Source code for LinearAlgebra_f90

Fortran module LinearAlgebra: May 2017 (dj)

Containing basic linear algebra operators defined for arrays.


* D. Jaschke
* M. L. Wall


The following subroutines / functions are defined in the
linear algebra module as interfaces.

| Procedure               |
| diag_times_mat          |
| mat_times_diag          |
| diag_contr_tensor       |
| eigd                    |
| eigsvd                  |
| expm                    |
| expmh                   |
| kron                    |
| trace_rho_x_mat         |
| tracematmul             |

Various QR, RQ, and SVD are defined in addition.

[docs]def diag_times_mat_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of diagonal matrix with matrix. **Arguments** mat : real(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : real(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_times_mat_real_real(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(:) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine diag_times_mat_real_real """ return
[docs]def diag_times_mat_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of diagonal matrix with matrix. **Arguments** mat : complex(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : real(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_times_mat_complex_real(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(:) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine diag_times_mat_complex_real """ return
[docs]def diag_times_mat_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of diagonal matrix with matrix. **Arguments** mat : complex(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : complex(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_times_mat_complex_complex(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(:) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine diag_times_mat_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def mat_times_diag_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of matrix with diagonal matrix. **Arguments** mat : real(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : real(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mat_times_diag_real_real(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(ii) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine mat_times_diag_real_real """ return
[docs]def mat_times_diag_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of matrix with diagonal matrix. **Arguments** mat : complex(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : real(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mat_times_diag_complex_real(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(ii) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine mat_times_diag_complex_real """ return
[docs]def mat_times_diag_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Multiplication of matrix with diagonal matrix. **Arguments** mat : complex(nrow, ncol), inout Matrix to be multiplied with diagonal matrix in vector form. diag : complex(nrow), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. nrow : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix. ncol : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix and length of vector for diagonal matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mat_times_diag_complex_complex(mat, diag, nrow, ncol, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: nrow, ncol complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nrow, ncol), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(ncol), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, ncol mat(:, ii) = diag(ii) * mat(:, ii) end do end subroutine mat_times_diag_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def diag_contr_tensor_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Contract a rank-three tensor with a diagonal matrix. Together with the diagonal matrix times matrix this covers all cases for contraction one index with a diagonal matrix. **Arguments** tens : real(n1, n2, n3), inout Rank three tensor to be contracted with diagonal matrix in vector form over second index. diag : real(n2), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. n1 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the first index of the tensor. n2 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the second index of the tensor and the diagonal matrix. n3 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the third index of the tensor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_contr_tensor_real_real(tens, diag, n1, n2, n3, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(n1, n2, n3), intent(inout) :: tens real(KIND=rKind), dimension(n2), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, n2 do jj = 1, n3 tens(:, ii, jj) = diag(ii) * tens(:, ii, jj) end do end do end subroutine diag_contr_tensor_real_real """ return
[docs]def diag_contr_tensor_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Contract a rank-three tensor with a diagonal matrix. Together with the diagonal matrix times matrix this covers all cases for contraction one index with a diagonal matrix. **Arguments** tens : complex(n1, n2, n3), inout Rank three tensor to be contracted with diagonal matrix in vector form over second index. diag : real(n2), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. n1 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the first index of the tensor. n2 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the second index of the tensor and the diagonal matrix. n3 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the third index of the tensor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_contr_tensor_complex_real(tens, diag, n1, n2, n3, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(n1, n2, n3), intent(inout) :: tens real(KIND=rKind), dimension(n2), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, n2 do jj = 1, n3 tens(:, ii, jj) = diag(ii) * tens(:, ii, jj) end do end do end subroutine diag_contr_tensor_complex_real """ return
[docs]def diag_contr_tensor_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2016 (dj) Contract a rank-three tensor with a diagonal matrix. Together with the diagonal matrix times matrix this covers all cases for contraction one index with a diagonal matrix. **Arguments** tens : complex(n1, n2, n3), inout Rank three tensor to be contracted with diagonal matrix in vector form over second index. diag : complex(n2), in Diagonal matrix in vector form. n1 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the first index of the tensor. n2 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the second index of the tensor and the diagonal matrix. n3 : INTEGER, in Dimension of the third index of the tensor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine diag_contr_tensor_complex_complex(tens, diag, n1, n2, n3, & errst) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(n1, n2, n3), intent(inout) :: tens complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(n2), intent(in) :: diag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 do ii = 1, n2 do jj = 1, n3 tens(:, ii, jj) = diag(ii) * tens(:, ii, jj) end do end do end subroutine diag_contr_tensor_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def eigd_symm_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Diagonalize symmetric mata using LAPACK's DSYEVD. Return the eigenvectors in mata, eigenvalues in ev. **Arguments** mata : REAL(*,*), inout Diagonalize this matrix. On exit overwritten with eigenvectors. ev : REAL(*), out Eigenvalues of diagonlization are stored in this vector. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_symm_real(mata, ev, dim, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mata real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(out) :: ev integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- real(KIND=rKind) :: query(1) integer :: wi(1), info real(KIND=rKind), ALLOCATABLE :: work(:) integer, allocatable :: iwork(:) integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! workspace query call dsyevd('V', 'U', dim, mata, dim, ev , query, -1, wi, -1, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DSYEVD failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ll = floor(query(1)) allocate(work(ll), iwork(wi(1))) call dsyevd('V', 'U', dim, mata, dim, ev, work, ll, iwork, wi(1), info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DSYEVD failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work, iwork) end subroutine eigd_symm_real """ return
[docs]def eigd_symm_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Diagonalize hermitian mata using LAPACK's ZHEEV. Return the eigenvectors in mata, eigenvalues in ev. **Arguments** mata : COMPLEX(*,*), inout Diagonalize this matrix. On exit overwritten with eigenvectors. ev : REAL(*), out Eigenvalues of diagonlization are stored in this vector. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_symm_complex(mata, ev, dim, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mata real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(out) :: ev integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- complex(KIND=rKind) :: query(1) INTEGER :: info COMPLEX(KIND=rKind), ALLOCATABLE :: work(:) REAL(KIND=rKind), ALLOCATABLE :: rwork(:) INTEGER :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! workspace query allocate(rwork(3 * dim - 2)) call zheev('V', 'U', dim, mata, dim, ev, query, -1, rwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: ZHEEV failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ll = floor(abs(query(1))) allocate(work(ll)) call zheev('V', 'U', dim, mata, dim, ev, work, ll, rwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: ZHEEV failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work, rwork) end subroutine eigd_symm_complex """ return
[docs]def eigd_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2014 (dj) Diagonalization of a general real matrix **Arguments** mat : REAL(*,*), inout on input containing the matrix to be diagonalized on exit right eigenvectors of the matrix eival : COMPLEX(*), out containing on exit the (possibly complex) eigenvalues dim : INTEGER, in dimension of the eigenvalue problem. matinv : REAL(*,*), OPTIONAL, out containing on exit the inverse matrix of the right eigenvectors. **Details** The original matrix is regained with mat * eival * matinv (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_real(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(out) :: eival real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out), optional :: matinv integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for query real(KIND=rKind) :: query(1) ! size of workspace array / info flag integer :: lwork, info ! pivot elements in array integer :: ipiv(size(mat, 1)) ! real and imaginary part of the eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind) :: wr(size(mat, 1)), wi(size(mat, 1)) ! work space real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work ! temporary matrix for eigenvectors real(KIND=rKind) :: mtemp(size(mat, 1), size(mat, 2)) !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Eigenvalue decomposition ! ------------------------ call dgeev('N', 'V', dim, mat, dim, wr, wi, query, 1, & mtemp, dim, query, -1, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DGEEV failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgeev('N', 'V', dim, mat, dim, wr, wi, work, lwork, & mtemp, dim, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DGEEV failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Build complex eigenvalues and store eigenvectors in original matrix eival = cmplx(wr, wi, KIND=rKind) mat = mtemp ! Calculate the inverse if asked ! ------------------------------ if(present(matinv)) then matinv = mat call dgetrf(dim, dim, matinv, dim, ipiv, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DGETRF failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(size(work) < dim) then deallocate(work) allocate(work(dim)) lwork = dim end if call dgetri(dim, matinv, dim, ipiv, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_real: DGETRI failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if end if deallocate(work) end subroutine eigd_real """ return
