Source code for MPSOps_f90

Fortran module MPSOps: June 2017 (dj, updated)

Containing basic operations for matrix product states.


* D. Jaschke
* M. L. Wall


The error status can be decoded the following way

The following subroutines / functions are defined for the
applicable data type

| Procedure                       | include.f90 |   mpi.f90   |   omp.f90   |
| copy                            |     X       |             |             |
| canonize                        |     X       |             |             |
| canonize_svd                    |     X       |             |             |
| destroy                         |     X       |             |             |
| gaugesite_rq                    |     X       |             |             |
| gaugesite_qr                    |     X       |             |             |
| gaugesite_rsvd                  |     X       |             |             |
| gaugesite_lsvd                  |     X       |             |             |
| norm                            |     X       |             |             |
| orthonormalize                  |     X       |             |             |
| perturb                         |     X       |             |             |
| print                           |     X       |             |             |
| randomize                       |     X       |             |             |
| read                            |     X       |             |             |
| scale                           |     X       |             |             |
| write                           |     X       |             |             |

[docs]def ConstructProjectors_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Given a set of NE MPSs psiBs and their overlap propagators with a variational state LRAB construct a set of at most NE on-site tensors psiProjs which can be used to project the effective Hamiltonian into the orthogonal space. **Arguments** kk : INTEGER, in Build the projectors for site kk in the single site version or for sites (kk, kk + 1) in the two site version. Psibs : TYPE(mps)(*), inout ?? LRAB : TYPE(tensorlist)(*), inout The left-right overlaps. Psiprojs : TYPE(tensor)(*), POINTER, inout On output, the projectors. nsites : INTEGER, in Number of sites to build the projectors on. Either single site (1) or two-sites (2). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ConstructProjectors_tensor(kk, Psibs, LRab, Psiprojs, & nsites, errst) integer, intent(in) :: kk type(mps) :: Psibs(:) type(tensorlist) :: LRAB(:) type(tensor), pointer :: Psiprojs(:) integer, intent(in) :: nsites integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! number of overlaps, Psibs integer :: ne ! number of eigenvalues above tolerance integer :: nkeep ! Projectors before pseudoinverse type(tensor), pointer :: Rawpsiprojs(:) ! Gram matrix and its eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: nmat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! Temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmp, Tmpb ! tolerance singular value inversion real(KIND=rKind) :: tol ne = size(LRab) allocate(Rawpsiprojs(ne)) ! Construct the linear forms which impose orthogonality ! ----------------------------------------------------- if(nsites == 1) then ! One site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Step 1:E(a,i,b)= B(j)_{a,i,b'} L(j)%l(k+1) (b' b) if(kk == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), LRab(kk)%Li(kk + 1), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Step 2: rawpsiProjs(j)(a,i,b)=L(j)%l(k)%elem(a,a') E(a',i,b) if(kk == 1) then call copy(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp) else call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Tmp, & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if call destroy(Tmp) end do elseif(nsites == 2) then ! Two site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Contract left overlap if(kk == 1) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Contract right overlap if(kk + 1 == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1)) else call contr(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1), LRab(jj)%Li(kk + 2), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Build two-site tensor call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp, Tmpb, & [3], [1], errst=errst) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) end do else stop 'Not implement nsites > 2' end if ! Construct the Gram matrix allocate(nmat(ne, ne), ev(ne)) do ii = 1, ne ! Diagonal element nmat(ii, ii) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(ii)) do jj = (ii + 1), ne ! Upper triangular is enough for eigd nmat(ii, jj) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do end do ! Construct the pseudoinverse of the Gram matrix (default to upper) call eigd(nmat, ev, ne, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('constructprojectors_tensor: eigd failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:162', errst=errst)) return ! Tolerance for singular value inversion=NE*||N||_2 *eps nkeep = 0 tol = ne * maxval(ev) * numzero do ii = ne, 1, (-1) if(ev(ii) > tol) nkeep = nkeep + 1 end do ! Copy the raw projectors to the final ones allocate(Psiprojs(nkeep)) do ii = 1, nkeep call copy(Psiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(1)) ! jj = 1 call scale(nmat(1, ne - ii + 1), Psiprojs(ii)) do jj = 2, ne call gaxpy(Psiprojs(ii), nmat(jj, ne - ii + 1), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(ev(ne - ii + 1)), Psiprojs(ii)) end do do ii = 1, ne call destroy(Rawpsiprojs(ii)) end do deallocate(Rawpsiprojs, ev, nmat) end subroutine constructprojectors_tensor """ return
[docs]def ConstructProjectors_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Given a set of NE MPSs psiBs and their overlap propagators with a variational state LRAB construct a set of at most NE on-site tensors psiProjs which can be used to project the effective Hamiltonian into the orthogonal space. **Arguments** kk : INTEGER, in Build the projectors for site kk in the single site version or for sites (kk, kk + 1) in the two site version. Psibs : TYPE(mpsc)(*), inout ?? LRAB : TYPE(tensorlistc)(*), inout The left-right overlaps. Psiprojs : TYPE(tensorc)(*), POINTER, inout On output, the projectors. nsites : INTEGER, in Number of sites to build the projectors on. Either single site (1) or two-sites (2). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ConstructProjectors_tensorc(kk, Psibs, LRab, Psiprojs, & nsites, errst) integer, intent(in) :: kk type(mpsc) :: Psibs(:) type(tensorlistc) :: LRAB(:) type(tensorc), pointer :: Psiprojs(:) integer, intent(in) :: nsites integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! number of overlaps, Psibs integer :: ne ! number of eigenvalues above tolerance integer :: nkeep ! Projectors before pseudoinverse type(tensorc), pointer :: Rawpsiprojs(:) ! Gram matrix and its eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: nmat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! Temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmp, Tmpb ! tolerance singular value inversion real(KIND=rKind) :: tol ne = size(LRab) allocate(Rawpsiprojs(ne)) ! Construct the linear forms which impose orthogonality ! ----------------------------------------------------- if(nsites == 1) then ! One site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Step 1:E(a,i,b)= B(j)_{a,i,b'} L(j)%l(k+1) (b' b) if(kk == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), LRab(kk)%Li(kk + 1), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Step 2: rawpsiProjs(j)(a,i,b)=L(j)%l(k)%elem(a,a') E(a',i,b) if(kk == 1) then call copy(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp) else call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Tmp, & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if call destroy(Tmp) end do elseif(nsites == 2) then ! Two site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Contract left overlap if(kk == 1) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Contract right overlap if(kk + 1 == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1)) else call contr(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1), LRab(jj)%Li(kk + 2), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Build two-site tensor call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp, Tmpb, & [3], [1], errst=errst) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) end do else stop 'Not implement nsites > 2' end if ! Construct the Gram matrix allocate(nmat(ne, ne), ev(ne)) do ii = 1, ne ! Diagonal element nmat(ii, ii) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(ii)) do jj = (ii + 1), ne ! Upper triangular is enough for eigd nmat(ii, jj) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do end do ! Construct the pseudoinverse of the Gram matrix (default to upper) call eigd(nmat, ev, ne, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('constructprojectors_tensorc: eigd failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:162', errst=errst)) return ! Tolerance for singular value inversion=NE*||N||_2 *eps nkeep = 0 tol = ne * maxval(ev) * numzero do ii = ne, 1, (-1) if(ev(ii) > tol) nkeep = nkeep + 1 end do ! Copy the raw projectors to the final ones allocate(Psiprojs(nkeep)) do ii = 1, nkeep call copy(Psiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(1)) ! jj = 1 call scale(nmat(1, ne - ii + 1), Psiprojs(ii)) do jj = 2, ne call gaxpy(Psiprojs(ii), nmat(jj, ne - ii + 1), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(ev(ne - ii + 1)), Psiprojs(ii)) end do do ii = 1, ne call destroy(Rawpsiprojs(ii)) end do deallocate(Rawpsiprojs, ev, nmat) end subroutine constructprojectors_tensorc """ return
[docs]def ConstructProjectors_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Given a set of NE MPSs psiBs and their overlap propagators with a variational state LRAB construct a set of at most NE on-site tensors psiProjs which can be used to project the effective Hamiltonian into the orthogonal space. **Arguments** kk : INTEGER, in Build the projectors for site kk in the single site version or for sites (kk, kk + 1) in the two site version. Psibs : TYPE(qmps)(*), inout ?? LRAB : TYPE(qtensorlist)(*), inout The left-right overlaps. Psiprojs : TYPE(qtensor)(*), POINTER, inout On output, the projectors. nsites : INTEGER, in Number of sites to build the projectors on. Either single site (1) or two-sites (2). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ConstructProjectors_qtensor(kk, Psibs, LRab, Psiprojs, & nsites, errst) integer, intent(in) :: kk type(qmps) :: Psibs(:) type(qtensorlist) :: LRAB(:) type(qtensor), pointer :: Psiprojs(:) integer, intent(in) :: nsites integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! number of overlaps, Psibs integer :: ne ! number of eigenvalues above tolerance integer :: nkeep ! Projectors before pseudoinverse type(qtensor), pointer :: Rawpsiprojs(:) ! Gram matrix and its eigenvalues real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: nmat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! Temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmp, Tmpb ! tolerance singular value inversion real(KIND=rKind) :: tol ne = size(LRab) allocate(Rawpsiprojs(ne)) ! Construct the linear forms which impose orthogonality ! ----------------------------------------------------- if(nsites == 1) then ! One site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Step 1:E(a,i,b)= B(j)_{a,i,b'} L(j)%l(k+1) (b' b) if(kk == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), LRab(kk)%Li(kk + 1), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Step 2: rawpsiProjs(j)(a,i,b)=L(j)%l(k)%elem(a,a') E(a',i,b) if(kk == 1) then call copy(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp) else call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Tmp, & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if call destroy(Tmp) end do elseif(nsites == 2) then ! Two site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Contract left overlap if(kk == 1) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Contract right overlap if(kk + 1 == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1)) else call contr(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1), LRab(jj)%Li(kk + 2), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Build two-site tensor call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp, Tmpb, & [3], [1], errst=errst) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) end do else stop 'Not implement nsites > 2' end if ! Construct the Gram matrix allocate(nmat(ne, ne), ev(ne)) do ii = 1, ne ! Diagonal element nmat(ii, ii) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(ii)) do jj = (ii + 1), ne ! Upper triangular is enough for eigd nmat(ii, jj) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do end do ! Construct the pseudoinverse of the Gram matrix (default to upper) call eigd(nmat, ev, ne, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('constructprojectors_qtensor: eigd failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:162', errst=errst)) return ! Tolerance for singular value inversion=NE*||N||_2 *eps nkeep = 0 tol = ne * maxval(ev) * numzero do ii = ne, 1, (-1) if(ev(ii) > tol) nkeep = nkeep + 1 end do ! Copy the raw projectors to the final ones allocate(Psiprojs(nkeep)) do ii = 1, nkeep call copy(Psiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(1)) ! jj = 1 call scale(nmat(1, ne - ii + 1), Psiprojs(ii)) do jj = 2, ne call gaxpy(Psiprojs(ii), nmat(jj, ne - ii + 1), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(ev(ne - ii + 1)), Psiprojs(ii)) end do do ii = 1, ne call destroy(Rawpsiprojs(ii)) end do deallocate(Rawpsiprojs, ev, nmat) end subroutine constructprojectors_qtensor """ return
[docs]def ConstructProjectors_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Given a set of NE MPSs psiBs and their overlap propagators with a variational state LRAB construct a set of at most NE on-site tensors psiProjs which can be used to project the effective Hamiltonian into the orthogonal space. **Arguments** kk : INTEGER, in Build the projectors for site kk in the single site version or for sites (kk, kk + 1) in the two site version. Psibs : TYPE(qmpsc)(*), inout ?? LRAB : TYPE(qtensorclist)(*), inout The left-right overlaps. Psiprojs : TYPE(qtensorc)(*), POINTER, inout On output, the projectors. nsites : INTEGER, in Number of sites to build the projectors on. Either single site (1) or two-sites (2). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ConstructProjectors_qtensorc(kk, Psibs, LRab, Psiprojs, & nsites, errst) integer, intent(in) :: kk type(qmpsc) :: Psibs(:) type(qtensorclist) :: LRAB(:) type(qtensorc), pointer :: Psiprojs(:) integer, intent(in) :: nsites integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! number of overlaps, Psibs integer :: ne ! number of eigenvalues above tolerance integer :: nkeep ! Projectors before pseudoinverse type(qtensorc), pointer :: Rawpsiprojs(:) ! Gram matrix and its eigenvalues complex(KIND=rKind), dimension(:, :), allocatable:: nmat real(KIND=rKind), dimension(:), allocatable :: ev ! Temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmp, Tmpb ! tolerance singular value inversion real(KIND=rKind) :: tol ne = size(LRab) allocate(Rawpsiprojs(ne)) ! Construct the linear forms which impose orthogonality ! ----------------------------------------------------- if(nsites == 1) then ! One site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Step 1:E(a,i,b)= B(j)_{a,i,b'} L(j)%l(k+1) (b' b) if(kk == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), LRab(kk)%Li(kk + 1), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Step 2: rawpsiProjs(j)(a,i,b)=L(j)%l(k)%elem(a,a') E(a',i,b) if(kk == 1) then call copy(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp) else call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Tmp, & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if call destroy(Tmp) end do elseif(nsites == 2) then ! Two site version ! ................ do jj = 1, ne ! Contract left overlap if(kk == 1) then call copy(Tmp, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk)) else call contr(Tmp, LRab(jj)%Li(kk - 1), Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk), & [2], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Contract right overlap if(kk + 1 == Psibs(jj)%ll) then call copy(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1)) else call contr(Tmpb, Psibs(jj)%Aa(kk + 1), LRab(jj)%Li(kk + 2), & [3], [1], errst=errst) end if ! Build two-site tensor call contr(Rawpsiprojs(jj), Tmp, Tmpb, & [3], [1], errst=errst) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) end do else stop 'Not implement nsites > 2' end if ! Construct the Gram matrix allocate(nmat(ne, ne), ev(ne)) do ii = 1, ne ! Diagonal element nmat(ii, ii) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(ii)) do jj = (ii + 1), ne ! Upper triangular is enough for eigd nmat(ii, jj) = Dot(Rawpsiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do end do ! Construct the pseudoinverse of the Gram matrix (default to upper) call eigd(nmat, ev, ne, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('constructprojectors_qtensorc: eigd failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:162', errst=errst)) return ! Tolerance for singular value inversion=NE*||N||_2 *eps nkeep = 0 tol = ne * maxval(ev) * numzero do ii = ne, 1, (-1) if(ev(ii) > tol) nkeep = nkeep + 1 end do ! Copy the raw projectors to the final ones allocate(Psiprojs(nkeep)) do ii = 1, nkeep call copy(Psiprojs(ii), Rawpsiprojs(1)) ! jj = 1 call scale(nmat(1, ne - ii + 1), Psiprojs(ii)) do jj = 2, ne call gaxpy(Psiprojs(ii), nmat(jj, ne - ii + 1), Rawpsiprojs(jj)) end do call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(ev(ne - ii + 1)), Psiprojs(ii)) end do do ii = 1, ne call destroy(Rawpsiprojs(ii)) end do deallocate(Rawpsiprojs, ev, nmat) end subroutine constructprojectors_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def copy_mps_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mps), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mps), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_mps_mps(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mps), intent(in) :: PsiOld real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mps_mps : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mps_mps : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mps_mps : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mps_mps : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_mps_mps """ return
[docs]def copy_part_mps_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mps), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mps), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_mps_mps(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mps), intent(in) :: PsiOld real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_mps_mps'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mps_mps : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mps_mps : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_mps_mps """ return
[docs]def copy_mpsc_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mpsc), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mps), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_mpsc_mps(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mps), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mpsc_mps : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mpsc_mps : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mpsc_mps : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mpsc_mps : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_mpsc_mps """ return
[docs]def copy_part_mpsc_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mpsc), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mps), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_mpsc_mps(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mps), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_mpsc_mps'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mpsc_mps : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mpsc_mps : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_mpsc_mps """ return
[docs]def copy_mpsc_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mpsc), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mpsc), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_mpsc_mpsc(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mpsc), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mpsc_mpsc : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_mpsc_mpsc : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mpsc_mpsc : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_mpsc_mpsc : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_mpsc_mpsc """ return
[docs]def copy_part_mpsc_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(mpsc), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(mpsc), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_mpsc_mpsc(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(mpsc), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_mpsc_mpsc'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mpsc_mpsc : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_mpsc_mpsc : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_mpsc_mpsc """ return
[docs]def copy_qmps_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmps), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmps), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_qmps_qmps(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmps), intent(in) :: PsiOld real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmps_qmps : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmps_qmps : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmps_qmps : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmps_qmps : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_qmps_qmps """ return
[docs]def copy_part_qmps_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmps), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmps), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_qmps_qmps(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmps), intent(in) :: PsiOld real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_qmps_qmps'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmps_qmps : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmps_qmps : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_qmps_qmps """ return
[docs]def copy_qmpsc_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmpsc), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmps), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_qmpsc_qmps(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmps), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmpsc_qmps : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmpsc_qmps : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmpsc_qmps : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmpsc_qmps : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_qmpsc_qmps """ return
[docs]def copy_part_qmpsc_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmpsc), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmps), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_qmpsc_qmps(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmps), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmps'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmps : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmps : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_qmpsc_qmps """ return
