.. _sec_home: OSMPS Documentation =================== To get started with OpenMPS, please visit `The OpenMPS Wiki `_. There, you will find useful guides for compiling OpenMPS from source, and deploying OpenMPS in a wide suite of modern software technologies (Docker, Google Colab, and more). This documentation provides detailed information for the `Examples `_ in OpenMPS. It also captures information regarding the OpenMPS Python API, making commands, their inputs and their implementation, searchable. Also provided, are descriptions of functions, and various physical assumptions made throughout OpenMPS. The chapters of this guide are as follows: 1) Overview of Open Source MPS and this Manual 2) Document Syntax 3) Getting Help 4) Obtaining/Modifying the Source Code (For Developers) 5) Dependencies 6) Building and installation 7) Simulation Overview 8) Acknowledgments and Citation Where ever the Quick Start Manual deviates from the manual, we provide an additional link to the next Quick Start chapter at the begin and end of the chapter as here to start with the quick start manual: :ref:`sec_overview`. The complete manual contains the following chapters: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 chapters/overview chapters/docusyntax chapters/getting_help mps_chapters/simulationoverview mps_chapters/simulationdetails mps_chapters/examples mps_chapters/algorithms mps_chapters/iomps chapters/frontend_manual chapters/developers_manual chapters/testing chapters/changelog chapters/acknowledgments chapters/resources zbibliography Throughout the manual we provide external links for convenience. We are not responsible for any content, legality, etc for these external sites. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. To-Do's ------- - Rework syntax file - Simulation Overview: Link to BoseDynamics - Simulationsdetails: tables, links, everything - tut_ising_statics: line numbers examples - tut_bose_hubbard_statics: line numbers, cross-refs eq. - tut_bose_dyanmics: link some more functions - algorithms of openMPS: references to tables, citations