Source code for networkmeasures

Defines network measures for quantum mutual information matrices.


* David L. Vargas (original version)
* Logan Hillberry
* D. Jaschke (adaption for OSMPS module)
import numpy as np
#import scipy.stats as stats

[docs]def networkmeasures(resdict): """ Set the network measures to a result dictionary. **Arguments** resdict : dictionary Contains the results of an MPS simulation. The mutual information matrix measurement is required. This measurement is stored as key ``MIM``. (Could extend function such that all single and two site reduced density matrices are sufficient as well.) **Details** The following flags will be set (or overwritten if existent): * ``nwm_clustering``: Clustering coefficient (:py:func:`networkmeasures.clustering`) * ``nwm_density``: Density of the mutual information matrix (:py:func:`networkmeasures.density`) * ``nwm_disparity``: Disparity of the mutual information matrix (:py:func:`networkmeasures.disparity`) * ``nwm_pearson``: Pearson coefficient and 2p taisl of the mutual information matrix (:py:func:`networkmeasures.disparity`) """ if('MIM' not in resdict): raise KeyError("Key ``MIM`` is required for setting network measures.") resdict['nwm_clustering'] = clustering(resdict['MIM']) resdict['nwm_density'] = density(resdict['MIM']) resdict['nwm_disparity'] = disparity(resdict['MIM']) resdict['nwm_pearson'] = pearson(resdict['MIM']) return
[docs]def clustering(matrix): """ Calculates the clustering coefficient as it is defined in equation (7.39) of Mark Newman's book on networks (page 199). **Arguments** matrix : 2d numpy array Contains the mutual information matrix. """ matrix2 = np.linalg.matrix_power(matrix, 2) matrix3 = np.linalg.matrix_power(matrix, 3) # Zero out diagonal entries. So we do not count edges as # connected triples. matrix2 -= np.diag(np.diag(matrix2)) denominator = np.sum(matrix2) numerator = np.trace(matrix3) # if there are no closed paths of length three the clustering # is automatically set to zero. if(numerator == 0.): # Covers case where everything is zero return 0. else: return numerator / denominator
[docs]def density(matrix): """ Calculates density, also termed connectance in some literature. Defined on page 134 of Mark Newman's book on networks. **Arguments** matrix : 2d numpy array Contains the mutual information matrix. """ ll = matrix.shape[0] lsq = ll * (ll - 1) return np.sum(matrix) / lsq
[docs]def disparity(matrix): """ Disparity defined on page 199 of doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2005.10.009 Equation (2.39), Here I take the average of this quantity over the entire network **Arguments** matrix : 2d numpy array Contains the mutual information matrix. """ ll = matrix.shape[0] numerator = np.sum(matrix**2, axis=0) / ll denominator = np.sum(matrix, axis=0) # Logical Check logos = (denominator > 0) numerator = numerator[logos] denominator = denominator[logos] denominator = denominator**2 # Check for zero denominator. if(np.sum(denominator) == 0.): # sum(denominator) == 0 ==> logos.shape[0] == 0 return np.nan else: return np.sum(numerator / denominator)
[docs]def pearson(matrix): """ Calculates the Pearsons correlation coefficient and the 2-tailed p-value. For definitions see scipy.stats.pearsonr. Function returns a tuple with matrix containing Pearson correlation coefficients and a second matrix with the 2-tailed p-values. **Arguments** matrix : 2d numpy array Contains the mutual information matrix. """ ll = matrix.shape[0] pearsonR = np.zeros((ll, ll)) pvalues = np.zeros((ll, ll)) # Pearson coefficients should be symmetric for ii in range(ll): for jj in range(ii + 1, ll): r, p = stats.pearsonr(matrix[ii, :], matrix[jj, :]) pearsonR[ii][jj] = r pearsonR[jj][ii] = r pvalues[ii][jj] = p pvalues[jj][ii] = p return (pearsonR, pvalues)