[docs]def copy_qmpsc_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Copy a Matrix Product State. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmpsc), out Copy a MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmpsc), in Copy this MPS to `PsiNew` scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_qmpsc_qmpsc(PsiNew, PsiOld, scalar, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii PsiNew%ll = PsiOld%ll PsiNew%oc = PsiOld%oc allocate(PsiNew%Aa(PsiNew%ll), PsiNew%can(PsiNew%ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(PsiNew%ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(PsiNew%ll + 1)) !if(size(Psinew%can) /= size(Psiold%can)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmpsc_qmpsc : '//& ! 'can mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(size(Psinew%haslambda) /= size(Psiold%haslambda)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_qmpsc_qmpsc : '//& ! 'haslambda mismatch.', 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if PsiNew%can = PsiOld%can PsiNew%haslambda = PsiOld%haslambda do ii = 1, PsiNew%ll call copy(PsiNew%Aa(ii), PsiOld%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmpsc_qmpsc : copy (1) '//& ! 'failed', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, (Psinew%ll + 1) if(PsiNew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_qmpsc_qmpsc : copy '//& ! '(2) failed', errst=errst)) return end if end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_qmpsc_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - November 2017 (dj, updated) Copy parts of an MPS. Orthogonality center has to be within the extracted part. **Arguments** PsiNew : TYPE(qmpsc), out Copy a part of an MPS into this variable PsiOld : TYPE(qmpsc), in Copy part of this MPS to `PsiNew` first : INTEGER, in The first site of the old MPS to be copied. last : INTEGER, in The last site of the old MPS to be copied. scalar : complex, OPTIONAL, in Scale the MPS by a factor. **Details** The copy of parts of an MPS only works on continuous number of sites. Sites 2, 3, 4 work. Sites 2, 4, 5 cannot be extracted with this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc(Psinew, Psiold, first, last, & scalar, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: PsiNew type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: PsiOld complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: scalar integer, intent(in) :: first, last integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! new system size integer :: ll !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if((Psiold%oc < first) .or. (Psiold%oc > last)) then ! errst = raise_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc'//& ! ': oc not within selected sites.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:353', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! new system size ll = last - first + 1 PsiNew%ll = ll PsiNew%oc = Psiold%oc - first + 1 allocate(PsiNew%Aa(ll), PsiNew%can(ll), & PsiNew%haslambda(ll + 1), PsiNew%lambda(ll + 1)) Psinew%can = Psiold%can(first:last) Psinew%haslambda = Psiold%haslambda(first:last) jj = first do ii = 1, ll call copy(Psinew%Aa(ii), Psiold%Aa(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc : copy '//& ! 'failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:373', errst=errst)) return jj = jj + 1 end do jj = first do ii = 1, ll + 1 if(Psinew%haslambda(ii)) then call copy(PsiNew%Lambda(ii), PsiOld%Lambda(jj), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc : '//& ! 'copy failed', 'MPSOps_include.f90:383', & ! errst=errst)) return end if jj = jj + 1 end do if(present(scalar)) then ! Could be more efficient inside loop call scale(scalar, Psinew) end if end subroutine copy_part_qmpsc_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def canonize_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Canonize the MPS with gauged matrices. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Bring this MPS into a canonical form using QR decompositions. k0 : INTEGER, in This is the new orthogonality center for the MPS. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the left side of the MPS. If not given, the maximum of the 1 and the present orthogonality center is choosen. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the right side of the MPS. If not given, the minimum of the system size and the present orthogonality center is choosen. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the QR decomposition - the fastest method - but it is not rank revealing and so inappropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are not returned and so entropies cannot be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_mps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if((k0 < 1) .or. (k0 > Psi%ll)) then ! print *, 'k0, L', k0, Psi%ll ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mps : k0 not valid ', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:470', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if !if(kleft < 1) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mps : kl < 1', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(kright > Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mps : kr > ll', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_qr(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_mps: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_rq(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_mps: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_mps """ return
[docs]def canonize_svd_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put the MPS into a canonical form using SVD. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout MPS to be canonized with SVDs. Updated on exit. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the SVD decomposition, which is rank revealing and so appropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are returned and so entropies can be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_svd_mps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, trunc, ncut, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_rsvd(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_mps: gaugesite_rsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_lsvd(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_mps: gaugesite_lsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_svd_mps """ return
[docs]def canonize_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Canonize the MPS with gauged matrices. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Bring this MPS into a canonical form using QR decompositions. k0 : INTEGER, in This is the new orthogonality center for the MPS. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the left side of the MPS. If not given, the maximum of the 1 and the present orthogonality center is choosen. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the right side of the MPS. If not given, the minimum of the system size and the present orthogonality center is choosen. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the QR decomposition - the fastest method - but it is not rank revealing and so inappropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are not returned and so entropies cannot be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_mpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if((k0 < 1) .or. (k0 > Psi%ll)) then ! print *, 'k0, L', k0, Psi%ll ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mpsc : k0 not valid ', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:470', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if !if(kleft < 1) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mpsc : kl < 1', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(kright > Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_mpsc : kr > ll', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_qr(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_mpsc: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_rq(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_mpsc: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_mpsc """ return
[docs]def canonize_svd_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put the MPS into a canonical form using SVD. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout MPS to be canonized with SVDs. Updated on exit. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the SVD decomposition, which is rank revealing and so appropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are returned and so entropies can be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_svd_mpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, trunc, ncut, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_rsvd(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_mpsc: gaugesite_rsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_lsvd(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_mpsc: gaugesite_lsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_svd_mpsc """ return
[docs]def canonize_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Canonize the MPS with gauged matrices. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Bring this MPS into a canonical form using QR decompositions. k0 : INTEGER, in This is the new orthogonality center for the MPS. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the left side of the MPS. If not given, the maximum of the 1 and the present orthogonality center is choosen. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the right side of the MPS. If not given, the minimum of the system size and the present orthogonality center is choosen. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the QR decomposition - the fastest method - but it is not rank revealing and so inappropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are not returned and so entropies cannot be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_qmps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if((k0 < 1) .or. (k0 > Psi%ll)) then ! print *, 'k0, L', k0, Psi%ll ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmps : k0 not valid ', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:470', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if !if(kleft < 1) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmps : kl < 1', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(kright > Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmps : kr > ll', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_qr(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_qmps: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_rq(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_qmps: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_qmps """ return
[docs]def canonize_svd_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put the MPS into a canonical form using SVD. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout MPS to be canonized with SVDs. Updated on exit. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the SVD decomposition, which is rank revealing and so appropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are returned and so entropies can be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_svd_qmps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, trunc, ncut, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_rsvd(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_qmps: gaugesite_rsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_lsvd(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_qmps: gaugesite_lsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_svd_qmps """ return
[docs]def canonize_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Canonize the MPS with gauged matrices. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Bring this MPS into a canonical form using QR decompositions. k0 : INTEGER, in This is the new orthogonality center for the MPS. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the left side of the MPS. If not given, the maximum of the 1 and the present orthogonality center is choosen. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in This optional argument can provide the information where to start with gauging the MPS from the right side of the MPS. If not given, the minimum of the system size and the present orthogonality center is choosen. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the QR decomposition - the fastest method - but it is not rank revealing and so inappropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are not returned and so entropies cannot be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_qmpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if((k0 < 1) .or. (k0 > Psi%ll)) then ! print *, 'k0, L', k0, Psi%ll ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmpsc : k0 not valid ', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:470', errst=errst) ! return !end if ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if !if(kleft < 1) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmpsc : kl < 1', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if !if(kright > Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('canonize_qmpsc : kr > ll', & ! 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_qr(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_qmpsc: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_rq(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Aa(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_qmpsc: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def canonize_svd_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put the MPS into a canonical form using SVD. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout MPS to be canonized with SVDs. Updated on exit. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Details** Put the MPS into the canonical form where all matrices to the left of :math:`k_0` (optionally down to :math:`k_l`) are gauged according to the left-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i^T A_i=I` and all matrices to the right of :math:`k_0` (optionally up to :math:`k_r`) are gauged according to the right-handed condition :math:`\sum_i A_i A_i^T=I` for OBC. This routine uses the SVD decomposition, which is rank revealing and so appropriate for compression. Additionally, the Schmidt coefficients are returned and so entropies can be computed. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine canonize_svd_qmpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, trunc, ncut, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = max(1, Psi%oc) end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = min(Psi%ll, Psi%oc) end if do ii = kleft, (k0 - 1) call gaugesite_rsvd(Psi%Aa(ii), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii + 1), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_qmpsc: gaugesite_rsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii) = 'l' Psi%can(ii + 1) = 'c' end do do ii = kright, (k0 + 1), (-1) call gaugesite_lsvd(Psi%Aa(ii - 1), Psi%Lambda(ii), Psi%Aa(ii), & Psi%haslambda(ii), trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('canonize_svd_qmpsc: gaugesite_lsvd failed', & ! errst=errst)) return Psi%can(ii - 1) = 'c' Psi%can(ii) = 'r' end do Psi%oc = k0 end subroutine canonize_svd_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def check_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Run basic checks on MPS, such as left-right unitary and normed. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), in Run checks on this MPS. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine check_mps(Psi, errst) type(mps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Check norm of orthgonality center real(KIND=rKind) :: normoc ! temporary tensor to guarantee intent(in) type(tensor) :: Tmp ! tensor to check if tensor are left/right unitary type(tensor) :: Tens ! string to store more information character(len=64) :: info normoc = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) !if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) then ! print *, 'failed norm', normoc !CHEK_ write(info, '(1E30.15)') normoc ! errst = raise_error('check_mps : norm failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) stop 'check_mps: norm.' do ii = (Psi%oc + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [2, 3], [2, 3], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_mps : contr (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_mps : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_mps: unitary failed (1).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do do ii = 1, (Psi%oc - 1) call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [1, 2], [1, 2], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_mps : contr (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_mps : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_mps: unitary failed (2).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do end subroutine check_mps """ return
[docs]def check_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Run basic checks on MPS, such as left-right unitary and normed. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in Run checks on this MPS. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine check_mpsc(Psi, errst) type(mpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Check norm of orthgonality center real(KIND=rKind) :: normoc ! temporary tensor to guarantee intent(in) type(tensorc) :: Tmp ! tensor to check if tensor are left/right unitary type(tensorc) :: Tens ! string to store more information character(len=64) :: info normoc = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) !if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) then ! print *, 'failed norm', normoc !CHEK_ write(info, '(1E30.15)') normoc ! errst = raise_error('check_mpsc : norm failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) stop 'check_mpsc: norm.' do ii = (Psi%oc + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [2, 3], [2, 3], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_mpsc : contr (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_mpsc : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_mpsc: unitary failed (1).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do do ii = 1, (Psi%oc - 1) call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [1, 2], [1, 2], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_mpsc : contr (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_mpsc : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_mpsc: unitary failed (2).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do end subroutine check_mpsc """ return
[docs]def check_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Run basic checks on MPS, such as left-right unitary and normed. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), in Run checks on this MPS. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine check_qmps(Psi, errst) type(qmps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Check norm of orthgonality center real(KIND=rKind) :: normoc ! temporary tensor to guarantee intent(in) type(qtensor) :: Tmp ! tensor to check if tensor are left/right unitary type(qtensor) :: Tens ! string to store more information character(len=64) :: info normoc = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) !if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) then ! print *, 'failed norm', normoc !CHEK_ write(info, '(1E30.15)') normoc ! errst = raise_error('check_qmps : norm failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) stop 'check_qmps: norm.' do ii = (Psi%oc + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [2, 3], [2, 3], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_qmps : contr (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_qmps : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_qmps: unitary failed (1).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do do ii = 1, (Psi%oc - 1) call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [1, 2], [1, 2], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_qmps : contr (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_qmps : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_qmps: unitary failed (2).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do end subroutine check_qmps """ return
[docs]def check_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2017 (dj) Run basic checks on MPS, such as left-right unitary and normed. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in Run checks on this MPS. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine check_qmpsc(Psi, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Check norm of orthgonality center real(KIND=rKind) :: normoc ! temporary tensor to guarantee intent(in) type(qtensorc) :: Tmp ! tensor to check if tensor are left/right unitary type(qtensorc) :: Tens ! string to store more information character(len=64) :: info normoc = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) !if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) then ! print *, 'failed norm', normoc !CHEK_ write(info, '(1E30.15)') normoc ! errst = raise_error('check_qmpsc : norm failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(abs(normoc - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-14_rKind) stop 'check_qmpsc: norm.' do ii = (Psi%oc + 1), Psi%ll call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [2, 3], [2, 3], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_qmpsc : contr (1) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_qmpsc : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_qmpsc: unitary failed (1).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do do ii = 1, (Psi%oc - 1) call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(ii)) call contr(Tens, Tmp, Tmp, [1, 2], [1, 2], & transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('check_qmpsc : contr (2) failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) then ! write(info, '(1I5)') ii ! errst = raise_error('check_qmpsc : unitary failed '//& ! trim(adjustl(info)), 99, errst=errst) ! return !end if if(.not. is_eye(Tens)) stop 'check_qmpsc: unitary failed (2).' call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tens) end do end subroutine check_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def destroy_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, update) Deallocate the MPS representing the wave function. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Deallocate MPS including all tensors and vectors contained in the structure. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine destroy_mps(Psi) type(mps) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(Psi%Aa(ii)) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do if(Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) deallocate(Psi%Aa, Psi%haslambda, Psi%Lambda, Psi%can) Psi%ll = -1 end subroutine destroy_mps """ return
[docs]def destroy_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, update) Deallocate the MPS representing the wave function. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Deallocate MPS including all tensors and vectors contained in the structure. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine destroy_mpsc(Psi) type(mpsc) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(Psi%Aa(ii)) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do if(Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) deallocate(Psi%Aa, Psi%haslambda, Psi%Lambda, Psi%can) Psi%ll = -1 end subroutine destroy_mpsc """ return
[docs]def destroy_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, update) Deallocate the MPS representing the wave function. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Deallocate MPS including all tensors and vectors contained in the structure. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine destroy_qmps(Psi) type(qmps) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(Psi%Aa(ii)) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do if(Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) deallocate(Psi%Aa, Psi%haslambda, Psi%Lambda, Psi%can) Psi%ll = -1 end subroutine destroy_qmps """ return
[docs]def destroy_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, update) Deallocate the MPS representing the wave function. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Deallocate MPS including all tensors and vectors contained in the structure. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine destroy_qmpsc(Psi) type(qmpsc) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii do ii = 1, Psi%ll call destroy(Psi%Aa(ii)) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do if(Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) deallocate(Psi%Aa, Psi%haslambda, Psi%Lambda, Psi%can) Psi%ll = -1 end subroutine destroy_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def distance_mps_mps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_mps_mps(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_mps_mps : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_mps_mps """ return
