.. _sec_simulationoverview: Simulation Overview ------------------- :math:`\longrightarrow` Next quick start chapter: :ref:`sec_acknowledgements` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simulations in OSMPS are specified by Python files with `.py` suffix. To run a simulation `simulation.py`, call .. code-block:: bash osmps@manual:~$ python simulation.py at the command line. The basic outline of a simulation file is 1) Include the required Python libraries. 2) Define the local Hilbert space, i.e., the microscopic constituents of the lattice model. 3) Define the Hamiltonian (:py:class:`MPO.MPO`). 4) Define observables and other measures (:py:class:`Obs.Observables`). 5) Choose the algorithms which are to be used and choose their convergence criteria (:ref:`sec_pymodule_convergence`) 6) Define the other simulation metadata. 7) Run the simulations (:py:func:`tools.runMPS`) 8) Extract observables data and postprocess. In the following we have a list of example simulation within OSMPS. We recommend to use one or both of following examples to verify that your installation of OSMPS has been completed correctly: * :ref:`sec_tut_ising_statics` * :ref:`sec_tut_bosehubbard_statics` * :ref:`sec_tut_bosehubbard_dynamics` In the main section of the OSMPS manual you will find an explanation of all the optional parameters and an additional section with examples which contain: * Haldane Shastry * Infinite Heisenberg (spin 1) * Long-range Tunneling * ParallelHCDipolar * Spinless Fermions If one of those examples are close to your problem, you might start from there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :math:`\longrightarrow` Next quick start chapter: :ref:`sec_acknowledgements`