[docs]def eigd_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2014 (dj) Diagonalization of a general complex matrix **Arguments** mat : COMPLEX(*,*), inout on input containing the matrix to be diagonalized on exit right eigenvectors of the matrix eival : COMPLEX(*), out containing on exit the (possibly complex) eigenvalues dim : INTEGER, in dimension of the eigenvalue problem. matinv : COMPLEX(*,*), OPTIONAL, out containing on exit the inverse matrix of the right eigenvectors. **Details** The original matrix is regained with mat * eival * matinv (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_complex(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(out) :: eival complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out), optional :: matinv integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for query complex(KIND=rKind) :: query(1) ! size of workspace array / info flag integer :: lwork, info ! pivot elements in array integer :: ipiv(dim) ! work space complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(2 * dim) :: rwork ! temporary matrix for eigenvectors complex(KIND=rKind) :: mtemp(dim, dim) !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Eigenvalue decomposition ! ------------------------ call zgeev('N', 'V', dim, mat, dim, eival, mtemp, dim, mtemp, dim, & query, -1, rwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_complex: ZGEEV failed', & ! 6, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:545', errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgeev('N', 'V', dim, mat, dim, eival, mtemp, dim, mtemp, dim, & work, lwork, rwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_complex: ZGEEV failed', & ! 6, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:555', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Store eigenvectors in original matrix mat = mtemp ! Calculate the inverse if asked ! ------------------------------ if(present(matinv)) then matinv = mat call zgetrf(dim, dim, matinv, dim, ipiv, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_complex: ZGETRF failed', & ! 6, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:570', errst=errst) ! return !end if if(size(work) < dim) then deallocate(work) allocate(work(dim)) lwork = dim end if call zgetri(dim, matinv, dim, ipiv, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_complex: ZGETRI failed', & ! 6, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:582', errst=errst) ! return !end if end if deallocate(work) end subroutine eigd_complex """ return
[docs]def eigd_tri_symm_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Diagonalize symmetric tridiagonal matrix with LAPACKs DSTEQR. **Arguments** mata : REAL(\*, \*), out Contains on exit the eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix. diag : REAL(\*), inout On entry the diagonal elements of the symmetric matrix, on exit the eigenvalues in ascending order. supdiag : REAL(\*), inout Super-diagonal of the symmetric matrix. Destroyed on exit. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_tri_symm_real(mata, diag, supdiag, dim, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mata real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(inout) :: diag real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(inout) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! lapack info flag integer :: info ! lapacj work array real(KIND=rKind), dimension(2 * dim - 2) :: work !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Initialize to identity matrix mata = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, dim mata(ii, ii) = done end do call DSTEQR('I', dim, diag, supdiag, mata, dim, work, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_tri_symm_real: DSTEQR failed', & ! 6, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:664', errst=errst) ! return !end if end subroutine eigd_tri_symm_real """ return
[docs]def eigd_tri_symm_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Diagonalize hermitian tridiagonal matrix using LAPACKS dense method ZHEEV. **Arguments** mata : COMPLEX(\*, \*), out Contains on exit the eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix. diag : REAL(\*), inout On entry the diagonal elements of the hermitian matrix, on exit the eigenvalues in ascending order. supdiag : COMPLEX(\*), in Super-diagonal of the hermitian matrix. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_tri_symm_complex(mata, diag, supdiag, dim, errst) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mata real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(inout) :: diag complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(in) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Initialize matrix mata = 0.0_rKind do ii = 1, dim mata(ii, ii) = diag(ii) end do ! ZHEEV uses upper triangular do ii = 1, (dim - 1) mata(ii, ii+1) = supdiag(ii) end do call eigd(mata, diag, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('eigd_tri_symm_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return end subroutine eigd_tri_symm_complex """ return
[docs]def eigd_symm_tri_first_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Get the first eigenvalue and vector of a tridiagonal and real matrix. **Arguments** diags : REAL(\*), inout The diagonal entries in the tridiagonal matrix. odiags : REAL(\*), inout The first off-diagonal entries in the triadiagonal matrix. eigval : REAL, out The first eigenvalue. eigvec : REAL(\*), inout The first eigenvector. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigd_symm_tri_first_real(diags, odiags, eigval, eigvec, errst) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: diags, odiags real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: eigvec integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Need a vector for eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind) :: eigs(size(eigvec)) ! Need a matrix for eigenvectors real(KIND=rKind) :: zz(size(eigvec), 1) ! number of eigenvalues found integer :: numeigs ! workspace for LAPACK integer :: iwork(5 * size(eigvec)) real(KIND=rKind) :: work(5 * size(eigvec)) ! Check on convergence of ii-th eigenvalue integer :: ifail(SIZE(eigVec)) ! Reporting errors from LAPACK integer :: info call dstevx('V', 'I', size(eigvec), diags, odiags, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, & 0.0_rKind, numeigs, eigs, zz, size(eigvec), work, iwork, & ifail, info) !if((info /= 0) .or. (ifail(1) /= 0)) then ! errst = raise_error('eigd_symm_first_real: DSTEVX failed.', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if eigval = eigs(1) eigvec = zz(:, 1) end subroutine eigd_symm_tri_first_real """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - Eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. ?? (dj, updated) **Arguments** um : real(a_row, a_row), out Unitary matrix for decomposition. sing : real(a_row), out Singular values (squared?) rm : real(a_row, a_col), out Right matrix in decomposition, i.e., singular values times right unitary matrix. matin : real(a_row, a_col), in Input matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of row in the original matrix. a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in the original matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_real(um, sing, rm, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col real(KIND=rKIND), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(out) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row), intent(out) :: sing real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(out) :: rm real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst call eigsvd_lu_step1_real(um, sing, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_real: step 1 failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call eigsvd_lu_step2_real(um, rm, matin, a_row, a_col, a_row, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_real: step 2 failed', & ! errst=errst)) return end subroutine eigsvd_lu_real """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - Eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. ?? (dj, updated) **Arguments** um : complex(a_row, a_row), out Unitary matrix for decomposition. sing : real(a_row), out Singular values (squared?) rm : complex(a_row, a_col), out Right matrix in decomposition, i.e., singular values times right unitary matrix. matin : complex(a_row, a_col), in Input matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of row in the original matrix. a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in the original matrix. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_complex(um, sing, rm, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col complex(KIND=rKIND), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(out) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row), intent(out) :: sing complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(out) :: rm complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst call eigsvd_lu_step1_complex(um, sing, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_complex: step 1 failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call eigsvd_lu_step2_complex(um, rm, matin, a_row, a_col, a_row, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_complex: step 2 failed', & ! errst=errst)) return end subroutine eigsvd_lu_complex """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_step1_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj, updated) First step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. This subroutine has the unitary matrix on the left. **Arguments** um : real(a_row, a_row), out Unitary matrix on the left of the decomposition on exit. sing : real(a_row), out Singular values squared on exit. matin : real(a_row, a_col), in Input matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix to be decomposed a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix to be decomposed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_step1_real(um, sing, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(out) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row), intent(out) :: sing real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst call dsyrk('U', 'N', a_row, a_col, done, matin, a_row, dzero, & um, a_row) call eigd(um, sing, a_row, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_step1_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return end subroutine eigsvd_lu_step1_real """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_step1_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj, updated) First step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. This subroutine has the unitary matrix on the left. **Arguments** um : complex(a_row, a_row), out Unitary matrix on the left of the decomposition on exit. sing : real(a_row), out Singular values squared on exit. matin : complex(a_row, a_col), in Input matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of rows in matrix to be decomposed a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in matrix to be decomposed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_step1_complex(um, sing, matin, a_row, a_col, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(out) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row), intent(out) :: sing complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst call zherk('U', 'N', a_row, a_col, zone, matin, a_row, zzero, & um, a_row) call eigd(um, sing, a_row, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('eigsvd_lu_step1_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return end subroutine eigsvd_lu_step1_complex """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_step2_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj, updated) Second step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. This subroutine has the unitary matrix on the left. **Arguments** um : real(a_row, a_row), inout Unitary matrix, modified in case of truncation. rt : real(nkeep, a_col), out On exit, singular values times right unitary matrix. matin : real(a_row, a_col), in Original matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of rows in original matrix. a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in original matrix. nkeep : INTEGER, in Number of singular values to be kept. renorm : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Renormalization for decomposition (or scaling). Default to 1. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_step2_real(um, rt, matin, a_row, & a_col, nkeep, renorm, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col, nkeep real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(inout) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nkeep, a_col), intent(out) :: rt real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scalar for renormalizing real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(nkeep /= a_row) then ! Singular values were discarded um(:, :nkeep) = um(:, a_row - nkeep + 1:) !else ! ! No singular values are discarded end if ! Take care of renormalization if necessary sc = done if(present(renorm)) sc = sc * renorm call dgemm('T', 'N', nkeep, a_col, a_row, sc, um, a_row, & matin, a_row, dzero, rt, nkeep) end subroutine eigsvd_lu_step2_real """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_lu_step2_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (dj, updated) Second step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. This subroutine has the unitary matrix on the left. **Arguments** um : complex(a_row, a_row), inout Unitary matrix, modified in case of truncation. rt : complex(nkeep, a_col), out On exit, singular values times right unitary matrix. matin : complex(a_row, a_col), in Original matrix to be decomposed. a_row : INTEGER, in Number of rows in original matrix. a_col : INTEGER, in Number of columns in original matrix. nkeep : INTEGER, in Number of singular values to be kept. renorm : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Renormalization for decomposition (or scaling). Default to 1. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_lu_step2_complex(um, rt, matin, a_row, & a_col, nkeep, renorm, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col, nkeep complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_row), intent(inout) :: um complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nkeep, a_col), intent(out) :: rt complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scalar for renormalizing complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(nkeep /= a_row) then ! Singular values were discarded um(:, :nkeep) = um(:, a_row - nkeep + 1:) !else ! ! No singular values are discarded end if ! Take care of renormalization if necessary sc = zone if(present(renorm)) sc = sc * renorm call zgemm('C', 'N', nkeep, a_col, a_row, sc, um, a_row, & matin, a_row, zzero, rt, nkeep) end subroutine eigsvd_lu_step2_complex """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_ru_step2_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - Second step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. The unitary tensor is on the right. **Arguments** um : real(\*, \*), in Contains on exit the eigenvectors. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_ru_step2_real(um, lt, matin, a_row, a_col, & nkeep, renorm, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col, nkeep real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_col, a_col), intent(inout) :: um real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, nkeep), intent(out) :: lt real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(nkeep /= a_col) then ! Singular values were discarded um(:nkeep, :) = transpose((um(:, a_col - nkeep + 1:))) else ! All singular values, but need to transpose um = transpose((um)) end if ! Take care of renormalization if necessary sc = done if(present(renorm)) sc = sc * renorm call dgemm('N', 'T', a_row, nkeep, a_col, sc, matin, a_row, & um, a_col, dzero, lt, a_row) end subroutine eigsvd_ru_step2_real """ return
[docs]def eigsvd_ru_step2_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - Second step of eigenvalue decomposition as singular value decomposition. The unitary tensor is on the right. **Arguments** um : complex(\*, \*), in Contains on exit the eigenvectors. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine eigsvd_ru_step2_complex(um, lt, matin, a_row, a_col, & nkeep, renorm, errst) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col, nkeep complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_col, a_col), intent(inout) :: um complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, nkeep), intent(out) :: lt complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(in) :: matin real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: renorm integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- complex(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(nkeep /= a_col) then ! Singular values were discarded um(:nkeep, :) = transpose(conjg(um(:, a_col - nkeep + 1:))) else ! All singular values, but need to transpose um = transpose(conjg(um)) end if ! Take care of renormalization if necessary sc = zone if(present(renorm)) sc = sc * renorm call zgemm('N', 'C', a_row, nkeep, a_col, sc, matin, a_row, & um, a_col, zzero, lt, a_row) end subroutine eigsvd_ru_step2_complex """ return
[docs]def expm_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Take the exponential of a general matrix returning a complex matrix. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), in Exponential of the matrix sc * mat sc : real, in Additional scalar inside exp-function. mat : real(dim, dim), inout On entry containing the matrix to be exponentiated. On exit destroyed (and filled with right eigenvectors). dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expm_real_real(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: eival ! inverse matrix real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: matinv ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(matinv(dim, dim), eival(dim)) call eigd(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_real_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues eival = exp(sc * eival) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_real_real : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1253', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_real_real : inf.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1259', errst=errst) ! return !end if do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(ii, :) * eival(:) * matinv(:, jj)) end do end do deallocate(matinv, eival) end subroutine expm_real_real """ return
[docs]def expm_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Take the exponential of a general matrix returning a complex matrix. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), in Exponential of the matrix sc * mat sc : complex, in Additional scalar inside exp-function. mat : real(dim, dim), inout On entry containing the matrix to be exponentiated. On exit destroyed (and filled with right eigenvectors). dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expm_complex_real(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: eival ! inverse matrix real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: matinv ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(matinv(dim, dim), eival(dim)) call eigd(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_complex_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues eival = exp(sc * eival) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_complex_real : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1253', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_complex_real : inf.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1259', errst=errst) ! return !end if do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(ii, :) * eival(:) * matinv(:, jj)) end do end do deallocate(matinv, eival) end subroutine expm_complex_real """ return
[docs]def expm_real_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Take the exponential of a general matrix returning a complex matrix. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), in Exponential of the matrix sc * mat sc : real, in Additional scalar inside exp-function. mat : complex(dim, dim), inout On entry containing the matrix to be exponentiated. On exit destroyed (and filled with right eigenvectors). dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expm_real_complex(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: eival ! inverse matrix complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: matinv ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(matinv(dim, dim), eival(dim)) call eigd(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_real_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues eival = exp(sc * eival) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_real_complex : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1253', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_real_complex : inf.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1259', errst=errst) ! return !end if do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(ii, :) * eival(:) * matinv(:, jj)) end do end do deallocate(matinv, eival) end subroutine expm_real_complex """ return
[docs]def expm_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Take the exponential of a general matrix returning a complex matrix. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), in Exponential of the matrix sc * mat sc : complex, in Additional scalar inside exp-function. mat : complex(dim, dim), inout On entry containing the matrix to be exponentiated. On exit destroyed (and filled with right eigenvectors). dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expm_complex_complex(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: eival ! inverse matrix complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: matinv ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(matinv(dim, dim), eival(dim)) call eigd(mat, eival, dim, matinv, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_complex_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues eival = exp(sc * eival) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_complex_complex : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1253', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(eival)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expm_complex_complex : inf.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1259', errst=errst) ! return !end if do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(ii, :) * eival(:) * matinv(:, jj)) end do end do deallocate(matinv, eival) end subroutine expm_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def expmh_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc * math) for hermitian math. **Arguments** mexp : real(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * math) sc : real, in Weight in the exponential. mat : real(\*, \*), inout Take exponential of this hermitian matrix. On exit, overwritten with eigenvectors. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_real_real(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! =============== ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(ev(dim), ctmp(dim)) call eigd(mat, ev, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exph_real_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues ctmp = exp(sc * ev) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_real_real'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1361', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_real_real'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1367', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication mat = transpose(mat) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * (mat(:, jj))) end do end do !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(mexp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('exph_real_real : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1383', errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(ev, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_real_real """ return
[docs]def expmh_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc * math) for hermitian math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * math) sc : complex, in Weight in the exponential. mat : real(\*, \*), inout Take exponential of this hermitian matrix. On exit, overwritten with eigenvectors. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_complex_real(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! =============== ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(ev(dim), ctmp(dim)) call eigd(mat, ev, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exph_complex_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues ctmp = exp(sc * ev) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_complex_real'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1361', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_complex_real'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1367', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication mat = transpose(mat) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * (mat(:, jj))) end do end do !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(mexp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('exph_complex_real : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1383', errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(ev, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_complex_real """ return