[docs]def distance_mps_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_mps_mpsc(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_mps_mpsc : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_mps_mpsc """ return
[docs]def distance_mpsc_mps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_mpsc_mps(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_mpsc_mps : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_mpsc_mps """ return
[docs]def distance_mpsc_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_mpsc_mpsc(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_mpsc_mpsc : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_mpsc_mpsc """ return
[docs]def distance_qmps_qmps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_qmps_qmps(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_qmps_qmps : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_qmps_qmps """ return
[docs]def distance_qmps_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_qmps_qmpsc(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_qmps_qmpsc : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_qmps_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def distance_qmpsc_qmps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_qmpsc_qmps(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_qmpsc_qmps : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_qmpsc_qmps """ return
[docs]def distance_qmpsc_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Measure the distance between two MPSs. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. dist_type : CHARACTER, OPTIONAL, in Specify the distance to be calculated. Option are 'F' (fidelity) and 'O' (overlap, default). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function distance_qmpsc_qmpsc(Psia, Psib, dist_type, & errst) result(dist) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib character, intent(in), optional :: dist_type integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dist ! Local variables ! --------------- ! duplette for optional argument character :: dtype !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 dtype = 'O' if(present(dist_type)) dtype = dist_type if(dtype == 'O') then dist = dot(Psia, Psib) elseif(dtype == 'F') then dist = abs(dot(Psia, Psib)) else errst = raise_error('distance_qmpsc_qmpsc : unkown '//& 'dist_type.', 99, errst=errst) end if end function distance_qmpsc_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def dot_mps_mps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_mps_mps(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(tensor) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_mps_mps """ return
[docs]def dot_mps_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_mps_mpsc(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(tensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_mps_mpsc """ return
[docs]def dot_mpsc_mps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_mpsc_mps(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(tensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_mpsc_mps """ return
[docs]def dot_mpsc_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(mpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(mpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_mpsc_mpsc(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(tensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_mpsc_mpsc """ return
[docs]def dot_qmps_qmps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_qmps_qmps(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(qtensor) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_qmps_qmps """ return
[docs]def dot_qmps_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmps), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_qmps_qmpsc(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(qtensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_qmps_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def dot_qmpsc_qmps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmps), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_qmpsc_qmps(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(qtensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_qmpsc_qmps """ return
[docs]def dot_qmpsc_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj) Compute the fidelity / inner product <A,B> between two quantum states. **Arguments** PsiA : TYPE(qmpsc), inout First quantum state to calculate a fidelity. PsiB : TYPE(qmpsc), in Second quantum state to calculate a fidelity. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function dot_qmpsc_qmpsc(Psia, Psib, errst) result(dotab) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psib integer, intent(out), optional :: errst complex(KIND=rKind) :: dotab ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Transfer matrix type(qtensorc) :: Mat do ii = 1, Psia%ll call ptm_right_state(Mat, Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), (ii == 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('dot_MPS_TYPE: ptm_right_state failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do dotab = trace(Mat) call destroy(Mat) end function dot_qmpsc_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_qr_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensor to the right with a QR-decomposition. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensor), inout Run QR decomposition on last index vs the other ones. Tr : TYPE(tensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_qr_tensor(Tl, Tr, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(tensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call qr(Tl, Tmp, [1, 2], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_tensor: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_tensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_qr_tensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rq_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensors to the left with a RQ-decompistion. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. Tr : TYPE(tensor), inout Run RQ decomposition on first index vs the other ones. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rq_tensor(Tl, Tr, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(tensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call rq(Tr, Tmp, [1], [2, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_tensor: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tl, [1], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_tensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rq_tensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_qr_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensor to the right with a QR-decomposition. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensorc), inout Run QR decomposition on last index vs the other ones. Tr : TYPE(tensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_qr_tensorc(Tl, Tr, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(tensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call qr(Tl, Tmp, [1, 2], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_tensorc: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_tensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_qr_tensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rq_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensors to the left with a RQ-decompistion. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. Tr : TYPE(tensorc), inout Run RQ decomposition on first index vs the other ones. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rq_tensorc(Tl, Tr, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(tensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call rq(Tr, Tmp, [1], [2, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_tensorc: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tl, [1], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_tensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rq_tensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_qr_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensor to the right with a QR-decomposition. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensor), inout Run QR decomposition on last index vs the other ones. Tr : TYPE(qtensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_qr_qtensor(Tl, Tr, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(qtensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call qr(Tl, Tmp, [1, 2], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_qtensor: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_qtensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_qr_qtensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rq_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensors to the left with a RQ-decompistion. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. Tr : TYPE(qtensor), inout Run RQ decomposition on first index vs the other ones. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rq_qtensor(Tl, Tr, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(qtensor) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call rq(Tr, Tmp, [1], [2, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_qtensor: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tl, [1], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_qtensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rq_qtensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_qr_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensor to the right with a QR-decomposition. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Run QR decomposition on last index vs the other ones. Tr : TYPE(qtensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_qr_qtensorc(Tl, Tr, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(qtensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call qr(Tl, Tmp, [1, 2], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_qtensorc: qr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_qr_qtensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_qr_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rq_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift gauge for two tensors to the left with a RQ-decompistion. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orhtogonality center. Tr : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Run RQ decomposition on first index vs the other ones. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rq_qtensorc(Tl, Tr, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Temporary tensor for R-matrix type(qtensorc) :: Tmp !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call rq(Tr, Tmp, [1], [2, 3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_qtensorc: rq failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call contr_uplo(Tmp, Tl, [1], [3], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rq_qtensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rq_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rsvd_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the left site to the right running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensor), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the last index and the other ones. Lamb : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(tensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orthogonality center. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_tensor(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(tensor) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tl2, Lamb, Tmp, Tl, [1, 2], [3], multlr=1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_tensor: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call contr(Tr2, Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_tensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_tensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_lsvd_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the right site to the left running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensor), inout This tensor will be the new orthogonality center on exit. Lamb : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(tensor), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the first index and the other ones. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_tensor(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(tensor) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tmp, Lamb, Tr2, Tr, [1], [2, 3], multlr=-1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_tensor: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call contr(Tl2, Tl, Tmp, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_tensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_tensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rsvd_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the left site to the right running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensorc), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the last index and the other ones. Lamb : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(tensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orthogonality center. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_tensorc(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(tensorc) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tl2, Lamb, Tmp, Tl, [1, 2], [3], multlr=1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_tensorc: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call contr(Tr2, Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_tensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_tensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_lsvd_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the right site to the left running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(tensorc), inout This tensor will be the new orthogonality center on exit. Lamb : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(tensorc), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the first index and the other ones. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_tensorc(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(tensorc) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tmp, Lamb, Tr2, Tr, [1], [2, 3], multlr=-1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_tensorc: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call contr(Tl2, Tl, Tmp, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_tensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_tensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rsvd_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the left site to the right running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensor), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the last index and the other ones. Lamb : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(qtensor), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orthogonality center. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_qtensor(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(qtensor) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tl2, Lamb, Tmp, Tl, [1, 2], [3], multlr=1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_qtensor: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call contr(Tr2, Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_qtensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_qtensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_lsvd_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the right site to the left running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensor), inout This tensor will be the new orthogonality center on exit. Lamb : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(qtensor), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the first index and the other ones. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_qtensor(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(qtensor) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tmp, Lamb, Tr2, Tr, [1], [2, 3], multlr=-1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_qtensor: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call contr(Tl2, Tl, Tmp, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_qtensor: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_qtensor """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_rsvd_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the left site to the right running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensorc), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the last index and the other ones. Lamb : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(qtensorc), inout On exit, this tensor is the new orthogonality center. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_qtensorc(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(qtensorc) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tl2, Lamb, Tmp, Tl, [1, 2], [3], multlr=1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_qtensorc: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call contr(Tr2, Tmp, Tr, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_rsvd_qtensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_rsvd_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def gaugesite_lsvd_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Shift the gauge from the right site to the left running an SVD. **Arguments** Tl : TYPE(qtensorc), inout This tensor will be the new orthogonality center on exit. Lamb : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the singular values on exit. Tr : TYPE(qtensorc), inout SVD decompose this tensor between the first index and the other ones. haslambda : LOGICAL, inout Flag if singular values are already allocated. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_qtensorc(Tl, Lamb, Tr, haslambda, & trunc, ncut, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tl, Tr type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lamb logical, intent(inout) :: haslambda real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensors for split and contractions type(qtensorc) :: Tmp, Tl2, Tr2 !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(haslambda) call destroy(Lamb) haslambda = .true. call split(Tmp, Lamb, Tr2, Tr, [1], [2, 3], multlr=-1, trunc=trunc, & ncut=ncut, method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_qtensorc: split failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tr) call pointto(Tr, Tr2) !call destroy(Tr2) call contr(Tl2, Tl, Tmp, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('gaugesite_lsvd_qtensorc: contr failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tl) call pointto(Tl, Tl2) !call destroy(Tl2) call destroy(Tmp) end subroutine gaugesite_lsvd_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def maxchi_mps(): """ fortran-function - July 2017 (dj, updated) Get the maximal bond dimension of the MPS. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), in Get the maximal bond dimension present in the MPS **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxchi_mps(Psi) result(chi) type(mps), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: chi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii chi = 0 do ii = 1, Psi%ll chi = max(chi, maxlineardim(Psi%Aa(ii), idx=[1, 3])) end do end function maxchi_mps """ return
[docs]def maxchi_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - July 2017 (dj, updated) Get the maximal bond dimension of the MPS. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in Get the maximal bond dimension present in the MPS **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxchi_mpsc(Psi) result(chi) type(mpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: chi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii chi = 0 do ii = 1, Psi%ll chi = max(chi, maxlineardim(Psi%Aa(ii), idx=[1, 3])) end do end function maxchi_mpsc """ return
[docs]def maxchi_qmps(): """ fortran-function - July 2017 (dj, updated) Get the maximal bond dimension of the MPS. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), in Get the maximal bond dimension present in the MPS **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxchi_qmps(Psi) result(chi) type(qmps), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: chi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii chi = 0 do ii = 1, Psi%ll chi = max(chi, maxlineardim(Psi%Aa(ii), idx=[1, 3])) end do end function maxchi_qmps """ return
[docs]def maxchi_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - July 2017 (dj, updated) Get the maximal bond dimension of the MPS. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in Get the maximal bond dimension present in the MPS **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxchi_qmpsc(Psi) result(chi) type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: chi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii chi = 0 do ii = 1, Psi%ll chi = max(chi, maxlineardim(Psi%Aa(ii), idx=[1, 3])) end do end function maxchi_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def maxkappa_mps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Get the maximal bond dimension to conjugate tensor of MPS. MPS is a pure state, therefore always 1. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), in Maximal bond dimension kappa is always 1 for a pure state. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxkappa_mps(Psi) result(kappa) type(mps), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: kappa ! No local variables ! ------------------ kappa = 1 end function maxkappa_mps """ return
[docs]def maxkappa_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Get the maximal bond dimension to conjugate tensor of MPS. MPS is a pure state, therefore always 1. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in Maximal bond dimension kappa is always 1 for a pure state. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxkappa_mpsc(Psi) result(kappa) type(mpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: kappa ! No local variables ! ------------------ kappa = 1 end function maxkappa_mpsc """ return
[docs]def maxkappa_qmps(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Get the maximal bond dimension to conjugate tensor of MPS. MPS is a pure state, therefore always 1. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), in Maximal bond dimension kappa is always 1 for a pure state. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxkappa_qmps(Psi) result(kappa) type(qmps), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: kappa ! No local variables ! ------------------ kappa = 1 end function maxkappa_qmps """ return
