Source code for LanczosOps_f90

Fortran module LanczosOps: July 2017 (dj, updated)

Containing the Lanczos algorithm.


* D. Jaschke
* M. L. Wall


The following subroutines / functions are defined for the
symmetric tensors.

| procedure           | include.f90 | mpi.f90 | omp.f90 |
| Lanczos             |      X      |         |         |

[docs]def Lanczos_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. **Arguments** Lc : TYPE(tensorlist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with left part of the wave vector. Wn : TYPE(tensor), inout The MPO matrix for the corresponding n sites. Rc : TYPE(tensorlist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with right part of the wave vector. eigval : REAL(KIND=rKind), out Eigenvalue found during the Lanczos search. Psin : TYPE(PSI_TYPE), inout On entry the tensor representing the local eigenvalue problem and used to generate initial guess etc. On exit the new eigenvector from the Lanczos search. **Details** (template defined in LanczosOps_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine Lanczos_tensor_tensor(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, & max_iter, tol, errst) type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(tensor) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:96', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: mpo_dot_psi '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:113', errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ===================================== kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: dot failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:121', errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:125', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: scale.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:149', errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:157', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(HPsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:165', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, & evec(1:kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: eigd.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:176', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=done * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:196', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:202', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:219', & ! errst=errst)) return call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:225', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensor_tensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:231', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine Lanczos_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. Lc : TYPE(tensorlistc), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with left part of the wave vector. Wn : TYPE(tensorc), inout The MPO matrix for the corresponding n sites. Rc : TYPE(tensorlistc), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with right part of the wave vector. eigval : REAL(KIND=rKind), out Eigenvalue found during the Lanczos search. Psin : TYPE(PSI_TYPE), inout On entry the tensor representing the local eigenvalue problem and used to generate initial guess etc. On exit the new eigenvector from the Lanczos search. **Details** (template defined in LanczosOps_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, & max_iter, tol, errst) type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(tensorc) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:96', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: mpo_dot_psi '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:113', errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ===================================== kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: dot failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:121', errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:125', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: scale.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:149', errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:157', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(HPsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:165', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, & evec(1:kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: eigd.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:176', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=zone * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:196', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:202', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:219', & ! errst=errst)) return call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:225', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:231', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine Lanczos_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. Lc : TYPE(qtensorlist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with left part of the wave vector. Wn : TYPE(qtensor), inout The MPO matrix for the corresponding n sites. Rc : TYPE(qtensorlist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with right part of the wave vector. eigval : REAL(KIND=rKind), out Eigenvalue found during the Lanczos search. Psin : TYPE(PSI_TYPE), inout On entry the tensor representing the local eigenvalue problem and used to generate initial guess etc. On exit the new eigenvector from the Lanczos search. **Details** (template defined in LanczosOps_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, & max_iter, tol, errst) type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(qtensor) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:96', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: mpo_dot_psi '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:113', errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ===================================== kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: dot failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:121', errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:125', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: scale.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:149', errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:157', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(HPsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:165', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, & evec(1:kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: eigd.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:176', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=done * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:196', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:202', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:219', & ! errst=errst)) return call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:225', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:231', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine Lanczos_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - ?? (mlw) **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. Lc : TYPE(qtensorclist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with left part of the wave vector. Wn : TYPE(qtensorc), inout The MPO matrix for the corresponding n sites. Rc : TYPE(qtensorclist), inout Contains contractions of Hamiltonian with right part of the wave vector. eigval : REAL(KIND=rKind), out Eigenvalue found during the Lanczos search. Psin : TYPE(PSI_TYPE), inout On entry the tensor representing the local eigenvalue problem and used to generate initial guess etc. On exit the new eigenvector from the Lanczos search. **Details** (template defined in LanczosOps_include.f90) **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & leftmost, rightmost, & max_iter, tol, errst) type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(qtensorc) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:96', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: mpo_dot_psi '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:113', errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ===================================== kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: dot failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:121', errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:125', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: scale.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:149', errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:157', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(HPsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:165', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, & evec(1:kk + 1), errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: eigd.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:176', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=zone * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:196', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: gaxpy failed.', & ! 'LanczosOps_include.f90:202', errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:219', & ! errst=errst)) return call mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, rightmost, & beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:225', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: gaxpy '//& ! 'failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:231', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine Lanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return