[docs]def expmh_real_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc * math) for hermitian math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * math) sc : real, in Weight in the exponential. mat : complex(\*, \*), inout Take exponential of this hermitian matrix. On exit, overwritten with eigenvectors. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_real_complex(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! =============== ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(ev(dim), ctmp(dim)) call eigd(mat, ev, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exph_real_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues ctmp = exp(sc * ev) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_real_complex'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1361', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_real_complex'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1367', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication mat = transpose(mat) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * conjg(mat(:, jj))) end do end do !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(mexp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('exph_real_complex : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1383', errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(ev, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_real_complex """ return
[docs]def expmh_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc * math) for hermitian math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * math) sc : complex, in Weight in the exponential. mat : complex(\*, \*), inout Take exponential of this hermitian matrix. On exit, overwritten with eigenvectors. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_complex_complex(mexp, sc, mat, dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(inout) :: mat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! =============== ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! Quick return for zero matrix if(sum(abs(mat)) < 1e-15) then mexp = 0.0_rKind do jj = 1, dim mexp(jj, jj) = 1.0_rKind end do return end if allocate(ev(dim), ctmp(dim)) call eigd(mat, ev, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exph_complex_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues ctmp = exp(sc * ev) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_complex_complex'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1361', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_complex_complex'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1367', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication mat = transpose(mat) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(mat(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * conjg(mat(:, jj))) end do end do !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(mexp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('exph_complex_complex : nan.', & ! 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1383', errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(ev, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def expmh_tri_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc* math) for hermitian tridiagonal matrix math. **Arguments** mexp : real(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * mat) sc : real, in Weight in the exponential. diag : REAL(\*), in Diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. supdiag : real(\*), in Super-diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_tri_real_real(mexp, sc, diag, supdiag, & dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(in) ::diag real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(in) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! temporary arrays to save intent(in) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: cdiag real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: csupdiag ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! eigenvectors real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: evec allocate(cdiag(dim), csupdiag(dim), evec(dim, dim), ctmp(dim)) cdiag = diag csupdiag = supdiag call eigd(evec, cdiag, csupdiag, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_tri_real_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues (eigenvalues must be real for hermitian ! matrix) ctmp = exp(sc * cdiag) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_real_real'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1483', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_real_real'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1489', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication evec = transpose(evec) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(evec(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * (evec(:, jj))) end do end do deallocate(cdiag, csupdiag, evec, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_tri_real_real """ return
[docs]def expmh_tri_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc* math) for hermitian tridiagonal matrix math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * mat) sc : complex, in Weight in the exponential. diag : REAL(\*), in Diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. supdiag : real(\*), in Super-diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_tri_complex_real(mexp, sc, diag, supdiag, & dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(in) ::diag real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(in) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! temporary arrays to save intent(in) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: cdiag real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: csupdiag ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! eigenvectors real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: evec allocate(cdiag(dim), csupdiag(dim), evec(dim, dim), ctmp(dim)) cdiag = diag csupdiag = supdiag call eigd(evec, cdiag, csupdiag, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_tri_complex_real: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues (eigenvalues must be real for hermitian ! matrix) ctmp = exp(sc * cdiag) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_complex_real'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1483', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_complex_real'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1489', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication evec = transpose(evec) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(evec(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * (evec(:, jj))) end do end do deallocate(cdiag, csupdiag, evec, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_tri_complex_real """ return
[docs]def expmh_tri_real_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc* math) for hermitian tridiagonal matrix math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * mat) sc : real, in Weight in the exponential. diag : REAL(\*), in Diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. supdiag : complex(\*), in Super-diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_tri_real_complex(mexp, sc, diag, supdiag, & dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(in) ::diag complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(in) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! temporary arrays to save intent(in) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: cdiag complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: csupdiag ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! eigenvectors complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: evec allocate(cdiag(dim), csupdiag(dim), evec(dim, dim), ctmp(dim)) cdiag = diag csupdiag = supdiag call eigd(evec, cdiag, csupdiag, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_tri_real_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues (eigenvalues must be real for hermitian ! matrix) ctmp = exp(sc * cdiag) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_real_complex'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1483', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_real_complex'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1489', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication evec = transpose(evec) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(evec(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * conjg(evec(:, jj))) end do end do deallocate(cdiag, csupdiag, evec, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_tri_real_complex """ return
[docs]def expmh_tri_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj, updated) Exponentiate U=exp(sc* math) for hermitian tridiagonal matrix math. **Arguments** mexp : complex(dim, dim), out Contains on exit exp(- eye * sc * mat) sc : complex, in Weight in the exponential. diag : REAL(\*), in Diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. supdiag : complex(\*), in Super-diagonal entries of the matrix to be exponentiated. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrix. **Details** (Template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine expmh_tri_complex_complex(mexp, sc, diag, supdiag, & dim, errst) !use IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only : IEEE_IS_FINITE, IEEE_IS_NAN integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(out) :: mexp complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: sc real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim), intent(in) ::diag complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim - 1), intent(in) :: supdiag integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! temporary arrays to save intent(in) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: cdiag complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: csupdiag ! temporary exp(eigenvalue) complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ctmp ! eigenvectors complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: evec allocate(cdiag(dim), csupdiag(dim), evec(dim, dim), ctmp(dim)) cdiag = diag csupdiag = supdiag call eigd(evec, cdiag, csupdiag, dim, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('exp_tri_complex_complex: eigd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return ! Exponentiate eigenvalues (eigenvalues must be real for hermitian ! matrix) ctmp = exp(sc * cdiag) !if(ieee_is_nan(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_complex_complex'//& ! ' : nan.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1483', errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(.not. ieee_is_finite(abs(sum(ctmp)))) then ! errst = raise_error('expmh_tri_complex_complex'//& ! ' : inf.', 99, 'LinearAlgebra_include.f90:1489', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Transpose for hopefully faster matrix-matrix multiplication evec = transpose(evec) do jj = 1, dim do ii = 1, dim mexp(ii, jj) = sum(evec(:, ii) * ctmp(:) & * conjg(evec(:, jj))) end do end do deallocate(cdiag, csupdiag, evec, ctmp) end subroutine expmh_tri_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** Mat : real(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry unless optional argument is set otherwise. Matl : _real(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Matr : real(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` transl : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_L` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). transr : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_R` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_real_real(Mat, Matl, Matr, r1, c1, r2, c2, & transl, transr, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2*c1*c2), intent(inout) :: Mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: Matl real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: Matr character, intent(in) :: transl, transr character, intent(in), optional :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Key for calling correct subroutine: 0 : M x M, 1 : M^t x M, ! 10 : M x M^t, 11 M^t x M^t, 2 : M^d x M, 20 : M x M^d ! 