[docs]def maxkappa_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - September 2017 (dj) Get the maximal bond dimension to conjugate tensor of MPS. MPS is a pure state, therefore always 1. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in Maximal bond dimension kappa is always 1 for a pure state. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function maxkappa_qmpsc(Psi) result(kappa) type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer :: kappa ! No local variables ! ------------------ kappa = 1 end function maxkappa_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURtensor), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(tensorlist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(tensor), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(tensor), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(tensorlist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(tensor), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(tensor), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(tensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(tensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(tensor) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=done, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURtensorc), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(tensorlistc), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(tensor), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(tensor), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(tensorlistc), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(tensorc), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(tensorc), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=zone, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURtensorc), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(tensorlistc), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(tensorc), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(tensorc), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(tensorlistc), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(tensorc), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(tensorc), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(tensorc) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=zone, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURqtensor), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(qtensorlist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(qtensor), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(qtensor), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(qtensorlist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(qtensor), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(qtensor), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(qtensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(qtensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(qtensor) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=done, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURqtensorc), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(qtensorclist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(qtensor), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(qtensor), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(qtensorclist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(qtensorc), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(qtensorc), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=zone, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - April 2016 (dj) Compute :math:`| \phi \\rangle = H | \psi \\rangle`. **Arguments** Phi : TYPE(FOURqtensorc), out On exit it contains :math:`H | \psi \\rangle`. Lc : TYPE(qtensorclist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H left of the sites considered in this subroutine. Wl : TYPE(qtensorc), in The MPO-matrix for the left of the two sites. Wr : TYPE(qtensorc), in The MPO-matrix for the right of the two sites. Rc : TYPE(qtensorclist), in Contains the contraction of Psi with H right of the sites considered in this subroutine. Psil : TYPE(qtensorc), in Left site of the two sites considered in Psi. Psir : TYPE(qtensorc), in Right site of the two sites considered in Psi. **Details** (template defined in MPSOps_include_transfer.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Wl, Wr, Rc, & Psil, Psir, leftmost, & rightmost, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Wl, Wr type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psil, Psir logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrices integer :: k1, k2, k3 ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc / Psir-Rc type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fl(:), Fr(:) ! Result of contractions Psil-Lc-MPOl / Psir-Rc-MPOr type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: El(:), Er(:) ! temporary tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tmp ! Get bond dimensions MPO-matrices k1 = Wl%rbd k2 = Wl%cbd k3 = Wr%cbd allocate(Fl(k1), Fr(k3), El(k2), Er(k2)) ! 1) Contractions on left tensor ! ------------------------------ ! ! a) Contract left transfer matrix with Psil. ! b) MPO matrix for the left site to result of previous step. if(leftmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call contractmporone(El(ii), ii, Wl, Psil, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmporone failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k1 call contr(Fl(ii), Lc%Li(ii), Psil, [2], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpor(El(ii), ii, Wl, Fl, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpor failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fl(ii)) end do end if ! 2) Contractions on right tensor ! ------------------------------- ! ! a) Contract right transfer matrix with Psir. ! b) MPO matrix for the right site to result of previous step. if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call mcontr(Er(ii), Psir, Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), [2], [2], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'mcontr (1) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call copy(Tmp, Psir) !call contr(Er(ii), Wr%Row(ii)%Op(1), Tmp, [2], [2], & ! errst=errst) !!if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& !! 'contr (2) failed.', errst=errst)) return !call destroy(Tmp) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k3 call contr(Fr(ii), Psir, Rc%Li(ii), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (3) failed.', errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k2 call contractmpol(Er(ii), ii, Wr, Fr, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contractmpol failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return end do do ii = 1, k3 call destroy(Fr(ii)) end do end if deallocate(Fl, Fr) ! 3) Contract the two sides together ! ---------------------------------- ! First index call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(1), Er(1), [2], [2], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (4) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(1)) call destroy(Er(1)) ! Add remaining indices do ii = 2, k2 call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [3], [1], beta=zone, errst=errst) !call contr(Phi, El(ii), Er(ii), [2], [2], beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc:'//& ! 'contr (5) failed.', errst=errst)) return call destroy(El(ii)) call destroy(Er(ii)) end do deallocate(El, Er) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wn type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += real(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(tensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(tensor) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = dzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, done, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = done end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wn type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(tensorc) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, zone, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = zone end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(tensorc) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, zone, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = zone end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wn type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += real(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(qtensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(qtensor) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = dzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, done, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = done end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wn type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, zone, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = zone end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Contract local MPO amtrices for n-sites with wave function represented on n-sites and the left right overlap. **Details** Subroutine has both, a 1 site and a 2 site version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, beta, & errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimension integer :: cbd ! rank of the tensor integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! intermediate result - contract with right overlap type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fs ! intermediate tensor type(qtensorc) :: Tens !CHEK_if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) cbd = Wn%cbd allocate(Fs(cbd)) if(rightmost) then ! Just copy the Psin equal to contracting with the identity call copy(Fs(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc : '// & ! 'copy (1).', errst=errst)) return else ! Contract the right overlap with Psi do ii = 1, cbd call contr(Fs(ii), Psin, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr (1).', errst=errst)) return end do end if if(leftmost) then do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with Psi-Rc call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1552', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call copy(Phi, Tens, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : copy (2).', errst=errst)) return else call gaxpy(Phi, zone, Tens) end if call destroy(Tens) end do else do ii = 1, Wn%rbd ! Contract the MPO matrix with (Psi-Rc) call contractmpol(Tens, ii, Wn, Fs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_TENSOR_'// & ! 'TYPE : contractmpol (1).', 'MPSOps_include.f90:1577', & ! errst=errst)) return !if(rnk == 3) then ! call transposed(Tens, [2, 1, 3], doperm=.true.) !elseif(rnk == 4) then ! call transposed(Tens, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) !end if ! Contract the left overlap with (Wn-Psi-Rc) call contr(Phi, Lc%Li(ii), Tens, [2], [1], beta=beta_, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr (2).', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) beta_ = zone end do end if do ii = 1, Wn%cbd call destroy(Fs(ii)) end do deallocate(Fs) end subroutine mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(tensor), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(tensor), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensor(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(tensor) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensor : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(tensor), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(tensorc), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(tensorc) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensor_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(tensorc), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(tensorc) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(qtensor), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(qtensor) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(qtensorc) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensor_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def mpo2_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Multiply two-site Hamiltonian with two-site Psi. **Arguments** HPsi : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contraction of 2-site Hamiltonian with 2-site Psi. Ham : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contains the two-site Hamiltonian as rank-4 tensor. Psi : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Rank-4 tensor representing the two sites. **Details** This it the version building the two site Hamiltonian first. The default scaling is :math:`d^4 \kappa + \chi^2 d^4` and avoids any step building the actual MPO. In comparison, contracting the MPO matrices should result in a scaling of :math:`2 \kappa \chi^2 d^3`. For large local dimension it could be worth implementing the contraction based on MPO matrices. Moreover, the cost :math:`d^4 \kappa` can be done beforehand and occurs only once for each Trotter step and site. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc(HPsi, Ham, Psi, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Hpsi, Psi type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Ham integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Copy for Psi - it will be permuted type(qtensorc) :: Psic !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Psic, Psi, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'copy failed.', errst=errst)) return ! Contract it to the tensor permout=[3, 1, 2, 4], & call contr(Hpsi, Ham, Psic, [3, 4], [2, 3], & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('mpo2_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc : '//& ! 'contr failed.', errst=errst)) return call transposed(Hpsi, [3, 1, 2, 4], doperm=.true.) call destroy(Psic) end subroutine mpo2_dot_psi_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def norm_mps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the norm of Psi, assumed to have an orthogonality center. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Compute the norm of this MPS with orthogonality center. If no orthogonality is installed, subroutine will crash accessing element -1) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function norm_mps(Psi, errst) result(psinorm) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: psinorm ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(Psi%oc < 0) then !errst = raise_error('norm_mps : oc not valid.', & ! 99, errst=errst) !return !end if psinorm = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) end function norm_mps """ return
[docs]def norm_mpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the norm of Psi, assumed to have an orthogonality center. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Compute the norm of this MPS with orthogonality center. If no orthogonality is installed, subroutine will crash accessing element -1) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function norm_mpsc(Psi, errst) result(psinorm) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: psinorm ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(Psi%oc < 0) then !errst = raise_error('norm_mpsc : oc not valid.', & ! 99, errst=errst) !return !end if psinorm = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) end function norm_mpsc """ return
[docs]def norm_qmps(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the norm of Psi, assumed to have an orthogonality center. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Compute the norm of this MPS with orthogonality center. If no orthogonality is installed, subroutine will crash accessing element -1) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function norm_qmps(Psi, errst) result(psinorm) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: psinorm ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(Psi%oc < 0) then !errst = raise_error('norm_qmps : oc not valid.', & ! 99, errst=errst) !return !end if psinorm = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) end function norm_qmps """ return
[docs]def norm_qmpsc(): """ fortran-function - June 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the norm of Psi, assumed to have an orthogonality center. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Compute the norm of this MPS with orthogonality center. If no orthogonality is installed, subroutine will crash accessing element -1) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code function norm_qmpsc(Psi, errst) result(psinorm) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(out), optional :: errst real(KIND=rKind) :: psinorm ! No local variables ! ------------------ !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(Psi%oc < 0) then !errst = raise_error('norm_qmpsc : oc not valid.', & ! 99, errst=errst) !return !end if psinorm = norm(Psi%Aa(Psi%oc)) end function norm_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def orthonormalize_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put psi into mixed canonical form at site k0 and normalize it. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Gauge this MPS with QR, get the norm and rescale it such that it has trace 1. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine orthonormalize_mps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright ! Norm of the MPS real(KIND=rKind) :: mynorm ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = 1 end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = Psi%ll end if call canonize(Psi, k0, kleft, kright, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orthonormalize_mps : canonize failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return mynorm = 1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psi)) call scale(mynorm, Psi) end subroutine orthonormalize_mps """ return
[docs]def orthonormalize_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put psi into mixed canonical form at site k0 and normalize it. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Gauge this MPS with QR, get the norm and rescale it such that it has trace 1. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine orthonormalize_mpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright ! Norm of the MPS real(KIND=rKind) :: mynorm ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = 1 end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = Psi%ll end if call canonize(Psi, k0, kleft, kright, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orthonormalize_mpsc : canonize failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return mynorm = 1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psi)) call scale(mynorm, Psi) end subroutine orthonormalize_mpsc """ return
[docs]def orthonormalize_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put psi into mixed canonical form at site k0 and normalize it. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Gauge this MPS with QR, get the norm and rescale it such that it has trace 1. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine orthonormalize_qmps(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright ! Norm of the MPS real(KIND=rKind) :: mynorm ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = 1 end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = Psi%ll end if call canonize(Psi, k0, kleft, kright, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orthonormalize_qmps : canonize failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return mynorm = 1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psi)) call scale(mynorm, Psi) end subroutine orthonormalize_qmps """ return
[docs]def orthonormalize_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Put psi into mixed canonical form at site k0 and normalize it. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Gauge this MPS with QR, get the norm and rescale it such that it has trace 1. k0 : INTEGER, in The new orthogonality center on exit is at the site k0. All matrices to the left and right are gauged accordingly. kl : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the left on this site. If not present SVD start at site 1 or the ortogonality center. kr : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in start SVD from the right on this site. If not present, SVD starts on the last site or the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine orthonormalize_qmpsc(Psi, k0, kl, kr, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer , intent(in) :: k0 integer, intent(in), optional :: kl, kr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Start of the loop from the left and right integer :: kleft, kright ! Norm of the MPS real(KIND=rKind) :: mynorm ! Find begin of canonization from the left if(present(kl)) then kleft = kl else kleft = 1 end if ! Find begin of canonization from the right if(present(kr)) then kright = kr else kright = Psi%ll end if call canonize(Psi, k0, kleft, kright, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('orthonormalize_qmpsc : canonize failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return mynorm = 1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psi)) call scale(mynorm, Psi) end subroutine orthonormalize_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def perturb_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturbate a MPS via a perturbation of each entry of each tensor. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout MPS to be perturbed. epsilon : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8 reorth : LOGICAL, in Re-orhtogonalize to the original oc center if true, otherwise, skip canonization. Default to no orthogonalization. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine perturb_mps(Psi, epsilon, reorth, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: epsilon logical, intent(in), optional :: reorth integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! save original oc center integer :: ocsave !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ocsave = Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll call perturb(Psi%Aa(ii), epsilon, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_mps : perturb failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1852', errst=errst)) return if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then Psi%haslambda(ii) = .false. call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if end do if(present(reorth)) then if(reorth .and. (ocsave > 0)) then call canonize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_mps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1865', errst=errst)) return end if end if end subroutine perturb_mps """ return
[docs]def perturb_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturbate a MPS via a perturbation of each entry of each tensor. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout MPS to be perturbed. epsilon : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8 reorth : LOGICAL, in Re-orhtogonalize to the original oc center if true, otherwise, skip canonization. Default to no orthogonalization. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine perturb_mpsc(Psi, epsilon, reorth, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: epsilon logical, intent(in), optional :: reorth integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! save original oc center integer :: ocsave !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ocsave = Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll call perturb(Psi%Aa(ii), epsilon, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_mpsc : perturb failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1852', errst=errst)) return if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then Psi%haslambda(ii) = .false. call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if end do if(present(reorth)) then if(reorth .and. (ocsave > 0)) then call canonize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_mpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1865', errst=errst)) return end if end if end subroutine perturb_mpsc """ return
[docs]def perturb_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturbate a MPS via a perturbation of each entry of each tensor. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout MPS to be perturbed. epsilon : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8 reorth : LOGICAL, in Re-orhtogonalize to the original oc center if true, otherwise, skip canonization. Default to no orthogonalization. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine perturb_qmps(Psi, epsilon, reorth, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: epsilon logical, intent(in), optional :: reorth integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! save original oc center integer :: ocsave !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ocsave = Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll call perturb(Psi%Aa(ii), epsilon, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_qmps : perturb failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1852', errst=errst)) return if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then Psi%haslambda(ii) = .false. call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if end do if(present(reorth)) then if(reorth .and. (ocsave > 0)) then call canonize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_qmps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1865', errst=errst)) return end if end if end subroutine perturb_qmps """ return
