Represents the first quantum state for the distance measurement, which is a pure state. rho : 2d numpy array Represents the second quantum state for the distance measurement, which is the density matrix. """ tmp = rho - np.outer(psi.conj(), psi) return 0.5 * np.sum(la.svd(tmp, compute_uv=False))
[docs]def tracedist_rho_rho(rho, sigma): """ Calculate the trace distance :math:`D = 0.5 Tr | rho - sigma |` with :math:`|A| = \sqrt{A^{\dagger} A}`. **Arguments** rho : 2d numpy array First density matrix. sigma : 2d numpy array Second density matrix. """ tmp = rho - sigma return 0.5 * np.sum(la.svd(tmp, compute_uv=False))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def sqrtm(Math): """ Calculate the matrix square root of a hermitian matrix **Arguments** Math : 2d numpy array (square matrix) Hermitian matrix for calculating :math:`\sqrt{Math}` of the matrix, not element-wise. """ vals, vecs = la.eigh(Math) vals[vals < 1e-20] = 0.0 vals = np.sqrt(vals) return,, np.conj(np.transpose(vecs))))
[docs]def ispure(State): """ Inquire if state is a pure state. 1d numpy array are pure states, 2d numpy arrays are density matrices and not pure. **Arguments** State : 1d or 2d numpy array Representing the state. """ if(len(State.shape) == 1): pure = True elif(len(State.shape) == 2): pure = False else: raise Exception("Passed rank-3 tensor as quantum state.") return pure