22 : M^d x M^d, 21 : M^d x M^t, 12 : M^t x M^d integer :: key ! dublette for optional argument character :: op_ key = 0 if(transl == 'T') key = key + 1 if(transl == 'D') key = key + 2 if(transr == 'T') key = key + 10 if(transr == 'D') key = key + 20 op_ = 'N' if(present(op)) op_ = op select case(key) case(0) call kron_mm_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(1) call kron_mtm_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(2) call kron_mdm_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(10) call kron_mmt_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(11) call kron_mtmt_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(12) call kron_mdmt_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(20) call kron_mmd_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(21) call kron_mtmd_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(22) call kron_mdmd_real_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) end select end subroutine kron_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** Mat : complex(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry unless optional argument is set otherwise. Matl : _complex(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Matr : complex(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` transl : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_L` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). transr : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_R` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_complex_complex(Mat, Matl, Matr, r1, c1, r2, c2, & transl, transr, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2*c1*c2), intent(inout) :: Mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: Matl complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: Matr character, intent(in) :: transl, transr character, intent(in), optional :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Key for calling correct subroutine: 0 : M x M, 1 : M^t x M, ! 10 : M x M^t, 11 M^t x M^t, 2 : M^d x M, 20 : M x M^d ! 22 : M^d x M^d, 21 : M^d x M^t, 12 : M^t x M^d integer :: key ! dublette for optional argument character :: op_ key = 0 if(transl == 'T') key = key + 1 if(transl == 'D') key = key + 2 if(transr == 'T') key = key + 10 if(transr == 'D') key = key + 20 op_ = 'N' if(present(op)) op_ = op select case(key) case(0) call kron_mm_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(1) call kron_mtm_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(2) call kron_mdm_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(10) call kron_mmt_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(11) call kron_mtmt_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(12) call kron_mdmt_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(20) call kron_mmd_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(21) call kron_mtmd_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(22) call kron_mdmd_complex_complex(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) end select end subroutine kron_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** Mat : complex(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry unless optional argument is set otherwise. Matl : _real(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Matr : real(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` transl : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_L` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). transr : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on the left matrix :math:`M_R` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_complex_real(Mat, Matl, Matr, r1, c1, r2, c2, & transl, transr, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2*c1*c2), intent(inout) :: Mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: Matl real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: Matr character, intent(in) :: transl, transr character, intent(in), optional :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Key for calling correct subroutine: 0 : M x M, 1 : M^t x M, ! 10 : M x M^t, 11 M^t x M^t, 2 : M^d x M, 20 : M x M^d ! 22 : M^d x M^d, 21 : M^d x M^t, 12 : M^t x M^d integer :: key ! dublette for optional argument character :: op_ key = 0 if(transl == 'T') key = key + 1 if(transl == 'D') key = key + 2 if(transr == 'T') key = key + 10 if(transr == 'D') key = key + 20 op_ = 'N' if(present(op)) op_ = op select case(key) case(0) call kron_mm_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(1) call kron_mtm_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(2) call kron_mdm_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(10) call kron_mmt_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(11) call kron_mtmt_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(12) call kron_mdmt_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(20) call kron_mmd_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(21) call kron_mtmd_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) case(22) call kron_mdmd_complex_real(mat, matl, matr, & r1, c1, r2, c2, op_) end select end subroutine kron_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mm_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mm_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2, c1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mm_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mm_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mm_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2, c1*c2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mm_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mm_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mm_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*r2, c1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mm_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mmt_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmt_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmt_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mmt_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmt_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmt_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mmt_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmt_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmt_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mmd_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmd_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmd_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mmd_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmd_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmd_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mmd_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mmd_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1*c2, c1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(:, i2) k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mmd_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtm_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtm_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtm_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtm_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtm_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtm_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mtm_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is transposed while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtm_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtm_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdm_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdm_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdm_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdm_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdm_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdm_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mdm_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. Is daggered while taking the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdm_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*r2, r1*c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j1, j2) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdm_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmt_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmt_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmt_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmt_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmt_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmt_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmt_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^t \otimes M_R^t`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmt_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmt_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmd_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmd_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) & * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) & * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmd_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmd_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmd_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) & * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) & * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmd_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmd_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmd_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) & * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) & * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmd_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmt_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{t}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmt_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * c2, r1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmt_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmt_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{t}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmt_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * c2, r1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * conjg(mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmt_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mdmt_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{\dagger} \otimes M_R^{t}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdmt_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * c2, r1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, k3) & + mat2(j2, j1) * (mat1(i2, :)) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mdmt_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmd_real_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{t} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmd_real_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, 3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmd_real_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmd_complex_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{t} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmd_complex_complex(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, 3) & + conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmd_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mtmd_complex_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between two matrices :math:`M_L^{t} \otimes M_R^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : TYPE(complex)(\*, \*), inout On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. mat1 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_L` in the tensor product. It is transposed during the subroutine. mat2 : TYPE(real)(\*, \*), in Left matrix :math:`M_R` in the tensor product. It is daggered during the subroutine. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_L` c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_L` r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of :math:`M_R` c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of :math:`M_R` op : CHARACTER, in Either 'N' for usual Kronecker product, or '+' for adding to the result. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mtmd_complex_real(mat, mat1, mat2, r1, c1, & r2, c2, op) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1*c2, r1*r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 character, intent(in) :: op ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, k3 if(op == 'N') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do elseif(op == '+') then k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat(k1:k2, 3) & + (mat2(j2, j1)) * mat1(i2, :) k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine kron_mtmd_complex_real """ return