[docs]def perturb_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - December 2018 (dj) Perturbate a MPS via a perturbation of each entry of each tensor. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout MPS to be perturbed. epsilon : real, OPTIONAL, in Scale a randomized tensor by epsilon and add to original tensor. Default to 1e-8 reorth : LOGICAL, in Re-orhtogonalize to the original oc center if true, otherwise, skip canonization. Default to no orthogonalization. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine perturb_qmpsc(Psi, epsilon, reorth, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: epsilon logical, intent(in), optional :: reorth integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! save original oc center integer :: ocsave !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ocsave = Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll call perturb(Psi%Aa(ii), epsilon, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_qmpsc : perturb failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1852', errst=errst)) return if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then Psi%haslambda(ii) = .false. call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if end do if(present(reorth)) then if(reorth .and. (ocsave > 0)) then call canonize(Psi, ocsave, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('perturb_qmpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:1865', errst=errst)) return end if end if end subroutine perturb_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Hts type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(tensor), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += real(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(tensor) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(tensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = dzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_'//& ! 'tensor: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Hts type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(tensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(tensorc) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_'//& ! 'tensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensor_tensorc """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Hts type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(tensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(tensorc) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(tensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_'//& ! 'tensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(qtensor), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += real(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(qtensor) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(qtensor), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = dzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_'//& ! 'qtensor: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(qtensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(qtensorc) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_'//& ! 'qtensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensor_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj, updated) Compute the projection of Phi = H * psi, where H=L.W.R **Details** Since we need the projectors from the two site tensor, the two site algorithm is implemented. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc(Phi, Lc, Hts, Rc, & Psin, leftmost, rightmost, Psiprojs, beta, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Phi type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Hts type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost type(qtensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: beta integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! bond dimensions MPO-matrix integer :: k1, k2 ! rank of the tensor necessary to know contraction index integer :: rnk ! control action of contr, = or += complex(KIND=rKind) :: beta_ ! Temporary tensor with projection type(qtensorc) :: Gt, Tmp ! Temporary array of tensors type(qtensorc), dimension(:), allocatable :: Fts !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(beta)) then beta_ = beta else beta_ = zzero end if rnk = rank(Psin) ! Build two-site tensor and the projections call project(Gt, Psin, Psiprojs) k1 = Hts%rbd k2 = Hts%cbd ! 1) Contractions of the right overlap ! ------------------------------------ ! ! !F^k_{a i j b}= A_{a i b'} R^k_{b' b} allocate(Fts(k2)) if(rightmost) then ! Initialize do ii = 1, k2 call copy(Fts(ii), Gt) end do else ! Propagate do ii = 1, k2 call contr(Fts(ii), Gt, Rc%Li(ii), [rnk], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_'//& ! 'qtensorc: contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2002', errst=errst)) return end do end if call destroy(Gt) ! 2) Contract MPO and left transfer matrix ! ----------------------------------------- call contractmpol(Gt, 1, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(1), Gt, [2], [1]) end if if(beta_ == 0.0_rKind) then call project(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) else if(abs(beta_ - 1.0_rKind) > 1e-13_rKind) call scale(beta_, Phi) call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) end if call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) do ii = 2, k1 call contractmpol(Gt, ii, Hts, Fts) if(leftmost) then call copy(Tmp, Gt) else call contr(Tmp, Lc%Li(ii), Gt, [2], [1]) end if call addproject(Phi, Tmp, Psiprojs) call destroy(Gt) call destroy(Tmp) end do do ii = 1, k2 call destroy(Fts(ii)) end do deallocate(Fts) end subroutine projected_mpo_dot_psi_n_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_left_state_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the right to the left. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensor), inout This is the transfer matrix right of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensor), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensor), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. rightmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensor), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{k,l} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{k,m,i} (Bra_{l,m,j})^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the leftmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_left_state_tensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, rightmost, Matin, & errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Mat, Bra, Ket logical, intent(in) :: rightmost type(tensor), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensor) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(rightmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Ket, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensor: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1: Tens_{k, m, j} = Ket_{k, m, i} Mat_{i, j} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Ket, Matin, [3], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Ket, Mat, [3], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensor: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{k, l} = Tens_{k, m, j} Bra_{l, m, j}* call contr(Mat, Tens, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensor: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_left_state_tensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_left_state_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the right to the left. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix right of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. rightmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{k,l} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{k,m,i} (Bra_{l,m,j})^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the leftmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_left_state_tensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, rightmost, Matin, & errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat, Bra, Ket logical, intent(in) :: rightmost type(tensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(rightmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Ket, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1: Tens_{k, m, j} = Ket_{k, m, i} Mat_{i, j} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Ket, Matin, [3], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Ket, Mat, [3], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{k, l} = Tens_{k, m, j} Bra_{l, m, j}* call contr(Mat, Tens, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_left_state_tensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_left_state_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the right to the left. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensor), inout This is the transfer matrix right of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. rightmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensor), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{k,l} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{k,m,i} (Bra_{l,m,j})^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the leftmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_left_state_qtensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, rightmost, Matin, & errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Mat, Bra, Ket logical, intent(in) :: rightmost type(qtensor), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensor) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(rightmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Ket, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensor: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1: Tens_{k, m, j} = Ket_{k, m, i} Mat_{i, j} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Ket, Matin, [3], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Ket, Mat, [3], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensor: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{k, l} = Tens_{k, m, j} Bra_{l, m, j}* call contr(Mat, Tens, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensor: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_left_state_qtensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_left_state_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the right to the left. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix right of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. rightmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{k,l} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{k,m,i} (Bra_{l,m,j})^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the leftmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_left_state_qtensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, rightmost, Matin, & errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat, Bra, Ket logical, intent(in) :: rightmost type(qtensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(rightmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Ket, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1: Tens_{k, m, j} = Ket_{k, m, i} Mat_{i, j} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Ket, Matin, [3], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Ket, Mat, [3], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{k, l} = Tens_{k, m, j} Bra_{l, m, j}* call contr(Mat, Tens, Bra, [2, 3], [2, 3], transr='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_left_state_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensor), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensor), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensor), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensor), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_tensor_tensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Mat type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Bra type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(tensor), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensor) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensor: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensor: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensor: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_tensor_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_tensor_tensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Bra type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(tensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_tensor_tensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Bra type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(tensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(tensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(tensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(tensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Bra type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(tensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(tensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_tensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_tensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensor), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensor), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensor), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Mat type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Bra type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(qtensor), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensor) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensor: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensor: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensor: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Bra type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(qtensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensor_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensor(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Bra type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(qtensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensor """ return
[docs]def ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Propagate transfer matrix (PTM) moving from the left to the right. This version is for states. **Arguments** Mat : TYPE(qtensorc), inout This is the transfer matrix left of Bra and Ket. Bra : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract conjagated of Bra into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. Ket : TYPE(qtensorc), inout Contract Ket into the transfer matrix. Intent inout is for contraction, but should used. leftmost : LOGICAL, in Indicate if this is the rightmost, and therefore first site, to be contracted. Matin : TYPE(qtensorc), OPTIONAL, in If Matin is present, Matin is the present transfer matrix. It is not destroyed. If not present, Mat is assumed to be the present transfer matrix and is overwritten with the new one. **Details** The contraction is over both indices of Mat and can be written as :math:`Mat_{l,k} = \sum_{i,j,m} Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} Bra_{i,m,l}^{\\ast}`. This is executed in two steps. This is the rightmoving version. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensorc(Mat, Bra, Ket, & leftmost, Matin, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Mat type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Bra type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Ket logical, intent(in) :: leftmost type(qtensorc), intent(inout), optional :: Matin integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor for contraction type(qtensorc) :: Tens !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(leftmost) then ! Initialize ! ---------- call contr(Mat, Bra, Ket, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_left_state_qtensorc: init failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return return end if ! Real transfer matrix ! -------------------- ! Step 1 : Tens_{i,m,k} = Mat_{i,j} Ket_{j,m,k} if(present(Matin)) then call contr(Tens, Matin, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) else call contr(Tens, Mat, Ket, [2], [1], errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr I failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return if(.not. present(Matin)) call destroy(Mat) ! Step 2: Mat_{l,k} = Bra_{i,m,l}* Tens_{i,m,k} call contr(Mat, Bra, Tens, [1, 2], [1, 2], transl='C', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ptm_right_state_qtensorc: contr II failed.', & ! errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tens) end subroutine ptm_right_state_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def randomize_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Fill the MPS Psi with random numbers **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Fill the MPS with random numbers. The orthogonality center is not installed during this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine randomize_mps(Psi) type(mps) :: psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii Psi%oc = -1 Psi%can = 'o' do ii = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do Psi%haslambda = .false. do ii = 1, Psi%ll call randomize(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do end subroutine randomize_mps """ return
[docs]def randomize_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Fill the MPS Psi with random numbers **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Fill the MPS with random numbers. The orthogonality center is not installed during this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine randomize_mpsc(Psi) type(mpsc) :: psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii Psi%oc = -1 Psi%can = 'o' do ii = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do Psi%haslambda = .false. do ii = 1, Psi%ll call randomize(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do end subroutine randomize_mpsc """ return
[docs]def randomize_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Fill the MPS Psi with random numbers **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Fill the MPS with random numbers. The orthogonality center is not installed during this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine randomize_qmps(Psi) type(qmps) :: psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii Psi%oc = -1 Psi%can = 'o' do ii = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do Psi%haslambda = .false. do ii = 1, Psi%ll call randomize(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do end subroutine randomize_qmps """ return
[docs]def randomize_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Fill the MPS Psi with random numbers **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Fill the MPS with random numbers. The orthogonality center is not installed during this subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine randomize_qmpsc(Psi) type(qmpsc) :: psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii Psi%oc = -1 Psi%can = 'o' do ii = 1, (Psi%ll + 1) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end do Psi%haslambda = .false. do ii = 1, Psi%ll call randomize(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do end subroutine randomize_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def read_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2016 (dj, updated) Read an MPS given a filename and a unit (assuming you know the type already). **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), in Read MPS in file to this MPS flnm : CHARACTER(100), in the MPS is stored in this file. unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B') or human readable ('H') skip : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in .true. : the first two lines were already read somewhere. Do not read them here (those lines contain the information about the type of the MPS in the file, real/complex, no symm/symmetries). Default to .false. errflag : INTEGER, out 0 : could read MPS; 1 : type of MPS does not correspond type of the MPS in the file (only checked for skip1st2=false). closeunit : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in Flag if the unit should be closed on exit. Default to true. **Details** The file for MPS has the general form defined as below. Following these rules, it is possible to provide states to OpenMPS. * logical if MPS is real or complex valued (real=True, complex=False) [line 1] * logical if MPS or qMPS (qMPS=True, non-symmetry MPS=False) [line 2] * integer with number of size [line 3] * integer with position of the orthogonality center [line 4] * "H" : in a loop over the pairs of `haslambda` and `can` are written in `l` lines. "B" : the array of `can` is read, then `haslambda`. * In a loop over the sites of the system, the tensors of the MPS are written. The way how to write the tensors is specified in the corresponding subroutine. * Depending on the value of `haslambda`, read the vector (vectorlist) with the corresponding subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine read_mps(Psi, flnm, unit, form, skip, closeunit, errst) type(mps), intent(out) :: Psi character(len=*), intent(in) :: flnm integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form logical, intent(in), optional :: skip, closeunit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! set the type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! duplette for optional arguments logical :: skip_ ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(skip)) then skip_ = skip else skip_ = .false. end if if(form == 'H') then ! Read the formatted file ! ----------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read') read(unit, *) is_real read(unit, *) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .true.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .false.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_mps: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit, *) Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization toghether with the haslambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do read(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Read the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the values of the lambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%Lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Read from the binary file ! ------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read', & FORM='unformatted') read(unit) is_real read(unit) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .true.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .false.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_mps: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit) Psi%ll read(unit) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization and the haslambda as array read(unit) Psi%can read(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Read all the tensors do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('read_mps: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:2755', errst=errst) return end if if(present(closeunit)) then if(closeunit) then close(unit) end if else close(unit) end if end subroutine read_mps """ return