[docs]def projectedlanczos_tensor_tensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective Hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projectedlanczos_tensor_tensor(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & Psiprojs, leftmost, rightmost, max_iter, tol, errst) type(tensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensor), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(tensor), intent(inout) :: Psin type(tensor), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(tensor) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:293', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:310', & ! errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ------------------------------------- kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'dot failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:319', & ! errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:324', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'scale failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:349', & ! errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:358', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:366', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, evec(1:kk + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'eigd.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:377', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=done * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:397', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:403', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:421', & ! errst=errst)) return call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:427', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensor_tensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:433', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) ! Renormalize (accounts for nonorthogonality of lanczos vectors) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine projectedlanczos_tensor_tensor """ return
[docs]def projectedlanczos_tensorc_tensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective Hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projectedlanczos_tensorc_tensorc(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & Psiprojs, leftmost, rightmost, max_iter, tol, errst) type(tensorlistc), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_tensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(tensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin type(tensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(tensorc) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:293', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:310', & ! errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ------------------------------------- kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'dot failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:319', & ! errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:324', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'scale failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:349', & ! errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:358', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:366', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, evec(1:kk + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'eigd.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:377', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=zone * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:397', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:403', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:421', & ! errst=errst)) return call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:427', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_tensorc_tensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:433', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) ! Renormalize (accounts for nonorthogonality of lanczos vectors) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine projectedlanczos_tensorc_tensorc """ return
[docs]def projectedlanczos_qtensor_qtensor(): """ fortran-subroutine - **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective Hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projectedlanczos_qtensor_qtensor(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & Psiprojs, leftmost, rightmost, max_iter, tol, errst) type(qtensorlist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensor), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(qtensor), intent(inout) :: Psin type(qtensor), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(qtensor) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:293', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:310', & ! errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ------------------------------------- kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'dot failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:319', & ! errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:324', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'scale failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:349', & ! errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:358', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:366', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, evec(1:kk + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'eigd.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:377', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=done * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:397', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:403', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(done / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-done * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:421', & ! errst=errst)) return call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=done, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:427', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensor_qtensor: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:433', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) ! Renormalize (accounts for nonorthogonality of lanczos vectors) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine projectedlanczos_qtensor_qtensor """ return
[docs]def projectedlanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc(): """ fortran-subroutine - **Arguments** Use the Lanczos iteration to find the energy minimizing tensor of the effective Hamiltonian L.W.R. This routine assumes that psi is the orthogonality center so that its bases define a vector space. **Source Code** .. hidden-code-block:: fortran :label: show / hide f90 code subroutine projectedlanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc(Lc, Wn, Rc, eigval, Psin, & Psiprojs, leftmost, rightmost, max_iter, tol, errst) type(qtensorclist), intent(inout) :: Lc, Rc type(sr_matrix_qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Wn real(KIND=rKind), intent(out) :: eigval type(qtensorc), intent(inout) :: Psin type(qtensorc), pointer, intent(inout) :: Psiprojs(:) logical, intent(in) :: leftmost, rightmost integer, intent(in) :: max_iter real(KIND=rKind), intent(in) :: tol integer, intent(out), optional :: errst ! Local variables ! --------------- ! for looping / indexing integer :: kk ! defining the number of Lanczos vectors used integer :: finalkk ! intermediate tensors type(qtensorc) :: Lanc, Hpsi, Temp ! eigenvector, vectors for diagonal and off-diagonal elements real(KIND=rKind), allocatable :: beta(:), alpha(:), betap(:), & alphap(:), evec(:) ! Flag for criterion to exit alogithm logical :: quitflag !if(present(errst)) errst = 0 ! Store the initial lanczos vector for use in obtaining eigenvector ! later call copy(Lanc, Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'copy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:293', & ! errst=errst)) return quitflag = .false. ! Allocate arrays and initialize allocate(alpha(max_iter + 1), beta(max_iter + 1), & alphap(max_iter + 1), betap(max_iter + 1), & evec(max_iter + 1)) alpha = 0.0_rKind beta = 0.0_rKind ! Hpsi = H * Psi call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:310', & ! errst=errst)) return ! 1) Build the basis of Lanczos vectors ! ------------------------------------- kk = 1 alpha(1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi, errst=errst), KIND=rKind) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'dot failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:319', & ! errst=errst)) return call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:324', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) evec(1) = 1.0_rKind eigval = alpha(1) ! Loop up to matrix size finalkk = 0 do kk = 1, max_iter ! Check soft and hard convergence criteria if((beta(kk) < tol) .or. (kk == max_iter)) then quitflag = .true. exit end if ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Psin) call pointto(Psin, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'scale failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:349', & ! errst=errst)) return call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Psin, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:358', & ! errst=errst)) return finalkk = finalkk + 1 alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Psin, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Psin, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:366', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) alphap(1:kk + 1) = alpha(1:kk + 1) betap(1:kk) = beta(1:kk) call eigd(alphap(1:kk + 1), betap(1:kk), eigval, evec(1:kk + 1), & errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'eigd.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:377', errst=errst)) return ! exit with converged residual if(abs(evec(kk + 1) * beta(kk)) <= tol) then exit end if end do ! 2) Regenerate lanczos vectors to transform eigenvector to correct ! basis ======================================================== ! ======== call destroy(Psin) call copy(Psin, Lanc, scalar=zone * evec(1)) ! Hpsi = H * Lanc call destroy(Hpsi) call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:397', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:403', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) ! Loop up to matrix size do kk = 1, finalkk ! Perform the recursion call pointto(Temp, Lanc) call pointto(Lanc, Hpsi) call scale(zone / beta(kk), Lanc) call pointto(Hpsi, Temp) call scale(-zone * beta(kk), Hpsi) call gaxpy(Psin, evec(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:421', & ! errst=errst)) return call projected_mpo_dot_psi(Hpsi, Lc, Wn, Rc, Lanc, leftmost, & rightmost, Psiprojs, beta=zone, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('ProjectedLanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'projected_mpo_dot_psi failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:427', & ! errst=errst)) return alpha(kk + 1) = real(dot(Lanc, Hpsi), KIND=rKind) call gaxpy(Hpsi, -alpha(kk + 1), Lanc, errst=errst) !if(prop_error('projectedanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc: '//& ! 'gaxpy failed.', 'LanczosOps_include.f90:433', & ! errst=errst)) return beta(kk + 1) = sqrt(norm(Hpsi)) end do call destroy(Hpsi) call destroy(Lanc) deallocate(alpha, beta, evec, alphap, betap) ! Renormalize (accounts for nonorthogonality of lanczos vectors) call scale(1.0_rKind / sqrt(norm(Psin)), Psin) end subroutine projectedlanczos_qtensorc_qtensorc """ return