[docs]def kron_id_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity, so either :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1` or :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. matin : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity d1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of matin. d2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of matin. did : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. id : CHARACTER, in Defines the position of the identity matrix. Either 'L' for :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}` or 'R' for :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1`. trans : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on matrix :math:`M_{in}` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_id_real(mat, matin, d1, d2, did, id, trans) integer, intent(in) :: d1, d2, did real(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * did, d2 * did), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1, d2), intent(in) :: matin character, intent(in) :: id, trans ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Key for calling correct subroutine: 0 : M x Id, 1 : M^t x Id, ! 10 : Id x M, 11 Id x M^t, 2 : M^d x Id, 12 Id x M^d integer :: key key = 0 if(trans == 'T') key = key + 1 if(trans == 'D') key = key + 2 if(id == 'L') key = key + 10 select case(key) case(0) call kron_mi_real(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(1) call kron_mti_real(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(2) call kron_mdi_real(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(10) call kron_im_real(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) case(11) call kron_imt_real(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) case(12) call kron_imd_real(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) end select end subroutine kron_id_real """ return
[docs]def kron_id_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity, so either :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1` or :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. matin : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity d1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of matin. d2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of matin. did : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. id : CHARACTER, in Defines the position of the identity matrix. Either 'L' for :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}` or 'R' for :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1`. trans : CHARACTER, in Defines the transformation executed on matrix :math:`M_{in}` when taking the tensor product. Either 'N' (none), 'T' (transposed), or 'D' (dagger / conjugate transposed). **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_id_complex(mat, matin, d1, d2, did, id, trans) integer, intent(in) :: d1, d2, did complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * did, d2 * did), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1, d2), intent(in) :: matin character, intent(in) :: id, trans ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Key for calling correct subroutine: 0 : M x Id, 1 : M^t x Id, ! 10 : Id x M, 11 Id x M^t, 2 : M^d x Id, 12 Id x M^d integer :: key key = 0 if(trans == 'T') key = key + 1 if(trans == 'D') key = key + 2 if(id == 'L') key = key + 10 select case(key) case(0) call kron_mi_complex(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(1) call kron_mti_complex(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(2) call kron_mdi_complex(mat, matin, d1, d2, did) case(10) call kron_im_complex(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) case(11) call kron_imt_complex(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) case(12) call kron_imd_complex(mat, matin, did, d1, d2) end select end subroutine kron_id_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mi_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mi_real(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1 * d2, c1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat1(:, i2) end do k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end subroutine kron_mi_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mi_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in} \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mi_complex(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1 * d2, c1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = r1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, c1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat1(:, i2) end do k1 = k1 + r1 k2 = k2 + r1 end do end subroutine kron_mi_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_im_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_im_real(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * r2, d1 * c2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_im_real """ return
[docs]def kron_im_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_im_complex(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * r2, d1 * c2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, c2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, r2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = mat2(j1, j2) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_im_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mti_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in}^t \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Transposed while taking the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mti_real(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * d2, r1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat1(i2, :) end do k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end subroutine kron_mti_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mti_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in}^t \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Transposed while taking the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mti_complex(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * d2, r1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = mat1(i2, :) end do k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end subroutine kron_mti_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_imt_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}^t`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Transposed while taking tensor product. d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_imt_real(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * c2, d1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_imt_real """ return
[docs]def kron_imt_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}^t`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Transposed while taking tensor product. d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_imt_complex(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * c2, d1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = mat2(j2, j1) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_imt_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_mdi_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in}^{\dagger} \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Daggered while taking the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdi_real(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * d2, r1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = (mat1(i2, :)) end do k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end subroutine kron_mdi_real """ return
[docs]def kron_mdi_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`M_{in}^{\dagger} \otimes 1`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat1 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Daggered while taking the tensor product. r1 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c1 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. d2 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_mdi_complex(mat, mat1, r1, c1, d2) integer, intent(in) :: r1, c1, d2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(c1 * d2, r1 * d2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r1, c1), intent(in) :: mat1 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, jj, k1, k2, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 k1 = 1 k2 = c1 do jj = 1, d2 do i2 = 1, r1 k3 = k3 + 1 mat(k1:k2, k3) = conjg(mat1(i2, :)) end do k1 = k1 + c1 k2 = k2 + c1 end do end subroutine kron_mdi_complex """ return
[docs]def kron_imd_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : real(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : real(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Daggered while taking tensor product. d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_imd_real(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 real(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * c2, d1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = (mat2(j2, j1)) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_imd_real """ return
[docs]def kron_imd_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2016 (dj) Kronecker or tensor product between a matrix and the identity :math:`1 \otimes M_{in}^{\dagger}`. **Arguments** mat : complex(\*, \*), in On exit the tensor product between the two matrices. Has to be allocated on entry. mat2 : complex(\*, \*), in Matrix in the tensor product with the identity. Daggered while taking tensor product. d1 : INTEGER, in Specifies the dimension of the identity matrix. Alwyas square matrix. r2 : INTEGER, in First dimension of the matrix. c2 : INTEGER, in Second dimension of the matrix. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine kron_imd_complex(mat, mat2, d1, r2, c2) integer, intent(in) :: d1, r2, c2 complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(d1 * c2, d1 * r2), intent(out) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(r2, c2), intent(in) :: mat2 ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: i2, j1, j2, k1, k3 mat = 0.0_rKind k3 = 0 do j2 = 1, r2 do i2 = 1, d1 k3 = k3 + 1 k1 = 0 do j1 = 1, c2 mat(k1 + i2, k3) = conjg(mat2(j2, j1)) k1 = k1 + d1 end do end do end do end subroutine kron_imd_complex """ return
[docs]def qr_inplace_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Compute thin QR-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n >=m **Arguments** mat : REAL(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in QR with nr >= nc. On exit matrix Q. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : REAL(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of QR-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine qr_inplace_real(mat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nc, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for LAPACK real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! for looping / workspace query integer ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGEQRF (query and call) ! ======================= lwork = -1 call dgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_real: query dgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_real: dgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Get the triangular ! ================== do ii = 1, nc rmat(:ii, ii) = mat(:ii, ii) rmat(ii+1:, ii) = 0.0_rKind end do ! ZUNGQR (query and call) ! ======================= ii = -1 call dorgqr(nr, nc, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_real: query dorgqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call dorgqr(nr, nc, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_real: dorgqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine qr_inplace_real """ return
[docs]def qr_trapez_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute thin QR-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n < m **Arguments** mat : REAL(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in QR with nr < nc. On exit entries are destroyed. qmat : REAL(nr, nr), out On exit, unitary matrix Q of QR-decomposition. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : REAL(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of QR-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine qr_trapez_real(mat, qmat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nr), intent(out) :: qmat integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for LAPACK real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! for looping / workspace query integer ii ! ZGEQRF (query and call) ! ======================= lwork = -1 call dgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_real: query dgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_real: dgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Get the triangular ! ================== do ii = 1, nr rmat(:ii, ii) = mat(:ii, ii) rmat(ii+1:, ii) = dzero end do do ii = nr + 1, nc rmat(:, ii) = mat(:, ii) end do ! ZUNGQR (query and call) ! ======================= ii = -1 call dorgqr(nr, nr, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_real: query dorgqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call dorgqr(nr, nr, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_real: dorgqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if qmat = mat(:, :nr) deallocate(work) end subroutine qr_trapez_real """ return