[docs]def read_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2016 (dj, updated) Read an MPS given a filename and a unit (assuming you know the type already). **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in Read MPS in file to this MPS flnm : CHARACTER(100), in the MPS is stored in this file. unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B') or human readable ('H') skip : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in .true. : the first two lines were already read somewhere. Do not read them here (those lines contain the information about the type of the MPS in the file, real/complex, no symm/symmetries). Default to .false. errflag : INTEGER, out 0 : could read MPS; 1 : type of MPS does not correspond type of the MPS in the file (only checked for skip1st2=false). closeunit : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in Flag if the unit should be closed on exit. Default to true. **Details** The file for MPS has the general form defined as below. Following these rules, it is possible to provide states to OpenMPS. * logical if MPS is real or complex valued (real=True, complex=False) [line 1] * logical if MPS or qMPS (qMPS=True, non-symmetry MPS=False) [line 2] * integer with number of size [line 3] * integer with position of the orthogonality center [line 4] * "H" : in a loop over the pairs of `haslambda` and `can` are written in `l` lines. "B" : the array of `can` is read, then `haslambda`. * In a loop over the sites of the system, the tensors of the MPS are written. The way how to write the tensors is specified in the corresponding subroutine. * Depending on the value of `haslambda`, read the vector (vectorlist) with the corresponding subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine read_mpsc(Psi, flnm, unit, form, skip, closeunit, errst) type(mpsc), intent(out) :: Psi character(len=*), intent(in) :: flnm integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form logical, intent(in), optional :: skip, closeunit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! set the type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! duplette for optional arguments logical :: skip_ ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(skip)) then skip_ = skip else skip_ = .false. end if if(form == 'H') then ! Read the formatted file ! ----------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read') read(unit, *) is_real read(unit, *) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .false.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .false.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_mpsc: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit, *) Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization toghether with the haslambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do read(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Read the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the values of the lambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%Lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Read from the binary file ! ------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read', & FORM='unformatted') read(unit) is_real read(unit) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .false.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .false.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_mpsc: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit) Psi%ll read(unit) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization and the haslambda as array read(unit) Psi%can read(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Read all the tensors do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('read_mpsc: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:2755', errst=errst) return end if if(present(closeunit)) then if(closeunit) then close(unit) end if else close(unit) end if end subroutine read_mpsc """ return
[docs]def read_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2016 (dj, updated) Read an MPS given a filename and a unit (assuming you know the type already). **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), in Read MPS in file to this MPS flnm : CHARACTER(100), in the MPS is stored in this file. unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B') or human readable ('H') skip : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in .true. : the first two lines were already read somewhere. Do not read them here (those lines contain the information about the type of the MPS in the file, real/complex, no symm/symmetries). Default to .false. errflag : INTEGER, out 0 : could read MPS; 1 : type of MPS does not correspond type of the MPS in the file (only checked for skip1st2=false). closeunit : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in Flag if the unit should be closed on exit. Default to true. **Details** The file for MPS has the general form defined as below. Following these rules, it is possible to provide states to OpenMPS. * logical if MPS is real or complex valued (real=True, complex=False) [line 1] * logical if MPS or qMPS (qMPS=True, non-symmetry MPS=False) [line 2] * integer with number of size [line 3] * integer with position of the orthogonality center [line 4] * "H" : in a loop over the pairs of `haslambda` and `can` are written in `l` lines. "B" : the array of `can` is read, then `haslambda`. * In a loop over the sites of the system, the tensors of the MPS are written. The way how to write the tensors is specified in the corresponding subroutine. * Depending on the value of `haslambda`, read the vector (vectorlist) with the corresponding subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine read_qmps(Psi, flnm, unit, form, skip, closeunit, errst) type(qmps), intent(out) :: Psi character(len=*), intent(in) :: flnm integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form logical, intent(in), optional :: skip, closeunit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! set the type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! duplette for optional arguments logical :: skip_ ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(skip)) then skip_ = skip else skip_ = .false. end if if(form == 'H') then ! Read the formatted file ! ----------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read') read(unit, *) is_real read(unit, *) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .true.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .true.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_qmps: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit, *) Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization toghether with the haslambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do read(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Read the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the values of the lambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%Lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Read from the binary file ! ------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read', & FORM='unformatted') read(unit) is_real read(unit) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .true.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .true.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_qmps: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit) Psi%ll read(unit) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization and the haslambda as array read(unit) Psi%can read(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Read all the tensors do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('read_qmps: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:2755', errst=errst) return end if if(present(closeunit)) then if(closeunit) then close(unit) end if else close(unit) end if end subroutine read_qmps """ return
[docs]def read_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2016 (dj, updated) Read an MPS given a filename and a unit (assuming you know the type already). **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in Read MPS in file to this MPS flnm : CHARACTER(100), in the MPS is stored in this file. unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B') or human readable ('H') skip : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in .true. : the first two lines were already read somewhere. Do not read them here (those lines contain the information about the type of the MPS in the file, real/complex, no symm/symmetries). Default to .false. errflag : INTEGER, out 0 : could read MPS; 1 : type of MPS does not correspond type of the MPS in the file (only checked for skip1st2=false). closeunit : LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, in Flag if the unit should be closed on exit. Default to true. **Details** The file for MPS has the general form defined as below. Following these rules, it is possible to provide states to OpenMPS. * logical if MPS is real or complex valued (real=True, complex=False) [line 1] * logical if MPS or qMPS (qMPS=True, non-symmetry MPS=False) [line 2] * integer with number of size [line 3] * integer with position of the orthogonality center [line 4] * "H" : in a loop over the pairs of `haslambda` and `can` are written in `l` lines. "B" : the array of `can` is read, then `haslambda`. * In a loop over the sites of the system, the tensors of the MPS are written. The way how to write the tensors is specified in the corresponding subroutine. * Depending on the value of `haslambda`, read the vector (vectorlist) with the corresponding subroutine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine read_qmpsc(Psi, flnm, unit, form, skip, closeunit, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(out) :: Psi character(len=*), intent(in) :: flnm integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form logical, intent(in), optional :: skip, closeunit integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! set the type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! duplette for optional arguments logical :: skip_ ! for looping integer :: ii !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(present(skip)) then skip_ = skip else skip_ = .false. end if if(form == 'H') then ! Read the formatted file ! ----------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read') read(unit, *) is_real read(unit, *) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .false.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .true.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_qmpsc: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit, *) Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization toghether with the haslambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll read(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do read(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Read the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the values of the lambda do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%Lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Read from the binary file ! ------------------------- if(.not. skip_) then open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read', & FORM='unformatted') read(unit) is_real read(unit) is_q if((is_real .eqv. .false.) .and. & (is_q .eqv. .true.)) then ! Everything is ok else !errst = raise_error('read_qmpsc: type mismatch.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !else ! Assume the user knows what he is doing and everything is ok. end if ! Read length and orthogonality center read(unit) Psi%ll read(unit) Psi%oc allocate(Psi%can(Psi%ll), Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1), Psi%Aa(Psi%ll), & Psi%Lambda(Psi%ll + 1)) ! Read the canonization and the haslambda as array read(unit) Psi%can read(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Read all the tensors do ii = 1, Psi%ll call read(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Read the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call read(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('read_qmpsc: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, 'MPSOps_include.f90:2755', errst=errst) return end if if(present(closeunit)) then if(closeunit) then close(unit) end if else close(unit) end if end subroutine read_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def read_allmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Read MPS from file if you do not know what kind of MPS is saved. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), out On exit set if MPS representing Psi is real and has no symmetries. Psic : TYPE(mpsc), out On exit set if MPS representing Psi is complex and has no symmetries. Psiq : TYPE(qmps), out On exit set if MPS representing is real and has symmetries. Psiqc : TYPE(qmpsc), out On exit set if MPS representing is complex and has symmetries. flag : INTEGER, out 0: reading real MPS, 1: complex MPS, 2: real symmetric MPS, 3: complex symmetric MPS flnm : CHARACTER(100), in the MPS is stored in this file. unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B') or human readable ('H') **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine read_allmps(Psi, Psic, Psiq, Psicq, flag, flnm, unit, form, & errst) type(mps), intent(out) :: Psi type(mpsc), intent(out) :: Psic type(qmps), intent(out) :: Psiq type(qmpsc), intent(out) :: Psicq integer, intent(out) :: flag character(len=*), intent(in) :: flnm integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! local variables ! --------------- ! set the type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(form == 'H') then ! Read the formatted file ! ----------------------- open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read') ! Figure out what kind of MPS we need read(unit, *) is_real read(unit, *) is_q elseif(form == 'B') then ! Read from the binary file open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), ACTION='read', & FORM='unformatted') ! Figure out what kind of MPS we need read(unit) is_real read(unit) is_q else !errst = raise_error('read_MPS_TYPE: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if if(is_real .and. (.not. is_q)) then ! Real (no symmetries) flag = 0 call read(Psi, flnm, unit, form, skip=.true., errst=errst) elseif(.not. is_q) then ! Complex (no symmetries) flag = 1 call read(Psic, flnm, unit, form, skip=.true., errst=errst) elseif(is_real) then ! Real and symmetry conservation flag = 2 call read(Psiq, flnm, unit, form, skip=.true., errst=errst) else ! Complex and symmetry conservation flag = 3 call read(Psicq, flnm, unit, form, skip=.true., errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('real_allmps: read failed', errst=errst)) return end subroutine read_allmps """ return
[docs]def rho_block_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Internal subroutine to build the reduced density matrix of a continuous block of sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensor), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. k1 : INTEGER, in First site of the subsystem. k2 : INTEGER, in Last site of the subsystem. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_block_mps(Rho, Psi, k1, k2, errst) type(tensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k1, k2 integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! keep track of index to be contraced integer :: idx ! Temporary tensors type(tensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(Psi%oc < k1) then call canonize(Psi, k1, errst=errst) elseif(Psi%oc > k2) then call canonize(Psi, k2, errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('rho_block_mps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2970', errst=errst)) return call contr(Tmpa, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2974', errst=errst)) return idx = 4 do ii = (k1 + 2), k2 call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Psi%Aa(ii), [idx], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2981', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call pointto(Tmpa, Tmpb) idx = idx + 1 end do call copy(Tmpb, Tmpa, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmpa, Tmpb, [1, idx], [1, idx], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2993', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine rho_block_mps """ return
[docs]def rho_block_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Internal subroutine to build the reduced density matrix of a continuous block of sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensorc), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. k1 : INTEGER, in First site of the subsystem. k2 : INTEGER, in Last site of the subsystem. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_block_mpsc(Rho, Psi, k1, k2, errst) type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k1, k2 integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! keep track of index to be contraced integer :: idx ! Temporary tensors type(tensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(Psi%oc < k1) then call canonize(Psi, k1, errst=errst) elseif(Psi%oc > k2) then call canonize(Psi, k2, errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('rho_block_mpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2970', errst=errst)) return call contr(Tmpa, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2974', errst=errst)) return idx = 4 do ii = (k1 + 2), k2 call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Psi%Aa(ii), [idx], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2981', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call pointto(Tmpa, Tmpb) idx = idx + 1 end do call copy(Tmpb, Tmpa, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmpa, Tmpb, [1, idx], [1, idx], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_mpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2993', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine rho_block_mpsc """ return
[docs]def rho_block_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Internal subroutine to build the reduced density matrix of a continuous block of sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensor), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. k1 : INTEGER, in First site of the subsystem. k2 : INTEGER, in Last site of the subsystem. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_block_qmps(Rho, Psi, k1, k2, errst) type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k1, k2 integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! keep track of index to be contraced integer :: idx ! Temporary tensors type(qtensor) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(Psi%oc < k1) then call canonize(Psi, k1, errst=errst) elseif(Psi%oc > k2) then call canonize(Psi, k2, errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2970', errst=errst)) return call contr(Tmpa, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2974', errst=errst)) return idx = 4 do ii = (k1 + 2), k2 call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Psi%Aa(ii), [idx], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2981', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call pointto(Tmpa, Tmpb) idx = idx + 1 end do call copy(Tmpb, Tmpa, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmpa, Tmpb, [1, idx], [1, idx], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmps : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2993', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine rho_block_qmps """ return
[docs]def rho_block_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Internal subroutine to build the reduced density matrix of a continuous block of sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensorc), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. k1 : INTEGER, in First site of the subsystem. k2 : INTEGER, in Last site of the subsystem. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_block_qmpsc(Rho, Psi, k1, k2, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: k1, k2 integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! keep track of index to be contraced integer :: idx ! Temporary tensors type(qtensorc) :: Tmpa, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 if(Psi%oc < k1) then call canonize(Psi, k1, errst=errst) elseif(Psi%oc > k2) then call canonize(Psi, k2, errst=errst) end if !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2970', errst=errst)) return call contr(Tmpa, Psi%Aa(k1), Psi%Aa(k1 + 1), [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2974', errst=errst)) return idx = 4 do ii = (k1 + 2), k2 call contr(Tmpb, Tmpa, Psi%Aa(ii), [idx], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2981', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call pointto(Tmpa, Tmpb) idx = idx + 1 end do call copy(Tmpb, Tmpa, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmpa, Tmpb, [1, idx], [1, idx], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_block_qmpsc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:2993', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tmpa) call destroy(Tmpb) end subroutine rho_block_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def rho_kk_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Calculate the reduced density matrix represented as tensor. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensor), out The density matrix is stored in this tensor Psi : TYPE(mps), in Calculate reduced density matrix for this MPS. kk : INTEGER, in Select site where reduced density matrix should be calculated. It must be the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_kk_mps(Rho, Psi, kk, errst) type(tensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(mps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor needed for permutation type(tensor) :: Tmp, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(kk)) call transposed(Tmp, [1, 3, 2], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_kk_mps: transpose failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call copy(Tmpb, Tmp, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmp, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 2]) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) ! Set hashes for rho !call set_hash(Rho, [1]) !call sort(Rho) end subroutine rho_kk_mps """ return
[docs]def rho_kk_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Calculate the reduced density matrix represented as tensor. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensorc), out The density matrix is stored in this tensor Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in Calculate reduced density matrix for this MPS. kk : INTEGER, in Select site where reduced density matrix should be calculated. It must be the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_kk_mpsc(Rho, Psi, kk, errst) type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(mpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor needed for permutation type(tensorc) :: Tmp, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(kk)) call transposed(Tmp, [1, 3, 2], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_kk_mpsc: transpose failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call copy(Tmpb, Tmp, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmp, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 2]) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) ! Set hashes for rho !call set_hash(Rho, [1]) !call sort(Rho) end subroutine rho_kk_mpsc """ return
[docs]def rho_kk_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Calculate the reduced density matrix represented as tensor. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensor), out The density matrix is stored in this tensor Psi : TYPE(qmps), in Calculate reduced density matrix for this MPS. kk : INTEGER, in Select site where reduced density matrix should be calculated. It must be the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_kk_qmps(Rho, Psi, kk, errst) type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor needed for permutation type(qtensor) :: Tmp, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(kk)) call transposed(Tmp, [1, 3, 2], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_kk_qmps: transpose failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call copy(Tmpb, Tmp, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmp, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 2]) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) ! Set hashes for rho call set_hash(Rho, [1]) call sort(Rho) end subroutine rho_kk_qmps """ return
[docs]def rho_kk_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - July 2017 (dj) Calculate the reduced density matrix represented as tensor. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensorc), out The density matrix is stored in this tensor Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in Calculate reduced density matrix for this MPS. kk : INTEGER, in Select site where reduced density matrix should be calculated. It must be the orthogonality center. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_kk_qmpsc(Rho, Psi, kk, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! temporary tensor needed for permutation type(qtensorc) :: Tmp, Tmpb !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call copy(Tmp, Psi%Aa(kk)) call transposed(Tmp, [1, 3, 2], doperm=.true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_kk_qmpsc: transpose failed', & ! errst=errst)) return call copy(Tmpb, Tmp, trans='C') call contr(Rho, Tmp, Tmpb, [1, 2], [1, 2]) call destroy(Tmp) call destroy(Tmpb) ! Set hashes for rho call set_hash(Rho, [1]) call sort(Rho) end subroutine rho_kk_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def rho_red_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Build a general reduced density matrix on multiple sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensor), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. sites : INTEGER(\*), in List of sites for the reduced density matrix. cont : LOGICAL, in Indicator if sites are one continuous block of indices (true) or separated by indices to be traced out (false). trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. err : REAL, out Truncation error for tracking it from calling routine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_red_mps(Rho, Psi, sites, cont, trunc, ncut, err, errst) type(tensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sites logical, intent(in) :: cont real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping, indexing integer :: ii, jj ! array for permutations and identifying partial trace indices integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ptind ! Copy of MPS for transposed (truncation might change state) type(mps) :: Phi !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 err = 0.0_rKind if(cont) then ! Continuous block of sites - use corresponding method directly ! ------------------------------------------------------------- call rho_block_mps(Rho, Psi, sites(1), & sites(size(sites, 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mps : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3159', errst=errst)) return else ! Permute first, then trace out ! ----------------------------- allocate(ind(Psi%ll), ptind(Psi%ll)) ptind = .true. ptind(sites) = .false. jj = size(sites, 1) ind(:jj) = sites do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ptind(ii)) then jj = jj + 1 ind(jj) = ii end if end do call copy(Phi, Psi) call transposed(Phi, ind, trunc, ncut, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mps : transposed failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3182', errst=errst)) return jj = size(sites, 1) call rho_block_mps(Rho, Phi, 1, jj, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mps : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3187', errst=errst)) return deallocate(ind, ptind) call destroy(Phi) end if end subroutine rho_red_mps """ return
[docs]def rho_red_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Build a general reduced density matrix on multiple sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(tensorc), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. sites : INTEGER(\*), in List of sites for the reduced density matrix. cont : LOGICAL, in Indicator if sites are one continuous block of indices (true) or separated by indices to be traced out (false). trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. err : REAL, out Truncation error for tracking it from calling routine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_red_mpsc(Rho, Psi, sites, cont, trunc, ncut, err, errst) type(tensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sites logical, intent(in) :: cont real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping, indexing integer :: ii, jj ! array for permutations and identifying partial trace indices integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ptind ! Copy of MPS for transposed (truncation might change state) type(mpsc) :: Phi !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 err = 0.0_rKind if(cont) then ! Continuous block of sites - use corresponding method directly ! ------------------------------------------------------------- call rho_block_mpsc(Rho, Psi, sites(1), & sites(size(sites, 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mpsc : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3159', errst=errst)) return else ! Permute first, then trace out ! ----------------------------- allocate(ind(Psi%ll), ptind(Psi%ll)) ptind = .true. ptind(sites) = .false. jj = size(sites, 1) ind(:jj) = sites do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ptind(ii)) then jj = jj + 1 ind(jj) = ii end if end do call copy(Phi, Psi) call transposed(Phi, ind, trunc, ncut, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mpsc : transposed failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3182', errst=errst)) return jj = size(sites, 1) call rho_block_mpsc(Rho, Phi, 1, jj, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_mpsc : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3187', errst=errst)) return deallocate(ind, ptind) call destroy(Phi) end if end subroutine rho_red_mpsc """ return
[docs]def rho_red_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Build a general reduced density matrix on multiple sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensor), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. sites : INTEGER(\*), in List of sites for the reduced density matrix. cont : LOGICAL, in Indicator if sites are one continuous block of indices (true) or separated by indices to be traced out (false). trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. err : REAL, out Truncation error for tracking it from calling routine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_red_qmps(Rho, Psi, sites, cont, trunc, ncut, err, errst) type(qtensor), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sites logical, intent(in) :: cont real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping, indexing integer :: ii, jj ! array for permutations and identifying partial trace indices integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ptind ! Copy of MPS for transposed (truncation might change state) type(qmps) :: Phi !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 err = 0.0_rKind if(cont) then ! Continuous block of sites - use corresponding method directly ! ------------------------------------------------------------- call rho_block_qmps(Rho, Psi, sites(1), & sites(size(sites, 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmps : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3159', errst=errst)) return else ! Permute first, then trace out ! ----------------------------- allocate(ind(Psi%ll), ptind(Psi%ll)) ptind = .true. ptind(sites) = .false. jj = size(sites, 1) ind(:jj) = sites do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ptind(ii)) then jj = jj + 1 ind(jj) = ii end if end do call copy(Phi, Psi) call transposed(Phi, ind, trunc, ncut, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmps : transposed failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3182', errst=errst)) return jj = size(sites, 1) call rho_block_qmps(Rho, Phi, 1, jj, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmps : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3187', errst=errst)) return deallocate(ind, ptind) call destroy(Phi) end if end subroutine rho_red_qmps """ return
[docs]def rho_red_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2018 (dj) Build a general reduced density matrix on multiple sites. **Arguments** Rho : TYPE(qtensorc), out On exit the reduced density matrix with the sites specified. The first half of the indices corresponds to the kets on each site. The second half corresponds to the bra-indices. Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Pure state to build density matrix from. Intent(inout) to shift orthogonality center. sites : INTEGER(\*), in List of sites for the reduced density matrix. cont : LOGICAL, in Indicator if sites are one continuous block of indices (true) or separated by indices to be traced out (false). trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. err : REAL, out Truncation error for tracking it from calling routine. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine rho_red_qmpsc(Rho, Psi, sites, cont, trunc, ncut, err, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(out) :: Rho type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: sites logical, intent(in) :: cont real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: err integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping, indexing integer :: ii, jj ! array for permutations and identifying partial trace indices integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ptind ! Copy of MPS for transposed (truncation might change state) type(qmpsc) :: Phi !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 err = 0.0_rKind if(cont) then ! Continuous block of sites - use corresponding method directly ! ------------------------------------------------------------- call rho_block_qmpsc(Rho, Psi, sites(1), & sites(size(sites, 1)), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmpsc : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3159', errst=errst)) return else ! Permute first, then trace out ! ----------------------------- allocate(ind(Psi%ll), ptind(Psi%ll)) ptind = .true. ptind(sites) = .false. jj = size(sites, 1) ind(:jj) = sites do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ptind(ii)) then jj = jj + 1 ind(jj) = ii end if end do call copy(Phi, Psi) call transposed(Phi, ind, trunc, ncut, err, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmpsc : transposed failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3182', errst=errst)) return jj = size(sites, 1) call rho_block_qmpsc(Rho, Phi, 1, jj, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('rho_red_qmpsc : rho_block failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3187', errst=errst)) return deallocate(ind, ptind) call destroy(Phi) end if end subroutine rho_red_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def scale_real_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : real, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_real_mps(scalefactor, Psi) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_real_mps """ return
[docs]def scale_real_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : real, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_real_mpsc(scalefactor, Psi) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_real_mpsc """ return
[docs]def scale_real_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : real, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_real_qmps(scalefactor, Psi) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_real_qmps """ return
[docs]def scale_real_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : real, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_real_qmpsc(scalefactor, Psi) real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_real_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def scale_complex_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : complex, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_complex_mpsc(scalefactor, Psi) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_complex_mpsc """ return
[docs]def scale_complex_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj, updated) Rescale Psi by some factor. **Arguments** scalefactor : complex, in some real number to scale MPS Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Mutliply the orthogonality center (or 1 if no orthogonality center) with a scalar factor). **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine scale_complex_qmpsc(scalefactor, Psi) complex(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: scalefactor type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi ! Local variables ! --------------- ! scale at orthogonality center if present integer :: oc oc = max(Psi%oc, 1) call scale(scalefactor, Psi%Aa(oc)) end subroutine scale_complex_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def setuplr_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Initialize the left-right overlaps of two states. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(tensorlist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(mps), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(mps), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Center for the left-right overlap. Default to the first site kk = 1. **Details** The array of left-right overlaps in an array of length L, where L is the number of sites. There are no identities padded to the left and right boundary. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine setuplr_mps(LR, Psia, Psib, kk, errst) type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: LR type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in), optional :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Initial center for LR overlap integer :: kin !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 kin = 1 if(present(kk)) kin = kk allocate(LR%Li(Psia%ll)) if(kin > 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(1), Psia%Aa(1), Psib%Aa(1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mps : ptm_right_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = 2, (kin - 1) call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mps : ptm_right_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do if(kin < Psia%ll) then ii = Psia%ll call ptm_left_state(Lr%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mps : ptm_left_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = Psia%ll - 1, (kin + 1), (-1) call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mps : ptm_left_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do ! Set center to dummy to allocate everything ii = 1 if(kin == 1) ii = ii + 1 call copy(Lr%Li(kin), Lr%Li(ii)) end subroutine setuplr_mps """ return
[docs]def setuplr_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Initialize the left-right overlaps of two states. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(tensorlistc), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(mpsc), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(mpsc), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Center for the left-right overlap. Default to the first site kk = 1. **Details** The array of left-right overlaps in an array of length L, where L is the number of sites. There are no identities padded to the left and right boundary. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine setuplr_mpsc(LR, Psia, Psib, kk, errst) type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: LR type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in), optional :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Initial center for LR overlap integer :: kin !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 kin = 1 if(present(kk)) kin = kk allocate(LR%Li(Psia%ll)) if(kin > 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(1), Psia%Aa(1), Psib%Aa(1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mpsc : ptm_right_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = 2, (kin - 1) call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mpsc : ptm_right_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do if(kin < Psia%ll) then ii = Psia%ll call ptm_left_state(Lr%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mpsc : ptm_left_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = Psia%ll - 1, (kin + 1), (-1) call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_mpsc : ptm_left_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do ! Set center to dummy to allocate everything ii = 1 if(kin == 1) ii = ii + 1 call copy(Lr%Li(kin), Lr%Li(ii)) end subroutine setuplr_mpsc """ return
[docs]def setuplr_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Initialize the left-right overlaps of two states. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(qtensorlist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(qmps), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(qmps), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Center for the left-right overlap. Default to the first site kk = 1. **Details** The array of left-right overlaps in an array of length L, where L is the number of sites. There are no identities padded to the left and right boundary. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine setuplr_qmps(LR, Psia, Psib, kk, errst) type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: LR type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in), optional :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Initial center for LR overlap integer :: kin !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 kin = 1 if(present(kk)) kin = kk allocate(LR%Li(Psia%ll)) if(kin > 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(1), Psia%Aa(1), Psib%Aa(1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmps : ptm_right_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = 2, (kin - 1) call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmps : ptm_right_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do if(kin < Psia%ll) then ii = Psia%ll call ptm_left_state(Lr%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmps : ptm_left_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = Psia%ll - 1, (kin + 1), (-1) call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmps : ptm_left_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do ! Set center to dummy to allocate everything ii = 1 if(kin == 1) ii = ii + 1 call copy(Lr%Li(kin), Lr%Li(ii)) end subroutine setuplr_qmps """ return
[docs]def setuplr_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Initialize the left-right overlaps of two states. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(qtensorclist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(qmpsc), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(qmpsc), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Center for the left-right overlap. Default to the first site kk = 1. **Details** The array of left-right overlaps in an array of length L, where L is the number of sites. There are no identities padded to the left and right boundary. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine setuplr_qmpsc(LR, Psia, Psib, kk, errst) type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: LR type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in), optional :: kk integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii ! Initial center for LR overlap integer :: kin !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 kin = 1 if(present(kk)) kin = kk allocate(LR%Li(Psia%ll)) if(kin > 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(1), Psia%Aa(1), Psib%Aa(1), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmpsc : ptm_right_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = 2, (kin - 1) call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmpsc : ptm_right_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do if(kin < Psia%ll) then ii = Psia%ll call ptm_left_state(Lr%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmpsc : ptm_left_state (1) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end if do ii = Psia%ll - 1, (kin + 1), (-1) call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(ii), Psia%Aa(ii), Psib%Aa(ii), & .false., Matin=LR%Li(ii + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('setuplr_qmpsc : ptm_left_state (2) '//& ! 'failed.', errst=errst)) return end do ! Set center to dummy to allocate everything ii = 1 if(kin == 1) ii = ii + 1 call copy(Lr%Li(kin), Lr%Li(ii)) end subroutine setuplr_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def swap_mps_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Swap two nearest-neighbor sites in an MPS. **Arguments** Tensa : TYPE(tensor), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensb. Tensb : TYPE(tensor), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensa. Lam : TYPE(tensor), inout On exit, new singular values at splitting Tensa/Tensb. dir : INTEGER, in Multiply singular values to Tensa for dir < 0 and to Tensa for dir > 0 to Tensb. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine swap_mps_tensor(Tensa, Tensb, Lam, dir, trunc, ncut, & cerr, errst) type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Tensa, Tensb type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lam integer, intent(in), optional :: dir real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Error from single truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Represenation two-site tensor type(tensor) :: Theta !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Theta, Tensa, Tensb, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_tensor : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3496', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tensa) call destroy(Tensb) call split(Tensa, Lam, Tensb, Theta, [1, 3], [2, 4], & multlr=dir, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, err=err, & method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_tensor : split failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3505', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) if(present(cerr)) cerr = cerr + err end subroutine swap_mps_tensor """ return
[docs]def swap_mps_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Swap two nearest-neighbor sites in an MPS. **Arguments** Tensa : TYPE(tensorc), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensb. Tensb : TYPE(tensorc), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensa. Lam : TYPE(tensor), inout On exit, new singular values at splitting Tensa/Tensb. dir : INTEGER, in Multiply singular values to Tensa for dir < 0 and to Tensa for dir > 0 to Tensb. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine swap_mps_tensorc(Tensa, Tensb, Lam, dir, trunc, ncut, & cerr, errst) type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Tensa, Tensb type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Lam integer, intent(in), optional :: dir real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Error from single truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Represenation two-site tensor type(tensorc) :: Theta !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Theta, Tensa, Tensb, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_tensorc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3496', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tensa) call destroy(Tensb) call split(Tensa, Lam, Tensb, Theta, [1, 3], [2, 4], & multlr=dir, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, err=err, & method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_tensorc : split failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3505', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) if(present(cerr)) cerr = cerr + err end subroutine swap_mps_tensorc """ return
[docs]def swap_mps_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Swap two nearest-neighbor sites in an MPS. **Arguments** Tensa : TYPE(qtensor), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensb. Tensb : TYPE(qtensor), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensa. Lam : TYPE(qtensor), inout On exit, new singular values at splitting Tensa/Tensb. dir : INTEGER, in Multiply singular values to Tensa for dir < 0 and to Tensa for dir > 0 to Tensb. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine swap_mps_qtensor(Tensa, Tensb, Lam, dir, trunc, ncut, & cerr, errst) type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Tensa, Tensb type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lam integer, intent(in), optional :: dir real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Error from single truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Represenation two-site tensor type(qtensor) :: Theta !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Theta, Tensa, Tensb, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_qtensor : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3496', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tensa) call destroy(Tensb) call split(Tensa, Lam, Tensb, Theta, [1, 3], [2, 4], & multlr=dir, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, err=err, & method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_qtensor : split failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3505', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) if(present(cerr)) cerr = cerr + err end subroutine swap_mps_qtensor """ return