[docs]def qr_inplace_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Compute thin QR-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n >=m **Arguments** mat : COMPLEX(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in QR with nr >= nc. On exit matrix Q. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : COMPLEX(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of QR-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebar_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine qr_inplace_complex(mat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nc, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for LAPACK complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! for looping / workspace query integer ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGEQRF (query and call) ! ======================= lwork = -1 call zgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_complex: query zgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_complex: zgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Get the triangular ! ================== do ii = 1, nc rmat(:ii, ii) = mat(:ii, ii) rmat(ii+1:, ii) = 0.0_rKind end do ! ZUNGQR (query and call) ! ======================= ii = -1 call zungqr(nr, nc, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_complex: query zungqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call zungqr(nr, nc, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_inplace_complex: zungqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine qr_inplace_complex """ return
[docs]def qr_trapez_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute thin QR-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n >=m **Arguments** mat : COMPLEX(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in QR with nr < nc. On exit entries are destroyed. qmat : COMPLEX(nr, nr), out On exit, unitary matrix Q of QR decomposition. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : COMPLEX(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of QR-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebar_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine qr_trapez_complex(mat, qmat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nr), intent(out) :: qmat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for LAPACK complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! for looping / workspace query integer ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGEQRF (query and call) ! ======================= lwork = -1 call zgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_complex: query zgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgeqrf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_complex: zgeqrf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Get the triangular ! ================== do ii = 1, nr rmat(:ii, ii) = mat(:ii, ii) rmat(ii+1:, ii) = zzero end do do ii = nr + 1, nc rmat(:, ii) = mat(:, ii) end do ! ZUNGQR (query and call) ! ======================= ii = -1 call zungqr(nr, nr, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_complex: query zungqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call zungqr(nr, nr, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('qr_trapez_complex: zungqr failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if qmat = mat(:, :nr) deallocate(work) end subroutine qr_trapez_complex """ return
[docs]def rq_inplace_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Compute thin RQ-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n <= m **Arguments** mat : REAL(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in RQ with nr <= nc. On exit matrix Q. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : REAL(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of RQ-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rq_inplace_real(mat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nr), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for looping/query integer :: ii ! for LAPACK real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query !if(present(errst)) errst = errst ! ZGERQF (query and run) ! ---------------------- lwork = -1 call dgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_real: query dgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_real: dgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Copy triangular ! --------------- do ii = 1, nr rmat(1:ii, ii) = mat(1:ii, nc - nr + ii) rmat(ii+1:nr, ii) = 0.0_rKind end do ! ZUNGRQ (query and run) ! ---------------------- ii = -1 call dorgrq(nr, nc, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_real: query dorgrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call dorgrq(nr, nc, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_real: dorgrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine rq_inplace_real """ return
[docs]def rq_trapez_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute thin RQ-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n > m **Arguments** mat : REAL(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in RQ with nr > nc. On exit entries are destroyed. qmat : REAL(nc, nc), out On exit, qmat is unitary matrix Q or RQ-decomposition. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : REAL(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of RQ-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rq_trapez_real(mat, qmat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nc, nc), intent(out) :: qmat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for looping/query integer :: ii ! for LAPACK real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGERQF (query and run) ! ---------------------- lwork = -1 call dgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_real: query dgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_real: dgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Copy triangular ! --------------- do ii = 1, nc rmat(:nr - ii + 1, nc - ii + 1) = & mat(:nr - ii + 1, nc - ii + 1) rmat(nr - ii + 2:, nc - ii + 1) = dzero end do ! ZUNGRQ (query and run) ! ---------------------- qmat = mat(nr - nc + 1:nr, :nc) ii = -1 call dorgrq(nc, nc, nc, qmat, & nc, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_real: query dorgrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call dorgrq(nc, nc, nc, qmat, & nc, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_real: dorgrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine rq_trapez_real """ return
[docs]def rq_inplace_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Compute thin RQ-decomposition inplace for nxm-matrix with n <= m **Arguments** mat : COMPLEX(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in RQ with nr <= nc. On exit matrix Q. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : COMPLEX(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of RQ-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rq_inplace_complex(mat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nr), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for looping/query integer :: ii ! for LAPACK complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGERQF (query and run) ! ---------------------- lwork = -1 call zgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_complex: query zgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_complex: zgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Copy triangular ! --------------- do ii = 1, nr rmat(1:ii, ii) = mat(1:ii, nc - nr + ii) rmat(ii+1:nr, ii) = 0.0_rKind end do ! ZUNGRQ (query and run) ! ---------------------- ii = -1 call zungrq(nr, nc, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_complex: query zungrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call zungrq(nr, nc, nr, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_inplace_complex: zungrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine rq_inplace_complex """ return
[docs]def rq_trapez_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) RQ-decomposition for the case that complex matrix has more rows than colums. **Arguments** mat : COMPLEX(ld_mat, \\*), inout Matrix to be deomposed in RQ with nr > nc. On exit entries destroyed. qmat : COMPLEX(nc, nc), inout On exit, unitary matrix Q of RQ decomposition. nr : INTEGER, in number of rows in `mat` nc : INTEGER, in number of columns in `mat` ld_mat : INTEGER, in leading dimension of the array `mat` rmat : COMPLEX(nc, \\*), out On exit triangular matrix R of RQ-decomposition. **Details** (template defined in LinearAlgebra_template.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rq_trapez_complex(mat, qmat, nr, nc, ld_mat, rmat, errst) integer, intent(in) :: nr, nc, ld_mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(ld_mat, nc), intent(inout) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nc, nc), intent(out) :: qmat complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(nr, nc), intent(out) :: rmat integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! for looping/query integer :: ii ! for LAPACK complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(nr, nc)) :: tau integer :: lwork, info complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! ZGERQF (query and run) ! ---------------------- lwork = -1 call zgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, query, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_complex: query zgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgerqf(nr, nc, mat, ld_mat, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_complex: zgerqf failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Copy triangular ! --------------- do ii = 1, nc rmat(:nr - ii + 1, nc - ii + 1) = & mat(:nr - ii + 1, nc - ii + 1) rmat(nr - ii + 2:, nc - ii + 1) = zzero end do ! ZUNGRQ (query and run) ! ---------------------- qmat = mat(nr - nc + 1:nr, :nc) ii = -1 call zungrq(nc, nc, nc, qmat, & nc, tau, query, ii, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_complex: query zungrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if ii = int(query(1)) if(ii > lwork) then lwork = ii deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) end if call zungrq(nc, nc, nc, qmat, & nc, tau, work, lwork, info) !if(info /= 0) then ! errst = raise_error('rq_trapez_complex: query zungrq failed', & ! 6, errst=errst) ! return !end if deallocate(work) end subroutine rq_trapez_complex """ return
[docs]def svd_elem_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Perform a SVD without truncation on real arrays with DGESVD **Arguments** uleft : REAL(\\*, \\*), out on exit the left unitary matrix sing : REAL(\\*), out contains on exit the singular values vright : REAL(\\*,\\*), out on exit the right unitary matrix matin : REAL(\\*,\\*), inout contains the matrix to be decomposed in a SVD. On exit the entries are destroyed. a_row : INTEGER, in number of rows in matrix `matin` a_col : INTEGER, in number of columns in `matin` info : INTEGER, inout exit status of ZGESDD (0: sucessful, <0 : wrong argument, >0 : not converged) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine svd_elem_real(uleft, sing, vright, matin, a_row, a_col, info) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(inout) :: matin real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, min(a_row, a_col)), & intent(out) :: uleft real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col), a_col), & intent(out) :: vright real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: sing integer, intent(inout) :: info ! number of singular values integer :: s_dim ! for LAPACK workspace query integer :: lwork real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! Get the missing dimension not contained in the dummy arguments s_dim = min(a_row, a_col) call dgesvd('S', 'S', a_row, a_col, matin, a_row, sing, uleft, a_row, & vright, s_dim, query, -1, info) lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgesvd('S', 'S', a_row, a_col, matin, a_row, sing, uleft, a_row, & vright, s_dim, work, lwork, info) deallocate(work) end subroutine svd_elem_real """ return