[docs]def swap_mps_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Swap two nearest-neighbor sites in an MPS. **Arguments** Tensa : TYPE(qtensorc), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensb. Tensb : TYPE(qtensorc), inout The second index of this tensor is on exit contained in Tensa. Lam : TYPE(qtensor), inout On exit, new singular values at splitting Tensa/Tensb. dir : INTEGER, in Multiply singular values to Tensa for dir < 0 and to Tensa for dir > 0 to Tensb. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine swap_mps_qtensorc(Tensa, Tensb, Lam, dir, trunc, ncut, & cerr, errst) type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Tensa, Tensb type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Lam integer, intent(in), optional :: dir real(KIND=rKind), intent(in), optional :: trunc integer, intent(in), optional :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! Error from single truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: err ! Represenation two-site tensor type(qtensorc) :: Theta !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 call contr(Theta, Tensa, Tensb, [3], [1], errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_qtensorc : contr failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3496', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Tensa) call destroy(Tensb) call split(Tensa, Lam, Tensb, Theta, [1, 3], [2, 4], & multlr=dir, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, err=err, & method='Y', errst=errst) !if(prop_error('swap_mps_qtensorc : split failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3505', errst=errst)) return call destroy(Theta) if(present(cerr)) cerr = cerr + err end subroutine swap_mps_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def transposed_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Permute the local Hilbert spaces. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), inout Permute MPS sites in-place. Error can be introduced due to SVDs. perm : INTEGER(\*), in Permutation array has length equal to the number of sites L in the MPS with unique entries 1 to L. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine transposed_mps(Psi, perm, trunc, ncut, cerr, errst) type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: perm real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! copy of permutation integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind ! renorm due to truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(size(perm) /= Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('transposed_mps : rank '//& ! 'mismatch.', 2, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! perm is intent(in), have to copy allocate(ind(Psi%ll)) ind = perm do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ind(ii) == ii) cycle call canonize(Psi, ind(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_mps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3596', errst=errst)) return do jj = ind(ii), (ii + 1), -1 if(Psi%haslambda(jj)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(jj)) call swap_mps(Psi%Aa(jj - 1), Psi%Aa(jj), Psi%Lambda(jj), & dir=-1, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, cerr=cerr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_mps : swap failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3605', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(jj) = 'r' Psi%can(jj - 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = jj - 1 Psi%haslambda(jj) = .true. end do do jj = ii + 1, Psi%ll if(ind(jj) < ind(ii)) ind(jj) = ind(jj) + 1 end do end do deallocate(ind) ! Truncation might violate normalization sc = norm(Psi) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(sc), Psi) end subroutine transposed_mps """ return
[docs]def transposed_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Permute the local Hilbert spaces. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), inout Permute MPS sites in-place. Error can be introduced due to SVDs. perm : INTEGER(\*), in Permutation array has length equal to the number of sites L in the MPS with unique entries 1 to L. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine transposed_mpsc(Psi, perm, trunc, ncut, cerr, errst) type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: perm real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! copy of permutation integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind ! renorm due to truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(size(perm) /= Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('transposed_mpsc : rank '//& ! 'mismatch.', 2, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! perm is intent(in), have to copy allocate(ind(Psi%ll)) ind = perm do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ind(ii) == ii) cycle call canonize(Psi, ind(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_mpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3596', errst=errst)) return do jj = ind(ii), (ii + 1), -1 if(Psi%haslambda(jj)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(jj)) call swap_mps(Psi%Aa(jj - 1), Psi%Aa(jj), Psi%Lambda(jj), & dir=-1, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, cerr=cerr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_mpsc : swap failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3605', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(jj) = 'r' Psi%can(jj - 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = jj - 1 Psi%haslambda(jj) = .true. end do do jj = ii + 1, Psi%ll if(ind(jj) < ind(ii)) ind(jj) = ind(jj) + 1 end do end do deallocate(ind) ! Truncation might violate normalization sc = norm(Psi) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(sc), Psi) end subroutine transposed_mpsc """ return
[docs]def transposed_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Permute the local Hilbert spaces. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), inout Permute MPS sites in-place. Error can be introduced due to SVDs. perm : INTEGER(\*), in Permutation array has length equal to the number of sites L in the MPS with unique entries 1 to L. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine transposed_qmps(Psi, perm, trunc, ncut, cerr, errst) type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: perm real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! copy of permutation integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind ! renorm due to truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(size(perm) /= Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('transposed_qmps : rank '//& ! 'mismatch.', 2, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! perm is intent(in), have to copy allocate(ind(Psi%ll)) ind = perm do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ind(ii) == ii) cycle call canonize(Psi, ind(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_qmps : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3596', errst=errst)) return do jj = ind(ii), (ii + 1), -1 if(Psi%haslambda(jj)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(jj)) call swap_mps(Psi%Aa(jj - 1), Psi%Aa(jj), Psi%Lambda(jj), & dir=-1, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, cerr=cerr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_qmps : swap failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3605', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(jj) = 'r' Psi%can(jj - 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = jj - 1 Psi%haslambda(jj) = .true. end do do jj = ii + 1, Psi%ll if(ind(jj) < ind(ii)) ind(jj) = ind(jj) + 1 end do end do deallocate(ind) ! Truncation might violate normalization sc = norm(Psi) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(sc), Psi) end subroutine transposed_qmps """ return
[docs]def transposed_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - May 2018 (dj) Permute the local Hilbert spaces. **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), inout Permute MPS sites in-place. Error can be introduced due to SVDs. perm : INTEGER(\*), in Permutation array has length equal to the number of sites L in the MPS with unique entries 1 to L. trunc : REAL, OPTIONAL, in Keep infidelity below trunc (infidelity is sum of squared discarded singular values for MPS). Default does not truncate. ncut : INTEGER, OPTIONAL, in Maximal bond dimension / number of singular values. Default is keeping all singular values. cerr : REAL, OPTIONAL, inout Cumulative error from SVDs. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine transposed_qmpsc(Psi, perm, trunc, ncut, cerr, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psi integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: perm real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: trunc integer, intent(in) :: ncut real(KIND=rKind), intent(inout), optional :: cerr integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping integer :: ii, jj ! copy of permutation integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind ! renorm due to truncation real(KIND=rKind) :: sc !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 !if(size(perm) /= Psi%ll) then ! errst = raise_error('transposed_qmpsc : rank '//& ! 'mismatch.', 2, errst=errst) ! return !end if ! perm is intent(in), have to copy allocate(ind(Psi%ll)) ind = perm do ii = 1, Psi%ll if(ind(ii) == ii) cycle call canonize(Psi, ind(ii), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_qmpsc : canonize failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3596', errst=errst)) return do jj = ind(ii), (ii + 1), -1 if(Psi%haslambda(jj)) call destroy(Psi%Lambda(jj)) call swap_mps(Psi%Aa(jj - 1), Psi%Aa(jj), Psi%Lambda(jj), & dir=-1, trunc=trunc, ncut=ncut, cerr=cerr, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('transposed_qmpsc : swap failed.', & ! 'MPSOps_include.f90:3605', errst=errst)) return Psi%can(jj) = 'r' Psi%can(jj - 1) = 'c' Psi%oc = jj - 1 Psi%haslambda(jj) = .true. end do do jj = ii + 1, Psi%ll if(ind(jj) < ind(ii)) ind(jj) = ind(jj) + 1 end do end do deallocate(ind) ! Truncation might violate normalization sc = norm(Psi) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(sc), Psi) end subroutine transposed_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def updatelr_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Shift the left-right overlap by one site. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(tensorlist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(mps), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(mps), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, in New center for the left-right overlap. sense : INTEGER, in Move center of the left-right overlap to the right for sense > 0 and to the left for sense < 0. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine updatelr_mps(LR, PsiA, PsiB, kk, sense, errst) type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: LR type(mps), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in) :: kk, sense integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- call destroy(LR%Li(kk)) if(kk == 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mps : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(kk == Psia%ll) then call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mps : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(sense > 0) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == 1), Matin=LR%Li(kk - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mps : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return else call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == Psia%ll), Matin=LR%Li(kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mps : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine updatelr_mps """ return
[docs]def updatelr_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Shift the left-right overlap by one site. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(tensorlistc), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(mpsc), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(mpsc), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, in New center for the left-right overlap. sense : INTEGER, in Move center of the left-right overlap to the right for sense > 0 and to the left for sense < 0. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine updatelr_mpsc(LR, PsiA, PsiB, kk, sense, errst) type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: LR type(mpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in) :: kk, sense integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- call destroy(LR%Li(kk)) if(kk == 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mpsc : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(kk == Psia%ll) then call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mpsc : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(sense > 0) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == 1), Matin=LR%Li(kk - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mpsc : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return else call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == Psia%ll), Matin=LR%Li(kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_mpsc : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine updatelr_mpsc """ return
[docs]def updatelr_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Shift the left-right overlap by one site. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(qtensorlist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(qmps), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(qmps), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, in New center for the left-right overlap. sense : INTEGER, in Move center of the left-right overlap to the right for sense > 0 and to the left for sense < 0. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine updatelr_qmps(LR, PsiA, PsiB, kk, sense, errst) type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: LR type(qmps), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in) :: kk, sense integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- call destroy(LR%Li(kk)) if(kk == 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmps : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(kk == Psia%ll) then call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmps : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(sense > 0) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == 1), Matin=LR%Li(kk - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmps : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return else call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == Psia%ll), Matin=LR%Li(kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmps : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine updatelr_qmps """ return
[docs]def updatelr_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - June 2017 (dj) Shift the left-right overlap by one site. **Arguments** LR : TYPE(qtensorclist), inout Contains on exit the left-right overlaps between Psia and Psib. Psia : TYPE(qmpsc), inout The first wave function for the overlap. Psib : TYPE(qmpsc), inout The second wave function for the overlap. kk : INTEGER, in New center for the left-right overlap. sense : INTEGER, in Move center of the left-right overlap to the right for sense > 0 and to the left for sense < 0. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine updatelr_qmpsc(LR, PsiA, PsiB, kk, sense, errst) type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: LR type(qmpsc), intent(inout) :: Psia, Psib integer, intent(in) :: kk, sense integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- call destroy(LR%Li(kk)) if(kk == 1) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmpsc : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(kk == Psia%ll) then call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & .true., errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmpsc : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(1) failed.', errst=errst)) return elseif(sense > 0) then call ptm_right_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == 1), Matin=LR%Li(kk - 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmpsc : ptm_right_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return else call ptm_left_state(LR%Li(kk), Psia%Aa(kk), Psib%Aa(kk), & (kk == Psia%ll), Matin=LR%Li(kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('updatelr_qmpsc : ptm_left_state '//& ! '(2) failed.', errst=errst)) return end if end subroutine updatelr_qmpsc """ return
[docs]def write_mps(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write an MPS to file **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mps), in save this MPS unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B'), human readable ('H'), or user-friendly ("6"). **Details** For details see the description of the order which the information is written, please see `read_mps` **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine write_mps(Psi, unit, form, errst) type(mps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! for looping integer :: ii is_real = .true. is_q = .false. if(form == "6") then write(unit, *) 'MPS size, oc', Psi%ll, Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) ' site i data:', ii write(unit, *) ' canonization', Psi%can(ii) write(unit, *) ' Lambda:', Psi%haslambda(ii) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call print(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if call print(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do elseif(form == 'H') then ! Open the formatted file ! ----------------------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit, *) is_real write(unit, *) is_q write(unit, *) Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%oc ! Write the canonization and the haslambda together do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do write(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Binary file ! ----------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write', & ! FORM='unformatted') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit) is_real write(unit) is_q write(unit) Psi%ll write(unit) Psi%oc ! Canonization and haslambda go as array write(unit) Psi%can write(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the values for the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('write_mps: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !close(unit) end subroutine write_mps """ return
[docs]def write_mpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write an MPS to file **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(mpsc), in save this MPS unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B'), human readable ('H'), or user-friendly ("6"). **Details** For details see the description of the order which the information is written, please see `read_mpsc` **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine write_mpsc(Psi, unit, form, errst) type(mpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! for looping integer :: ii is_real = .false. is_q = .false. if(form == "6") then write(unit, *) 'MPS size, oc', Psi%ll, Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) ' site i data:', ii write(unit, *) ' canonization', Psi%can(ii) write(unit, *) ' Lambda:', Psi%haslambda(ii) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call print(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if call print(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do elseif(form == 'H') then ! Open the formatted file ! ----------------------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit, *) is_real write(unit, *) is_q write(unit, *) Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%oc ! Write the canonization and the haslambda together do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do write(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Binary file ! ----------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write', & ! FORM='unformatted') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit) is_real write(unit) is_q write(unit) Psi%ll write(unit) Psi%oc ! Canonization and haslambda go as array write(unit) Psi%can write(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the values for the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('write_mpsc: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !close(unit) end subroutine write_mpsc """ return
[docs]def write_qmps(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write an MPS to file **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmps), in save this MPS unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B'), human readable ('H'), or user-friendly ("6"). **Details** For details see the description of the order which the information is written, please see `read_qmps` **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine write_qmps(Psi, unit, form, errst) type(qmps), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! for looping integer :: ii is_real = .true. is_q = .true. if(form == "6") then write(unit, *) 'MPS size, oc', Psi%ll, Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) ' site i data:', ii write(unit, *) ' canonization', Psi%can(ii) write(unit, *) ' Lambda:', Psi%haslambda(ii) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call print(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if call print(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do elseif(form == 'H') then ! Open the formatted file ! ----------------------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit, *) is_real write(unit, *) is_q write(unit, *) Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%oc ! Write the canonization and the haslambda together do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do write(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Binary file ! ----------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write', & ! FORM='unformatted') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit) is_real write(unit) is_q write(unit) Psi%ll write(unit) Psi%oc ! Canonization and haslambda go as array write(unit) Psi%can write(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the values for the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('write_qmps: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !close(unit) end subroutine write_qmps """ return
[docs]def write_qmpsc(): """ fortran-subroutine - August 2015 (dj) Write an MPS to file **Arguments** Psi : TYPE(qmpsc), in save this MPS unit : INTEGER, in open file on this unit form : CHARACTER, in Binary ('B'), human readable ('H'), or user-friendly ("6"). **Details** For details see the description of the order which the information is written, please see `read_qmpsc` **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine write_qmpsc(Psi, unit, form, errst) type(qmpsc), intent(in) :: Psi integer, intent(in) :: unit character, intent(in) :: form integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! type of the MPS logical :: is_real, is_q ! for looping integer :: ii is_real = .false. is_q = .true. if(form == "6") then write(unit, *) 'MPS size, oc', Psi%ll, Psi%oc do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) ' site i data:', ii write(unit, *) ' canonization', Psi%can(ii) write(unit, *) ' Lambda:', Psi%haslambda(ii) if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call print(Psi%Lambda(ii)) end if call print(Psi%Aa(ii)) end do elseif(form == 'H') then ! Open the formatted file ! ----------------------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit, *) is_real write(unit, *) is_q write(unit, *) Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%oc ! Write the canonization and the haslambda together do ii = 1, Psi%ll write(unit, *) Psi%can(ii), Psi%haslambda(ii) end do write(unit, *) Psi%haslambda(Psi%ll + 1) ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do elseif(form == 'B') then ! Binary file ! ----------- !open(UNIT=unit, FILE=trim(flnm), STATUS='replace', ACTION='write', & ! FORM='unformatted') ! Write the data type, the MPS type, the number of sites and ! the orthogonality center write(unit) is_real write(unit) is_q write(unit) Psi%ll write(unit) Psi%oc ! Canonization and haslambda go as array write(unit) Psi%can write(unit) Psi%haslambda ! Write the tensors of the MPS do ii = 1, Psi%ll call write(Psi%Aa(ii), unit, form) end do ! Finally write the values for the lambdas do ii = 1, Psi%ll + 1 if(Psi%haslambda(ii)) then call write(Psi%lambda(ii), unit, form) end if end do else !errst = raise_error('write_qmpsc: unallowed formatting.', & ! 99, errst=errst) return end if !close(unit) end subroutine write_qmpsc """ return