[docs]def svdd_elem_real(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Perform an SVD without truncation on real arrays with DGESDD. **Arguments** u : REAL(\\*, \\*), out on exit the left unitary matrix s : REAL(\\*), out contains on exit the singular values v : REAL(\\*,\\*), out on exit the right unitary matrix a : REAL(\\*,\\*), inout contains the matrix to be decomposed in a SVD. On exit the entries are destroyed. a_row : INTEGER, in number of rows in matrix a a_col : INTEGER, in number of columns in a jobz : CHARACTER, in 'O' : either U or VT are written in input matrix a 'S' : economic SVD without overwritting 'A' : all rows/columns in U and VT are calculated 'N' : only singular values further see LAPACK description info : INTEGER, inout exit status of ZGESDD (0: sucessful, <0: wrong argument, >0: not converged) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine svdd_elem_real(u, s, v, a, a_row, a_col, jobz, info) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(inout) :: a real(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: u real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col), a_col), intent(out) :: v real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: s character, intent(in) :: jobz integer, intent(inout) :: info ! number of singular values integer :: s_dim ! Variables/Workspaces for ZGESDD integer :: lwork real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work integer, dimension(8 * min(a_row, a_col)) :: iwork real(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! Get the missing dimension not contained in the dummy arguments s_dim = min(a_row, a_col) ! Workspace query and allocation of work call dgesdd(jobz, a_row, a_col, a, a_row, s, u, a_row, v, s_dim, & query, -1, iwork, info) lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) ! Run SVD call dgesdd(jobz, a_row, a_col, a, a_row, s, u, a_row, v, s_dim, & work, lwork, iwork, info) deallocate(work) end subroutine svdd_elem_real """ return
[docs]def svd_elem_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Perform a SVD without truncation on complex arrays with ZGESVD **Arguments** uleft : COMPLEX(\\*, \\*), out on exit the left unitary matrix sing : REAL(\\*), out contains on exit the singular values vright : COMPLEX(\\*,\\*), out on exit the right unitary matrix matin : COMPLEX(\\*,\\*), inout contains the matrix to be decomposed in a SVD. On exit the entries are destroyed. a_row : INTEGER, in number of rows in matrix `matin` a_col : INTEGER, in number of columns in `matin` info : INTEGER, inout exit status of ZGESDD (0: sucessful, <0: wrong argument, >0: not converged) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine svd_elem_complex(uleft, sing, vright, matin, a_row, a_col, info) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, a_col), intent(inout) :: matin complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, min(a_row, a_col)), & intent(out) :: uleft complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col), a_col), & intent(out) :: vright real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: sing integer, intent(inout) :: info ! number of singular values integer :: s_dim ! for LAPACK workspace query integer :: lwork complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query ! workspace real(KIND=rKIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: rwork ! Get the missing dimension not contained in the dummy arguments s_dim = min(a_row, a_col) allocate(rwork(5 * s_dim)) call zgesvd('S', 'S', a_row, a_col, matin, a_row, sing, uleft, a_row, & vright, s_dim, query, -1, rwork, info) lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) call zgesvd('S', 'S', a_row, a_col, matin, a_row, sing, uleft, a_row, & vright, s_dim, work, lwork, rwork, info) deallocate(rwork, work) end subroutine svd_elem_complex """ return
[docs]def svdd_elem_complex(): """ fortran-subroutine - September 2014 (dj) Perform a SVD without truncation on complex arrays with ZGESDD **Arguments** u : COMPLEX(\\*, \\*), out on exit the left unitary matrix s : REAL(\\*), out contains on exit the singular values v : COMPLEX(\\*,\\*), out on exit the right unitary matrix a : COMPLEX(\\*,\\*), inout contains the matrix to be decomposed in a SVD. On exit the entries are destroyed. a_row : INTEGER, in number of rows in matrix a a_col : INTEGER, in number of columns in a jobz : CHARACTER, in 'O' : either U or VT are written in input matrix a 'S' : economic SVD without overwritting 'A' : all rows/columns in U and VT are calculated 'N' : only singular values further see LAPACK description info : INTEGER, inout exit status of ZGESDD (0: sucessful, <0: wrong argument, >0: not converged) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine svdd_elem_complex(u, s, v, a, a_row, a_col, jobz, info) integer, intent(in) :: a_row, a_col complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row,*), intent(inout) :: a complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(a_row, min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: u complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col), a_col), intent(out) :: v real(KIND=rKind), dimension(min(a_row, a_col)), intent(out) :: s character, intent(in) :: jobz integer, intent(inout) :: info ! number of singular values integer :: s_dim ! Variables/Workspaces for ZGESDD integer :: lwork integer, dimension(8 * min(a_row, a_col)) :: iwork real(KIND=rKind), dimension(5 * min(a_col, a_row)**2 + & 5 * min(a_col, a_row)) :: rwork complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(1) :: query complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: work ! Get the missing dimension not contained in the dummy arguments s_dim = min(a_row, a_col) ! Workspace query and allocation of work call zgesdd(jobz, a_row, a_col, a, a_row, s, u, a_row, v, s_dim, & query, -1, rwork, iwork, info) lwork = int(query(1)) allocate(work(lwork)) ! Run SVD call zgesdd(jobz, a_row, a_col, a, a_row, s, u, a_row, v, s_dim, & work, lwork, rwork, iwork, info) deallocate(work) end subroutine svdd_elem_complex """ return
[docs]def trace_rho_x_mat_real_real(): """ fortran-function - November 2016 (dj) Trace of the matrix-matrix multiplication of a density matrix and a matrix. **Arguments** rho : RHO_TYOE(\*, \*), in Density matrix. Must be hermitian since this property is used. mat : real(\*, \*), in Operator matrix. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the two square matrices. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function trace_rho_x_mat_real_real(rho, mat, dim) result(tr) integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: rho real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: mat real(KIND=rKind) :: tr ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii tr = dzero do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum((rho(:, ii)) * mat(:, ii)) !tr = tr + sum(rho(ii, :) * mat(:, ii)) end do end function trace_rho_x_mat_real_real """ return
[docs]def trace_rho_x_mat_complex_real(): """ fortran-function - November 2016 (dj) Trace of the matrix-matrix multiplication of a density matrix and a matrix. **Arguments** rho : RHO_TYOE(\*, \*), in Density matrix. Must be hermitian since this property is used. mat : real(\*, \*), in Operator matrix. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the two square matrices. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function trace_rho_x_mat_complex_real(rho, mat, dim) result(tr) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: rho real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind) :: tr ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii tr = zzero do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(conjg(rho(:, ii)) * mat(:, ii)) !tr = tr + sum(rho(ii, :) * mat(:, ii)) end do end function trace_rho_x_mat_complex_real """ return
[docs]def trace_rho_x_mat_complex_complex(): """ fortran-function - November 2016 (dj) Trace of the matrix-matrix multiplication of a density matrix and a matrix. **Arguments** rho : RHO_TYOE(\*, \*), in Density matrix. Must be hermitian since this property is used. mat : complex(\*, \*), in Operator matrix. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the two square matrices. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function trace_rho_x_mat_complex_complex(rho, mat, dim) result(tr) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: rho complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: mat complex(KIND=rKind) :: tr ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii tr = zzero do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(conjg(rho(:, ii)) * mat(:, ii)) !tr = tr + sum(rho(ii, :) * mat(:, ii)) end do end function trace_rho_x_mat_complex_complex """ return
[docs]def tracematmul_real(): """ fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Calculate the trace of a matrix multiplication without contructing the intermediate matrix. **Arguments** matl : real(\*, \*), in Left matrix in the multiplication. matr : real(\*, \*), in Right matrix in the multuplication. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrices (right now we restrict the function to square matrices). transl : CHARACTER, in Transformation of the left matrix. 'N' for no transformation, 'T' for transposed, and 'C' for the hermitian conjugated. transr : CHARACTER, in Transformation of the right matrix. 'N' for no transformation, 'T' for transposed, and 'C' for the hermitian conjugated. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function tracematmul_real(matl, matr, dim, transl, transr, & errst) result(tr) integer, intent(in) :: dim real(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: matl, matr character, intent(in), optional :: transl, transr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: tr ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! dupletes for optional arguments character :: transl_, transr_ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 transl_ = 'N' if(present(transl)) transl_ = transl transr_ = 'N' if(present(transr)) transr_ = transr tr = 0.0_rKind if((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(ii, jj) * matr(jj, ii) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, jj) * matr(:, jj)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, jj) * (matr(:, jj))) end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, ii) * matr(:, ii)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum((matl(:, ii)) * matr(:, ii)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(jj, ii) * matr(ii, jj) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(jj, ii) * (matr(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + (matl(jj, ii)) * matr(ii, jj) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + (matl(jj, ii)) * (matr(ii, jj)) end do end do else end if end function tracematmul_real """ return
[docs]def tracematmul_complex(): """ fortran-function - November 2017 (dj) Calculate the trace of a matrix multiplication without contructing the intermediate matrix. **Arguments** matl : complex(\*, \*), in Left matrix in the multiplication. matr : complex(\*, \*), in Right matrix in the multuplication. dim : INTEGER, in Dimension of the square matrices (right now we restrict the function to square matrices). transl : CHARACTER, in Transformation of the left matrix. 'N' for no transformation, 'T' for transposed, and 'C' for the hermitian conjugated. transr : CHARACTER, in Transformation of the right matrix. 'N' for no transformation, 'T' for transposed, and 'C' for the hermitian conjugated. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function tracematmul_complex(matl, matr, dim, transl, transr, & errst) result(tr) integer, intent(in) :: dim complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(dim, dim), intent(in) :: matl, matr character, intent(in), optional :: transl, transr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: tr ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! dupletes for optional arguments character :: transl_, transr_ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 transl_ = 'N' if(present(transl)) transl_ = transl transr_ = 'N' if(present(transr)) transr_ = transr tr = 0.0_rKind if((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(ii, jj) * matr(jj, ii) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, jj) * matr(:, jj)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'N') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, jj) * conjg(matr(:, jj))) end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(matl(:, ii) * matr(:, ii)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'N')) then do ii = 1, dim tr = tr + sum(conjg(matl(:, ii)) * matr(:, ii)) end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(jj, ii) * matr(ii, jj) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'T') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + matl(jj, ii) * conjg(matr(ii, jj)) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'T')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + conjg(matl(jj, ii)) * matr(ii, jj) end do end do elseif((transl_ == 'C') .and. (transr_ == 'C')) then do ii = 1, dim do jj = 1, dim tr = tr + conjg(matl(jj, ii)) * conjg(matr(ii, jj)) end do end do else end if end function tracematmul_complex """ return